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苏朝晖 《商业时代》2003,(249):20-21
消费者的购买行为在多种因素的影响下形成多种风格不同的类型,消费者的购买存在一定的购买风险,企业一方面在广告宣传中要实事求是,另一方面要与消费者进行购后沟通,从而降低消费者的购买风险,将不满降到最低限度。  相似文献   

对于直销企业来说,研究消费者对直销产品的购买行为,是直销企业进行市场营销管理的重中之重。消费者的购买行为受到很多因素的影响,直销产品作为消费类产品中的一种有其特殊性,研究影响消费者购买直销产品的文化、社会、个人和心理因素对直销企业开展合理有效的市场营销活动至关重要。  相似文献   

广告战、价格战此起彼伏,却都效果欠佳,如何寻找客户、赢得客户、留住客户?成为企业最常讨论的话题,而又往往无解。  相似文献   

徐俊 《北方经贸》2014,(10):81-81
企业要想获得最大利润,就必须对他所面对的消费者的消费需求与购买行为进行深入的分析,及时掌握市场信息,对消费者的下一步需求作出准确的预测,提高自己的经营策略与服务质量,才可以立于市场竞争的不败之地。本文对消费者购买行为的研究的必要性以及影响因素作了简要的分析。  相似文献   

随着以知识经济为基础的新经济时代的到来以及经济全球化的出现,服务将成为企业今后竞争的焦点。而不安全心理是影响消费者购买服务产品的重要因素,因此,本文将基于消费者追求产品个性化、稀有性的独特需求,就不安全心理对消费者购买服务产品的影响进行阐释。利用服务营销组合7P’S对特有变量进行控制,提出系统化建议,为企业有效消除消费者在服务产品购买过程中的不安全心理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文从消费者学习的视角,分析基于产品概念的品牌知识构成:产品概念在消费者记忆中形成知识节点、联想链接和情感回应,从而构成完整的消费者品牌知识结构,包括品牌熟悉度、品牌形象和品牌态度。通过问卷调查获取数据,经探索性因子分析和二元Logistic回归分析,得出品牌态度是预测和解释产品概念信息促进消费者购买行为的主要因素。  相似文献   

崔莹 《商业科技》2007,(3S):59-60
顾客忠诚是企业竞争力的重要表现,其中消费者的购买行为是形成忠诚的基础。客户关系管理(CRM)是基于电子商务背景下的一种新的理念、技术与方法,利用CRM对消费者购买行为的几个阶段进行分析,有利于将企业的信息化管理水平提高到一个新的层次,提高了企业竞争力。  相似文献   

本文打破以态度-行为关系研究生态产品购买行为的主流研究范式,基于自我决定理论提出自我驱动和他人驱动两种驱动方式,并引入自我导向和他人导向的消费者价值,进一步探索两种生态产品购买驱动方式的作用条件,构建了基于消费者价值分析生态产品购买驱动方式的研究模型.实证研究表明,不同导向的生态产品消费者价值对两种驱动方式分别具有不同影响.研究结果揭示了消费者生态产品购买行为的内在形成机理,弥补了现有研究对生态产品购买行为解释不足的局限,也为增强企业生态营销策略和政府生态消费政策的有效性提供了决策依据.  相似文献   

顾客忠诚是企业竞争力的重要表现,其中消费者的购买行为是形成忠诚的基础。客户关系管理(CRM)是基于电子商务背景下的一种新的理念、技术与方法,利用CRM对消费者购买行为的几个阶段进行分析,有利于将企业的信息化管理水平提高到一个新的层次,提高了企业竞争力。  相似文献   

陈文沛 《财经论丛》2013,(2):101-106
基于1006位消费者的调查数据,在文献研究的基础上发展产品属性的测项并归纳出六个主要维度来检验信度和效度,发现产品属性显著影响消费者介入,后者对新产品购买行为有显著影响,消费者介入在产品属性与新产品购买行为的关系中起完全中介效应。  相似文献   

绿色食品代表健康、优质的食品,越来越引起消费者的关注。本文运用合理行为理论,分析影响消费者绿色食品消费的主要因素。首先对成都市消费者绿色食品购买行为的实证调查进行描述性分析,然后运用Logistic模型,对影响消费者购买行为的因素进行回归分析。模型回归结果表明,消费者家庭是否有6周岁以下儿童和消费者对绿色食品的安全感知是决定消费者是否购买绿色食品的主要因素。  相似文献   

While there have been many studies of the ethical behavior ofmanagers, little research investigated the ethical beliefs andideologies of consumers. Moreover, even less is known about therelationship between consumer beliefs and ideology and purchasingbehavior. The present study investigates the extent to whichconsumers punish or reward what they perceive as either a firm'sethical or unethical behavior. The research model was tested onsamples of Israeli and Turkish respondents. The results indicatethat personal economic benefit, ideology (idealism versusrelativism), economic cost to others and locus of control explainconsumer reaction to ethical, purchasing dilemmas. Moralexpectations did not influence whether a consumer would purchasein a store offering an unethical proposition. Apparently,material gain, if large enough, outweighs one's moralpredisposition. Idealists were found to be less likely topurchase in an unethical store situation. The Turkish respondentswere more concerned with economic cost to others than the Israelirespondents, apparently owing to cultural differences between thetwo groups. Finally, those respondents having higher internallocus of control were found to be more ethical.  相似文献   

