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This study examines risk reporting in annual reports of Malaysian listed companies. The mandatory and voluntary disclosures of risk information are analyzed and the authors examine whether a relationship exists between company size, leverage, and industry type and risk disclosure levels. 150 listed companies from five industries are selected as sample. Content analysis and risk disclosure index of dichotomous measurement are used in data collection. Overall the results indicate that level of risk information disclosed in the annual reports is still minimal. OLS (Ordinary least squares) regression analysis indicates that the level of risk information disclosure is positively associated with size and not with leverage. However, a mixed result has been found for industry type; where only property industry shows a significant relationship with level of risk disclosure, and not for the other industries. This study contributes to financial reporting literature in relation to risk reporting, particularly the practice of Malaysian companies. Findings from this study are also useful to regulators and accounting standard setting body to assess the level of compliance to regulations and standards relating to risk reporting by these companies. More studies are required to further understand the importance of risk information disclosure, such as risk disclosure within specific industry, cross-country studies and usefulness of risk information disclosure from the stakeholders' perspectives.  相似文献   

The machinery, equipment, inventory, and other assets of the 21 st century company without people to work them. Corporations, by leave of the accounting profession, have no real economic value continue to omit the value of human. And yet, there is a growing realization that people represent the largest proportion of corporate productive capacity relative to the current assets and fixed assets shown in corporate financial statements. This paper provides research on the top 50 of the Fortune 500 companies which confirm this material deficiency. There is a need to provide stakeholders with a "fair" knowledge of the value of corporate human capital to provide a higher standard of transparency and accountability in international financial reporting and to provide the basis for research into the sustainability and potential expansion of growth in the world economy. An appropriate standard for the valuation of human capital will provide the knowledge base for effective and efficient investment in human capital. Effective and efficient investment will be particularly valuable for governments and service industries and for those who wish to promote growth in Europe. Indeed, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is questioning the veracity of financial statements which fail to include "the most valuable" of corporate assets in their financial statements. Recently, the OECD has noted that human capital may be measurable "by the output potential of specific competencies"; "the fruits of (corporate) investment"; the objective measurement of the market "rental" price of human capital; and lastly, perhaps self-evident when it comes to physical capital, the output potential of corporate investment in their human capital inventory. This paper considers the conditions in the context of literature which reassesses theory and assumptions which have been made on the valuation of human capital. Human capital is a pre-requisite for tangible assets to be productive. The valuation of human capital will trigger the same sort of activity-based analysis of people power as computers brought to cost accounting. The knowledge century analysis of people power will take off when human capital is at last included in the list of assets on the corporate balance sheet.  相似文献   

The informationization of accounting information systems has brought many improvements to those systems. This paper highlights some of those significant advances in the informationization of accounting information systems in China. As China has become a major industrial power in the international economy, further improvements for these information systems are critical to the continued successes of China. To additionally improve these systems, China can draw upon the systems from other world economic leaders. With its fully developed capital markets, the United States offers development experience for the external reporting components of a fully integrated information system. This paper discusses a typical integrated information system in the United States and addresses the regulatory milestones that were instrumental in the development of those external components of accounting information systems. Recommendations are presented for improving informationization of systems in China based on U.S. systems' responses to those milestones.  相似文献   

Consolidated Financial Statements (CFSs) in the public sector represent useful financial tools to improve transparency and accountability toward internal and external users. This aggregate view is only a part of the information needed in order to give politicians, managers, employees, financial institutions, rating agencies, and citizens a whole view of a local government's financial performance. It emerges the need to have segment information, covering specific policy areas for which it is appropriate to separately report financial and non-financial information. This paper, after having discussed the need for accountability and decision-making in a theoretical framework, gives account of a pilot project realized by the municipality of Reggio Emilia, which introduced CFSs and segment reporting. The empirical study is based on an action research as a methodological approach to solving practical problems. Finally, the paper also offers some practical suggestions to contribute to the applicability of the segment reporting in the public sector.  相似文献   

