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南京特种器件厂研制成功声表面波电视中频滤波器南京特种器件厂在航天工业部二院二十五所帮助下,研制生产成功LBN—726系列声表面波电视中频滤波器。目前,通过生产定型,正式大批量投产。年产量为50万只的生产线也同时建成。该项目获得了国家重大科技成果  相似文献   

本文给出六种形式的使用声表面波卷积器的直接序列扩频接收机模型,并对这几种模型进行了分析.比较了它们的平均误码概率以及实现的复杂程度.  相似文献   

本文介绍了声表面波(SAW)双向滤波器、单向滤波器和谐振器的基本原理,以及SAW双向滤波器目前在电视中频滤波应用中的新进展,SAW单向滤波器和谐振器在寻呼机中的应用。  相似文献   

分析并比较了两种GMSK软扩频调制解扩解调原理和方法,介绍了硬件实现中一 些节省FPGA资源以及帧头判决的技巧和方法,最后在FPGA中实现和硬件验证了算法,结果证 明该方法能够完全取代传统的声表面波(SAW)匹配滤波器方法。  相似文献   

引言各种含有扩频数据通信线路的军用和商用系统,需要高频谱纯度、低噪声、精确、快速跳频的信号源或综合器。跳频速度小于1μs的不能采用锁相环。直接综合是用开关矩阵来选择连续工作的信源,然后混合产生输出频率,其跳频速度几乎和开关本身的速度一样快。因而,直接综合器可以容易地在零点几微秒范围内改变频率。低成本的、结构紧凑的直接综合器,要求带有相同特性的滤波器组(Banks)。声表面波(SAW)滤波器是一种合乎逻辑的选择。具有表面波滤波器组的直接综合器示于图1。图中说明了  相似文献   

在辐射源个体识别技术应用中,接收机指纹和发射机指纹相互影响相互耦合,造成辐射源指纹库依赖于特定接收机,无法在不同接收机之间通用。针对此问题,对典型超外差接收机的滤波器、放大器畸变分量对接收信号指纹的影响进行了理论分析与实验验证。理论分析证明发射机和接收机的滤波器、放大器分量对于接收信号整体的畸变影响是等价的;实验中,利用两台超外差接收机对5台发射机进行个体识别测试验证,更换接收机前后,滤波器、放大器特征识别正确率分别从100%、95.5%降到20%,证明了接收机畸变分量对发射机指纹识别具有严重影响。该研究成果可为后续辐射源个体识别接收机设计以及接收机畸变校正提供理论依据。  相似文献   

设计了一种改进型的梳状线LTCC滤波器.在一般抽头式梳状线滤波器设计的基础上,结合电路仿真以及三维电磁场仿真,辅之以DOE(design of experiment)的设计方法,设计出一种高抑制、低插损多传输零点的滤波器.滤波器的实际实现采用在当今射频通信器件设计中流行的LTCC技术.该滤波器中心频率为2.45GHz,带宽150MHz,可以广泛运用于无绳电话、蓝牙模块,以及WLAN的射频电路中.  相似文献   

金刚石因具有最高的声速、极高的弹性模量、优良的导热性和耐热性等优异性能,在声表面波(SAW)器件应用中具有广阔的前景。本文概述了近年来国内外金刚石膜高频SAW器件制备及研究进展,讨论了金刚石膜在声表面波器件应用中应满足的要求及存在的问题。  相似文献   

介绍了声表面波射频识别系统(Surface Acoustic Wave Radio F requency Identification Devices,SAW RFID)的结构、声表面波器件的工作原理以及特点 ,回顾了声表面波技术的发展,并分别从军用和民用两方面总结了SAW RFID的应用,提 出了SAW RFID系统在实现上的关键技术和技术难点。最后指出,随着这项技术的发展,将使 物联网再次发生质的飞跃,实现良好社会效益。  相似文献   

