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该文介绍了变电站监控系统网络化接入调度自动化主站系统的实现方法,即通过将现有调度自动化主站系统的通信服务器前移至变电站端,并利用光纤通信网的以太网传输接口实现变电站监控系统信息的网络化传输.网络化传输提高了远动通道传输速率,增加了通道可靠性,且可方便地利用网络测试命令进行通道的远程维护.对老站网络化接入改造是一个很好的解决方案.该方案同样适用于其它型号、厂家的调度自劝化主站系统.  相似文献   

针对工作于中重频(MPRF)模式的机载脉冲多普勒(PD)雷达,提出了一种视频杂波信号仿真方法.该方法基于计算出的杂波功率谱,按距离通道进行时域信号重构,能够保留各距离通道内频域信息.仿真结果表明,I/Q两路视频信号进行FFT后能够反映出距离-多普勒通道的杂波二维分布,适用于杂波相干视频仿真.  相似文献   

传统的平面近场诊断在通道测试时由于互耦,得到的检测值为所有通道叠加的结果,不利于单个通道信息的提取。为了去除互耦,提出了矢量旋转和近场口面诊断相结合的方法,理论上能实现对相控天线单个单元的幅度相位的检测。对该方法进行误差分析,得到了各个误差源对该方法的影响大小。通过实验验证,证明了该方法有效地减小了互耦影响,能提取单个通道的近场、远场信息,并能为相控阵天线通道校准和故障检测提供有效的手段。  相似文献   

同步数字传输技术商用后不断发展,已在传输网络中得到广泛的应用,采用该技术的网络承载的业务也在不断扩大,这必然要求更高的网络安全.本文详细介绍了同步数字体系(SDH)的环网保护的相关技术,在此基础上重点描述单向通道保护环的相关技术,并以SDH设备细建了单向通道保护环,分析了SDH单向通道保护环的实现原理和保护方案.  相似文献   

商业银行"外联网(Extranet)"是与不同单位间为了频繁交换业务信息,而基于电信运营商专线网络或其他公网设施构建的与其他单位间专用网络通道.商业银行外联网是与监管机构(人民银行、银监局)及其他业务合作单位(证券公司、保险公司、水务公司、电力公司等等)信息沟通的平台,是商业银行大力发展中间业务的基础.  相似文献   

通道相位不一致是影响测向精度的重要因素之一.提出了一种改进相位一致性校正技术.与传统测向校正技术不同,系统增加了一个自检源,通过实时校正解决了温度、振动等环境条件改变引入的相位不一致性误差.改进的相位一致性校正具有计算量小、工程易实现等特点,不需要重新生成静态校正表,同时也降低了微波通道一致性要求.试验计算分析表明,该校正技术是可行的,并已在实际工程中得到了广泛的应用.  相似文献   

2008年3月1日,俄罗斯设立了新的联邦主体——外贝加尔边疆区。该边疆区由赤塔州和阿加布里亚特自治区合并组成,位于欧亚大陆的中心地带、东西伯利亚东部,面积43.15万平方公里,人口约140万。区内西伯利亚大铁路和贝阿铁路横贯南北,沙皇时代铺设的通往中国的铁路成为中俄两国贸易的主要通道。20世纪90年代下半叶开通的外贝加尔国际汽车通关站是俄罗斯亚洲边境最大的通关站,满洲里一外贝加尔口岸是中俄最大的陆路运输口岸,中俄铁路在此接轨,  相似文献   

铁路运输通道客流的合理分配是制定通道内列车开行方案的基础。考虑到Logit模型在多方式运输通道预测客流分担率的广泛和成熟的使用,研究铁路运输通道内客运专线的竞争优势。以费率、出行时间、舒适性、安全性4个确定性指标和效用误差项构造了logit模型中旅客出行的效用函数。利用相关研究结果和极大似然估计法,确定了模型参数。最后以西安-兰州间铁路运输通道为例分析了该模型的应用。  相似文献   

超市收取通道费行为是否合理、是否应受到规制的问题已成为业界和学术界争论的焦点。通过对于超市业的实地调研,文章归纳了现实中的通道费模式,并指出该通道费模式与已有研究中的通道费设定有本质区别。在此基础上,文章分析了现实中通道费行为的经济学逻辑,得出了销量的不确定性是收取通道费的根本原因以及市场势力大、运营能力弱且不愿意承担风险的超市倾向于采取通道费模式的结论。最后,文章指出通道费模式本身作为一种正常的零售运营模式,不应直接纳入政府规制的范畴。  相似文献   

罗慰年 《光彩》2013,(9):55
我居住的小区大约是上世纪40年代建造的,至今已有70年的历史了.清一色的两层红砖小楼经过了70年的风雨,依然没有显得多旧.最近,小区的管理委员会在做一件工程——给砖缝抹上水泥.因为原来的水泥已经有些剥落,在剥落的缝里抹上水泥,看上去会焕然一新. 纽约的很多房子都有百年以上的历史.在曼哈顿下城唐人街街头可以见到很多屋子外墙上挂着铁楼梯——那是纽约市旧楼的防火逃生梯.因为大楼建设之初,纽约市还没有建配套逃生通道的规定,所以很多大楼至今没有逃生通道.  相似文献   

