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This paper discusses some of the conventional accounting concepts, such as historical cost concept, conservatism concept, matching concept, objectivity concept, stable monetary unit assumption, and going-concern assumption, which are not in accordance with the Islamic accounting paradigm due to their divergence with some verses of the Holy AI-Qur'an, the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (pbuh), and the basic of Zakat calculation. This is a conceptual paper describing some of the conventional accounting concepts that are not in accordance with the paradigm of Islamic accounting. The paper concludes that the historical cost concept can be replaced by: current cash equivalent concept, historical cost and current value concepts (market selling price), current cost concept, historical cost concept in all (except for Zakat purposes) accounting calculations, current valuation concept, and fair value concept. Conservatism concept must be eliminated if historical cost concept is not used anymore. Matching concept can be replaced by asset-liability approach concept. Objectivity concept can be replaced by Zakat accountability concept. Stability of the monetary unit assumption can be replaced by gold or silver measurement, or Dirham currency, and going-concern assumption must be eliminated.  相似文献   

The objective of improving the state accounting system is to build a state accounting system based on a single and complete database which is applied uniformly across all public authorities and agencies from central to local. Such an accounting system must ensure a reliable and smooth flow of information among all the entities that take part in the preparation, allocation, execution, and finalization of the state budget. In order to improve the quality of financial information, to harmonize, and to develop accounting profession globally, the trend of international economic integration requires the standardization of accounting legislative framework among countries and first of all, the harmonization and unification of the preparation, presentation, and disclosure of financial information. Financial statements of each business in the private sector and financial statements of the government in the public sector in different countries should be transparent and presented in accordance with the accounting standards and principles and in line with international practices so that the financial information will be able to be compared and evaluated. Therefore, financial statements of each entity in the public sector and the consolidated financial statements of public sector entities issued by the government in different countries must be prepared and presented in a unified form to suit the international public sector accounting standards. Accordingly, with the application of the interview method in research, the main objective of this article is to focus on searching for the bases and consideration for the application of international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam in current conditions. This article consists of eight sections: (1) what are international public sector accounting standards? (2) accounting entities of the public sector; (3) the limitations of current public sector accounting in Vietnam; (4) financial information to meet the requirements of state management and to comply with international practices; (5) the advantages of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (6) the difficulties and challenges of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (7) learning experiences from other countries; and (8) conclusion.  相似文献   

This paper aims to find unit cost of a product for firms. It establishes a linear cost model to find unit cost. Linear goal programs assume a direct relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. Dependent variable of linear model is unit cost. Independent variables are cost accounting variables. They are supply cost, labor cost, and administration cost. This study assumes a direct relationship between supply-labor-administration costs and unit cost. Therefore, it establishes a linear cost model. The major research question of this study is to apply linear goal programming to cost accounting. The goal of this linear program is to find unit cost of product. This study uses quantitative method and human capital method. The main research result is linear costing model itself.  相似文献   

One of the main issues in entrepreneurship education is integrating core course to entrepreneurship course. Many educators fail to integrate core course and entrepreneurial education. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the integration of management accounting course in entrepreneurship course will accomplish the objective of entrepreneurship education. This study is derived from the experience of entrepreneurial project course at Management Department of Ciputra University, Surabaya. This study uses an explorative approach to investigate the implementation of project-based learning (PBL) in management accounting course. The result shows variation of output. There are about 91% business can be implemented by business groups and about 33% target achieved. Several management accounting techniques are used in this study, such as balanced score card (BSC), activity-based costing (ABC), activity-based management (ABM), cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis, and tactical decision making. This study found that by using management accounting techniques, student can run the business well especially when they have to make decision. This study strengthens the role of management accounting in business practices, and furthermore, this study proves that management accounting is beneficial for entrepreneurs who are still in the start-up business stage.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the development of an activity-based costing (ABC) system in a private Italian healthcare firm. Findings shed light on the role of the cost accounting system in price assessment: It outlines new opportunities for the identification of the service mix offered as well as for price optimization. Because private companies provide services both within the public system--where the National Health System (NHS) provides fixed reimbursement fees--and within the private system--where prices are defined by each company. Accurate cost information is extremely important to support managers in the analysis of the service mix profitability offered in each system. For the business segment in which companies do not have flexibility in setting prices, cost information enables managers to identify services which may present profitability problems. For the business segment where price flexibility exists, cost information supports the identification of pricing errors so that charges can be better defined.  相似文献   

The 2011 Global Economic Crime Survey instituted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) confirms the economic crime in Malaysia to be on the increase and, therefore, requires immediate attention to stem the tides. In anticipation of the challenges occasioned due to a shift from the modified cash basis to the accrual basis of accounting, the Malaysian State's determination to move from a developing nation to a developed nation, and to be ranked among the first 10 in 2020, this paper presents the need for forensic accountant and auditor capability (i.e., mindset and skills) on forensic accountant and auditor competence (i.e., task performance fraud risk assessment (TPFRA)) in the Malaysian public sector. It also draws the attention of the users of public sector accountants and auditors to the understanding of fraud mechanisms and how to deal with fraudsters. The population of this study comprised the accountants and auditors in the office of the Accountant General and Auditor General of Malaysia. The objective of this paper is to investigate the competence requirements of accountants and auditors in the effective and efficient utilization of capability requirements, which have the potentials to usher in the best global practices in fighting fraud in the Malaysian public sector.  相似文献   

