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日前,由方正数码公司自主开发的FireGate方御防火墙系统率先通过了国家颁布制定的安全检测标准,同时也成为目前国内首家通过检测的包过滤防火墙产品。FireGate是一套全面、高性能的网络安全系统,它可以工作在网关和路由两种模式下。防火墙采用了3I(Intelligent IP Identifying)技术,高效防止DOS、DDOS及Synflood攻击。是具有封包过滤、代理服务、流量控制、入侵检测等功能的硬件包过滤防火墙产品。FireGate拥有非常完善的权限管理机制,科学地将防火墙的管理划分为管理员、策略员  相似文献   

ManTrap 1.6可以与包括AxentRaptor、CheckPoint FireWall-1以及Cisco PIX防火墙在内的基于代理的和状态检测(“智能”包过滤)防火墙相集成。将可疑的数据流通过基本Cisco IOS的路由命令传送到ManTrap也很容易。 ManTrap通过将可疑数据流改向传送到一个运行在ManTrap主机上的“笼子”来工作,就可以在这个笼子中捕获按键动作,记录攻击者的行为。这使你可以了解到系统应当采取哪些防御措施,同时它还提供了帮助你赢得一次审  相似文献   

实现防火墙的技术包括四大类:网络级防火墙(也叫包过滤型防火墙)、应用级网关、电路级网关和规则检查防火墙。 1、网络级防火墙一般是基于源地址和目标地址、应用或协议以及每个IP包的端口来作出通过与否的判断。一个路由器便是一个“传统”的网络级防火墙,大多数的路由器都能通过检查这些信息来决定是否将所收到的包转发,但它不能判断出一个IP包来自何方,去向何处。先进的网络级防火墙可以判断这一点,它可以提供内部信息以说朋所通过的连接状态和一些数据流的内容,把判断的信息同规则表进行比较,在规则表中定义了各种规则来表明是否同意或拒绝包的通过。包过滤防火墙检查每一条规则直至发现包中的信息与某规则相符。如果没有一条规则能符合,防火墙就会使用默认规则,一般情况下,默认规则  相似文献   

随着网络安全风验系数不断提高,曾经作为最主要的安全防范手段的防火墙,已经不能满足人们对网络安全的需求。作为对防火墙及其有益的补充,IDS(入侵检测系统)能够帮助网络系统快速发现攻击发生,它扩展了系统管理员的安全管理能力(包括安全审计、监视、进攻识别和响应),提高了信息安全基础结构的完整性。  相似文献   

防火墙和入侵检测系统的联动实现方式通常包括以下两种:一是通过开放接口实现联动,即防火墙或入侵检测系统产品开放一个接口供对方调用,按照一定的协议进行通信、传输警报。由于是两个系统的配合运作,所以重点考虑防火墙和入侵检测系统联动通信的安全性。二是紧密集成实现联动,即把入侵检测系统嵌入到防火墙中。但是,由于IDS本身非常庞大,所以无论是从实施过程还是合成后的整体性能上都有很大的难度。在防火墙和入侵检测系统所构筑的安全体系中,当入侵检测系统检测到入侵行为时,迅速启动联动机制,产生入侵报告,经过联动代理封装和加密发送给联动控制模块,从而达到抵御入侵的目的。  相似文献   

防火墙是企业网络安全问题的流行方案,即把公共数据和服务置于防火墙外,使其对防火墙内部资源的访问受到限制。而一个好的防火墙不但应该具备包括检查、认证、警告、记录的功能,并且能够为使用者可能遇到的困境,事先提出解决方案,如IP不足形成的IP转换的问题,信息加密/解密的问题,大企业要求能够透过Internet集中管理的问题等,是选择防火墙时必须考虑的重点。那么防火墙技术是经历了怎么样的生长过程才达到今天的状态呢?我们可以来看看防火墙发展的四个阶段。  相似文献   

oVirt(open Virtualization)即开源虚拟化管理平台,它是目前计算机领域影响力较大的开源桌面云系统,是未来桌面云的主要发展导向之一。虽然oVirt在虚拟生命周期管理、网络资源管理、存储资源管理等方面都拥有较为强大的功能模块,但它在网络安全管理方面却有所欠缺,缺乏较为成熟稳定的网络防火墙系统,这导致它的虚拟机可能随时处于不受控制状态并与外界网络进行数据交换,威胁系统及云环境网络安全。因此本文就针对该状况,结合oVirt自身环境特性,为oVirt设计一套基于云环境的防火墙系统,希望对其网络安全管理性能提升有所帮助。  相似文献   

