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李晨 《中国电子商务》2010,(3):174-174,173
随着互联网络的发展,IPv4的不足之处逐渐显现出来,如地址空间危机、安全性差和服务质量不高等,IPv6协议是为解决IPv4协议的不足而提出来的。通过介绍IPv6协议,然后从IPv4和IPv6的表示方法、报头首部、地址类型、安全策略以及地址解析等方面进行比较,并说明IPv6的优势。  相似文献   

李珊 《电子商务》2005,(4):72-73
你对这一代互联网还不满意?那么,准备好,新一代网络它来了我们正在使用的互联网是在IPv4协议的基础上运行的,而IPv6是下一版本的互联网协议。目前,随着互联网的迅速发展,可以预见地,IPv4定义的有限地址空间将被耗尽,地址空间的不足必将影响互联网的进一步发展。为了扩大地址空间,拟通过IPv6重新定义地址空间。IPv4采用32位地址长度,只有大约43亿个地址,估计在2005~2010年间将被分配完毕,而IPv6采用128位地址长度,几乎可以不受限制地提供地址。按保守方法估算IPv6实际可分配的地址,整个地球每平方米面积上可分配1000多个地址。在IPv6…  相似文献   

为了具体阐述IPv6的具体内容和特点,以及它与IPv4之间的主要差别,本文将从地址机制、服务质量和网络安全性等方面对IPv6协议进行较深入的分析,从中可以看到IPv6能较好地解决IPv4所面临的主要问题,将进一步推动互联网的发展。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了有关IPv6互联网的网络地址结构及其管理机制。与现行的IPv4地址相比,IPv6在地址的长度、分类方法、表示方法和类型等方面均不同相同。它可有效地解决IP地址枯竭与路由效率低下的问题,同时具有地址聚类性、多播性、任播性和接口多址性等特点;而在IPv6地址管理方面则采用层次化路由选择策略,支持QoS路由协议,将地址解析通过领导发现协议来实现,新增了无态地址的自动配置,使得网络地址的重新编号变得更加简单快速。最后通过模拟仿真的方法,进一步分析说明了IPv6网络的性能。  相似文献   

下一代电子商务的网络核心协议就是IPv6,在IPV4地址大量匮乏的情况下,而企业尤其是电子商务企业、电信运营商、终端用户对IP地址大量需求的情况下,IPv4过渡到IPv6势在必行。本文分析了IPv6协议,并给出企业客户部署IPv6的配置方案,并对技术发展趋势作一个展望。  相似文献   

2011年4月,APNIC停止了受理申请新的IPv4资源,全球IPv4地址逐渐分发完毕。从国内的电信运营商角度来说,由于宽带业务一直是中国电信的一项重要的拳头产品,还处在不断地发展的过程当中,而IPv4地址不足的现状,使得电信运营商必须考虑尽快地在现网中布署IPv6,以解决互联网IP地址资源不足的问题。  相似文献   

近年来随着Internet呈指数级的飞速发展,导致IPv4的地址空间面临几近耗竭的窘境。而在ipv4的基础上,现有技术并不可能从根本上解决IP地址匮乏问题。随着联网设备数量的急剧增加,全球网络通信领域特别是中国、印度等现有独立IP地址极端缺乏,从而无法针对独立IP地址进行相应的应用开发以及安全设置,严重影响了信息化建设的进程,寻求新的技术突破已成当务之急。 IPv6是由IETF设计的下一代互联网协议,目的正是取代现有的互联网协议第四版(IPv4)。IPv6最明显的优势是拥有巨大的地址容量,几乎有可能给全球所有电子装置都分配一个互联网地址,并在路由和网络自动配置等安全性上进行了重大改进。于是有人将IPv6取代IPv4的技术历程称为“第二次IP战争”,这次战争的着力点无疑就是  相似文献   

