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本文根据市场需要,提出了通过手持发射机遥控LFED广告牌的新方案,分析了图像点阵抽取和移动算法、信源编码译码、高频发射接收、单片机控制及馈电系统等关键技术。  相似文献   

对外汉字教学是对外汉语教育事业一直以来的难点,本文在对现今的对外汉字教学状况作出简要的分析后,根据“字本位”理论,浅析怎样用“字本位”来改善汉字教学的难点,缓和汉字教学的处境。  相似文献   

隋唐时期,中日交往密切,大量的日本来华留学生,将先进的中华文明,包括汉语及汉字带到了日本,结束了日本古代有语言而无文字的历史。可以说,两国文字之间存在着根深蒂固的必然联系,为中国人学习日语提供了得天独厚的优越条件。然而,在教学过程中笔者发现许多日语初学者在学习中常常望文生义,根据中国人的语言习惯来解读日语中的汉字,步入了思维陷阱。笔者在这里不准备过多地讲解二者意义完全相同的汉字,而在这里主要谈一谈相同的日语汉字与汉语汉字的含义区别。为了加以区分,现对两国的汉字做一下命名,即将汉语汉字仍称为“汉字”,将日语汉字称为“漠字”。  相似文献   

张园 《广告大观》2005,(3):66-71
新年伊始,多芬公司便马不停蹄地拉开了2005年的广告宣传攻势。一块为其最新紧肤产品宣传的69英尺高的广告牌树起在美国纽约的时代广场边。不过令人些许诧异的是,这块广告牌上不是性感迷人、年轻美丽的名模,也不是知名艺人,而是一位95岁高龄的、满脸皱纹、皮肤黝黑的老妇人艾琳的照片,广告问道:是满脸皱纹还是非常精神(wrinkled or wonderful)?广告牌上还有电子装置显示对这个问题的即时投票结果。  相似文献   

针对自带字库的液晶模块价格较贵的特点,在ARM 9硬件平台上,通过字模提取软件将汉字转化成可以在TFT_LCD屏上显示的汉字代码——字模,并将汉字代码以数组的形式保存在应用程序当中,从而实现了TFT_LCD的非完整字库汉字显示.介绍了TFT_LCD的工作原理和如何在 ARM9中加载非完整汉字库的过程,并给出了应用程序代码.  相似文献   

由于全拼输入法输入速度较慢,用的已经不多了。但它还是有利用价值的,看了下面的两个应用就会知道。 1、在文本编辑过程中有时需要输入汉字的偏旁部首,虽然用五笔输入法很容易就能做到,但如果系统中没有五笔输入法又该怎么办呢?你可以采用以下步骤:首先选择全拼输入法,接着输入“pianpang”,这时你就会发现一些汉字的偏旁部首出现了!如果发现自己需要的偏旁不在当前的显示窗口中,可以通过单击切换符号来进行前后换页,直到找到你需要的偏旁出现为止。 2、使用五笔字型输入的朋友可能都有这样的体验,某些字很难拆分,怎么也打不出来,虽然可以用其他输入法把这个字输入成功,但这个没有拆分出  相似文献   

“囧”是什么?它是一个汉字,“囧”字在《康熙字典》里也有显示,读音Jiong。“囧”的本义是“光明”的意思。但就是这样一个字现在被赋予更多的意义,并发展成为一种奇特的网络文化。  相似文献   

"2010年快过完了。如果将这一年里的人与事凝固成最真切的记忆,你会选择哪个汉字来描述?"在某论坛发起的2010年度汉字评选活动中,由网友来投票海选心目中最真切的感受。其中,"涨"字以绝对优势力从265个入选汉字中脱颖而出,成为2010年年度汉字。年度汉字评选,是使用汉字地区的一项评选活动,多见于中国与日本。各地民众根据一  相似文献   

王婷 《商》2014,(48):251-251
近年来对外汉语教学不断发展,而汉字教学作为对外汉语教学的组成部分,在对外汉语教学中发挥着重要的作用,并且是对外汉语教学中一大难.最。那么如何教,怎样教好汉字成为备受关注问题。从汉字的本体出发针对难学的汉字“因字施教”,对于不同的汉字运用不同的教学方法,使学生更容易理解和掌握。  相似文献   

在“系列一”中主要统计了京、沪、穗三地户外广告大类分布排行情况,在本篇,从三地小类的分布进行深入分析。一、碳酸饮料实至明归,水饮料成为新宠从图中数据显示,碳酸饮料以1011块广告牌居京、沪、穗三地户外广告牌数小类排行之类,占三地户外广告饮料大类总牌数的63%。在京、沪、穗三地饮料大类中,碳酸饮料也是处于小类第一的位置。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2023,99(1):17-25
Prior work has shown that evaluations may be lower when retail price discounts are either small or large (vs. moderate), due to concerns about discount depth perceptions and/or product quality. Building from work on perceptual salience, we show that displaying the sale price in larger (vs. similar) font vis-à-vis the regular price makes the sale price more “salient”. In turn, when retail price discounts are either small or large (but, not moderate), such salience impacts how consumers process price discount information, mitigating concerns relating to discount depth perceptions and/or product quality, and so increasing evaluations. In effect, displaying the sale price using a relatively larger font increases consumers’ evaluations, somewhat mitigating the negative aspects of using small or large price discounts. We propose theory contributions towards research on display effects and pricing. Further, the proposed mechanism in this research note is easy-to-implement, and is expected to increase sales.  相似文献   