本文讨论了多相滤波器实现信道化接收机的原理,并结合复解析滤波器具有负频率分量为零、冲激响应函数实部和虚部有90°相移的特点,给出一种基于复解析滤波器组的信道化接收机的实现方案。最后通过Matlab对调幅(AM)信号的解调仿真验证了该接收机设计的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

Strategic decision making within small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a necessary element for business growth. SMEs must adapt and become more efficient and dynamic within current business paths and in finding new paths. Traditional philosophies are not focused on delivering new capabilities or developing new business paths. Learning networks are cooperative associations of partner firms that share knowledge, physical resources, and expertise to improve current performance and to advance new business paths. Ireland has emerged as a significant net contributor of plastics to the global medical device, telecommunications, and ophthalmic sectors. The role of the first polymer network as a catalyst for both new business development and increased technological enhancement is advanced in this study of Mould-Tech, an Irish polymer manufacturing firm. Adaptation of dynamic learning networks as expounded in this study present participant firms with new opportunities both to learn and earn—that is, to enhance and acquire new capabilities and to grow their businesses.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the birth of new enterprises both from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. In the first part of the work, the conventional economic wisdom is compared with some alternative approaches leading to multicausal frameworks. The author tests their relative explanatory features in the second part of the paper. Elaborating the results of 720 questionnaires filled by new Italian entrepreneurs, the importance of economic variables as income expectations and barriers to entry in shaping the diffusion of new enterprises is confirmed. On the other hand, personal backgrounds and motivations as well as environment factors turn out to have a crucial role, too.  相似文献   

This paper surveys and compares the literature on the ‘new’ institutionalism (North, Williamson, etc.) with that of the ‘old’(Veblen, Commons, Mitchell). A criterion for distinguishing these two schools is suggested, along with criticisms of the limitations of each. The ‘new’ institutionalism is associated with methodological individualism and the idea that the individual should be taken as given. Particular attention is paid to ‘new’ institutionalist treatments of markets and firms. The paper moves on to examine some ‘old’ institutionalist criticisms of ‘economic man’ as well as some negative features of the ‘old’ institutionalism. On the positive side, the latter is seen to have an ‘evolutionary’ dimension, related to modern work in the area of technological change.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(4):481-491
Framing in business is frequently found in the digital economy with dramatic and innovative new products and disruptive value propositions. However, framing in business is not an exclusively digital economic strategy. Creating or revising frames of reference, value propositions, and pricing based on either new or newly framed offerings is a basic strategy skill that brings new differential value creation to customers and new price-setting models to firms. In this article, I define framing and explain its influence on managerial cognition as well as its application to value-based marketing and price setting. Using economic value theory and behavioral economics, I propose steps managers and decision makers can take in an effort to achieve framing innovation as a way to leverage the disruptive competitive advantages that flow from strategic frames of reference in the marketplace.  相似文献   

世贸组织下的新贸易保护主义评析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
新贸易保护主义是20世纪末国际贸易领域中出现的重要现象。非关税壁垒代替关税壁垒成为贸易保护的主要手段,这是西方贸易保护主义发展史上的一次重大转变。新贸易保护主义的产生、发展与贸易自由化有着直接或间接的关系,特别是在世贸组织体制下,贸易保护愈演愈烈,新贸易保护主义对自由贸易做了最有趣的修正。  相似文献   

通过现有路径损耗预测经验公式和实测信道数据的分析比较,提出空地链路无线信 道高低仰角区域不同的电波传播特性,并提出一种新的C频段空地链路大尺度衰落预测参 考模型,将传统二径模型修正为加入定向天线因子和地球曲率因子的电波传播模型,并根据 实测数据加入高频段大气层衰减因子。分析表明,提出的新模型更符合实测数据,对于实际 通信系 统设计具有参考意义。  相似文献   