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) stress the importance of high-quality 'financial reports. From a scientific point of view, however, major methodological drawbacks can arise when trying to arrive at a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the decision usefulness of financial reports. In this conceptually-based exploratory study, the authors construct a 33-item index aimed at operationalizing decision usefulness in terms of the fundamental and enhancing qualitative characteristics laid out in the conceptual framework (CF) of the IASB (2010). Using a matched-pairs sample design, which includes 70 UK annual reports and 70 US 10-K reports for 2010, the results of test-retest and inter-rater reliability tests show that these multiple items, which were based on items used in previous research, can be measured in a reliable manner. At the same time, the results of an exploratory factor analysis indicate that the IASB qualitative characteristics cannot be measured separately when the 33-item index is applied. At an aggregate level, the results of paired-sample t-tests reveal that UK reports score on average higher than US 10-K reports, which suggests that the overall quality of UK reports is better. The findings of this study add to the existing literature on the empirical evaluation of the effects of international accounting standards, showing that, as compared with 10-K reports, UK annual reports provide more information on topics such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate governance, and annual bonus schemes. On the other hand, US reports outperform UK reports with respect to the content of fair value information, cash flow statements, off-balance financing, and audit reporting.  相似文献   

With the increasing pressure on companies to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR), it is paramount for businesses and organizations to gain social legitimacy through building trust and credibility towards their stakeholders. Corporate reporting is a major tool whereby they can demonstrate their transparency and their will to contribute to society. However, reporting is often addressed as a narrow and restricted discipline based on specific areas of communication like financial and CSR communication, which potentially can lead to "disconnected reporting". The aim of this paper is to address reporting within a framework of corporate communication, introducing the concept of corporate reporting as "an issue of integration" and to discuss the opportunities and challenges of corporate reporting as a driver for gaining social legitimacy. Recent research in corporate reporting and the development of standards by distinguished reporting agencies (e.g., Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG), A4S, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)) seem to support this position, arguing that integrated reporting is "the way forward". Accordingly, the authors conclude that there is a need to include a broader range of aspects in the corporate reporting literature applying a strategic integrated approach by which corporate reporting may more explicitly help businesses and organizations gain social legitimacy towards their internal and external stakeholders.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present and interpret the case study of the secure electronic transaction (SET) scheme of Internet security, as an illustration of the necessary construction of interoperability solutions for financial services. The interpretation of case data with actor network theory (ANT) provides an illustration of power coalitions among banks to create a de facto standard for transnational electronic payment security on the Internet. After a step of protecting its political interests and well-known technological solutions, the coalition understands that its mission becomes a matter of life and death for its members: Brand-new currency has been invented on the Web and one could develop business and monetary transactions without the banks. This interpretative stage tells us much about the transnational mechanisms of regulation and standardization as well as the "translation" steps regarding these transnational organizations. However, an additional step has to be added to this interpretative step, a step of framework construction. The aim is to help managers of the transnational firms involved in regulations and standardization to anticipate the evolutions and make relevant decisions. The framework has three distinctive characteristics: the ability to help conception, the ability to help conceive problems "ex ante", and the ability to facilitate collective conception of strategic maneuvers.  相似文献   

The Practice Statement provides a flexible approach to preparation of the management commentary, generating more meaningful disclosure and discussing those matters that are more relevant to the company's individual circumstances. In this direction, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has highlighted some content elements recognised as being fundamental for guaranteeing the usefulness of the management commentary. With reference to these elements, it is interesting to analyse the level of disclosure of the financial reporting. These analyses aim to identify the themes dealt with most extensively by the companies and those that require greater attention so that the narrative section of the financial statement is, on the one hand, at least consistent with the suggestions of the guideline and, on the other hand, contains information that is useful for the users. Lastly, in the light of the relevant European Union (EU) directives, the results of the analysis will help to formulate considerations on the ability of the IASB guideline to improve the completeness of the narrative section. All this is examined in a cross-country dimension: Financial reports in Italy and the United Kingdom (UK) are examined. The content analysis methodology is applied. Within the financial reporting, the management discussion is examined in particular. The analysis is performed considering 2008. This qualitative paper will contribute to the studies on disclosure and usefulness of the information provided.  相似文献   

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines corporate governance as, "the way in which boards oversee the running of a company by its managers, and how board members are in turn accountable to shareholders and the company." In recent years the issue of corporate governance and committees related to it and their impacts on corporate performance have continued to gain widespread prominence in the capital market economy. Corporate Governance Rating is meant to indicate the relative level to which an organisation accepts and follows the codes and guidelines of corporate governance practices. The purpose of the paper is to examine the rating reports of 27 companies which have obtained the corporate governance rating by rating agencies. The study highlights that the "stakeholders" sections of the reports are the most powerful part of the reports whereas the "board of directors" sections are the weakest. Potential areas for improvements are also identified.  相似文献   

