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瞄准式多频点干扰样式可以解决对宽通信频段的干扰问题,该干扰样式可以通过 实信号信道化发射机来实现,该发射机可作为通信干扰机应用于移动通信对抗中。以CDMA扩 频系统为例,可用该发射机对其实施瞄准式干扰,也可将这种发射机应用于对多个通信系统 的干扰中,实现对宽通信频段的有效干扰。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了跳频通信的原理,然后简要介绍了目前对跳频通信系统的干扰所采用的方法和性能度量指标,对几种典型干扰样式的干扰性能进行了详细的理论分析,推导出了不同条件下的误码率计算公式.  相似文献   

提出了一种用于干扰数字通信系统的非对称不变分布的混沌干扰样式。基于混沌映射 产生均匀分布的混沌序列,经过相应非线性变换,得到了服从非对称不变分布的混沌干扰信 号 。与现有干扰信号产生方法相比,该方法易于模块化实现,可控性和可再生性好。理论分析 和仿真结果表明,相比于高斯分布干扰,满足Rayleigh分布的混沌干扰对QPSK和16QAM系统 具有更好的干扰效果。  相似文献   

针对多功能雷达和认知电子战的快速发展所导致传统干扰决策方法难以适应现代化战争的问题,提出了一种基于Q-Learning的多功能雷达认知干扰决策方法。通过对比认知思想和干扰决策原理,将Q-Learning运用于认知干扰决策中并提出了认知干扰决策的算法步骤。以某多功能雷达为基础,通过分析其工作状态及对应干扰样式构建雷达状态转移图,通过仿真试验分析了各参数对决策性能的影响,为应对实际战场提供参考。仿真了在新状态加入下的决策过程、实际战场中转移概率对决策路径的影响以及四种主要干扰决策方法的决策性能对比。试验表明,该方法能够通过自主学习干扰效果完成干扰决策,更加贴合实际战场,对认知电子战的发展有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在军事无线通信中,对进入接收机的干扰信号进行分析、识别并提取特征参数,以支持抗干扰决策,是通信设备有效对抗蓄意人为干扰的前提。提出了基于短时傅里叶变换(STFT)的复合常规人为干扰分析方法,首先对接收的干扰信号进行STFT变换,然后将得到的三维时频域数据进行二值化处理;最后根据不同干扰样式的时域及频域特征,对二值化的时频域数据之间的关系进行分析,分别解析出多音干扰、周期脉冲干扰、扫频干扰。理论分析和仿真结果表明,通过分类搜索算法,能够较为准确地对复合人为干扰进行解析。  相似文献   

为了更好地抑制地面雷达之间的电磁干扰,通过与随队干扰的干扰样式进行对比,得 出了雷达间电磁干扰信号主要通过天线副瓣耦合进入接收机的特点,并在此基础上将副瓣 对消技术引入到抑制雷达间电磁干扰中,分析了副瓣对消的基本原理,并采用相关器和增益 放大器来自动调整权系数。最后对副瓣对消技术的抗干扰效能进行了验证,实验结果表明: 采用副瓣对消技术后的雷达抗干扰效能提高了20.1 dB,可以有效地抑制雷达间电磁干扰。  相似文献   

苗族衣领结构设计在少数民族服饰变化中种类较为丰富,随着时代的变迁,服装款式的千变万化,苗族衣领元素也更加的丰富。本文通过分析苗族衣领结构特点,将其具有民族特色的领口样式,如圆领样式、方形领口样式、V型领口样式,与现代服装设计理念相结合,设计并制作出三款具有苗族衣领特色的服装。本文研究成果使得苗族传统服饰文化在现代服装中得以延续,传承了民族文化,丰富了现代服装设计。  相似文献   

曾园英  初晓慧 《商》2014,(15):96-97
不同的生存样式造就了不同的文化样式,影视作为一种传播媒介,反映了人类不同的生存样式,其中不乏多彩的文化样式呈现。本文通过对余男主演的两部女性电影《惊蛰》《图雅的婚事》进行文本分析,试图解读影视视角下的西北文化传播。两部电影聚焦于西北农村的一片苍茫大地,再现了艰难的生存环境和在此传承千年的厚重文化,人们在这块后象征文化的土壤成长,显现出原始淳朴的生命力。就在这苍天水井之间,电影生动刻画了坚忍勤劳的两位女子,她们不抱怨生活,不放弃生命,成为黄色土地上跳跃的红色火焰。  相似文献   

梁爽 《中国报业》2023,(5):126-128
随着信息技术的飞速发展,融媒体时代出现了新的传播模式。本文以融媒体语境下新闻稿件与播音样式的转型升级为讨论方向,阐述融媒体语境特点及新闻播音面临的机遇和挑战,并提出新闻稿件与播音样式转型升级的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,文学的载体发生了变化,文学不再单纯地以文字的形式写在纸上、印在书上,它开始与图像、声音等结盟,通过大众传媒这一媒介来传播。对于视像与文学相结合成的文学新样式,需用文化诗学文本内外整体性研究的方法,来全面关照“视像-文学”这种新的文学现象。文化诗学以它开放性的理论品质顺应时代变迁来接纳新文学样式,它把这些新文学样式作为文艺理论的研究对象,同时也拓宽了文艺学的学科疆界。  相似文献   

