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20世纪80年代初,美国意识到自己在制造业上与日本的差距,便开始对造成这种差距的原因进行反思,并注意借鉴和学习日本企业的一些先进的管理思想。但是进入80年代后期,美国工业界发现由于文化背景与社会条件的差异,向日本企业学习的总体效果并不尽人意,  相似文献   

日本在二战后的经济发展过程中,非常重视企业经营管理问题,不仅从其他国家引进了有关先进管理办法,而且十分注意结合自己的国情,创造出具有本国特色的一整套经营管理模式,如重视对人的管理、狠抓质量管理、注重以新产品占领市场、注意树立良好企业形象等.近年来,随着世界范围内经营环境的变化,传统的日本式企业经营管理模式面临严峻的挑战,日本企业指挥不灵、信息不畅等矛盾日益暴露出来.在这种形势下,日本企业界开始痛定思痛,认真借鉴美国经验,展开了新的探索,以求在变革中再现辉煌.  相似文献   

日本制造业竞争力的要素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、从引进到创新的发展路途 目前日本制造业的综合竞争力仅次于美国居世界第二。在全球最大500家工业企业中日本占29%,与美国的31%相差不多。制造业是日本经济发展的基石,产值占该国总产值的比例为19.5%,也是日本产业研究开发的主要承担者,技术开发及其实用化是日本经济增长的关键。日本的研究开发以企业为主,而在民间企业的研究开发费中,制造业所占比重高达近90%,其中有一半以上的日本制造业产值来源于高端或者中等水平的科技产品,这个比例较世界经合组织其他成员平均水平高出一倍。  相似文献   

美国制造业海外转移的历史由来已久,并且导致美国经济的"去工业化"程度不断加深。国际金融危机的袭击充分暴露了金融、房地产等虚拟经济的脆弱性,使欧美发达国家重新意识到实体经济尤其是制造业的重要性,制造业回归与再工业化战略,成为美国等许多国家经济调整的重要内容。同时,美国制造业回归恰逢一些有利时机,包括中国劳动力成本的快速上升、以先进自动化生产线为代表的新技术应用等,这些条件增加了美国制造业发展的优势。从2009年4月奥巴马总统首次提出重振制造业的战略构想开始,美国制造业回归的目标、思路、框架和措施逐渐清晰,重振制造业已箭在弦上。  相似文献   

三、美国的先进制造业战略 根据美国国会2010年再授权法案的精神,2011年6月24日,美国总统奥巴马宣布启动总额超过5亿美元的"先进制造业伙伴关系计划(Advanced Manufacturing Partnership,AMP)",通过政府、高校及企业的合作来振兴美国制造业,以创造高质量的就业岗位,确保美国在全球先进制造业中的领导地位。  相似文献   

在当前经济全球化趋势的前景下.在满足客户要求的同时如何控制成本、降低成本已经成为企业经营决策的必然选择。对于传统的以制造业为中心、单一品种、标准化、大批量生产模式的企业而言.传统的成本管理方法以其计算简单、容易理解曾得到广泛的应用。  相似文献   

日本在二战后的经济发展过程中非常重视企业经营管理问题不仅从其他国家引进了先进管理办法而且十分注意结合自己的国情创造出具有本国特色的一整套经营管理模式如重视对人的管理狠抓质量管理注重以新产品占领市场注意树立良好企业形象等近年来随着世界范围内经营环境的变化传统的日本式企业经营管理模式面临严峻的挑战日本企业指挥不灵信息不畅等矛盾日益暴露出来在这种形势下日本企业界开始痛定思痛认真借鉴美国经验展开了新的探索以求在变革中再现辉煌大力运用信息技术兴起于80年代的信息技术产业以其特有的高度创新性渗透性和带动性在全…  相似文献   

2008年国际金融危机爆发以后,美国开始重新审视先进制造业的价值,提出了回归实体经济的发展战略。美国再工业化既是应对国际金融危机的客观要求,更是立足于保持长期国际竞争优势的战略性举措,这将极大地影响世界经济格局,对美国经济本身和中国经济也将产生深远影响。为将美国再工业化的不利影响降到最低,我国应从延伸先进制造业产业链、发展战略性新兴产业、提高中国制造业自主创新能力、拉动内需、推进加工贸易转型以及促进人力资本快速积累等方面加以应对。  相似文献   

组织文化的战略积淀就汽车生产模式来看,最初,在欧洲小批量制作,依赖于技艺高超的熟练工人,形成欧洲汽车生产的手工工艺传统。接着,在美国生产时就逐步变成了大批量制作,依赖于可以批量培训的规范化操作的一般工人,形成美国汽车生产的机械流水线传统。后来,日本引进了美国的流水线生产技术,仍然依赖于可规范操作的工人,但加入了日本资源稀少、厉行节约的思想,变成集约-适时-高效的大批量生产模式,形成日本的高质量、低成本的汽车生产传统。  相似文献   

张驰  欣华 《质量春秋》2005,(10):19-21
提到科学先进的企业管理模式,人们自然会想到美国、日本。然而在美国,正掀起一股学习、研究德国企业管理的热潮。美国企业界普遍认为,德国的企业管理远比美国更富活力和有效,那就是“德国模式”。  相似文献   

This article proposes a method of estimating productivity growth using an estimated profit function. The approach has the advantage of incorporating endogenous changes in profit-maximizing output levels that would result from productivity changes. As with the cost function, it can be easily adapted to accomodate the presence of quasi-fixed factors. The article first develops the methodology and shows the equivalence between the proposed measure and other measures of productivity based on cost or production functions. An empirical application to the measurement of productivity changes in the U.S. manufacturing industry is presented next. The profit-function measure is compared to a nonparametric measure based on the same data and to the results of other studies of U.S. manufacturing.The refereeing process of this paper was handled through J. deMelo.  相似文献   

