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实现建设领域信息产品产业化的主要途径有:促进信息产品需求市场的形成;建立信息产品产业化基地,充分发挥示范基地的带头作用;示范基地必须按ISO9000标准实施质量管理,保证信息产品的质量;重视人才,建立相应的激励机制、风险投资机制及技术创新机制等。  相似文献   

"国家色织面料产品研发基地"、"陶氏纺织新材料产业化应用基地"双落鲁泰以科技创新为主要特色的山东鲁泰纺织有限公司,与美国知名企业陶氏化学纺织纤维事业部携手,共同推  相似文献   

或许,陈永开终于可以稍稍松口气了. 不久前,执掌大连机床帅印的陈永开刚刚主持完整个集团由老厂区向双D港工业区整体的搬迁工作.颇为引人注意的是:这并不是一次简单的工作地点转换,通过搬迁,陈永开缔造了两个国家级数控产品产业化王国--高水平的数控机床产业化基地和高起点、大批量数控功能部件产业化基地.  相似文献   

正工业互联网涉及工业和互联网等信息通信技术领域的各个环节和各个主体,正在形成复杂和全新的生态系统。为促进工业互联网生态体系建设,工业和信息化部积极推动工业互联网发展,工业互联网试点城市、国家新型工业化产业示范基地建设在全国各地正在逐步展开。在政府有关部门的积极引导下,我国产学研用各方已开展了积极探索,跨界合作不断深化,发展成果逐渐显现。基于技术成果转化的创新生态开始出现,以成立创新中心为主要途径,加快推进关键技术联合研究与产业化,如上海已率先建立工业互联网创新中心。另一方面,基于平台化产品的产业生态初步形成,以航天科工INDICS平台、海尔COSMOPlat平台、树根互联根云平台  相似文献   

据四川省自贡市科技局透露,科技部近日公布了国家级高新技术产业化基地2011年度复核结果,自贡国家新材料产业化基地通过复核并更名为自贡国家新材料高新技术产业化基地。自贡国家新材料产业化基地是商务部、科技部认定的全国首个综合性国家新材料产业化基地,四川省政府将基地纳入了全省着力打造的6个千亿元园区。  相似文献   

<正>日前,由中国石油天然气股份有限公司牵头承担的“高性能合成橡胶产业化关键技术”顺利通过了项目综合绩效评价。该项目是“十三五”期间合成橡胶领域唯一的产业化国家项目,实现了4个胶种的产业化示范及在轮胎中集成应用示范;实现理论创新与突破4项,关键技术突破3项,完成6个创新产品,取得关键装备创新3项,申请国家发明专利32件。自主开发高性能合成橡胶基础材料的集成应用示范,打破了我国高性能轮胎制造对国外高端基础橡胶原材料和先进加工技术的依赖。这将有力推动我国合成橡胶与轮胎行业实现由大到强的转型升级,重构中国轮胎产业链的高质量发展底座。  相似文献   

国家高技术产业化示范工程实施两年多来,共安排项目500多项,预计今年底可建成投产130多项,届时将形成一批具有国内外领先水平和自主知识产权的高技术产品。国家计委近日在京召开了国家高技术产业示范工程建设总结大会,同时向“8英寸硅单晶抛光片”等100项高技术产业化示范工程授牌。国家计委副主任王春正在会上说,高技术产业化示范工程建设有效地带动了一大批高技术产业的发展,初步形成了若干个高技术产业群,产业规模和国际竞争力不断提高。据国家统计局资料,我国高技术产业工业总产值已从1998年的1.31万亿元增长…  相似文献   

<正>国土资源部部长徐绍史出席签字仪式,财政部副部长张少春、国土资源部副部长汪民与河北省副省长张杰辉签署示范基地建设合作协议。该基地被正式批准为国家首批矿产资源综合利用示范基地,是全国黑色金属矿山矿产资源综合利用四个示范基地之一,也是河北  相似文献   