2011年——"十二五"开局之年,黑龙江省商务事业实现了开门红,成绩斐然。2012年是实施"十二五"规划承上启下的关键一年、是加速发展的一年。2012年,国际环境错综复杂,世界经济增长动力明显减弱;国内经济总体运行态势向好,工业化、信息化、市场化、城镇化、国际化深入发展,区域梯次发展格局正在形成,消费需求增长空间很大;商务领域成本推动价格上涨压力依然存在,自然灾害、市场调控手段和流通设施相对薄弱问题依然突出,扩大消费面临的制约因素仍然较多。基于上述研判,黑龙江省商务事业唯有开拓进取、求实创新、方能实现更好更快发展,谱写新的篇章,方能以商务事业的新跨越推动全省经济社会的大发展。  相似文献   


This study examines the relationship between opinion seeking and cultural values and individual characteristics in the context of electronic products by surveying cosmopolitan adults of 15 nationalities, namely, American, Australian, British, Dutch, Filipino, German, Hong Konger, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Malaysian, New Zealander, Singaporean, Swedish, and Thai. It finds (i) positive correlation between opinion seeking and power distance, category knowledge, category purchase intention, category innovativeness, opinion giving, market maven, brand loyalty, and susceptibility to interpersonal influence, (ii) negative correlation between opinion seeking and the masculinity and uncertainty avoidance cultural dimensions, category ownership, self-esteem, education, and age, and (iii) no correlation between opinion seeking and individualism, long-term orientation, and risk taking. It then discusses the managerial implications of the findings.  相似文献   

社会不同群体间的相互融合是一个复杂的动态过程,要促进残疾人更好地融入社会、实现自我价值,需要充分理解残疾人社会融合的理论界定与实践经验,以此为基础完善新时代残疾人社会融合多领域综合保障机制体系,推动残疾人平等参与和全面融合。通过梳理和分析新时代我国残疾人社会融合的思想渊源,对国内外残疾人社会融合现状、理念、实践进行总结,分析得出应该秉持平等原则、倾斜保障原则、充分融合原则来推进新时代我国残疾人社会融合,并且通过加强制度设计,完善制度框架,构建友好环境,健全设施建设,注重社会引导,实现良性互动,完善社会保障,促进自我认同,推动教育融合,构建全纳教育等方式,将我国残疾人社会融合体制机制建立起来,为我国残疾人对美好生活的向往凝心聚力,彰显大国担当,推动相关研究向世界一流水平迈进。  相似文献   

中国金融业和银行业的发展举世瞩目。中国银行业的信息化之路走过了20年,实现了信息大集中、运营集约化、管理现代化和服务电子化。随着全球经济一体化、金融一体化的深入推进,中国的商业银行必须从银行信息化走向信息化银行,即在银行信息化的基础上真正实现融汇、贯通,促使银行业经营管理产生根本变化。具体说来,就是要集中、整合、共享、挖掘。一要转变为规模化、标准化的作业模式,实现业务集中处理,最终达到经营管理的全面集中和集约,使银行在业务量快速增长、业务复杂性大幅提高的情况下,依然保证业务运营的高质量、高效率,有效降低生产运营成本,控制经营风险;二要按照统一的信息技术架构将银行内部各管理系统全部整合到一个系统管理平台,实现各系统互联互通;三要突破信息传导和查控的限制,提高可用性和易用性;四要对银行或者企业非常需要的管理信息、客户信息、产品信息等进行收集、储存和处理,进行挖掘和归纳性梳理,充分利用有价值的信息,帮助管理者判断市场,发现价格,评估风险,配置资源,提供决策支持。中国银行业应在全球银行业剧变之时,为银行信息化建设走出一条新路。  相似文献   

巩固江苏外贸强省地位,探讨外贸发展新趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在面对人民币持续升值和利率调整,发达国家和地区的经济增长速度有所下降,外贸税收政策的调整的新形势下,江苏省要保持住外贸强省地位,政府部门必须采取积极措施,迅速把握国际市场供求信息,优化出口结构,加强对出口商品价格、数量的动态监测,引导企业增强综合竞争力,提高出口的质量和效益;增加能源、资源类产品进口,以抵消人民币汇率和利率变动对企业生产的不利影响,不断提高企业应对贸易摩擦的能力,进而达到江苏对外贸易持续健康发展的目的。  相似文献   

当前内贸管理工作实践中存在十个方面的重大理论与实践问题,一是流通的地位与作用问题,二是内外贸的关系问题,三是内外资的关系问题,四是大型企业与中小企业的关系问题,五是零供关系问题,六是零售企业的营销模式问题,七是批发体系的重构问题,八是电子商务是否会孕育一场新的商业革命,九是物流的专业化与社会化问题,十是商业物流企业涉足金融问题.这十个困扰各级流通主管部门的实际问题,直接关系着流通业发展的走向,有待于进一步深入研究和破解.  相似文献   