信息技术的掌握和运用离不开录入技术的支持.对于中国人来说,掌握汉字输入技术是运用电子计算机技术对信息进行搜集、处理、存贮、交流和利用的先决条件.对于职业教育中学生汉字录入的水平也被提到了较高的标准,五笔字型输入方法,是必备的一项技能,本论文从以下几方面对五笔字型的教学方法做了相应的阐述.  相似文献   

This article explores media preferences of advertisers in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) using the case of Ethiopia. Study 1 demonstrates that billboards are the most popular medium in an LDC. Study 2 builds on these findings and provides an explanation of why billboards are prevalent in an LDC. The most important reasons for using billboards include tangible response, media efficiency, location, visibility, and LDC-specific factors. Study 2 also provides an overview of managers’ beliefs regarding billboard effectiveness. According to the managers in an LDC, the factors contributing to billboard effectiveness are clarity, name identification, location of billboard, visuals, readability, information, physical aspects, creativity, and integrated marketing communications. Finally, this article investigates the relationship between the reasons for using billboards and managers’ perceptions of what makes them effective. Overall, these studies fill a void in the literature by researching issues that were less explored by earlier studies, particularly in the context of an LDC. Implications for marketing scholars and practitioners are delineated in the article.  相似文献   

Generally, preference toward an advertising media is judged by company-driven effectiveness assessment parameters such as reach, frequency, sales and return on investment. This paper, on the other hand, by using structural equation modeling offers a three-dimensional 20-item ‘media effectiveness assessment model’ based on the quantitative judgment of young consumers. After that the preferences of male and female consumers toward seven different media with respect to the assessment criteria of the model have been captured and compared. Item-wise results of the study show that radio received highest priority by male consumers, whereas, TV and newspaper are the second priority. Female respondents on the other hand put highest preference toward magazine followed by radio. Popularity of radio among young consumers is noticeable. Dimension-wise comparisons revealed that men and women consumers preferred radio and billboard, respectively as the best media for ‘customization’ ability. However, for advertisement ‘positioning’ men and women prioritized TV and magazine, respectively. Finally, billboard and radio were found to be most ‘interactive’ as opined by male and female, respectively. The methodology of this study is based on 783 samples collected from the young executives (both male and female) of Bangladesh during September–November, 2014.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether creativity is sufficient by itself to attract attention to the ad space or whether the ad must also be conspicuous. Attention to the ad is an important driver of message processing that leads to favourable advertising effectiveness outcomes, such as improved memory for the brand. To provide insight on this, we conducted a field study of billboard advertising along an urban expressway to explore the variables that affect recognition of outdoor advertising. Using a computational neuroscience software program, we find evidence for the presence of an attention capture threshold. That is, creativity's message processing promoting strategy only improves memory when billboards cross a threshold, i.e., when the ads are at a sufficient level of conspicuity within an individual's visual field. This threshold represents a boundary condition for creativity and provides evidence that attention must first be captured in some contexts before creativity increases the memory for brands in advertising. Results also show that billboard size, visual saliency, and brand familiarity increase recognition rates.  相似文献   

计算机网络的安全已是信息社会所关注的热点,网络安全性已成为众多科技人员研究的目标和方向。本文着重论述在Windows98/NT平台上基于TCP/IP协议的网络安全系统的建立,分析了网络数据通信和网络安全的实现手段。  相似文献   

In recent years, bilateral investment between China and Canada has become more and more active. According to the report on overseas investment ot Chinese enterprises released by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) at the 4th Chinese Enterprise Outbound Investment Conference,  相似文献   

转注既非用字法,更非造字法,而是对于一种文字关系的揭示。转注当是指:彼字由此字之形体转生.彼字之意义包含于此字之中,彼字之读音近乎此字。  相似文献   

在三星堆地区出土的玉(石)器上发现了指南针及“东、西、南、北”四个方位字。其中,指南针是玉(石)的,不会转动,是象征性的,可能当时已有会转动的实物。这一发现,把中国指南针的发现史推到了伏羲时代,而其上的“东”、“西”、“南”、“北”四个方位字的发现,更显现出在上古时代我们祖先对空间的认识,这些古文字比甲骨文更早,那种认为甲骨文是中国文字的“顶峰”的观点是错误的。由此可推断,中国文字的发展史至少在万年或万年以上。  相似文献   

古籍电子化是一个非常复杂的跨学科问题。网上《千字文》中的种种错别字现象,反映出当前古籍电子化产品用字问题的严重性。必须引起高度重视,认真分析原因,采取相应措施。应遵守国家现有的语文政策,建立健全必要的规章制度,科学管理,千方百计,努力提高古籍电子化产品的用字水平,使国家通用语言文字在社会生活中更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

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