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在移动IPv6中和移动节点通信的IPv6节点称之为通信节点(Correspondent Node),移动IPv6在新功能和新服务方面提供的更大的灵活性主要是由于移动IPv6通过优化通信节点(CorrespondentN ode)和转交地址(care-ofaddress)之间的路由来提高网络的利用率。而实现路由优化的一个重要前提就是通信节点CN对移动IPv6的支持,因此有必要在每个IPv6结点上实现通信节点CN的功能模块。  相似文献   

在移动IPv6中和移动节点通信的IPv6节点称之为通信节点(CorrespondentNode),移动IPv6在新功能和新服务方面提供的更大的灵活性主要是由于移动IPv6通过优化通信节点(CorrespondentNode)和转交地址(care—ofaddress)之间的路由来提高网络的利用率。而实现路由优化的一个重要前提就是通信节点CN对移动IPv6的支持,因此有必要在每个IPv6结点上实现通信节点CN的功能模块。  相似文献   

交换机是一种基于MAC地址识别,能完成封装转发数据包功能的网络设备。交换机可以“学习”MAC地址,并把其存放在内部地址表中,通过在数据帧的始发者和目标接收者之间建立临时的交换路径,使数据帧直接由源地址到达目的地址。交换机在我国通信系统中应用十分广泛,本文就针对通信系统中交换机理论进行简要的分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

近期比较盛行"arp欺骗类"木马病毒,病毒发作会导致同一个子网中的计算机经常自动断网.arp协议又称"地址解析协议",它负责通知电脑要连接的目标的地址,这里说的地址在以太网中就是mac地址,简单说来就是通过ip地址来查询目标主机的mac地址一旦这个环节出错,我们就不能正常和目标主机进行通信,甚至使整个网络瘫痪.  相似文献   

一、引言 在一个使用TCP/IP协议的网络中,Internet上的每台计算机都必须且至少有一个IP地址,也是互相不重复的一个IP地址,才能与其他计算机连接通信.ISP为什么能够给用户分配一个IP地址呢?这是因为有DHCP(Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocol,动态主机配置协议)服务器的存在,这种网络服务有利于对校园网络中的客户机IP地址进行有效管理,而不需要一个一个手动指定IP地址.  相似文献   

一、三种主要渠道电子信息服务是建立在计算机和现代通信基础上的新型信息服务方式,今天最常用的服务渠道是:联机网络、数据广播和 CD 盘销售。联机网是一种双向信息服务,通常服务端是一个计算机中心,存有数据库资源,用户通过微机和电话线路与中心联接,取得服务。联机网服务最大的优点是它的双向性,可以做到有针对性的服务,有利于用户的选择,也便于主机端的更新。其最大的限制是通信线路数目,因每个用户使用时要占用独立的会话信道,另外通信费用也比较高。第二种是数据广播,这是一种单方向的信息发送。通常有卫星数据广播、图文电视、调频台边频等技术手段。数据广播服务最大的优点是通信成本低,不论多少用户只占用一条频道。数据广播只有利于发送  相似文献   

目前,光纤光缆已经进入了有线通信的各个领域,包括邮电通信、广播通信、电力通信和军用通信等领域。本文主要综述我国光纤通信研究现状及其发展。  相似文献   

采用以太网技术能实现地铁车站广播子系统、中心广播子系统和车辆段/停车场广播子系统的一体化组网,能适应未来地铁通信发展的需要。本文阐述了以太网技术在地铁中的应用情况及其优越性,并从运营维护的角度介绍广播系统以太网故障判断的思路。  相似文献   

光纤光缆已进入了有线通信的各个领域,包括邮电通信,广播通信,电力通信,石油通信和军用通信等领域。主要综述我国光纤通信研究现状及其发展趋势,重点对光纤通信在电力系统中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

一、引言在一个使用TCP/IP协议的网络中,Internet上的每台计算机都必须且至少有一个IP地址,也是互相不重复的一个IP地址,才能与其他计算机连接通信。ISP为什么能够给用户分配一个IP地址呢?这是因为有DHCP(DynamicHostConfigurationProtocol,动态主机配置协议)服务器的存在,这种?..  相似文献   