In the past decade, the social media platform has dramatically changed individuals’ daily activities in real life and on the Internet, including shopping, socialization, entertainment, study, and even health and fitness. In the era of COVID-19, particularly, consumers tend to rely more on digital attributes of social media platforms for their decision-making process by reducing the physical touchpoint. Responding to this ongoing trend, this study investigates how fitness YouTube channel attributes and fitness YouTuber attributes influence flow experience, satisfaction, and behavioral intention of YouTubers who work out at home via a fitness YouTube channel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the social media literature and the cognitive appraisal theory, this research formulates a research model that specifies the influence of three dimensions of fitness YouTube channel attributes (i.e., social interaction, information quality, and visual content) and three dimensions of fitness YouTuber attributes (i.e., social attractiveness, physical attractiveness, and attitude homophily) on flow experience, YouTube channel satisfaction, and behavioral intention in the context of YouTube. This study recruited participants in the United States who currently work out via a fitness YouTube channel through three waves of data collection during the COVID-19 era. The empirical results revealed that flow experience was significantly affected by information quality, visual content, and physical attractiveness. Also, YouTube channel satisfaction was significantly affected by social interaction, information quality, and visual content. Lastly, behavioral intention was significantly affected by flow experience and YouTube channel satisfaction. Based on the findings, this study proposes meaningful implications for the extant literature and social media industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

This article illuminates the affective potentialities of objects. We examine the circulation of Kurdish music cassettes in Turkey during the restrictive and strife-laden period of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. We find that the practices comprising circulation – recording, hiding, playing, and exchanging cassettes – constituted tactical resistance and generated communal imaginaries. We illuminate the “emotional economy” that is animated by a mundane object: the cassette, through its circulation, becomes saturated with emotions, establishes shared emotional repertoires, and habituates individuals and collectives into common emotional dispositions. Cassettes thus play a part in shaping and reinforcing an emotional habitus that accompanies the emergence of a sense of “us,” the delineation of the “other,” and the relationship between the two. We thus demonstrate the entwinement of materiality and emotions, and examine how this entwinement generates emotional structures that shape and perpetuate the imagining of community as well as the enactment of resistance.  相似文献   

Several recent studies and initiatives have emphasized the importance of a strong ethical organizational DNA (ODNA) to create and promote an effective corporate governance culture of trust, integrity and intellectual honesty. This paper highlights the drawbacks of an excessively heavy reliance on rules-based approaches that increase the cost of doing business, overshadow essential elements of good corporate governance, create a culture of dependency, and can result in legal absolutism. The paper makes the case that the way forward for effective corporate governance is to strike an optimal balance between rules-based and principles-based approaches. The recent corporate scandals have demonstrated that the ethical ODNA is critical to the driving force and basis of legal and regulatory requirements. Effective governance means adhering to ethical principles, not merely complying with rules, and is a crucial guardian of a firm’s reputation and integrity. It is through an effective corporate governance program (that is, one that optimally captures and integrates the appropriate aspects of rules-based and principles-based approaches, and identifies and assesses the related risks) that an organization can reconfigure its ODNA for improved performance. Focusing on the ethical ODNA as the basis of new governance measures provides an opportunity to develop a competitive advantage as it represents a potential source of differentiation, strengthens the relationship with all stakeholders of the organization by building a culture of trust and integrity, and re-instills investor confidence. This paper employs dialectical reasoning that links the ODNA through principles-driven rules in developing a risks-based approach. A comparison from a risk assessment perspective between rules-based and principles-based approaches is presented. Although there have been few applications employing dialectical reasoning in business research, this methodology can be extremely useful in isolating ethical issues and integrating them into the business process. The risks-based approach captures the benefits of both rules-based and principles-based approaches, and incorporates trust-based principles such␣as solidarity, subsidiarity and covenantal relationships.Sundera Arjoon is a Senior Lecturer in Ethics at the Department of Management Studies, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad, He has served as Head of Department (2002–2005) and as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (1996–2002). His publications have appeared in the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Markets and Morality, Global Development Studies, Social and Economic Studies, Applied Financial Economics, and the Journal of Eastern Carribean Studies. His current teaching and research interests include ethical decision-making, corporate governance, virtue ethics and familial ethics.  相似文献   

This research presents a qualitative exploration of food-related nostalgia experienced by individuals from Russia and the former Soviet Union in the context of diasporic waves. By varying time and space dimensions associated with nostalgia, the analysis is conceptualized around three “locations”: (1) Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, (2) Brighton Beach, New York, and (3) cyberspace. Weblogs, demonstrated here to be objects of inquiry, are analyzed according to their nostalgia content, social connections, and community interaction. Nostalgic evocation through traditional cuisine is evident in all three settings. Personal, interpersonal, and cultural nostalgia are apparent in web content, demonstrating a technological role in the creation, sharing, and dissemination of nostalgia. Implications of the study relate to the sociology of food and interdisciplinary food studies, culinary tourism, online and offline marketing, and product distribution into ethnic and international markets.  相似文献   

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