Power imbalance and the pattern of exchange in dyadic negotiation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We investigate how a key structural aspect of negotiation—power—combines with aspiration level to affect the interaction pattern of negotiators. Conflicting research findings have revealed that in most cases negotiators with anequal balance of power reach agreements of higher joint gain than negotiators with an unequal power balance, but in some instances the opposite result has been found. We suggest that it is important to consider the interaction between the negotiators to explain these varying findings. We propose that when unequal power negotiators are able to reach agreements of high joint gain it is due to the efforts of the low power party. In addition, we argue that the low power player will be most likely to drive the search for a solution of high joint gain when he or she also has high aspirations. We tested these proposals in a market negotiation with integrative potential. To examine the pattern of negotiation, all offers and counter-offers were written. The results indicated that overall, equal power dyads achieved higher joint outcomes than unequal power dyads. Under unequal power, the hypothesis that higher joint outcomes would be obtained when the low power player had high aspirations received partial support. In addition, support was found for the hypothesis that in unequal power dyads low power players would be responsible for driving solutions of higher joint gain.  相似文献   

A Learning-Based Theory of Joint Venture Life-Cycles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We provide a two period, learning-based model of joint venture formation and breakdown. We show that depending on parameter values different dynamic patterns emerge. If the rate of learning is low, then a joint venture forms in both the periods. If the rate of learning is large, then the outcome may either involve joint venture breakdown, or delayed joint venture formation.  相似文献   

This research examined how brand congruity in joint advertising affects individuals’ processing of advertising messages. An experiment was conducted whereby ads promoting two congruent or incongruent brands were presented to subjects under low versus high processing load. Results showed that advertising messages for congruent brands were better remembered under both high and low processing loads. However, ads with congruent brands led to positive attitudes only when subjects’ processing resources were constrained. These findings suggest congruent brands that appear in joint ads have a clear advantage over incongruent brands. The results have both practical and theoretical implications.  相似文献   

Considering the situation of low performance of joint ventures, a certain number of studies have concluded that there is a close relationship between the initial conditions of creation of joint ventures and their success or failure. Nevertheless, other explanatory factors can be identified through dynamic analysis of the joint venture. For this purpose, on the basis of the case of the Franco‐Brazilian Algar‐Bull joint venture in the information technology sector, from its creation in 1983 to its dissolution in 1998, the aim of our research is to study the influence of external evolution processes ( partners' adaptive strategies and changes in environmental constraints) on the success or failure of a joint venture. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Empirical studies in family economics usually rely on questionnaires, statistical data or panel data. Here we try to study experimentally some crucial aspects of engaging in a marriage. The female partner can end the relationship or suggest one of two forms of joint venture where more labor division makes her more exploitable by her partner. More specifically, the random profit of the joint venture is allocated by ultimatum bargaining in the case of a full engagement whereas marriage bargaining is procedurally fair in the case of a low engagement. Our treatment variables are her and his outside options representing different attitudes to investing in human capital.  相似文献   

多用户检测技术是第三代及未来移动通信系统的关键特征。分析了一些通用的算法,并介绍了一种可以用于下行链路的联合检测算法,可以在较低运算复杂度的情况下,提高终端的接收增益。  相似文献   

比较了几种用天青石生产碳酸锶(SrCO_3)生产工艺的特点,并介绍了转化法生产工艺的关键设备之一——卧式翻斗反应器的结构特点。  相似文献   

We investigate the role of (business) collateral and (personal) guarantees alongside small and medium enterprise (SME), lending bank and loan characteristics, macroeconomic conditions, sectors, and geographic locations while controlling for unobserved time effects in predicting default at the peak of the financial crisis. First, we find a positive relation between collateral and default, and a negative relation between guarantees and default. Second, we find a negative relation between the joint influence of collateral and high credit score, and a positive relation between the joint influence of collateral and low credit score and default. We also find a negative relation between the joint influence of guarantees and high credit score. These findings are relevant for SME policies aimed at facilitating access to credit, reducing the cost of borrowing, and decreasing default; risk management of banks; and the application of theories of financial economics in the context of a financial crisis.  相似文献   

国际金融危机对天然橡胶市场形成巨大冲击,天然橡胶价格深幅下调,短期内将维持低位震荡格局,但天然橡胶产业的独特性质和战略地位决定了天然橡胶市场的前景依然乐观。天然橡胶价格回归其长期趋势的调整期长短取决于国际橡胶联盟的协调行动以及中国宏观经济政策的成效。  相似文献   

作为非正交多址(Non-orthogonal Multiple Access,NOMA)技术之一,基于稀疏因子图的多载波低密度序列(Multi-carrier Low-density Signature,MC-LDS)技术由于其译码复杂度较低,可以与同样基于稀疏因子图的低密度奇偶校验码(Low Density Parity Check Code,LDPC)同时使用。MC-LDS技术的检测算法和LDPC 的译码算法都是基于稀疏因子图上的消息传递算法(Message Passing Algorithm,MPA),但现有研究中,对于MC-LDS和LDPC稀疏因子图的设计一般独立进行,得到的结果往往不是最优的。为此,提出一种将LDPC与MC-LDS稀疏因子图进行联合分析设计的方法,采用改进的渐进边增长(Progressive Edge Growth,PEG)方法,消除了MC-LDS与LDPC联合因子图中各自的因子图之间互相耦合导致的短环,构建了性能良好的联合稀疏因子图。仿真结果表明,对于不同的LDPC码长,所提方案获得了0.5~0.6 dB的性能增益。  相似文献   

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