Public companies issue periodic annual reports to give information about the past financial and operational results while presenting the future strategies. Companies release non-financial information concerned with corporate sustainability issues like market share, customer loyalty, supply chain management, corporate governance, and human resources in annual reports as well as the audited financial reports. Annual reports, one of the important instruments of transparency and disclosure, are widely used by shareholders and stakeholders. Recent laws and regulations in the US, European Union, and Turkey require enhanced disclosures in annual reports. In the first part of this study, a comparative regulatory framework for annual reports will be established under the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing requirements, the New Turkish Commercial Code, and regulations of Capital Markets Board (CMB) of Turkey. In the second part of this study, annual reports of four sample companies listed in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Corporate Governance Index of Borsa Istanbul will be discussed in the light of disclosure requirements of Form 20-F. Findings of this study support the hypothesis which states that regulatory environment has a positive impact on the quantity and quality of disclosures. Attention is drawn to the need for global standardization to reduce the reporting variances and the need for independent audit of annual reports to increase the reliability.  相似文献   

This study reports on an empirical investigation of the characteristics, attitudes, and beliefs of preparers of external financial reports in a less developed country. The basic research instrument consisted of a questionnaire in two parts: the first addressing attitudes of professional accountants toward annual financial reports generally; the second, more specifically measuring the importance of the information items to preparers. Our results suggest that the independent auditor is the most influential group in decision-making processes. As in many developed countries, the auditor's report and the regulatory framework are considered to have a major influence on financial reporting practices. Preparers believe that a lack of knowledge of external users' needs and lack of reporting standards and accepted accounting principles are the main concerns with corporate financial reports in Iran. The results showed that the balance sheet, auditors' report, and income statement in that order are the three most important parts of the annual reports.  相似文献   

Enterprises are looking to adapt to this scenario focusing on performance, seeking to improve the level of service and reduce costs in an attempt to differentiate and increase the perceived value of their customers. A strong partner to achieve these goals is the information technology (IT). IT has an important role in the performance of companies, providing a flow of information that makes the supply chain more robust and resilient, without compromising efficiency. To achieve the objective of this research, a survey of the literature on the four models was studied and then a field research with professionals was conducted in the areas of IT and supply chain management (SCM) of various companies of Sao Paulo. To collect the data needed for analysis, we used the exploratory research of a qualitative nature. Thus, we conclude that the use of IT impacts supply chain in five surveyed areas as planning, manufacturing, suppliers, customers, and delivery but does not impact the return area.  相似文献   

The evolution of corporate governance has created a competitive environment among the companies to catch the attention of investor's confidence. This paper aims to examine the relationship between the audit committee attributes and the audit fees. Specifically, this paper aims to examine the effects of audit committee expertise (number of financial-related director's trainings and experience) on audit fees. The data are obtained from annual reports of the population of Bursa Malaysia listed companies for both Main and Ace markets in year 2008. The results show that audit committee size is significant and has a positive association with audit fees. However, audit committee's financial related training is significant and has a negative association with audit fees. These results suggest that financial training of audit committee could have an impact on the lower audit fees. However, audit committee expertise is significant and has a positive association with audit fees. This suggests that financial-related training is needed in order to enhance the expertise of audit committee members.  相似文献   

Accounting profession has, in recent times, been regulated mainly by the private accounting standard setters mainly the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), which has taken a center stage and redefined the accounting information systems beyond the knowledge discernment of the average users and stakeholders. Public accounting profession's overreliance on the ever-changing IASB conceptual frameworks and their subsequent publications International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) standards has strongly compromised the ethics and objectivity of the profession, especially the accounting fundamental qualitative characteristics of the fair representation. Public accountants are, by ethics, required to issue an accurate, independent, and objective opinion of the financial state of the reporting entity. A review of various literatures from the IASB and the related bodies including independent auditors was employed during the evaluation process so as to minimize bias and evaluate objectively. The results revealed that currently, the IASB conceptual frameworks and IFRS contain inconsistent and opposing objectives including an inconclusive definition of elements and measurement basis mainly of profit and loss transactions and other comprehensive income, and hence the public accounting profession has been ethically challenged and compromised. Financial reporting is now premised on estimates, judgments, and models as opposed to a definitive measurement in accounting. A recommendation of further study on the IASB fundamental qualitative characteristics of decision usefulness should be pursued objectively.  相似文献   