International entrepreneurship is defined in this study as the development of international new ventures or start-ups that, from their inception, engage in international business, thus viewing their operating domain as international from the initial stages of the firm's operation.One hundred and eighty-eight new venture firms in the computer and communications equipment manufacturing industries are classified according to the percentage of their sales in the international market. Ventures with no sales derived from international activities are considered “domestic” new ventures, and ventures with sales from international activities comprising greater than 5% of total sales are considered “international” new ventures.The strategy and industry structure profiles of international new ventures are significantly different from domestic new ventures. The internationals pursue much broader market-based strategies, seeking a strategy of broad market coverage through developing and controlling numerous distribution channels, serving numerous customers in diverse market segments, and developing high market or product visibility. The internationals also emphasize a more aggressive entry strategy, building on outside financial and production resources to enter numerous geographical markets on a large scale. Securing patent technology is also an important component of their strategy. This suggests that the internationals compete by entering the industry on a large scale, seeking to penetrate multiple markets, with the recognition that external resources are necessary to support such an entry.Whereas both the domestics and the internationals characterize domestic competition as being relatively intense, the international new ventures compete in industries with higher levels of international competition. It is not clear from this research whether the new venture selects an industry with a high degree of international competition and therefore responds with an international orientation or, because the new venture has an international orientation, it perceives or recognizes a higher degree of international competition. Another industry structure difference is the internationals' perceived higher degree of restrictiveness due to government regulation. It is unclear whether this restrictiveness motivates new ventures to seek less-regulated international environments or if it indicates that when competing internationally, the new venture is confronted with increased regulatory requirements.Domestic new ventures are distinguished by their emphasis on a production expansion strategy and customer specialization strategy. The production specialization strategy consists of focusing on limited geographical markets, maintaining excess capacity, and pursuing forward integration. The customer specialization strategy incorporates the production of a specialty product that is purchased infrequently. Thus, for both of the domestic strategies, a consistent “closeness” between the producer and consumer is implied. This may be an important basis underlining the new venture's decision to compete in an exclusive domestic context.This study offers initial support for the notion of international entrepreneurship by its findings that there are significant differences between new venture firms competing domestically and new ventures choosing to also enter international markets.  相似文献   

当前全球经济正处在大发展、大变革、大调整的变局时期,新冠疫情的暴发加剧了我国外贸发展的不确定性,也对高素质国际化人才培养提出了新要求。通过分析全球化变局下国际贸易人才培养的新背景和新要求,在此基础上对国际贸易实务教学优化策略进行探讨,以更好地适应当前复杂形势下外贸人才培养的新需求。  相似文献   

It is widely thought that loyalty to successful new brands or line-extensions evolves slowly.

An unexpected but striking finding therefore is that loyalty to the new brand was near-instant in some 20 cases examined so far: the new brands' average purchase frequency at launch is already normal, i.e. at the same level as a year or two later and also as for competitive established brands.

The finding was unexpected but now makes much sense with hindsight. More empirical work is in hand.  相似文献   

在新冠肺炎疫情防控常态化、“双循环”新发展格局加快形成的态势下,亟待发挥新消费引领作用,形成新供给新动力。消费是经济循环的终点,也是新的起点,发展壮大新型消费,以消费升级推进智慧流通新模式、新业态,以现代流通创新激发新的消费增长点,不断释放消费增长潜力,具有推进经济高效循环的作用。新消费既是消费的新引擎、新动力,也是国民经济循环的重要引领力量。疫情影响下,数字化零售、在线服务、直播电商等线上消费快速发展,我国消费市场及业态、模式面临新的变化。消费呈现出从功能型消费向享受型消费转变、从商品消费向非商品消费转变的趋势,消费者更追求优质消费体验、愿意为美好生活埋单。线下商业逻辑从坪效导向、品牌导向日益向消费者体验导向转化,线上商业进入数字化消费的3.0阶段,产业互联网蓬勃兴起,通过跨界与融合,新零售体系不断创新。我们应主动把握消费升级趋势和发展规律,构建“新消费、新业态、新模式”的消费新生态体系,形成强大的国内市场,推进“双循环”新发展格局加快形成。  相似文献   

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