知名品牌的仿冒和非法贸易问题一直困扰着各国政府和相关企业,反仿冒也陷入了一场无休止的战争。传统的反仿冒策略大多针对仿冒品的供给方,而没有关注仿冒品的需求方,缺乏对消费者购买仿冒品行为的理解,也缺乏相应地有效抑制需求的政策措施。本文在整理和分析现有文献的基础上,借助行为科学的相关理论,从消费者购买仿冒品的动机、行为意向、购买决策、认知失调处理等方面对消费者购买仿冒品的行为进行了理论分析,以期深刻理解仿冒品购买行为的内在机制,为企业制定反仿冒策略提供理论依据和新的思路。  相似文献   


Given that current landfills are running out of space, consumers are becoming more concerned with reducing waste-particularly in product packaging. The literature cites conflicting findings regarding who is the environmentally conscious consumer. Some researchers have pointed to attitudinal characteristics while others emphasized demographic characteristics as predictors of environmental consciousness. Hence the purpose of the study was to predict the factors that influence intention to purchase environmentally packaged products. A convenience sample surveyed students enrolled in a southern California university (n = 179). The questionnaire was developed to assess respondents' attitudes regarding an organization's role in environmental conservation, societal orientation to physical surroundings, attitudes toward solid waste, intention to purchase environmentally packaged products and demographic characteristics. Results of Stepwise regression analysis indicated that attitudinal factors, not demographic characteristics, played a larger role in predicting intention to purchase environmentally packaged products at the p < 0.001 level. Implications of these findings suggest that marketers need to target those with strong attitudes toward the environment rather than market segment profiles based on demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

In response to increased attention toward Indian markets in general and food markets specifically, multinational companies need to accurately identify the attitudinal and product attribute factors that impact new food product adoption among Indian consumers. Applying integrated decision utility theories, we examined the influence of product familiarity on value-based product purchase decisions and intentions. The results indicate that expected value, perceived value, and purchase intentions are influenced by familiarity; only expected value influences purchase intentions. Marketing implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Highly innovative and new industrial products are often unique products, too. This can be made understandable by noticing that in many cases industrial products are highly technology intensive, too. Given that technology means by definition a systematic of knowledge how natural and artificial things function and interact, the product uniqueness implies that one is able to generate and apply in a product form such new knowledge which the others do not have. In this respect this paper seeks to introduce a dynamic view of how an industrial firm can initiate and create such new product uniqueness which is required to make a successful new product entry. Creating a unique new product which can make a new product entry possible is subject to unexpected and accompanying local failure but is something that appears necessary in terms of enhancing problem solving ability and feeding capability building. An ability to stretch and be flexible in order to be prepared to face any unexpected events and to sustain pioneering customer credibility becomes the core of being able to build a firm's overall new product capability base and corresponding new product advantages.  相似文献   

消费者独特性需求对独特产品/品牌偏好影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用实证研究方法,对有关消费者独特性需求的相关研究作出了比较完整的理论综述,在此基础上就该需求对消费者独特产品/品牌偏好之间的作用关系进行了分析。通过分析了解到本土消费者在对独特性需求的理解上具有一定的特殊性,这种特殊性的产生与中国文化的集体导向特点和当前社会发展处于转型阶段具有一定的联系,这种特殊性的存在一定程度上影响了消费者对独特产品/品牌的偏好。  相似文献   

消费者心理特征对新产品购买的影响作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
消费者新产品购买意向对企业新产品开发和营销策划具有重要参考价值。在理论探讨和实证研究基础上 ,从消费者行为特征和产品特征两个方面 ,分析了新产品购买意向的主要影响因素和新产品购买意向强弱程度不同的消费者群体的主要特征。此外对新产品的营销策划提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

夏龙 《商业研究》2006,(3):193-196
近几年,中国农产品产量一直徘徊不前,通过引入市场竞争提高农产品收购价格,刺激农民务农积极性一直被视为解决“三农”问题的有效途径之一。基于此,对农产品产量与收购价格进行实证检验并使用相关系数法检验八种农产品的产量与价格之间的相关关系,结果表明,产量基本不会影响收购价格,收购价格对农产品产量有较显著影响。  相似文献   

In two experiments we examine how consumers are affected by a sequence composed of an initial product-failure experience followed by a success experience. Our interest is to assess how consumers' evaluation of the product and of their own performance change after the second experience. A preliminary experiment used hypothetical scenarios describing consumers' experiences with different products. In the main experiment, participants received actual hands-on experience with a Smith-Corona Personal Typewriter/Word Processor. A major result was that product evaluations could be as high following a failure-success sequence of experiences as following success alone. This was especially true with hands-on experiences. However, the main experiment showed that negative affect (frustration) expressed following an actual product failure experience remained even after a subsequent success. Marketing implications of these dual results are discussed.  相似文献   

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