随着Internet的飞快发展,IPv4地址空间的逐渐耗尽,IPv6网络协议作为下一代网络协议,取代IPv4已经成为了必然趋势。但IPv6并没有彻底地解决IPv4网络中存在的各种安全问题。相反的,IPv6引入的一些新特性还给网络带来了一些新的安全隐患。  相似文献   

随着Internet技术的迅猛发展和规模的不断扩大,IPv4面临着地址资源短缺.而校园同规模不断扩大,业务流量不断增加,怎样减少内网IP地址冲突、提高网络利用率,保证校园网的安全性等变得越来越重要.因此,在校园网的进一步建设中应该充分考虑如何更好地利用IPv6的技术.本文讲述了IPv4到IPv6网络的平滑过渡技术.提出了基于IPv6的校园网方案设计.  相似文献   

新一代互联网协议IPv6正式启动6月6日,新一代因特网协议IPv6正式启动。包括Google、微软Bing、Yahoo、Facebook及华纳等主要ISP及网站都将开启其网站的IPv6功能。同期,由中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发起的IPv6开放交换和应用验证中心正式宣布成立。该中心旨在提供免费的IPv6试验性接入、应用验证环境以及IPv6技术咨询与培训服务。据统计,现行版本的IPv4协议只能提供约40亿个地址,IPv6协议能够提供近乎无限的地址数:340兆兆兆个。由于IPv6技术可以提供高速、稳定的网络支撑,未来所有的电子产品、家电、移动终端、工业传感器、自动售货机、汽车等都能实现实时在线地址,这将为物联网应用提供良好的网络环境。  相似文献   

This study addresses the role of business networking and commitment to local market when MNCs enter an emerging market. We investigate the reasons for variations in the speed of MNCs’ foreign market entry. Particularly, we examine whether MNCs’ networking with the key local actors facilitates MNCs’ entry and whether learning and commitment in the context of networking affects the speed of MNCs’ entry process in the Chinese automobile market. The study is based on the experiences of three MNCs, a U.S.-based firm, a European firm, and a Korean firm. Data is collected through in-depth interviews and through secondary sources related to the entry process of these cases. The cases illustrate that speed of foreign market entry is significantly influenced by business networking between MNCs and the key business and socio-political actors, since different types of business networking determine the level of learning and commitment. Our cases also show that the effects of business networking generated during the initial foreign market entry by the MNC may be different than those during sequential entries.  相似文献   

邵明伟 《北方经贸》2010,(11):14-17
面对当前农村劳动力转移给农业发展带来的挑内在因素,是变迁主要力量。改革以来,河南粮食生产核心区农业经营技术条件变迁,主要是一场由追求潜在获利机会而对技术需求引发的诱致性变迁过程。随战和机遇,转换农业经营技术条件对发展现代农业尤其重要。诱致性技术变迁强调,资源禀赋和市场需求等市场体系建立,有利于推进诱致性变迁因素也逐渐被强化。因此,目前和将来,该区农业经营技术条件选择目标模式定位不能简单根据理论推演,必须结合其实际,遵循诱致性轨迹,注重过渡模式。  相似文献   

硬件可扩展性和高效的性能一直以来是高速交换核心设计中的一对矛盾。文中在总结高速交换核心关键技术之后,提出了一种基于iRGRR算法的高速交换核心,它具有硬件实现简单、可扩展性强、性能优良等特点,大大缓解了上述矛盾。该交换核心能够提供服务质量保证,支持IP分组调度。可应用于太比特路由器中。文中还简要分析了该交换核心的性能,并给出了硬件设计方案。  相似文献   

This article addresses greenfield entry strategy of multinational enterprises in emerging markets by analyzing the influences of formal and informal institutional distance as well as international trade freedom. The empirical analysis is based on a sample of 263 greenfield market entries in manufacturing sector undertaken by Finnish firms during 1990–2013. The study results revealed that high formal and informal institutional distances led to the preference of greenfield JVs. The study also found that high level of international trade freedom moderates the influences of formal and informal institutional distances on greenfield entry strategy.  相似文献   


