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We study the cross-sectional performance of option pricing models in which the volatility of the underlying stock is a deterministic function of the stock price and time. For each date in our sample of FTSE 100 index option prices, we fit an implied binomial tree to the panel of all European style options with different strike prices and maturities and then examine how well this model prices a corresponding panel of American style options. We find that the implied binomial tree model performs no better than an ad-hoc procedure of smoothing Black–Scholes implied volatilities across strike prices and maturities. Our cross-sectional results complement the time-series findings of Dumas et al. [J. Finance 53 (1998) 2059].  相似文献   

This paper investigates option prices in an incomplete stochastic volatility model with correlation. In a general setting, we prove an ordering result which says that prices for European options with convex payoffs are decreasing in the market price of volatility risk.As an example, and as our main motivation, we investigate option pricing under the class of q-optimal pricing measures. The q-optimal pricing measure is related to the marginal utility indifference price of an agent with constant relative risk aversion. Using the ordering result, we prove comparison theorems between option prices under the minimal martingale, minimal entropy and variance-optimal pricing measures. If the Sharpe ratio is deterministic, the comparison collapses to the well known result that option prices computed under these three pricing measures are the same.As a concrete example, we specialize to a variant of the Hull-White or Heston model for which the Sharpe ratio is increasing in volatility. For this example we are able to deduce option prices are decreasing in the parameter q. Numerical solution of the pricing pde corroborates the theory and shows the magnitude of the differences in option price due to varying q.JEL Classification: D52, G13  相似文献   

This paper applies fuzzy set theory to the Cox, Ross and Rubinstein (CRR) model to set up the fuzzy binomial option pricing model (OPM). The model can provide reasonable ranges of option prices, which many investors can use it for arbitrage or hedge. Because of the CRR model can provide only theoretical reference values for a generalized CRR model in this article we use fuzzy volatility and fuzzy riskless interest rate to replace the corresponding crisp values. In the fuzzy binomial OPM, investors can correct their portfolio strategy according to the right and left value of triangular fuzzy number and they can interpret the optimal difference, according to their individual risk preferences. Finally, in this study an empirical analysis of S&P 500 index options is used to find that the fuzzy binomial OPM is much closer to the reality than the generalized CRR model.This project has been supported by NSC 93-2416-H-009-024.JEL Classification:  相似文献   

We examine whether the dynamics of the implied volatility surface of individual equity options contains exploitable predictability patterns. Predictability in implied volatilities is expected due to the learning behavior of agents in option markets. In particular, we explore the possibility that the dynamics of the implied volatility surface of individual stocks may be associated with movements in the volatility surface of S&P 500 index options. We present evidence of strong predictable features in the cross-section of equity options and of dynamic linkages between the volatility surfaces of equity and S&P 500 index options. Moreover, time-variation in stock option volatility surfaces is best predicted by incorporating information from the dynamics in the surface of S&P 500 options. We analyze the economic value of such dynamic patterns using strategies that trade straddle and delta-hedged portfolios, and find that before transaction costs such strategies produce abnormal risk-adjusted returns.  相似文献   

We examine the economic benefits of using realized volatility to forecast future implied volatility for pricing, trading, and hedging in the S&P 500 index options market. We propose an encompassing regression approach to forecast future implied volatility, and hence future option prices, by combining historical realized volatility and current implied volatility. Although the use of realized volatility results in superior performance in the encompassing regressions and out-of-sample option pricing tests, we do not find any significant economic gains in option trading and hedging strategies in the presence of transaction costs.  相似文献   

Financial models with stochastic volatility or jumps play a critical role as alternative option pricing models for the classical Black–Scholes model, which have the ability to fit different market volatility structures. Recently, machine learning models have elicited considerable attention from researchers because of their improved prediction accuracy in pricing financial derivatives. We propose a generative Bayesian learning model that incorporates a prior reflecting a risk-neutral pricing structure to provide fair prices for the deep ITM and the deep OTM options that are rarely traded. We conduct a comprehensive empirical study to compare classical financial option models with machine learning models in terms of model estimation and prediction using S&P 100 American put options from 2003 to 2012. Results indicate that machine learning models demonstrate better prediction performance than the classical financial option models. Especially, we observe that the generative Bayesian neural network model demonstrates the best overall prediction performance.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on pricing American put options under the double Heston model proposed by Christoffersen et al. By introducing an explicit exercise rule, we obtain the asymptotic expansion of the solution to the partial differential equation for pricing American put options. We calculate American option price by the sum of the European option price and the early exercise premium. The early exercise premium is calculated by the difference between the American and European option prices based on asymptotic expansions. The European option price is obtained by the efficient COS method. Based on the obtained American option price, the double Heston model is calibrated by minimizing the distance between model and market prices, which yields an optimization problem that is solved by a differential evolution algorithm combined with the Matlab function fmincon.m. Numerical results show that the pricing approach is fast and accurate. Empirical results show that the double Heston model has better performance in pricing short-maturity American put options and capturing the volatility term structure of American put options than the Heston model.  相似文献   