Accounting profession has, in recent times, been regulated mainly by the private accounting standard setters mainly the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), which has taken a center stage and redefined the accounting information systems beyond the knowledge discernment of the average users and stakeholders. Public accounting profession's overreliance on the ever-changing IASB conceptual frameworks and their subsequent publications International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) standards has strongly compromised the ethics and objectivity of the profession, especially the accounting fundamental qualitative characteristics of the fair representation. Public accountants are, by ethics, required to issue an accurate, independent, and objective opinion of the financial state of the reporting entity. A review of various literatures from the IASB and the related bodies including independent auditors was employed during the evaluation process so as to minimize bias and evaluate objectively. The results revealed that currently, the IASB conceptual frameworks and IFRS contain inconsistent and opposing objectives including an inconclusive definition of elements and measurement basis mainly of profit and loss transactions and other comprehensive income, and hence the public accounting profession has been ethically challenged and compromised. Financial reporting is now premised on estimates, judgments, and models as opposed to a definitive measurement in accounting. A recommendation of further study on the IASB fundamental qualitative characteristics of decision usefulness should be pursued objectively.  相似文献   

This paper explores the value creation of business process management (BPM) and managerial accounting system (MAS) using a case study. The findings show that BPM shortens the management chain and increases the connections among functions in the organization by right reassignment. Accounting indicators in MAS provide necessary information about business processes, which assists performance evaluation in BPM, and meanwhile, incentive schemes give enough motives, which guide employees to take actions in accordance with the organizational strategies and processes' goals. The information effect and motive effect of MAS increase employees' work satisfaction and their cooperation with each other. In the end, the integration of BPM and MAS improves the organizational economic performance, thus creating value for the organization. The results explain the reason why so much BPM fails in practice, because right assignment, performance evaluation system, and incentive schemes constitute organizational architecture, which is critical to organizational value. Additionally, the value creation of BPM and MAS depends on their coordination with the external environment, the internal situation, and the organizational strategy. From the view of managerial accounting perspective, MAS not only changes with the organization development but also facilitates the organization development.  相似文献   

环境会计的若干问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境会计是20世纪90年代引入我国的新兴学科,其主要内容是从会计的角度研究经济建设与环境之间的协调关系,力争实现经济的可持续发展。环境会计理论尚处于探讨阶段,本文分析了环境会计的基本含义,从基本目标和具体目标两个角度对环境会计的目标进行了阐述;探讨了环境会计应遵循的假设和原则;从环境会计信息应披露的内容出发,提出了环境会计的基本构成要素。  相似文献   

The issue of accountants' role in decision-making has been the center of attention of lots of studies in the last decade but never did it get the adequate coverage in Lebanon. This paper studies to what extent accountants are involved in the managerial decision-making in Lebanon. Two hundred experienced accountants from all over the country were randomly selected for a questionnaire survey. This survey provides evidence as to what factors contribute to the variance of influence accountants have in managerial decision-making. The results from the questionnaires varied, but we conclude that accountants' involvement in new product development (NPD), the skills that accountants have, their role in the financial analysis of the firm, and how much the finn they work for encourages them to advice on business decisions affect the degree of contribution an accountant has to decision-making. The findings of this research could be used as a reference to help in understanding the role of accounting in Lebanon by various finns and organizations.  相似文献   

Classical management accounting (MA) Focusing on the facilitating perspective, focuses on decision facilitating and influencing (Demski & Feltham, 1976). MA has to provide information to managers and depending on the problem complexity, they have to solve problems in a dyadic way. A dual process model, the heuristic systematic model (HSM), expands this so-called manager-accountant-dyad and shows different cases of actual human information processing. Managers and accountants either process systematically or heuristically. So far, many concepts have been designed in relation to the normative concept of the economical rational principle. Consequently, recent research only uses systematic information processing, based on the principle of the economic man. In this paper, a decision-behavior oriented approach tries to describe actual decision makers such as managers and accountants and shows new possibilities within MA. Therefore, the potential of heuristic information processing is analyzed, based on the phenomenon of ecological rationality as one shape of bounded rationality. Thus, different cognitive heuristics in business economics are identified and analyzed. Furthermore, the outstanding performance of heuristics compared with more complex calculations is shown. Unfortunately, these findings have been limited to marketing and investments so far. Significant research is needed, regarding conditions for applications and success factors of heuristics in business economics. New empirical findings have to be explicitly transferred to MA.  相似文献   