科技部高新技术发展及产业化司,日前在青岛市组织召开了青岛国家现代服务业橡胶产业化基地专家论证会。 据了解,经过一年多的建设,基地一期工程建设的科技支撑条件和服务保障体系完善,同时依托行业优势科技资源,搭建了橡胶研发、产品交易、  相似文献   

科技部高新技术与产业化司日前组织专家,对一批2009年度国家科技支撑计划重点项目进行了可行性论证。这批项目分别是橡胶助剂清洁工艺和特种功能性产品的开发、工程型热塑性弹性体材料关键技术及产业示范、高性能沥青基球形活性炭关键工艺技术及装备研发和新型功能聚酯纤维的研制及产业化。据悉,这些项目在通过论证后将尽快启动实施。  相似文献   

通过分析产品特性与BOM之间的关系,可以发现在设计源头产品特性对BOM结构和数据两个方面有决定性作用,特别是BOM结构影响工艺路线和企业的生产管理流程。所以,在ERP信息化管理中,企业应转变观念,依据其产品特性,从设计源头抓起。重点做好产品系列化、通用化设计规范;完善材料及工艺规程等方面的标准化工作,保证BOM结构的正确性和数据的准确性;不断调整才能提高企业信息化管理水平。  相似文献   

食品安全关系到人民的健康、社会的稳定和国民经济的发展,但我国目前食用农产品安全状况触目惊心,解决这一问题迫在眉睫。文章分析了我国食用农产品安全的现状和存在的问题,从理论上探讨了食用农产品安全的外部性和信息不对称问题,在借鉴发达国家食品安全管理经验的基础上,根据无缝隙组织理论提出构建我国食用农产品安全监管体系的构想。  相似文献   

就投资咨询的经验对化学产品行销规划工作的几个关键问题进行了剖析,提出了化学品行销方案设计的一些思路与方法,展望用现代信息技术与物流管理提升化学产业行销规划水平的前提。  相似文献   

Despite all best efforts, the design process often leads to the introduction of products that do not meet customer expectations. Although the design team typically applies customer-related information from several sources, the product design somehow fails to satisfy customer requirements. Clearly, we need to develop a better understanding of the process by which designers in large development organizations transform information about customer requirements into the final design specification. To improve our understanding of this process, Antonio J. Bailetti and Paul F. Litva examine design managers' perspectives on the sources of customer requirement information. During the evolution of a product design, the design team applies information that is endorsed by marketing and product management. Common sources of such information include commercial specifications, inferences from existing products and services, deployment studies, and external standards. When this management-endorsed information is deemed inadequate, designers supplement it by creating and sharing their own customer-related information. This local information includes the results of benchmarking function and performance, the designers' perceptions of a service provider's installed base of equipment, and validations of intermediate designs. Marketing and product management cannot easily review the local information that designers create and share in evolving a final design. This article highlights the importance of creating mechanisms for ensuring that customer requirement information from various sources is internally consistent. To meet this goal of consistency, organizations must ensure that customer requirements information produced by marketing satisfies the information processing requirements of the design community. In addition, the knowledge that designers actually apply to produce a design must incorporate customer requirement information endorsed by marketing and product management at all stages of product development.  相似文献   

基于并行工程的建设项目管理模式研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
所谓并行工程是指集成、并行的设计产品及其相关的各种系统方法。在建设项目管理活动中。可借鉴并行工程的思想.建立起一种基于并行工程建设项目的管理模式。并行工程管理模式将原来分别进行的工作在时间和空间上交叉,重叠。并行利用信息的相互交流来达到资源共享。在此模式下.计划和控制都是依据获取的信息进行的.构想为金字塔模型。该模式的项目进度计划从系统整体出发着重强调并行项目之问的相互协调,其编制步骤可分为项目结构分解,项目活动时间估算及计划编制。采取的主要控制方法是基于计算机项目管理信息系统,包括决策支持、物资与设备管理、质量管理、成本管理,合同管理、财务管理,客户管理,风险管理、采购管理、人力资源管理等子系统。  相似文献   

