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随着城市化进程的加快,城市数量不断增加,城市在社会经济生活中的主导功能愈加显著。在当今全球性经济大协作、资源市场大竞争时代,城市作为区域经济、政治、科技和教育文化发展中心,已成为社会的主角,而决定每个城市在激烈市场竞争中的地位、作用、未来发展态势的主要因素是它们各自拥有的综合竞争力。文章从五个方面选取30个指标,采用因子分析法对山东省17个城市的竞争力进行了分析与评价,以供决策参考。  相似文献   

本文将定量和定性分析结合起来,使用SPSS19.0统计软件对具有代表性的上市公司贵州茅台,五粮液和今世缘这3家上市企业,大概从盈利能力、偿债能力等4个方面,一共有13个财务指标,对其分别进行相关的数据分析处理,以此来建立相对合理的公司财务竞争力评价体系,最后列出三家公司各自的优势并客观分析一下,最后得出结论.  相似文献   

随着经济环境的不断变化,企业经营管理逐渐多元化和复杂化,如何在竞争激烈的市场中保持竞争力,成为现代企业急需解决的问题。财务核心竞争力是竞争力的重要组成部分,其评价指标作为财务能力的衡量标准,有助于企业对自身竞争力的准确定位,有利于财务战略和经营目标的实现。因此,探讨企业财务核心竞争力评价指标,是完善财务管理系统的有效手段,是提升企业经营能力的必要措施。文章基于理论分析,结合实际情况,深入讨论我国企业财务核心竞争力的评价指标,为完善企业财务能力评价提供参考。  相似文献   

财务核心竞争力是企业竞争力的一个重要来源,在市场竞争越趋剧烈的环境下,财务核心竞争力对企业的成功具有重要的作用。不管从企业的生存、发展和获利的哪个角度来看,财务管理都是影响企业的重要因素,以财务管理为核心的企业管理,也应该建立和完善以财务竞争力为核心的财务管理体系和财务评价体系。主要对企业财务核心竞争力评价指标进行研究。  相似文献   

房地产上市公司财务风险评价研究——基于因子分析模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财务风险客观存在于房地产企业财务管理工作的各个环节,是市场竞争的必然产物,如何评价财务风险成为房地产企业管理理论和实践工作中急需解决的课题。论文以房地产上市公司为研究对象,构建了房地产上市公司的财务风险评价指标体系,并采用因子分析法建立了房地产上市公司的财务风险综合评价模型,以期为我国房地产行业的健康发展提供理论借鉴和方法指导。  相似文献   

文章先对企业竞争力研究进行了综述,再构建企业竞争力评价指标体系,并收集数据并整理得到所有指标数据,然后对其进行了因子分析。最后得出"民营企业表现出了更强的竞争力;规模大,知名度高的国有企业,表现出的竞争力不一定强"的结论。文章最后结合数据对企业提出相关建议。  相似文献   

赵锐 《经济研究导刊》2012,(29):133-135
良好的公司竞争力是公司在市场经济下不断扩张和发展的保障和必要条件,而财务竞争力更是公司竞争力的一个核心组成部分。随时关注公司的财务状况,对于防范财务风险具有重要的意义。首先构建了一个财务竞争力评价体系,在此基础上进行因子分析,将得到的公因子作为灰色关联分析的基础序列,再根据灰色关联度进行排序,评价各公司的财务竞争力水平,为公司的发展和改善提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

加强文化建设是辽宁省振兴老工业基地发展的重要内容之一,辽宁文化产业近年来得到了快速发展,但也存在一些问题。建立文化产业竞争力评价指标,运用因子分析法可以对辽宁文化产业竞争力进行评价,分析其存在问题的原因。辽宁省需要从促进文化消费、经营文化品牌,推进文化体制改革等方面着手进一步提升文化产业竞争力。  相似文献   

本文通过对各项国际贸易教学质量评价指标进行因子分析,运用社会经济统计软件SPSS 19.0,客观地评价了影响国际贸易课堂教学质量水平的各个因素,并为如何提高国际贸易课堂教学质量提出了相应的建议  相似文献   

陈海燕 《时代经贸》2012,(6):250-250,F0003
本文通过对各项国际贸易教学质量评价指标进行因子分析,运用社会经济统计软件SPSS 19.0,客观地评价了影响国际贸易课堂教学质量水平的各个因素,并为如何提高国际贸易课堂教学质量提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

运用GEM模型对湖南醴陵陶瓷产业集群的竞争力进行实证性评价,结果显示湖南醴陵陶瓷产业集群具有超过全国平均水平的实力,但作为全国瓷城的湖南醴陵,在其陶瓷产业集群的发展过程中仍存在很多的问题,使其聚集效应没有得到充分的发挥。这些问题的存在影响了湖南醴陵陶瓷产业集群集聚效应的充分发挥,不利于实现陶瓷产业集群的整体竞争优势,也使集群内企业难以成长。总体来说竞争优势不明显。在上述研究的基础上提出进一步提升湖南醴陵陶瓷产业集群竞争力的政策建议。  相似文献   

South China is located in the subtropical zone,with excellent hydrothermal conditions and abundant species.Compared with other regions in China,the environment and natural resources have obvious innate advantages.The crisscross of hills and small plains are the most typical topographic and geomorphic features in South China.Its evaluation of eco-environmental competitiveness is different from other regions in China in terms of index selection and evaluation process.Based on the literature result...  相似文献   

