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上市公司非标准审计意见市场反应的差异性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以我国证券市场2005年和2006年获得非标准审计意见的上市公司为样本,运用事件研究法和多元回归分析模型,分年度考察了不同类型非标准审计意见的市场反应的差异.研究发现:我国证券市场能够识别持续经营审计意见和非持续经营审计意见之间的差异,但不能识别带强调事项段无保留意见和保留意见、无法表示意见之间的差异;2005年和2006年不同类型非标准审计意见的市场反应存在显著差异.  相似文献   

破产重整是危机企业解除财务危机的重要法定机制。本文基于执法经济学理论,以宝硕股份的破产重整事件为例,研究了新破产法实施后上市公司破产重整的经济效率。研究发现,虽然宝硕股份借助重整机制暂时避免了破产清算,但是重整活动却明显缺乏经济效率,新破产法在执行过程中偏离了原先的立法预期,相对落后的执法环境致使参与重整的利益相关方的目标函数和博弈行为发生异化,并最终导致重整的低效率。本文揭示了我国转型期相对落后的执法环境制约企业破产重整效率的典型作用路径。最后,本文提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) stress the importance of high-quality 'financial reports. From a scientific point of view, however, major methodological drawbacks can arise when trying to arrive at a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the decision usefulness of financial reports. In this conceptually-based exploratory study, the authors construct a 33-item index aimed at operationalizing decision usefulness in terms of the fundamental and enhancing qualitative characteristics laid out in the conceptual framework (CF) of the IASB (2010). Using a matched-pairs sample design, which includes 70 UK annual reports and 70 US 10-K reports for 2010, the results of test-retest and inter-rater reliability tests show that these multiple items, which were based on items used in previous research, can be measured in a reliable manner. At the same time, the results of an exploratory factor analysis indicate that the IASB qualitative characteristics cannot be measured separately when the 33-item index is applied. At an aggregate level, the results of paired-sample t-tests reveal that UK reports score on average higher than US 10-K reports, which suggests that the overall quality of UK reports is better. The findings of this study add to the existing literature on the empirical evaluation of the effects of international accounting standards, showing that, as compared with 10-K reports, UK annual reports provide more information on topics such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate governance, and annual bonus schemes. On the other hand, US reports outperform UK reports with respect to the content of fair value information, cash flow statements, off-balance financing, and audit reporting.  相似文献   

本文参考国内多数企业实施SAP项目成功的案例,根据矿用设备维修企业自身特点,分析SAP项目在具体实施过程中可能遇到的问题,并提出相应的改进建议,促进同类型企业SAP项目得以成功实施。  相似文献   

李强 《物流科技》2014,(8):68-69
近年来,临沂经济得到快速发展,特别是临沂物流行业的发展,更是呈现百花齐放,百家争鸣的现象。但是也应看到繁荣的背后隐藏着一定的物流风险,例如物流企业的代收款。为了更加规范临沂物流行业的发展,体现临沂物流之都的美誉,文章以临沂为例,对物流企业代收货款的法律性质及其后果进行了分析,通过调查研究、文献、座谈会的方式,了解物流代收货款的性质,为物流企业管理提出一点建议。  相似文献   

科技英语的特点不仅表现在科技内容上,而且还表现在其特有的语言体系上。大量使用名词化结构是科技英语的显著特点之一。它能使语篇简洁、正式、客观、权威。文章分析了名词化结构在科技英语简单句中语义的逻辑内涵,以及英译汉时的翻译技巧。  相似文献   

A previous paper by Arnold, Bardhan, Cooper and Kumbhakar (1996) introduced a very simple method to estimate a production frontier by proceeding in two stages as follows: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used in the first stage to identify efficient and inefficient decision-making units (DMUs). In the second stage the thus identified DMUs are incorporated as dummy variables in OLS (ordinary least squares) regressions. This gave very satisfactory results for both the efficient and inefficient DMUs. Here a simulation study provides additional evidence. Using this same two-stage approach with Cobb-Douglas and CES (constant elasticity-of-substitution) production functions, the estimated values for the coefficients associated with efficient DMUs are found to be not significantly different from the true parameter values for the (known) production functions whereas the parameter estimates for the inefficient DMUs are significantly different. A separate section of the present paper is devoted to explanations of these results. Other sections describe methods for estimating input-specific inefficiencies from the first stage use of DEA in the two-stage approaches. A concluding section provides further directions for research and use.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the question of how to include time dependent explanatory variables at the context-level in multilevel event history models. In general, context-level explanatory variables in multilevel models are assumed to be time constant. Only time constant context-level explanatory variables perform the task of reducing context-level error variance. Thus, it will be suggested that the analysis should be extended to a three-level model. In this model, time periods of persons constitute level 1 units, time periods of contexts constitute level 2 units and the contexts themselves constitute level 3 units – in which in turn level 2 units are clustered. Considering mobility between local labour markets as an example, four different ways of modelling time varying context-level variables are compared. The result is that the proposed three-level model leads to the most conservative results.  相似文献   

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