This paper considers discrete time GARCH and continuous time SV models and uses these for American option pricing. We first of all show that with a particular choice of framework the parameters of the SV models can be estimated using simple maximum likelihood techniques. We then perform a Monte Carlo study to examine their differences in terms of option pricing, and we study the convergence of the discrete time option prices to their implied continuous time values. Finally, a large scale empirical analysis using individual stock options and options on an index is performed comparing the estimated prices from discrete time models to the corresponding continuous time model prices. The results show that, while the overall differences in performance are small, for the in the money put options on individual stocks the continuous time SV models do generally perform better than the discrete time GARCH specifications.  相似文献   

We study the extent to which credit index (CDX) options are priced consistent with S&P 500 (SPX) equity index options. We derive analytical expressions for CDX and SPX options within a structural credit-risk model with stochastic volatility and jumps using new results for pricing compound options via multivariate affine transform analysis. The model captures many aspects of the joint dynamics of CDX and SPX options. However, it cannot reconcile the relative levels of option prices, suggesting that credit and equity markets are not fully integrated. A strategy of selling CDX volatility yields significantly higher excess returns than selling SPX volatility.  相似文献   

This paper specifies a multivariate stochasticvolatility (SV) model for the S & P500 index and spot interest rateprocesses. We first estimate the multivariate SV model via theefficient method of moments (EMM) technique based on observations ofunderlying state variables, and then investigate the respective effects of stochastic interest rates, stochastic volatility, and asymmetric S & P500 index returns on option prices. We compute option prices using both reprojected underlying historical volatilities and the implied risk premiumof stochastic volatility to gauge each model's performance through direct comparison with observed market option prices on the index. Our major empirical findings are summarized as follows. First, while allowing for stochastic volatility can reduce the pricing errors and allowing for asymmetric volatility or leverage effect does help to explain the skewness of the volatility smile, allowing for stochastic interest rates has minimal impact on option prices in our case. Second, similar to Melino and Turnbull (1990), our empirical findings strongly suggest the existence of a non-zero risk premium for stochastic volatility of asset returns. Based on the implied volatility risk premium, the SV models can largely reduce the option pricing errors, suggesting the importance of incorporating the information from the options market in pricing options. Finally, both the model diagnostics and option pricing errors in our study suggest that the Gaussian SV model is not sufficientin modeling short-term kurtosis of asset returns, an SV model withfatter-tailed noise or jump component may have better explanatory power.  相似文献   

Using the theoretical link between put options and credit default swaps (CDS) in a very general setting, we develop a robust measure of CDS implied volatility (CIV) that captures the information content of CDS markets. Specifically, we use the unit recovery claim to bridge CDS and deep out-of-the-money put options of the same firm and then back out CIV via the binomial tree. Our CIV measure strongly co-moves with the option implied volatility (OIV), with a correlation coefficient of 0.8. Based on the standardized difference between CIV and OIV, we construct CDS and option trading strategies. Without taking transaction costs into account, the long–short CDS trading strategy achieves an annualized return of 58.29% and a Sharpe ratio of 2.97, which cannot be explained by non-parametric skewness and volatility risk.  相似文献   


