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本文介绍了Turbo码中迭代译码的两种新的迭代终止准则,并通过仿真研究了这两种迭代终止准则的性能。这两种迭代终止准则都是基于互熵(CE)的概念,但是后一种比CE准则更简单,具有更低的计算复杂度。  相似文献   

本文在介绍Turbo码基本结构的基础上 ,阐述了MAP算法的译码机理 ,在此基础上分析了在对数域中的 2种MAP算法 :Max -Log -MAP算法和Log -MAP算法 ,最后通过仿真对它们进行了性能上的模拟和比较。  相似文献   

提出了Turbo乘积码的并行迭代译码原理,对比分析了一种新的并行迭代译码器和传统的串行译码器,给出了以扩展汉明码(32,26,4)、(64,57,4)为子码的二维Turbo乘积码(32,26,4)。、(64,57,4)。在通过两种不同的译码器时的仿真结果。仿真结果表明,采取并行迭代译码器,在保持同样的译码性能的同时降低了译码延时。  相似文献   

双二元卷积Turbo码(DB CTC)的非二进制编码使得译码复杂度增加,限制了其在某些实际通信工程中的使用。在最大后验概率(MAP)译码算法的基础上,提出了一种优化算法,将译码的存储量和计算量降为原来的1/4。仿真结果表明:在不同编码长度和码率的情况下,优化算法与原算法性能相当;在误码率为10-5的条件下,两者的Eb/N0差异同样不大于0.1 dB。  相似文献   

针对置信传播(Belief Propagation,BP)译码算法在迭代次数较多时吞吐量和译码时延性能提升受限的问题,提出了一种低迭代次数的极化码BP译码算法,通过采用比特翻转和子信道冻结的方式,降低译码过程中的迭代次数。仿真结果表明,相对于传统极化码BP译码算法(设置最大迭代次数为40次),所提算法在信噪比为3 dB时可将平均迭代次数减少约53%,处理单元平均计算次数减少约68%。该算法所带来的低时延和低功耗效益可运用在对功耗要求较高的大规模机器类型通信,以及对时延要求较高的超可靠低延迟通信等5G场景下的极化码译码中。  相似文献   

对Turbo码译码算法进行了综述,包括SOVA、MAP、LOG-MAP、MAX-LOG-MAP等算法,并对这几种算法进行了比较。同时根据近年来对Turbo码译码算法的研究,对几种新的译码算法进行了介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

为了在EPON中应用GF(256)标准RS码对信息帧长大于255位的信息流进行编码,并提高RS码的编码增益,提出了一种新的缩短RS码的编译码方案。该方案通过两个缩短RS码的交叠编码和互相迭代译码,可以提高编译码增益。RS码BM硬判决译码和chase软判决译码的计算机仿真表明,该方案对缩短RS码的软硬判决译码性能都有明显提高。  相似文献   

针对双二进制Turbo译码使用并行、滑动窗联合译码技术时,其咬尾的编码构造和窗分割导致边界状态值难以获取的问题,提出了一种新咬尾Turbo码并行、滑动窗译码方案——扩展交叠方案。该方案采用了边界状态盲估计和滑动窗状态回溯两种新译码技术。相比于传统的边界状态度量传播方法(又称迭代法),新方法一方面提高了边界状态度量的准确性,从而加快了译码收敛速度,一定程度上减小了高信噪比下的性能损失;另一方面避免了存储前一次译码的迭代度量值,更有利于硬件设计。仿真表明,新方案在64左右的中等窗长下即可消除并行和滑动窗影响,逼近原始无并行无滑动窗译码的性能,且窗长越小,其相较传统迭代法带来的译码性能增益就越明显。该方案具有较好的实用性和应用价值,可以满足5G的高速率、低时延和低存储的数据传输要求。  相似文献   

针对Turbo码全并行译码算法译码迭代次数多、硬件消耗大的问题,提出了一种基于RADIX-4的改进译码算法。将译码算法中状态转移图的相邻两步状态合并为一步计算,译码时以“比特对”的形式操作进行迭代。在保留译码最大并行度同时,译码计算单元使用量减少一半,显著降低了Turbo码全并行译码算法的运算复杂度和存储开销。仿真结果表明,在相同迭代次数条件下,该方法的译码性能较全并行译码算法平均提高约0.5 dB。  相似文献   

约束Turbo译码方法的编码方案是由Turbo码及错误检测码级联而成.该译码方法可以降低Turbo译码的复杂度,同时可以节省译码时间.遗憾的是,由于不正确包满足校验检测导致错误信息的传播,在中低信噪比时,译码性能有所降低.为了减小此类错误包的出现,文中采用不等长包构成一个长帧,在迭代之初,仅对短包进行检测,当不满足校验的短包数量小于给定值时,才对长包进行检测.仿真结果表明,文中给出的方案有效地减小了错误检测的包的数量,在中低信噪比下,译码性能也得到了提高.  相似文献   