Reliable advance information about likely meteorological conditions during an agricultural season can potentially greatly benefit planning, risk management and productivity. In this article, we review the present state of production and dissemination of meteorological long-range (seasonal) forecast information and the use of such products in agricultural applications.There has been rapid development of dynamical prediction systems in particular, and several centres routinely provide seasonal forecasts of rainfall and temperature with global coverage. Currently the uptake of long-range forecast products by users has been limited, and the potential value is far from being attained. Various factors that inhibit usage are described. Further investment in the infrastructure is required, both in creating relevant specific products and in disseminating and applying them effectively. Investment in research is also required to investigate opportunities and beneficial strategies for a wide range of regions and activities, with closer interaction between the meteorological and agricultural communities and relevant intermediary agencies. Such development would complement separate ongoing efforts to improve the meteorological forecast systems and to improve agricultural management and technology.  相似文献   

A great deal of attention in the supply chain management literature is devoted to study material and demand information flows and their coordination. But in many situations, supply chains may convey information from different nature, they may be an important channel companies have to deliver knowledge, or specifically, technical information to the market. This paper studies the technical flow and highlights its particular requirements. Drawing upon a qualitative field research, it studies pharmaceutical companies, since those companies face a very specific challenge: consumers do not have discretion over their choices, ethical drugs must be prescribed by physicians to be bought and used by final consumers. Technical information flow is rich, and must be redundant and early delivered at multiple points. Thus, apart from the regular material channel where products and order information flow, those companies build a specialized information channel, developed to communicate to those who need it to create demand. Conclusions can be extended to supply chains where products and services are complex and decision makers must be clearly informed about technology-related information.  相似文献   

Chinese consumer demand for food safety attributes in milk products   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Little is known about emerging demands for food safety among consumers in developing countries. This study presents results of an investigation of consumer awareness, willingness to pay, and price premiums for milk products manufactured using Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) management, a quality management system used to reduce food safety risks. Chinese food processors initially sought HACCP certification to access export markets, but now HACCP is rapidly being adopted for domestic products and HACCP logos have begun to appear on labels in China. A survey of Beijing consumers found that less than one in five respondents was aware of HACCP, and most who had heard of HACCP had learned about it within the previous year. After receiving information on HACCP nearly all respondents were willing to pay a modest price premium for HACCP-certified products. Products with HACCP labels in Beijing supermarkets sold at a price premium of about 5% over products without such labels, holding other product attributes constant. The results indicate that demand for food safety is emerging as an attribute demanded by Chinese consumers.  相似文献   

In‐depth interviews with product developers and product development software providers in a previous qualitative phase of research uncovered eight general types of information that are used across the new product development process (strategic, project management, financial, market and customer, wants and needs, technical, competitor, and regulatory information) and three general approaches to managing information in the process (project‐centric, functionally oriented, and fully distributed). This paper presents a second phase of research trying to understand the role that managing knowledge and information plays in developing new products and achieving NPD success. This research phase empirically investigates use of the eight types of information across three general phases of the NPD process in the chemical industry using 81 mail survey responses from marketing and new product development professionals. Respondents were asked to indicate the degree to which each of the eight information types was used in each of the following general phases of new product development: the fuzzy front end, development, and testing and launch. The respondents also provided information on new product development success, information management system sophistication, and innovation strategy. This research makes several contributions to new knowledge. First, this research suggests that information management in product development is even more complex than initially posited in Zahay et al. (2004) , with each of the eight types of information identified being used in each of the three phases of development. Unexpectedly, for all but one type of information use is higher in later stages of the NPD process, even though use of several kinds of information early in the project is associated with increased success. Thus, managers may need to encourage teams to start gathering information from outside the firm earlier than is currently the norm. Second, the results suggest that more sophisticated information management systems are indeed associated with increased use of various different types of information, as expected. Third, more sophisticated information management systems are more highly associated with success than less sophisticated information management systems. These results are important, as most new product development information management systems are limited in their ability to handle complex and non‐quantitative information such as customer wants and needs, as well as strategic, competitor, and regulatory information. However, being able to transmit information on these issues is associated with increased firm performance and project success from these data. Thus, firms need to figure out how to improve their ability to manage and use non‐quantitative information more effectively.  相似文献   

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