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电子商务的迅速发展,使网络市场成为服装企业竞争的新阵地。本文在分析了平台型B2C网络营销优势的基础上,运用4C理论从了解企业需求、增强企业综合实力、优化购物环境、树立企业形象4个方面对服装企业开展平台型B2C网络营销提出建议。  相似文献   

近日,美特斯邦威公司赶在新的一年到来之前正式推出其电子商务平台——邦购商城。作为全新的电子商务B2C交易平台,美邦对邦购的定位是,主要销售公司品牌服饰Meters Bonwe、Me&City及网络自有品牌AMPM的产品。  相似文献   

中国网购的热闹非凡,离不开网络经销商出钱出力。然而从2010年开始,强势厂家将电子商务列入议事日程,有的自建B2C平台,有的在淘宝商城开旗舰店,两端挤压之下,一批网络经销商纷纷折戟沙场。很多人甚为悲观,可谓“凄凄惨惨戚戚”。  相似文献   

传统的电子商务模式有B2G、B2B、C2C、C2B等。B2C(Businessto Customer).B2C中的B是Business,意思是企业,2则是to的英文谐音,C是Customer,意思是消费者,即B2C是企业对消费者的电子商务模式。同样,B2B(Businessto Business),企业对企业的电子商务模式。B2C模式的电子商务是消费者聚集起来进行集体议价,把价格主导权从厂商转移到自身,以便同厂商进行讨价还价的营销模式。也就是说无论是B2C模式,还是B2B、C2C、C2B都仅仅是一种单向式的电子商务营销模式。  相似文献   

对于纺织服装专业市场开展电子商务而言,其功能不仅在于为企业开拓新的流通渠道,更重要的意义在于,它对于整个产业的流通效率将产生重要的影响。当前,电子商务正从单纯的信息流,向"信息流、商流、资金流、物流"四流融合的方向发展。这"四流"构成了一个完整的贸易流通过程,并会创造出更大的经济效益。在B2C如火如荼的发展势头下,纺织服装大宗商品B2B电商平台也在日渐突起。  相似文献   

近年来,电子商务发展突飞猛进,其势头与2000年前后的网络泡沫时期不相上下。大到投资上千万元的大型B2C网站,小到只经营几个品种的网店,都希望在市场中分一杯羹。  相似文献   

李薇 《IT经理世界》2012,(18):83-84
经历了渠道占据绝对话语权的“美苏时代”,面对层出不穷的电子商务平台,创维被绑住的拳脚得以舒展,甚至玩起了C2B和DIY。  相似文献   

本文利用双边市场的相关理论和模型,分析了C2C电子商务平台的税收征管参与行为,结论是在没有法律强制的条件下,C2C电子商务平台不愿意与税务部门合作,参与税收征管,原因是这将导致平台的用户市场份额和利润降低.研究具有一定的政策意义,分析表明,电子商务免税将使传统零售商处于不利的竞争地位,国家应在电子商务发展到一定阶段时对其征税.为此,我国应加紧研究对电子商务平台管制的法律和法规,以立法的形式明确电子商务平台的税收征管责任.  相似文献   

电子商务近年来被赋予了丰富的内容,聚焦点也各有不同,有IBM的e-Business,惠普的e-Services,以及被普遍采用的e-Commerce等等。我们认为,电子商务对于所有行业,无论是传统企业,还是IT企业,都是一种机遇,它隐含着对企业和产业的重新整合。电子商务会把不同的企业整合到互联网上来,就如金融货币这样的规则一样,形成了一个新的平台。借助这个平台,企业能够开辟新的市场,如B2C和B2B市场等,能够提高供应链的效率和企业运作效率,从而提高企业的核心竞争力,创造出新的价值链。  相似文献   

BMC新型电子商务模式,由聚分宝2008年提出并应用。BMC是英文Business—Medium—Consumer的缩写,具备B2B、B2C、C2C、C2B等传统商务模式优点。  相似文献   

Business-to-business (B2B) electronic platforms have become important channels for transforming traditional modes of transaction. The success of these platforms relies heavily on the platform firms' customer orientation (CO) practices, which are designed to attract both sellers and buyers. This study draws on the cross network effect theory to explore whether and how a B2B e-commerce platform firm's (in)congruent CO strategic initiatives toward sellers or buyers affect the firm's performance. In addition, the moderating effects of seller-side and buyer-side demand uncertainty on the relationship between CO (in)congruence and platform firm performance are investigated. The analysis of data collected from 185 B2B electronic platform firms in China reveals that CO incongruence is more beneficial to firm performance than CO congruence. Furthermore, when seller-side demand uncertainty is high, an increase in seller-focused CO incongruence (i.e., higher seller orientation than buyer orientation) or buyer-focused CO incongruence (i.e., lower seller orientation than buyer orientation) improves or impedes a B2B e-commerce platform firm's performance, respectively. However, when buyer-side demand uncertainty is high, an increase in either type of CO incongruence does not improve firm performance. These findings contribute to the literature on and practices of B2B e-commerce and customer orientation.  相似文献   

