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朱金娣 《价值工程》2014,(1):152-153
心理学和经济学为现当代重要的学科门类,两者在很大程度上存在关联,相互交叉。近年来,心理学的新发现对经济学的发展有了实质性的推动。本文就波普尔和索罗斯的哲学理论及其对当代西方经济学的贡献作进一步的完善和梳理,深入探讨心理学对西方当代经济学的影响及意义,在探寻心理学与经济学两者关系的同时,展望经济学发展的新方向。  相似文献   

马克思主义经济学课程群构建刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩鹏 《物流科技》2011,34(2):132-134
构建和完善马克思主义经济学课程群是培养德才兼备的经济学人才的需要,是整体掌握马克思主义经济学基础理论知识、提高经济实践能力的需要。作者对该课程群建设的意义、建设现状以及如何构建等进行剖析。认为应正确看待马克思主义经济学的地位,增加学时,强化课程内部关系的衔接,适时增加反映现实经济发展实践的课程内容,选用新教材,适时革新考试制度,来推进马克思主义经济学课程群的构建。  相似文献   

This article links up with recent discussions of the strategy/economics nexus. In contrast to most of the proponents and opponents of economics in strategy thinking, a balanced pluralist perspective is adopted. According to this, a discipline should strike a balance between the generation of new theoretical alternatives and the selection among them. Applying this general idea, I argue that the strategy field is too pluralistic, and that the unfortunate consequences of excessive pluralism and eclecticism may be remedied by economics playing a larger role in the conversation of strategy researchers. This does not necessarily mean standard neoclassical economics or new industrial organization economics; evolutionary economics, for example, is a serious contender, too. the evolution of Michael Porter's thinking is used as a case for demonstrating some of the advantages and some of the dangers of economics in the strategy field, and for illustrating points about eclecticism and pluralism.  相似文献   

A bstract In his early work. Talcott Parsons severely criticized Old Institutional Economists like Thorstein Veblen and Clarence Ayres. Parsons'main objection was that institutional economics had a misconceived view on the scope of economics: institutions, being the embodiment of values, were the proper subject of sociology rather than economics. By arguing for a clear-cut division of labor between economics and sociology. Parsons legitimated the divide between the two disciplines that came into being in the years to follow. Recently however, the relationship between economic-sociology and institutional economics has changed dramatically. New Economic Sociology (advocated by scholars like Mark Granovetter and Richard Swedberig) rejects the division of labor proposed by Parsons. By-providing substitutes rather than just complements to economics, it tries to counter economic imperialism. This creates significant similarities between New Economic Sociology, Old Institutional Economics and the recent return of institutionalism in economic theory. However, the quest for a division of labor between economics and sociology remains unfinished.  相似文献   

We present problem-based learning as a strategy to assist students to integrate both mathematics and economics knowledge as well as develop other skills. We present basic information about problem-based learning, provide an example of an economics problem that could be used in an early undergraduate mathematics course, and provide sources for additional economics problems and information about problem-based learning. While faculty will seldom have a class composed entirely of economics students, the examples that we provide do not require in-depth knowledge of economics but will help undergraduates develop some understanding of the economic world they live in.  相似文献   

周俊  张伟 《价值工程》2013,(14):237-239
合格的工程人员必须要有良好的工程经济方面的意识,运用经济学的知识解决实际工程问题的能力十分重要。本文以湖南城市学院的水工程经济学课程为对象,以培养应用型人才为主要目标,从教学内容的选择,教学方法的改革,实践教学的实施,教学网络平台的建设等方面提出具体方法,提高了水工程经济的课程教学水平。通过教学实践发现,学生运用理论知识解决工程实际问题的能力得到了较大幅度的提高。  相似文献   

Transaction cost economics is a key topic in many conversations in business and economics related disciplines, much as a result of Oliver Williamson's intellectual crusade. By claiming a “distinct worldview,” he develops arguments of association and differentiation to established worldviews, like traditional microeconomics, earlier institutionalism, Austrian and radical economics, and also within the new institutional economics itself, in order to advance his theory. His resourcefulness defies straight argumentative decisions, catering to different audiences whilst trying to break new ground. Surely Williamson has not pleased everyone, but his discourse is greatly responsible for placing TCE in the everyday parlance of economics.  相似文献   

经济学理论对会计学研究的渗透   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代会计研究领域,会计学研究与经济学理论的连接越来越密切。从经济学角度解释会计目标和全面收益理论、用经济学观点研究会计准则、以经济学立场剖析会计诚信缺失以及将经济学的实证方法用于会计学研究等等,经济学对会计学研究的支持加深了会计学研究的深度,会计学研究对经济学的应用拓宽了会计研究的广度。正确处理会计学研究与经济学理论的关系,有助于进一步提升和推进会计理论研究,更好地为会计实务服务。  相似文献   