Toward an understanding of cross-cultural ethics: A tentative model   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
In an increasingly global environment, managers face a dilemma when selecting and applying moral values to decisions in cross-cultural settings. While moral values may be similar across cultures (either in different countries or among people within a single country), their application (or ethics) to specific situations may vary. Ethics is the systematic application of moral principles to concrete problems.This paper addresses the cross-cultural ethical dilemma, proposes a tentative model for conceptualizing cross-cultural ethics, and suggests some ways in which the model may be tested and operationalized.William A. Wines is Professor of Legal Environment and Business Ethics in the Management Department, College of Business, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, USA. His research interests include business ethics, employment law, and public sector collective bargaining.Nancy K. Napier is Professor of Management and Chairman of the Management Department, College of Business, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, USA. Her research interests include international business, mergers and acquisitions, and human resource management.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that five-year-olds would be more easily persuaded than eight-year-olds to prefer certain toys after viewing ads for these toys. Forty kindergarteners and forty third graders viewed either a control commerical or an ad for a toy they had ranked fourth out of a group of seven toys shown to them in a preference task. After viewing, they repeated the preference task. The dependent variable was the post viewing rank of the toy that had been ranked fourth prior to viewing. Analysis of variance revealed only a significant grade by viewing condition interaction in which the older children liked the toy significantly better if they had viewed a commercial for it. Younger children showed no significant viewing effects. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for cognitive variables which may be responsible for the age differences in the effects of exposure to television commercials.  相似文献   

This paper examines the developments in the field of career management in a cross-national comparative context. It investigates a wide range of career practices via two large-scale surveys in 108 Indian and 194 British organisations. The influence of a number of organisational characteristics on career practices is analysed. The study has identified a number of similarities as well as differences in the career management systems of firms operating in both India and Britain. Theoretical and managerial implications for the fields of careers and international HRM are discussed.  相似文献   

Although there are some instances of prior research on the relationship between attitude and purchase intention for environmentally sustainable products, literature is scant about mediating role of attitude on the relationship between environmental knowledge and purchase intention for environmentally sustainable products. Following the theory of planned behaviour, this study develops and tests a conceptual framework, which provides several insights. First, the attitude towards environmentally sustainable products mediates the relationship between environmental knowledge and purchase intention. Next, this mediated relationship is moderated by the environmental knowledge. Third, the subjective norm is not significantly related to the purchase intention - contrary to established findings - in a collectivistic culture considered in this study. And last but not the least, the direction of subjective norm as a moderator on relationship between environmental knowledge and attitude is not supported. The findings of this study offer some important guidance for marketing theory, retailing practices for environmentally sustainable products and public policy.  相似文献   

对政府管理部门的政策建议一、顺应经济全球化和入世的要求,加快转变政府管理经济的方式扑面而来的经济全球化大潮和我国加入WTO的承诺,对政府现行管理体制、职能和管理经济的方式提出的挑战要远大于经济领域,要求政府改革的迫切性也更甚于企业。首先,经济全球化已成为世界经济发展的重要趋势,它要求商品、服务、生产要素  相似文献   

One of the major entrepreneurial challenges faced by scaling firms involves changing their internal organization. Our study focuses on a particular aspect of internal organizing—namely, how founder roles evolve in preparation for scaling. By means of an in-depth case study and a combination of data collection methods, we study the evolution of formal and informal founder roles. For both types of roles, we identify a founder-driven and an interaction-driven phase, during which founder and/or joiner role-crafting take place. Through both types of role-crafting, founder roles are (re)shaped. Particularly unique to our study is that we identify three scaling-specific paths through which the role-crafting of joiners shapes founders' roles. Specifically, founders experience a role efficiency increase as they take over some of the joiner-introduced role behaviors, or a role set decrease as joiners take over some of their (formal or informal) roles. We further point to the importance of psychological safety and value fit for successful joiner role-crafting to occur and for founder roles to change following founder-joiner interactions. Our study adds to the literatures on scaling and entrepreneurship as well as to role theory and role-crafting literature.  相似文献   

中国传媒数字化转型与广告生存形态变迁研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对中国传统媒体广告市场现状及困境的分析,指出数字时代中国传媒数字化转型与广告生存形态变迁,是中国传媒实现可持续发展与产业核心竞争力重建的战略选择。文章认为,以传媒集团来整合文化创意核心产业,将是数字时代传媒产业和文化创意产业未来发展的重要方向,未来传媒集团必然是横跨传媒业、通信产业、IT产业和文化创意核心产业等在内的融合媒体集团,"价值创造"将成为传媒集团经营的核心理念。广告生存形态变迁是传媒数字化转型的内在要求和必然趋势,在数字时代,广告将呈现融入式生存、集成式生存、社区化生存和数据库生存等形态。  相似文献   

From the perspective of job embeddedness theory, this study explores the influence of sales training and job embeddedness on the sales performance and turnover behavior of newcomer employees.  相似文献   

磷化氢环流是一个复杂的过程,既要掌握有效的浓度,又要维持足够的密闭时间.在一定磷化氢浓度下,一次性全部杀死粮内害虫的最佳密闭时间应等于施药后磷化氢浓度上升到杀虫有效浓度的时间 杀死该粮堆内害虫成虫和幼虫的时间 杀死成虫死亡前产出的卵在此环境中的孵化时间或存在的蛹的发育时间 杀死卵孵化出的幼虫和成虫的时间.实验证实,在粮温10-24℃、磷化铝3g/m3剂量下,采取环流熏蒸措施,杀死玉米象和赤拟谷盗最低需要21d,杀死谷蠢需要26~28d.  相似文献   

This research paper makes three important contributions with managerial implications concerning the issue of bank service switching behavior. First, it identifies four overall dimensions of customer satisfaction with bank services. These are personnel related considerations, financial considerations (interest earnings and interest payments), environment related considerations (atmospherics), and convenience related considerations (ATM and hours). Next, we develop and test some hypotheses pertaining to the relationship between customer satisfaction and bank service switching behavior as it is mediated by the importance of a particular bank service to a particular customer and by the nature of competitive offerings for different types of banking services available from other banks. Based on the empirical results of a large scale field study, we provide several theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

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