防火墙(Fire Wall)成为近年来新兴的保护计算机网络安全技术性措施。它是采用综合的网络技术设置在被保护网络和外部网络之间的一道屏障,用以分隔被保护网络与外部网络系统防止发生不可预测的、潜在破坏性的侵入。它是不同网络或网络安全域之问信息的唯一出入口,象在两个网络之间设置了一道美卡,能根据企业的安全政策控制出入网络的信息流,防止非法信息流入被保护的网络内,且本身具有较强的抗攻击能力。它是提供信息安全服务,实现网络和信息安全的基础设施。本文主要是通过讲述防火墙的各种分类方法和形式让大家能认识和理解防火墙的相关技术,从而对防火墙的工作原理及其在选购时能在一定程度上起到一个事半功倍的作用。  相似文献   

商用网络在互联网上得以运行,首先应建立或使原有的网络升级为内部网,而专用的内部网与公用的互联网的隔离则有赖于防火墙技术。有了防火墙,两家们便可以比较安全地在互联网上进行相应的商业活动。 1、防火墙技术“防火墙”是一种形象的说法,其实它是一种由计算机硬件和软件的组合,使互联网与内部网之间建立起一个安全网关(scurity gateway),从而保护内部网免受非法用户的侵入。根据工作原理可以看出,所谓防火墙就是一个把互联网与内部网隔开的屏障。防火墙有两类,标准防火墙和双家网关。标准防火墙系统包括一个UNIX工作站,该工作站的两端各接一个路由器进行缓冲。其中一个路由器的接口是外部世界,即  相似文献   

互联网络的开放性和通信协议的安全缺陷,以及在网络环境中数据信息存储和对其访问与处理的分布性特点,往往使入侵者采取利用网络系统漏洞、通过电子邮件、加密解密算法、后门软件、拒绝服务等手法进行网络攻击。计算机用户应通过正确选用、合理配置防火墙,正确评估防火墙的失效状态,对防火墙进行动态维护等必要手段,建立有效的网络安全防范体系,以保证网络安全。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的多元化发展,股份制商业银行越来越多,而中小型商业银行的迅速发展也造成了一些风险问题。烟台银行做为一家股份制商业银行,在2008年到2012年屡次出现管理层利用职务之便以权谋私的操作风险大案。主要原因在于烟台银行没有将操作风险作为风险管理的重点,岗位设置缺乏制约;没有严格的管理和执行制度,缺乏对交易的审核和披露等。我国中小型商业银行应加快提高银行对操作风险防控的意识,完善银行的内控管理;加强公司治理,审批负责人互相牵制;加大操作风险的科技投入,加快落实重要岗位轮岗制度,增强社会监督的作用。  相似文献   

Mobile technologies are increasingly adopted by information intensive organizations such as public police corporations to support the tasks of its employees, for information management and innovation. However, because police organizations are government organizations, technology decisions are largely made by managers and politicians with budget being a key factor. Therefore, whether the technologies adopted are suitable for police tasks, and if they enhance performance, is generally not assessed. The aim of this research is to establish if mobile technologies support police tasks, and if Tablet PCs especially are suitable for specialist police tasks of the Criminal Investigators and Sexual Offence and Child Abuse Units. Guided by an interpretive paradigm and the theory of task technology fit, this research explores the use of Tablet PCs by the two police units for improved performance. Because information is critical for police tasks, data collected via focus groups establishes the impact of these technologies on case investigations, information management, and the performance of these units with the use of Tablet PCs. The contribution this study makes to mobile information systems is that if technology dimensions are suitable for information based tasks, the outcome is virtualization of processes through which improved performance is achieved due to reduced costs, transparency, teamwork, and quick and informed decisions. The findings of this research can be used by police organizations, as well as by other organizations, for effective implementation of mobile technologies.  相似文献   

Today's business success to a great extent depends on logistics and supply chain performance. The role of logistics has never been as critical as it is today. This paper identifies a series of market trends and technological advances which are likely to affect Croatian retail logistics over the next 10–15 years. The results of the study conducted on the sample of Croatian retailing managers reveal that Croatian retailers have not yet recognized the importance of new logistics technology and that they do not use them sufficiently. Although retail sector is facing significant pressures to offer high level of service, knowledge and skills of their employees and to reduce cost as well, Croatian retailers do not see the opportunity of Internet based technologies to improve the knowledge of their employees as the most important source of the company. They use some Internet technologies mostly in advertising, the process of ordering and all transactions with suppliers, and the communication with other business entities.  相似文献   