Audit delay is a delay in reporting audit to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) after the allotted time of 90 days after closing the book. Delay to publish audit report will affect the value of infromation, causing a bad sign for the company. As good corporate governance (GCG) is one way to solve the different interests, practices, and culture, companies implement GCG in an attempt to get more value. This study aims to measure the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on audit delay in companies listed on the IDX in the period of 2009-2011. Variables of GCG mechanism consist of institutional ownership, number of audit committee members, and the percentage of independent commissioners. Purposive sampling method is used in sample selection procedure. Samples comprise 42 companies listed on the IDX. The simultaneous test results show that all the variables have a significant influence on audit delay. By the partial test, number of audit committee members has significantly affected audit delay, while institutional ownership and independent commissioners have no significant effect on audit delay. This study is limited to use only three variables to study their influence on audit delay in the reseach period of only three years.  相似文献   

This paper investigates and reports on the extent and nature of corporate internet disclosure and the determinants of internet financial disclosure (IFD) by companies listed in three Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) countries. This paper uses data from 207 listed companies in Muscat Securities Market (MSM), Dubai Financial Market (DFM), and Qatar Exchange (QE). Binary logistic regression analysis is used to examine the determinants of IFD. Kruskal-Wallis test is used to examine the differences in disclosure characteristics among the three countries. The results of this study reveal that firm size is the major factor influencing intemet financial reporting in the GCC. The results reveal that the three countries differ significantly in all the disclosure attributes with the exception of the existence of email link. This paper extends the stream of research that confirms the widespread use of internet in disclosing financial information. The results are consistent with previous literature that corporate size is a major determinant of internet financial reporting. This paper provides insights into corporate internet disclosure in the GCC that will benefit all stakeholders with an interest in corporate reporting in this important region of the world.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate how the corporate characteristics and contextual factors influence the choice of managers in initiating the sustainability report/reporting (SR) and to understand the role of organisational dynamics. The research design develops through a deductive and inductive approach. The deductive approach is based on an analysis of the Social and Environmental Accounting Research (SEAR) strands which use the theoretical framework of (neo-) institutional theory to inquire the adoption and diffusion of SR. The inductive method is based on a research case that focuses on the SGR Group. "How can the rico-institutional theory help explain the process of SGR's SR implementation in Italian and Bulgarian companies"? The study identifies both the internal and contextual factors associated with the SR development and the regulative, normative, and cognitive dimensions/factors that affect the implementation and institutionalisation of SR in Italy and Bulgaria, in accordance with the different institutional environments in which the social and sustainability accounting projects are developed.  相似文献   

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is one of the largest independent accounting standard setters whose publications, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), have revolutionalized the accounting profession, investors, finance providers, and the entire accounting information stakeholder community. The conceptual frameworks are the theoretical accounting bases that are constituted by a set of principles that underlie as a bedrock foundation cornerstone for the development and updating of IFRSs. The existing conceptual frameworks were issued by IASB in 2010, after long years of protracted and wide consultation and joint project with the biggest American standard setter Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). In year 2013, the IASB embarked on a solo project to update the conceptual framework and issued a discussion paper (DP/2013/1) to its users and stakeholder community for comments. The methodology used in this study of an extensive review of literature (secondary/primary) from the discussion paper, existing conceptual framework, and comment letters from investors, accounting, insurance, and international audit firms has been manipulated. The findings revealed that the existing conceptual framework has opposing objectives especially that of decision usefulness (future-oriented information) and concepts of "prudence and stewardship/accountability", which are deeply embedded within the framework as subsumed, but their prominence has been overshadowed and watered down by not identifying them as objectives. The finding also revealed that almost all public accounting and audit firms are advocating not only for the reinstatement of the "prudence and stewardship/accountability" but also for a clear definition of recognition, de-recognition, and measurement of statement of financial position elements (assets and liabilities) and also elements of the comprehensive income statement (revenues and expenses), which have seriously compromised investors, p  相似文献   

The introduction of FRS (financial reporting standards) 136 to Malaysian PLC's (public limited company) in 2006 indirectly formalized accounting for purchased goodwill for the first time. Based on a sample of 2006 annual reports of 10 Main Board companies from plantation sector, the study finds the level of desired disclosure has yet to be met. Whilst the intention of the standard is noble, actual practice for first time reporting entities indicate that Malaysian PLC's and their auditors have far to go before they can meet the expectation set by FRS 136 in particular and International Financial Reporting Standards in general.  相似文献   

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