供应链金融的风险模型分析研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
弯红地 《经济问题》2008,(11):109-112
供应链金融服务在解决抵押担保不足和使部分中小企业获得一定的信贷支持及缓解我国部分中小企业融资困境方面具有极大的积极作用。通过对应收账款融资模式的风险模型分析,认为供应链金融依赖的的风险规避机制存在失灵的可能性,需要银行与核心企业建立新型合作的关系,并发挥他们各自的优势,才能达到供应链金融期望实现的作用。  相似文献   

Product competitiveness is the most important concern for industry and is decided by the interaction of engineering activity with the market environment. This paper describes the characteristics of technological product competitiveness in the market, by use of an ordinal scaling method based on rivalry comparison. The analysis was made for actual data extracted from data on consumer electrical products evaluated over a long period of time. Four methods were examined to quantify ordinal data for competitive evaluation elements. The maximum correlation ratio method was proved to be most reasonable for extracting detailed characteristics regarding product competitiveness in the market. It was also confirmed how the highest and lowest rankings in some element influence total competitiveness. The most competitive product in the electrical consumer market gets the highest ranking in performance evaluation, first or second ranking in timing, and above average ranking in cost, with no major setback in reliability.  相似文献   

Environmental competitiveness, price competitiveness and non-price competitiveness make up the undivided vital part of product's competitiveness. Environmental competitiveness can not only help improve the enterprise's key competitiveness directly, but also strengthen it indirectly by improving the products' price competitiveness and non-price competitiveness effectively. Instead of being confined to the product itself, there are several element's that can determine and influence the product's environmental competitiveness, including the manufacturing process, the management of enterprise&the life circle of the products, etc. Measuring these elements by setting “environmental suitable degree ”, and building up the echelon model to evaluate the environmental competitiveness can help us see about the standard of the enterprises' environmental competitiveness. Though many of the national enterprises have price competitiveness to some extend, restricted by all kinds of elements like systems, techniques, policy, the enterprises are weak in environmental competitiveness. Beginning with systems redesign, carrying out the sustainable development, strengthening inner enterprises management, making more efforts on technique innovation, and widely publicizing and teaching the ecological concept, Chinese national enterprises can improve their environmental competitiveness and improve their key competitiveness.  相似文献   

中小型物流企业核心竞争力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代物流企业已成为经济发展的强劲增长点,成为衡量一国现代化程度和综合国力的重要标志之一。从核心竞争力的内涵入手,通过分析与评价物流企业的核心竞争力,可以丰富物流企业理论,帮助物流企业建立较为完善的市场竞争力评价指标体系,从而促进物流企业的健康发展。提高物流企业核心竞争力的主要途径包括:降低企业成本、提升产品质量、完善服务水平。  相似文献   

With the constant development of knowledge-based economy, knowledge has become the core competitiveness of enterprise, which plays a vital role in the development of enterprise and market competition. It will be helpful for enterprise managers to improve their knowledge competitiveness, if they can judge the advantage and disadvantage of knowledge competitiveness reasonably. According to the nature and the characteristic of knowledge competitiveness of enterprise, a system of evaluation index has been designed about the knowledge competitiveness of enterprise. Taking the enterprise A as an example, it is appraised by using fuzzy comprehension evaluation based on entropy weight, and has provided a new idea for the knowledge competitiveness of enterprise.  相似文献   

“走出去”不仅是企业战略,更是国家战略。由于企业在实施“走出去”战略中存在外部经济、风险承担及不确定性等多方因素,要加快企业国际化进程,必须加快制度创新和配套政策的调整,其中,政府的公共政策将发挥不可或缺的作用。政府只有通过采取各种行之有效的促进政策,才能有效提升企业参与国际竞争的能力。提升企业国际竞争力的公共政策思路一、市场经济原则科尔奈在《短缺经济学》一书中深入研究了传统的社会主义计划经济模式,并首创性地提出了软预算约束的概念。软预算约束是针对硬预算约束提出的一个合乎逻辑的反义概念。然而,我国传统国…  相似文献   

The paper presents the issue of SME competitiveness in terms of determining their competitive position on the market. The proposed reference model, focused on the evaluation of the competitiveness of a selected group of SMEs on the market of medical services, was developed to support strategic decision-making. The usefulness of the model is verified in the process of determining the competitive position of a selected group of participants, applying research methods of strategic analysis. Relationships, observed during the study, occurring between the competitiveness factors and the competitive position taken by a company, provide knowledge, whose utilization directs the company's business to improving its market performance, organizational and economic conditions.  相似文献   

河南中药产业国际竞争力评价及政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用因子分析法分析了全国各省(区、市)中药产业国际竞争力的基本情况,发现各地区中药产业国际竞争力主要受地区经济发展水平、科技发展水平、中药自然资源状况等因素影响。2006年河南省在中药产业国际竞争力排名中处于中上游水平,中药自然资源优势突出,但中药产业发展相对滞后,需要进一步提高中药产业发展水平,并提出了提高河南省经济和科技发展水平、将中药自然资源优势转化为竞争优势等政策建议。  相似文献   

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