The annual meeting of the World Economy Forum was held in Davos,a little town in Switzerland,on January 23rd to the 27th this year,with the theme"the Power fo Collaborative Innovation",over 2500 celebrates from ture political and cconomic circles of more than 80 countries and challengred logether to talk about the future of the global economy in 2008,A Forum for the problems and challenges that face whole world,some of the keywords which drew attention during the event were:the U.S.subprime mortgage crisis,soaring energy prices,the economic slowdown in the U.S.ermerging economic bodies,authority funds and the general unpredictable nature of the global economy.  相似文献   

For the purpose of adapting to the changes in processing trade and regularizing the relevant business of processing trade,the General Administration of Customs has decided to make the following amendments to the Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of Processing Trade Goods (Decree No.13 of the General Administration of Customs,hereinafter referred to as the Measures):  相似文献   

The Republic of Belarus is situated in the heart of Europe,in the East the Republic borders the Russian Federation,in the South the Ukraine,in the West Poland,and in the North Lithuania and Latvia.Belarus is the gateway between Asia and Europe,  相似文献   

Sino-French Joint Venture Dynasty Winery Co.,Ltd.,since the establishment in 1980,has had a history of steady development of 28 years.In the past 28 years,Dynasty Winery continues the market expansion,and increasing the market share,and strengthening the influence of the brand and the company.Till now,"Dynasty Wine",has become popular among the consumors.  相似文献   

On February 29th.the 6th China.ASEAN Business Council meeting was held in Beijing.Some 50 deputies attended the meeting,including top officialsCCPITVPYuPing andthe president of the ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and Industry,as well as business and industrial representatives from Thailand,Myanmar,the Philippines and Singapore.Also present at the meeting were representatives from the Secretariat in China of the China-ASEAN Business Council,the Guangxi Branch of the CCPIT,as well as industrial branches and media.  相似文献   

With11,919.7 square kilometers areas, Tianjin Municipality is located in the middle of the Golden Seashore in North China. To the north is Yan Mountain and to the east is Bo Sea. It borders Beijing and is the gateway to the sea of the vast northern and northwestern part of China. It has the semi humid continental monsoon climate of the Temperate Zone: 12 Degrees Centigrade of average temperature of the whole year, and 602.9 mm annual average precipitation.  相似文献   

Shenyang lies on the north bank of Hun River (called as shenshui in ancient times) and so it gets its name. Shenyang is not only the capital city of Liaoning Province,but the largest city of Northeast China with the largest railroad hub and airport across the region. Shenyang will hold the football matches for the Games of the  相似文献   

Nine o'clock in the morning of March 5th,2008,the first meeting of the eleventh session of National People's Congress was held in the Great Hall of People.As usual,the first performance of this big event in China was from the government working report made by the Premier.Five years of government's work in this session was counted in Premier Wen Jiabao's working report.  相似文献   

Negative online reviews can significantly hurt future sales. After impulsive decisions, consumers may feel regret and write negative online reviews. Two studies are conducted to understand the origin and consequences of negative reviews according to the review content and the responsibility for the mistake in the decision. The first study analyses the influence on the review creation of regret with the process and the outcome through structural equation modelling. For the second study, a 2 × 2 experimental design was conducted. This study analyses how different content in the review (regret with the process vs. regret with the outcome) and guilt of the error (the consumer vs. the seller) affects the perceived persuasiveness, usefulness and credibility of the information, and the intention to follow the advice. The results show that for generating negative reviews, it is the regret with the process coupled with the presence of regret with the outcome which ultimately leads to the intention to write negative reviews. However, the results of the second study show that reviews that criticize the outcome are more damaging than those that criticize the process. Furthermore, reviews that show regret in which the buyer is responsible affect readers more through the greater persuasion they generate.  相似文献   

Domino effects of the global finance agitation As the origin of the subprime crisis,US financial institutions lost USS45 billion last year,accounted for over half of the total US,EU & Japan loss.Since January 15th,Chtigroup released its financial statement of the 4th quarter,showing a net deficit of USS9.83 billion,which marked the hisoric high of its quarterly deficit.  相似文献   

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