With the meteoric progress of digital technology and the advent of network economy, there has been increasing interest in the business model of purchasing with B2B network among B2B e-commerce platforms and customer firms. Based on the perspective of parasocial relationship and dual-process theory, this study constructs a model of cognitive and emotional influences on customer firms' behavior, and analyzes the influence of features of entrepreneur endorser and online purchasing platform on B2B parasocial relationship, and how this relationship can affect repeat purchase intention. Furthermore, this paper examines the moderating effect of trust in the relationship between B2B parasocial relationship and repeat purchase intention. Findings indicate that perceived interactivity and trustworthiness of entrepreneur endorser and the service and product quality of online purchasing platform have a positive impact on B2B parasocial relationship. B2B parasocial relationship has a significant and positive impact on repeat purchase intention, while trust moderates the relationship between B2B parasocial relationship and repeat purchase intention.  相似文献   

刘琪 《IT经理世界》2012,(6):32-34,36,37,8
它是团购里的奇迹,是什么原因造就了这个奇迹呢?3月6日,一向顺风顺水、高歌猛进的聚划算"意外"迎来一次成长阵痛——因内部管理出现纰漏,阿里巴巴当天宣布免去总经理阎利珉(花名"慧空")的职务。没有人怀疑阿里巴巴在内部反腐问题上的决绝态度,  相似文献   

冯一萌 《IT经理世界》2011,(21):34-36,10
淘宝商城新规引爆新一轮B2C平台争夺战,面对腾讯的橄榄枝,中小卖家会离开吗?  相似文献   

近年来,中国的奢侈品网络消费市场呈现迅猛的发展势头,奢侈品营销也随之悄悄改变,网络营销已成为新的营销方式。本论文首先阐述了我国奢侈品网络营销的现状,并对奢侈品网络营销的优势及所存在的问题进行了分析,最后提出奢侈品网络推广方式需整合和创新,来达到更好的网络推广效果。另外,针对奢侈品网络销售的提升和服务的改善,品牌商需结合消费群体的差异性,针对不同的消费群体制定不同策略。  相似文献   

E-commerce has provided new opportunities for both businesses and consumers to easily share information, find and buy a product, increasing the ease of movement from one company to another as well as to increase the risk of churn. In this study we develop a churn prediction model tailored for B2B e-commerce industry by testing the forecasting capability of a new model, the support vector machine (SVM) based on the AUC parameter-selection technique (SVMauc). The predictive performance of SVMauc is benchmarked to logistic regression, neural network and classic support vector machine. Our study shows that the parameter optimization procedure plays an important role in the predictive performance and the SVMauc points out good generalization performance when applied to noisy, imbalance and nonlinear marketing data outperforming the other methods. Thus, our findings confirm that the data-driven approach to churn prediction and the development of retention strategies outperforms commonly used managerial heuristics in B2B e-commerce industry.  相似文献   

全网营销开始变得有些复杂。以前,敢于吃螃蟹的品牌企业一般都是采用"淘宝开店+淘宝外分销"的路线,两者泾渭分明,梳理起来也容易。但如今,包括京东、当当、苏宁易购、亚马逊、库巴以及重组后的腾讯电商等独立B2C开始做大,人人都在谈开放平台,卯足了劲大举招商,大有群英战淘宝的势头。  相似文献   

Through the use of business-to-business electronic commerce (B2B e-commerce), leading companies are transforming interorganizational transaction processing, trading, and collaboration into a competitive advantage. The research empirically examines several models with B2B e-commerce overall use as the dependent variable and innovation characteristics, context, channel factors, and organizational structure as the predictor variables. The results demonstrate that compatibility with existing systems, cooperative norms with customers, lateral integration within a firm, technocratic specialization, and decentralization of information technology decisions facilitate B2B e-commerce overall use. In addition, large firms are more likely than small firms to have greater levels of B2B e-commerce and firms are more likely to use B2B e-commerce with customers that use recommendations rather than threats to encourage e-commerce use.  相似文献   

摆脱时个别私人资本和经营者个人的依赖,确立起以企业自身为中心的发展模式,这是现代公司制企业与私人企业的本质区别。在外部制度不规范的情况下,使得企业的发展过分依赖经营者的个人能力及其所拥有的人际关系网络,扩大并强化了代理人个人的地位和作用。导致国企改革与建立现代企业制度方向背道而驰,落入“私有化”的改革陷阱之中。  相似文献   

The success of an e-commerce platform is significantly dependent on the number of sellers and their quality. Thus, it is important to understand the factors that influence a seller's platform choice. This paper investigates features of an e-commerce platform on which sellers place high value when choosing a platform to sell their products, using a conjoint analysis. The data was collected by online survey from 1,796 sellers who are using Naver Smart Store (https://sell.smartstore.naver.com), which is one of the largest e-commerce platform in South Korea. After analyzing the willingness to pay for each combination of functions by separating six functions of Naver Smart Store, it was estimated that the MWTP ranged 3.05 to 4.48 for the main process related functions and 2.61–5.3 for the sub process related functions. MWTP can be considered as a benefits for the sellers since Naver does not require monetary commissions from sellers. This paper also shows that the higher technical understanding of the functions provides the more value to platform to sellers.  相似文献   

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