The paper describes an alternative options pricing method which uses a binomial tree linked to an innovative stochastic volatility model. The volatility model is based on wavelets and artificial neural networks. Wavelets provide a convenient signal/noise decomposition of the volatility in the nonlinear feature space. Neural networks are used to infer future volatility from the wavelets feature space in an iterative manner. The bootstrap method provides the 95% confidence intervals for the options prices. Market options prices as quoted on the Chicago Board Options Exchange are used for performance comparison between the Black‐Scholes model and a new options pricing scheme. The proposed dynamic volatility model produces as good as and often better options prices than the conventional Black‐Scholes formulae.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a parameterization of the normal mixture diffusion (NMD) local volatility model that captures only a short-term smile effect, and then extends the model so that it also captures a long-term smile effect. We focus on the ‘binomial’ NMD parameterization, so-called because it is based on simple and intuitive assumptions that imply the mixing law for the normal mixture log price density is binomial. With more than two possible states for volatility, the general parameterization is related to the multinomial mixing law. In this parsimonious class of complete market models, option pricing and hedging is straightforward since model prices and deltas are simple weighted averages of Black–Scholes prices and deltas. But they only capture a short-term smile effect, where leptokurtosis in the log price density decreases with term, in accordance with the ‘stylised facts’ of econometric analysis on ex-post returns of different frequencies and the central limit theorem. However, the last part of the paper shows that longer term smile effects that arise from uncertainty in the local volatility surface can be modeled by a natural extension of the binomial NMD parameterization. Results are illustrated by calibrating the model to several Euro–US dollar currency option smile surfaces.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new measure of Greek equity market volatility based on the prices of FTSE/ATHEX-20 index options. Greek Implied Volatility Index is calculated using the model-free methodology that involves option prices summations and is independent from the Black and Scholes pricing formula. The specific method is applied for the first time in a peripheral and illiquid market as the Athens Exchange.The empirical findings of this paper show that the proposed volatility index includes information about future realized volatility beyond that contained in past volatility. In addition, our analysis indicates that there is a statistically significant negative and asymmetric contemporaneous relationship between the returns of the implied volatility index and the underlying equity index. Finally, the volatility transmission effects on the Greek stock exchange from two leading markets, namely the New York Stock Exchange and the Deutsche Börse, are tested and documented.  相似文献   

We use equity index options to quantify the distribution of consumption growth disasters. The challenge lies in connecting the risk‐neutral distribution of equity returns implied by options to the true distribution of consumption growth. First, we compare pricing kernels constructed from macro‐finance and option‐pricing models. Second, we compare option prices derived from a macro‐finance model to those we observe. Third, we compare the distribution of consumption growth derived from option prices using a macro‐finance model to estimates based on macroeconomic data. All three perspectives suggest that options imply smaller probabilities of extreme outcomes than have been estimated from macroeconomic data.  相似文献   


A new method to retrieve the risk-neutral probability measure from observed option prices is developed and a closed form pricing formula for European options is obtained by employing a modified Gram–Charlier series expansion, known as the Gauss–Hermite expansion. This expansion converges for fat-tailed distributions commonly encountered in the study of financial returns. The expansion coefficients can be calibrated from observed option prices and can also be computed, for example, in models with the probability density function or the characteristic function known in closed form. We investigate the properties of the new option pricing model by calibrating it to both real-world and simulated option prices and find that the resulting implied volatility curves provide an accurate approximation for a wide range of strike prices. Based on an extensive empirical study, we conclude that the new approximation method outperforms other methods both in-sample and out-of-sample.


In this paper, we propose an empirically-based, non-parametric option pricing model to evaluate S&P 500 index options. Given the fact that the model is derived under the real measure, an equilibrium asset pricing model, instead of no-arbitrage, must be assumed. Using the histogram of past S&P 500 index returns, we find that most of the volatility smile documented in the literature disappears.  相似文献   

If the volatility is stochastic, stock price returns and European option prices depend on the time average of the variance, i.e. the integrated variance, not on the path of the volatility. Applying a Bayesian statistical approach, we compute a forward-looking estimate of this variance, an option-implied integrated variance. Simultaneously, we obtain estimates of the correlation coefficient between stock price and volatility shocks, and of the parameters of the volatility process. Due to the convexity of the Black–Scholes formula with respect to the volatility, pricing and hedging with Black–Scholes-type formulas and the implied volatility often lead to inaccuracies if the volatility is stochastic. Theoretically, this problem can be avoided by using Hull–White-type option pricing and hedging formulas and the integrated variance. We use the implied integrated variance and Hull–White-type formulas to hedge European options and certain volatility derivatives.  相似文献   

We calibrate the local volatility surface for European options across all strikes and maturities of the same underlying. There is no interpolation or extrapolation of either the option prices or the volatility surface. We do not make any assumption regarding the shape of the volatility surface except to assume that it is smooth. Due to the smoothness assumption, we apply a second-order Tikhonov regularization. We choose the Tikhonov regularization parameter as one of the singular values of the Jacobian matrix of the Dupire model. Finally we perform extensive numerical tests to assess and verify the aforementioned techniques for both volatility models with known analytical solutions of European option prices and real market option data.  相似文献   

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