The Hahn–Banach Theorem plays a crucial role in the second fundamental theorem of welfare economics. To date, all mathematical economics and advanced general equilibrium textbooks concentrate on using non-constructive or incomputable versions of this celebrated theorem. In this paper we argue for the introduction of constructive or computable Hahn–Banach theorems in mathematical economics and advanced general equilibrium theory. The suggested modification would make applied and policy-oriented economics intrinsically computational.  相似文献   

Abstract.  It has been argued by some that the distinction between orthodox economics and heterodox economics does not fit the growing variety in economic theory, unified by a common methodological approach. On the other hand, it remains a central characteristic of heterodox economics that it does not share this methodological approach, but rather represents a range of alternative methodological approaches. The paper explores the evidence, and arguments, for variety in economics at different levels, and a range of issues which arise. This requires in turn a discussion of the meaning of variety in economics at the different levels of reality, methodology, method and theory. It is concluded that there is scope for more, rather than less, variety in economic methodologies, as well as within methodologies. Further, if variety is not to take the form of 'anything goes', then critical discussion by economists of different approaches to economics, and of variety itself, is required.  相似文献   

This article presents the case for “assertive pluralism” in economics education and proposes how to achieve it, illustrating the point with reference to the U.K. Subject Benchmark Statement in Economics (SBSE). It proposes a revision of the benchmark, prioritizing the role of controversy in the teaching of economics, combined with pluralistic principles that uphold and guarantee critical and independent thinking. This reform is a necessary response to what Colander et al. (2009 ) term the “systemic failure” of economics—the inability of the profession, taken as a whole, to anticipate and understand the financial crash and recession of 2008. Failure on this scale testifies to a more deep‐seated weakness in economics than commonly recognized. It arises from what Turner ( Tett 2009 ) terms the regulatory capture of the economics profession by narrow financial interests. The public, and the economics profession, require specific protection against the pressures that have produced this systemic failure. This requires a rethink of the relation of economics to society, founded on a rejection of the idea that the function of economics is to provide a single, unequivocal solution to every problem of policy. Instead, the article explains, good economics should be constrained to evaluate the full range of relevant solutions to any given policy issue, leaving the decisionmakers accountable for the decisions they make on which solution to adopt.  相似文献   

The term “heterodox economics” has been in existence for several decades. Recent revival of heterodox economics can be regarded as a growing criticism of economists within the own profession of economics. Modern economics is designed as a one‐world‐capitalism without history and without regional specifications, without institutions, and without real human agents. Heterodox approaches have the aim to underline that different institutions matter, including religion, language, family structures and networks, systems of education, and industrial relations. Taking the discussion within a broader framework of the history of science acknowleges divergencies and convergencies between different approaches in economics that are also in permanent recomposition. The discussion comes up with the interpretation that recent academic developments provide chances for new modes of intellectual reintegration of formerly disparate areas.  相似文献   

徐丹 《价值工程》2012,31(17):323-324
20世纪60年代以来,经济学最为引人瞩目的发展之一就是新制度经济学的出现和发展。本文运用制度经济学的基本原理,从宏观方面分析现代医院管理体制存在的不足,并针对这些不足,提出合理的解决措施。  相似文献   

In this article I claim that the Nobel Prize in Economics has not only set the economics discipline on a path‐dependent trajectory, but is itself an apotheosis of a development of what I would like to refer to as ‘the statistical turn in economics’. The case of Jan Tinbergen illustrates the argument and sketches the stages within the statistical turn in economics. The Nobel Prize in 1969 acknowledged this character of economics, and justified the continuation of this approach for the generation to come.  相似文献   

Classical economics was thought to have been displaced by Keynesianism. Professor Patrick Minford, of the University of Liverpool, outlines a new classical economics that shares the economics of Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' but refines it in modern terms with the insights of rational expectations and demonstrates its importance for policy in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Jennifer Pegg, economics editor with Harcourt Brace, outlines her publishing plans for economics books for the rest of 1993 and beyond.  相似文献   

曹素璋 《价值工程》2010,29(22):6-7
近年来,国外交易成本经济学的实证研究领域已从传统的产业组织经济学扩展到了市场营销、财务管理、会计、关系型契约等多个领域。本文对国外交易成本经济学在这些领域的实证研究作了简要的回顾,希望能够为我们的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

本文以中国财经类高校EMBA项目的教学国际化为研究内容,通过国内外财经类高校以及国内财经类高校与综合性高校EMBA项目的相关比较分析(国外财经类院校以伦敦政治经济学院为例),探讨中国财经类高校EMBA项目在教学国际化领域的发展状况、困境及可持续发展策略等问题.并以上海财经大学EMBA实践为例,为中国财经类高校EMBA项目在教学国际化领域的健康发展提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

丁敏 《企业活力》2010,(10):91-93
在经济学的投入—产出模型中,不仅仅体现了经济学的"效率",更重要的是投入产出过程中的管理过程,带来了组织的"绩效"。现代经济学对企业理论的发展、企业管理的过程及管理学的研究方法带来了深刻的影响,由此也给我们带来了启示。  相似文献   

Graham Dawson, a very experienced teacher of economics at Bedford High School, gives the second in the series of Model Answers for 'A' Level economics.  相似文献   

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