Analyzing inbound and outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) between the U.S. and seven developed countries over the period from 1994 to 2004, this study provides strong evidence for a positive relationship between aggregate FDI flows and a strengthening of a home currency. Further, taking exchange rate disequilibrium into account, we find that an increase in U.S. inbound FDI is related to a strengthening of an undervalued and overvalued U.S. dollar, while an increase in U.S. outbound FDI (foreign inbound FDI) is mainly related to a strengthening of an overvalued foreign currency. Disaggregate FDI flow data show that these findings hold mainly for the manufacturing (food and machinery) and the wholesale industry. We argue that our findings may provide evidence for a co-existence of the wealth-effect hypothesis and a more profit and production oriented hypothesis, once the U.S. dollar is undervalued. Additionally, the results support the argument that the profit and production oriented hypothesis dominates the wealth effect in developed countries, especially in the manufacturing and wholesale industry. Moreover, the results support the view that foreign investors are interested in how overvalued or undervalued a currency is, rather than being interested only in the recent direction of change in the exchange rate. Finally, all findings are robust with respect to several estimation procedures.  相似文献   

现代先进制造技术的不断发展及应用对制造业的成本核算产生了巨大的影响,归纳起来主要表现在对制造业的技术投入成本、产品的设计成本、人力资源成本、质量成本及环境成本的影响,文章通过对这些影响进行分析,预测了这些影响将导致几种成本核算方法的创新。  相似文献   

清洁生产是企业节能减排最先进的手段。作为仅次于汽车的第二大制造业,电缆行业节能减排任重道远,本文对构架以绿色价值链为核心的清洁生产标准化,建立行业清洁生产标准化体系,转变现有经济增长方式进行了阐述,并结合行之有效的实践,以获得经济和生态效益的双赢,提升行业综合竞争力来以此验证。  相似文献   

制造业是实体经济的主体,是夯实经济高质量发展的压舱石。然而,在新冠病毒肺炎疫情全球加速蔓延与传统要素比较优势弱化的双重挤压背景下,浙江省制造业在迈向高质量发展过程中遇到了史无前例的困难。数字贸易作为一种新型贸易方式,引发制造业生产组织方式的深度变革,推动了制造业数字化转型、智能化生产,已经成为推动浙江省制造业高质量发展的新动能和新引擎,为制造业高质量发展提供了新机遇。文章深入分析数字贸易推动制造业高质量发展的内涵要求与支撑要素,探讨数字贸易推动浙江省制造业高质量发展的战略机遇与多重挑战,最后提出数字贸易推动浙江省制造业高质量发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, we take the econometric approach to productivity measurement in United States manufacturing, using KLEM data over the period from 1953 to 2001. We are also interested in technical change bias, price elasticities, and elasticities of substitution in the U.S. manufacturing industry. We present an empirical comparison and evaluation of the effectiveness of four well-known flexible cost functions—the locally flexible generalized Leontief (see Diewert [1971. An application of the Shephard duality theorem: a generalized Leontief production function. Journal of Political Economy 79, 481–507]), translog (see Christensen et al. [1975. Transendendal logarithmic utility functions. American Economic Review 65, 367–364]), and normalized quadratic (see Diewert and Wales [1987. Flexible functional forms and global curvature conditions. Econometrica 55, 43–68])—and the globally flexible asymptotically ideal model (see Barnett et al. [1991. Semi-nonparametric Bayesian estimation of the asymptotically ideal production model. Journal of Econometrics 49, 5–50]), the latter modified to introduce technical change by means of Thomsen's [2000. Short cuts to dynamic factor demand modelling. Journal of Econometrics 97, 1–23] factor-augmenting efficiency index approach.  相似文献   

美国蔬菜产业的扶持政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了美国蔬菜生产的概况。通过对美国零散分布于相关农业政策中有关蔬菜生产扶持的政策进行提炼和分析,介绍了美国对蔬菜生产进行扶持的主要措施与做法。  相似文献   

Politicians are concerned about the effects of increased foreign trade on U.S. workers. Data from 1978 to 1987 are used to appraise the impact of foreign trade on U.S. manufacturing wages. The results indicate that wages are positively associated with a sector’s level of international comparative advantage. However, this follows from other characteristics aside from the net trade balance. These characteristics may include rent sharing or international technological convergence. Imports and exports also influence wages, where this impact varies with the industry’s unionization. Regardless, the results suggest that greater trade is not a major cause of the decline in U.S. real wages.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine the spatial organization of the U.S. and Japanese firms in the semiconductor industry. Our analyses give special consideration to the nature of the activities undertaken in the semiconductor production processes, the nature of the firm organization, the nature of the firm ownership, and the geographical area of analysis. Our approach is essentially diagrammatic in order to incorporate all the above factors. Therefore, unlike past studies, our study places special emphasis on tracing the connections between the whole spatial chain of production activities. The result is that different stages within the semiconductor production process have different geographical features, and that even the same vertically integrated sectors in the semi-conductor industry that differ by Japanese or U.S. ownership have quite different geo-graphical organizations.  相似文献   

美国《FDA食品安全现代化法》(简称FSMA)已于年初颁布,这是美国食品安全监管体系的重大变革,同时表明新一轮的食品安全管理模式进入实施阶段。该法的实施,将对我国输美食品供应链造成巨大影响。  相似文献   

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