This study examines the technological investments that retail managers must effectively manage in conjunction with supplier partners to reap superior gains. Today retailers are warming up to the benefits of implementing partnering technologies that provide them with much needed informational and relational resource linkages. This study supports the importance of effective management of supply chain technologies from a retail perspective. Ultimately, this study calls for retail managers and researchers to embrace partner based technology harnessing informational and relational resources that drive overall performance — even more so if they are ready to implement technology.  相似文献   

毫米波通信和大规模多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)技术是5G的关键候选技术,在提高5G系统各项性能指标上潜力巨大。混合波束成形作为毫米波大规模MIMO系统中的关键点,能在系统性能和实现复杂度上取得较好平衡,受到业界和学术界广泛关注。首先给出了混合波束成形经典系统模型和常用信道模型,根据信道状态信息获取方式的不同,从基于理想信道条件和基于波束配对两个方面分析和归纳了现有的混合波束成形方案,最后指出了混合波束成形未来发展趋势以及尚未解决的难点。  相似文献   

This paper aims to understand the impacts of technology adoption on small independent food retailers in Portugal. Based on primary data, perceptions of the impacts were related to types of technology and retailer‐specific characteristics. Although technologies for managing customer relationships are the most frequently adopted, there is no empirical evidence that they yield strong perceived impacts on firms' performance. The complexity and novelty of such technologies seems to require time for firms and workers to become proficient in their use, and hence to generate perceived impacts on firms' performance.  相似文献   

MPLS是目前Internet核心网上最看好的技术,基于Crossbar的高速交换技术的发展也很快,但是如何实现2种技术的有机结合以到达最优的性能却有一系列问题需要考虑。本文结合某MPLS路由器的设计项目,综合考虑了当前MPLS的标准以及有关交换结构的最新技术,对实现MPLS交换路由器进行了深入研究,并详细探讨了高速接口、排除和调度以及Crossbar等关键模块的设计和实现方案。  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of acquiring similar or complementary technologies on the innovation performance of Chinese multinationals’ strategic asset-seeking M&As in the EU, and whether such impact is contingent upon firm-level and region-level technological gaps. Results show that technological complementarity enhances Chinese multinationals’ innovation performance. Firm-level technological gaps have a positive moderating effect for both complementary and similar technologies. Region-level gaps enhance innovation when Chinese firms acquire similar technologies, but they undermine the positive impact of technological complementarity on innovation performance. We advance understanding of Chinese MNEs’ learning scope and strategic intents in their strategic asset-seeking M&As.  相似文献   

Increasing diffusion of self-service technologies (SSTs) on the points of sale impacts on traditional retailing from several perspectives. For instance, SSTs have direct effect on front-line employees. Indeed, they may cause a potential reduction in personal contacts with clients, reduction of workers, modifying the job conditions and so on. To date, the effect of SSTs on the points of sale has been mainly investigated from a consumers׳ perspective, by mainly focusing on consumers׳ acceptance and usage of these systems. The aim of this paper is to make employees׳ point of view clearly emerge, through a qualitative approach focusing on the investigation of employees׳ perception of the consequences of these technologies on job performance. The content analysis based on exploratory in-depth interviews involves 250 frontline employees. Authors examine the success of technology from employee׳s standpoint by evaluating their attitude and considering the impact on their job performance perception. In this way, the analysis allows defining new variables which are not previously investigated, such as the perception of speed for task completion, which emerged as the most important factor for employees׳ self-evaluation. Hence, this study offers support for evaluating job performance considering the specific case of SSTs in the frontline employees as initial insights rather than definitive understandings.  相似文献   

Energy‐efficient technologies are not just objects that might enable households to carry out more sustainable practices; they are tools, and using them effectively requires certain skills and knowledge. Households' difficulties in handling home heating and hot water technologies in particular have been highlighted as an obstacle to meeting energy conservation objectives. This has given rise to calls for improved support based on how the households define their activities and handle these technologies. By deploying a socio‐cultural theory of learning and using in‐depth interviews with households that have recently purchased renewable heating systems, this paper examines various situations in which people have learnt to use the technologies, and it discusses lessons learnt that may be useful for developing support. The results demonstrate three common learning approaches and identify situations where the learning process runs smoothly and where it does not. The conclusions suggest strategies for helping households overcome the resistance embedded in the interaction with the technologies, and they highlight the importance, when developing support, of starting with what creates meaning in various situations.  相似文献   

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