刘晓华  杨录 《价值工程》2010,29(3):11-11
随着环境问题的日益突出,企业发生的环境事项也越来越多,然而传统的企业会计对这些环境事项并没有明确的核算规定,因此在制度层面上规范企业环保业务的核算,即构建企业环境会计制度,是将环保业务核算融入企业会计制度的产物。目前,我国对企业环境会计制度的研究尚处于起步阶段,还未形成一套公认的、可以在实务中运用的环境会计制度。本文论述了构建我国会计体系的必要性,并提出建立符合中国国情的环境会计制度的对策建议。  相似文献   

Based on the premise that ethics education leads to creation of the required (acceptable level of) ethical awareness, the general streamline of accounting ethics literature is strongly in favor of teaching adequate, efficient, and effective accounting ethics. This paper takes the position that this premise must be checked in an educational setting in which accounting ethics education lacks the characteristics of being adequate, efficient, and effective. Accordingly, a questionnaire with two parts was distributed to accounting students about to graduate from the University of Bahrain (UoB). The first part is an exploratory investigation consisting of 21 variables/questions. The second part is an experimental investigation consisting of 13 hypothetical accounting cases representing various ethics violations. The general tendency by an accounting student based on the two parts indicates that he/she holds an acceptable level of ethical awareness, despite the fact that accounting education programs lack an adequate, efficient, and effective approach to teaching accounting ethics.  相似文献   

苏禹竹 《价值工程》2014,(26):176-178
企业是国家经济发展的主要推动力量,但是也是造成环境污染的恶首罪魁,尤其是能源类企业,更是环境的高伤害企业,对于环境保护负有不可推卸的重大责任。在能源类企业中推行环境会计实施具有划时代的意义,将其环境成本纳入企业会计核算体系之中,对环境成本进行科学合理的确认和计量,管理和控制企业的环境资源,是能源类企业走可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

An accounting professional is called a "Certified Public Accountant Financial Advisor (CPAFA)" in Turkey and the profession has a notable status in the country. Individuals choosing this profession have to complete a minimum 3-year internship program before becoming members of this profession. They have to pass an exam both to start and finish the internship program. The profession and the reasons for choosing it are highly significant issues. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the factors directing the professional choices of prospective individuals who wish to be CPAFAs and the significance of such factors. Along with these objectives, a nation-wide study was conducted on candidates who took the CPAFA internship exam in periods of 2012-3, 2013-1, and 2013-2 (three periods). The factors affecting candidates' choices to be an accountant professional were gathered under five groups. The factors "influence of immediate surroundings", "prestigious social status of the profession", "high life-long income potential", "flexible working hours", and "future guarantee of the profession" had higher factor loadings than other factors.  相似文献   

日益严峻的环境形势迫切要求企业披露更多的环境信息,但目前的环境信息披露现状难以满足社会要求,进行独立披露环境报告是当前发展趋势。本研究提出建立以"生存权"为中心的会计第二报告体系,并尝试构建了相关报表体系,同时建议企业通过建立会计第二报告体系达到系统环境控制目的。  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study are to put forth the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Turkey (Kayseri) and to examine research on this concept and the relationships between CSR and accounting information systems. Research data were gathered from 100 accounting managers who work in businesses with 250 or more employees in Kayseri. The dimensions of CSR were considered as business policies, environmental policies, market policies, and social policies, and the effects of these factors on accounting information systems were tested. Market policies and social policies dimensions of CSR had no significant impact on accounting information systems. Business policies and environmental policies dimensions of CSR had significant impacts on accounting information systems. Two basic conclusions were drawn from the current study: The business policy dimension of CSR had significant impacts on accounting information systems; the business policy and environmental policy dimensions of CSR together had significant impacts on accounting intbrmation systems.  相似文献   

任明 《价值工程》2014,(19):169-170
本文主要从账务处理程序、工作依据等四个方面阐述了环境会计与传统会计的联系,以及从核算的基本前提条件、核算的原则、研究的对象等四个方面重点阐述了传统会计与环境会计的区别,从而进一步厘清传统会计与环境会计的关系。  相似文献   

日本环境会计的开展分别由环境省和经济产业省实施。环境省于于2000年发布了《环境会计指南》,并分别于2002年、2005年进行了修订。经济产业省的项目主要关注环境会计的内部管理功能,于2002年发布了《环境管理会计工作手册》。本文从日本上市公司的环境会计实践角度,对日本环境会计应用情况进行分析、评价,并探讨其对我国环境会计研究及实践的启示。  相似文献   

马奇  白华 《物流科技》2004,27(6):112-114
环境会计是现代会计的一个新兴分支。构建环境会计、实现环境会计信息披露是会计学愈益成熟的结果。是会计工作发挥更大的社会作用和走向可持续发展之路的重要标志。构建环境会计具有坚实的理论和现实基础。由于会计学特别是现代会计理论和方法的快速发展,由于环境经济学和发展经济学的日益成熟,构建环境会计、实现环境会计信息披露已经具备了足够的理论、思想指导和技术方法上的支持。  相似文献   

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