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论渔业可持续发展的产权制度建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔业的可持续发展离不开渔业资源的有效保护,但共有财产悲剧往往导致渔业资源的破坏和枯竭。本文认为,建立以个别可转让配额为基础的渔业产权制度是解决这一问题的有效途径。同时,就渔业产权制度建设中的几个重要问题,如总可捕捞量的确定,渔业产权主体的选择,渔业产权的有效时限,渔业产权的有效流转机制,防止渔业产业过度集中等进行了分析。  相似文献   

民营施工企业人才激励探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合民营施工企业的特点,分析了民营施工企业人才激励中存在的问题,提出了从进行产权改革与企业内部管理结构调整、创建良好的企业文化和建立健全规范的人才管理机制三个方面来进行人才激励,从而提高企业的竞争实力。  相似文献   

随着改革的深人及市场经济的发展,国内外渔业市场的竞争日益复杂激烈,我国渔业企业以往那种各自为战、互不相顾的格局远远不能适应竞争需要。规范自身行为,把行内企业形成群体力量,共同参与市场竞争,以改变其单打独斗、势单力薄的窘境,是市场经济规律的客观要求,也是渔业企业生存发展的出路。本文将从该角度出发,研究国外渔业中介组织的发展概况,其经验为推进中国渔业的发展提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

体制转型中的国有粮食企业,一般会涉及到产权转让和改革重组。产权转让,重在吸引个体、民营等社会投资者参与国有粮食企业改制。改革重组,主要是推动国有资本向有影响力、带动力强、竞争优势明显的国有骨干企业或企业主导产业集中,重新构架粮食流通主渠道网络。以此为目标,在改革过程中应当系统地把握改革重组的规模、制度建设和效率的优化组合。明晰国有粮食企业的产权结构,建立现代企业制度,通过相应的激励约束等机制,维护包括国有资产在内的所有投资者的合法权益,促进企业生产经营的规范运行和可持续发展。这是深化国有粮食企业改革的中…  相似文献   

确定以理顺渔业权关系为基础的管理体制,是推动渔业经济可持续发展的关键,而有关渔业权的研究离不开对有关产权理论自身发展情况的梳理。笔者通过考察,指出了产权理论存在着四个研究视角,其中制度分析研究视角的产权制度理论才是渔业权研究的理论基础。  相似文献   

技术资本是企业资源中的核心要素,技术资本体现不同的产权特征。通过分析技术资本与企业的合约安排,对技术资本产生过程和原理做进一步探索,实现技术资本与企业治理结构创新,为技术资本提供适度的发展空间和有效激励。紧接着以技术入股这一特征性事实阐释技术资本的产权形成过程,并从产权学派和新制度学派的相关理论出发分析技术资本产权形成的条件,当技术产权化的所得高于成本时,技术成为主要的竞争手段,技术资本产权交易可以很好地激发技术资本所有者的积极性,最大限度地发挥技术资本的价值创造功能,为企业获取核心竞争优势。  相似文献   

人才竞争的关键在于建立一套科学有效的激励和约束机制。所谓激励机制,是指形成一种制度,应用各种有效手段激发人的热情,启动人的积极性、主动性,发挥人的创造精神和潜能,使之充满内在的活力和动力,朝着组织所期望的目标而努力。激励就像汽车的发动机,汽车要走,必须要有发动机。但仅有发动机是不够的,还必须有刹车装置,即要受到约束。权力要受到制约,人对自己的行为和决策后果要负责,约束真正的核心问题是承诺的可信问题。激励机制包括:经济激励———集中表现在产权(期权)激励,当然也包括像奖金等物质激励;地位和权利激励…  相似文献   

渔业产权模式初探   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
随着世界人口的增长和科学技术的发展,渔业资源从一度被称之为"不可枯竭"的资源变为日趋稀缺的资源.如何分配准入权或其它权利,也就成为渔业管理者无法回避的一个中心问题.不同国家可能会采取不同的手段来处理这一问题,明确界定和有效实施渔业产权,被大多数经济学家视为最有效率的安排之一.本文介绍了渔业产权的基本理念、类型及其特征,并指出确保我国渔业可持续发展的关键在于构建基于产权的渔业管理机制.  相似文献   

渔业权制度与渔民权益保护   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
渔业权是渔民的固有权益,渔业权的明晰需要渔业权制度建设的保障.渔业权的产权明晰是渔民能够正常流转渔业权的前提,也是渔民合理取得渔业权流转利益补偿和参与渔业权流转增值收益分配的基础.只要明晰了渔民的渔业权,解决了渔业权流转的公平机制问题,就可以对渔民进行渔业权流转的利益补偿和收益分配,保护渔民权益.  相似文献   

我国作为渔业大国,水资源污染却很严重。产权不明晰及缺少严格的监管,造成水资源"人人共有、无人所有"的局面。分析渔业水资源的公共资源属性,明确渔业淡水资源污染的原因。结合新制度经济学及福利经济学观点,提出淡水渔业水资源的保护机制。  相似文献   

我国矿产资源财产权利制度的演化和发展方向   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
财产权利在市场经济体制中占有基础地位.国家在参与社会产品分配时,财产权利第一,政治权力第二.矿产资源属于实物性财产,适用物权理论和立法则.强化国家的财产权利,发展完善矿业权市场.正确运用政治权力--取消资源税,新设"矿业权增值税".规范不同性质财政收入的名称.  相似文献   