This article addresses the key determinants of acquisition entry strategy (i.e., the choice between full versus partial acquisition) of Nordic multinational enterprises (MNEs) in China. Although general establishment and entry mode strategies have been a highly researched area in international business studies, acquisitions as a specific entry strategy and its different aspects have been scarcely researched. Therefore, the current study aims to fill the gap in literature by analyzing determinants of acquisition entry strategy based on three important theoretical bases: transaction cost economics, resource-based view, and institutional theory. Our study is one of the first to analyze acquisition entry strategy of MNEs from all four Nordic economies (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden) in China during 1987 through 2012, and this unique empirical context adds further value to the study findings. The empirical results show that high target country experience, high cultural distance, high level of product diversification, and subsidiary location in institutionally developed and open cities of China were positively associated with choice of full acquisitions by Nordic MNEs. On the other hand, high industry research and development intensity and timing of acquisition led to the choice of partial acquisitions by the investing Nordic MNEs.  相似文献   

The role of market orientation as an antecedent of new product performance has been extensively documented in the literature. What is less clear, however, is how firms should make use of their market orientation under different market conditions. This study addresses this question by investigating how market orientation leads to superior new product performance for products that enter the market at different times. In particular, the study examines the moderating effect of order of market entry on the mediated relationship between market orientation and new product performance via product quality and innovation speed. Data from a sample of 244 new product development projects show that a firm's market orientation can improve the performance of first-to-market products and late entrants by facilitating the development of quality products, whereas it can improve the performance of early entrants by facilitating greater innovation speed.  相似文献   

分段跟踪识别器(STI)解决的是机动目标相邻运动模式切换时刻判定和运动模式参数辨识互相耦合的问题,这种非贝叶斯的方法不需要先验给定目标的运动模型集与模型之间的转移概率。STI在设计性能指标时主要存在以下两个问题:一是仅考虑目标位置与航向角连续性,特征量不完备;二是各连续性指标权重先验给定,缺乏设计准则。为此,提出了STI的多特征加权指标设计方法。首先,引入了速度连续性指标,改善了目标运动模式提取时特征量的完备性;然后,基于各指标的协方差矩阵对其权重分别进行了设计,消除了各指标量纲的影响。仿真结果表明,与STI相比,新提出的方法运行速度快,目标运动模式误切换次数与切换时延明显下降,目标位置与角速度估计精度也有所提升。  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速发展和网络规模的急剧膨胀,构建新一代的IPv6网络和研制高性能的IPv6路由器成为IP网建设的当务之急。本文在对基于Linux操作系统的IPv6协议栈分析的基础上,重点讨论了IPv6协议栈在高性能IPv6路由器中的实现,并针对高性能IPv6路由器中邻居发现协议(NeighborDiscovery, ND)在主控上实现时带来的链路层地址解析问题提出了解决方案。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to provide a review of scholarly articles that have examined retail internationalization issues. We identify three core areas within RI research: (1) RI drivers and impediments, (2) RI strategy, and (3) RI performance. We also discuss four RI strategy issues that have been examined: (1) RI speed, (2) Foreign market selection, (3) Foreign entry mode, and (4) Strategy employed. Based on the review, we point to multiple areas where RI research is lacking and can contribute to the advancement of the field as well as offer insightful implications for international retail managers.  相似文献   

经济全球化条件下我国对外贸易形势及其预期   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,加入世贸组织后,我国已经成为亚洲地区其他国家的主要出口目的地,在地区产业分工中扮演着核心的角色.同时也面临着众多的挑战,需要深入研究,调整对外贸易的发展思路和政策,尽快完成产业结构调整,采取强有力措施促使沿海出口的生产基地逐步形成产业聚集,提高技术水平和企业竞争力,实现国内企业在加工贸易范围内的升级换代;更加积极地参与区域性的金融、贸易和经济合作;继续成功地执行"入世"承诺;审慎对待汇率调整政策.  相似文献   

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