论中国地下空间权利登记制度的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:为保障地下空间合理利用,探讨中国地下空间权的确权登记现状及问题,并提出建议。研究方法:归纳演绎法,定性研究法。研究结果:(1)随着《物权法》的颁布实施,中国地下空间权利性质得以确定,本文从制度完善的角度出发,研究其权利登记制度具有十分重要的现实意义和参考价值。(2)中国地下空间权利登记各地情况不一,全国范围内的地下空间权利登记制度尚待建立。研究结论:加快确立地下空间权利登记制度,完善不动产登记制度,推进物权管理。  相似文献   

Small Property Rights Housing (SPRH) is an important part of informal housing in China. SPRH is defined as housing developed with collective land ownership that is then sold to outside homebuyers such as non-indigenous villagers. This housing practice is legally forbidden and comes without formal titles. SPRH is popular in big Chinese cities where formal housing prices are constantly rising and increasingly unaffordable for many urban residents. However, research on SPRH is rare. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects (or the lack thereof) of de-jure property rights on housing prices by using the empirical case of Shenzhen where SPRH and FPRH estates constitute the main sources of urban housing for its residents. We collected both SPRH and formal Full Property Right Housing (FPRH) data in the Shenzhen housing market and adopted the Boundary Fixed Effect method and matching strategy to mitigate the bias caused by unobservable location and neighborhood factors. This empirical study shows that the lack of de-jure property rights has negative and significant effects on housing prices. The average housing price for SPRH apartments is, ceteris paribus, 52.82% lower than for formal FPRH apartments. Also, the premium of property rights varies across two administrative regions with different locations and economic environments, and the premium decreases as the age of the building increases.  相似文献   

With increased private investment in crop breeding research in the developed world, intellectual property rights have gained importance in seed sector. Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)‐plus provisions included in recent free trade agreements between the developed and developing countries show a tendency of the developed world to impose their high standards for protection of plant intellectual property on the developing world. While stronger intellectual property rights can increase international exchange in seed, market power effect can lead to a reduction in exports of seed to foreign markets. This article estimates the impact of intellectual property rights on U.S. seed exports. The estimation is performed at a crop level using Heckman selection model. The results reveal that the impact of intellectual property rights varies across different types of crops—open‐pollinated, genetically modified, and hybrid crops. While TRIPS provisions are important to facilitate transfer of genetically modified crops, they play a minor role for open‐pollinated and hybrid crops. The results also show that plant breeders’ rights envisioned by the UPOV system can be important to promote seed exchange when proper mechanisms are put in place to enforce these rights.  相似文献   

English Law confers extensive land use rights as an integral attribute of property entitlements and land ownership. Property rights have, however, been subject to incremental reform by a number of different legal and policy instruments since 1945. Many have been introduced since the UK's accession to the European Community in 1972 and are derived from European Union environmental law, and from the law of the Common Agricultural Policy. Others derive from planning law and policy. There has, as a consequence, been an extensive modification to the allocation of land-based utility recognised in property rights, although the common law theory of property entitlements has remained unaffected. This paper considers the impact of these developments on property rights theory, and anticipates the further modifications to property concepts that will be required by a land use policy increasingly focussed on the promotion of environmental stewardship in the countryside. It makes the case for the introduction of a general duty of environmental stewardship as an attribute of property ownership in the law of England and Wales. It considers the contribution that this would make to the delivery of a stable and effective environmental policy for rural land use, and towards a recognition of the wider community interest in, and reliance upon, the sustainable management of land.  相似文献   

通过对林权登记的现实状况进行分析,发现随着集体林权制度改革的深化和《物权法》的施行,现行的林权登记管理中存在一些不足之处。认为完善林权登记管理制度,要从注重基础理论研究,注重与相关法律相衔接,进一步完善有关规定,开发出实用的软件。  相似文献   

Property rights reform is typically hypothesized to boost investment through investment demand and credit supply effects. Yet when the credit supply effect is muted, property rights reform would be expected to induce liquidity-constrained farms to reduce investment in movable capital even as they increase investment in attached capital. This expectation is corroborated by econometric analysis of panel data from Paraguay. While all farmers experience a positive investment demand effect, liquidity-constrained producers correspondingly reduce their demand for movable capital. Given an estimated pattern of wealth-biased liquidity constraints, property rights reform will get institutions "right" for only wealthier producers.  相似文献   

失地农民是有别于普通农民、城市市民的特殊群体,他们的利益得不到有效保护的主要原因是由于我国农地产权残缺。农地产权的残缺表现在所有权、使用权、收益权和处置权残缺几个方面。在农地产权完整的情况下,土地所有者或出售或自己经营所获得的收益应该是无差异的,我国农地产权的残缺致使农地的一些收益农民无法实现或分享。我国现有的农地制度...  相似文献   

Cutting the web of interests: Pitfalls of formalizing property rights   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Property rights to land can be thought of as a web of interests, with many different parties having a right to use, regulate, or manage the resource, which may be based on a range of customary institutions or local norms as well as state law. These interests often play a critical role in livelihoods, social relations, and ecological functions. The formalization of property rights has historically led to a cutting of this web, creating more exclusive forms of rights over the resource. Drawing from case studies in Kenya the paper emphasizes the risk of excluding legitimate claimants in formalization processes that focus on individual titling. By collapsing all rights within individuals, such programs have negated the distinct multiple claims by women, youths, and seasonal users, among others. We examine ways in which formalization processes can secure diverse claims, and highlight the need for a better understanding of the social and ecological implications of existing land tenure before they are undermined by formalization.  相似文献   

矿业权市场化活跃了矿产经济,但并没有改变矿产资源的国有产权属性。矿业权的交换和转移存在着利益的多方博弈,信息的不对称使博弈双方在利益评估和分配上存在非公平可能。为保护在交易过程中交易各方的合法权益,需要关注信息对矿业权市场的影响,明确信息的价值并制定更加完善的信息管理措施。  相似文献   

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