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左军 《电子商务》2015,(1):55+76
虚拟社区是Web2.0时代互联网用户进行信息交流和互动的重要平台,用户在虚拟社区中的获取信息、分享信息、新建信息和参与交流互动等信息行为促进了虚拟社区的繁荣和发展,是虚拟社区得以发展的信息行为基础。本文以百度贴吧为例,对贴吧用户的信息行为特征进行了分析,得出虚拟社区用户的主要行为特征。  相似文献   

操奕 《消费导刊》2014,(7):152-152
微博用户是企业微博的实际参与者,研究微博用户行为的影响因素是企业做好微博营销的关键。本研究通过分析企业官方微博平台展示的内容,了解用户参与微博的行为特征探析用户行为的影响因素。认为影响用户行为的因素为:微博属性、微博传播群体、微博表达方式。微博属性、微博传播群体、微博表达方式是企业微博平台展示的主要内容,做好这三个方面的平台策略,不仅能增加用户参与企业微博的可能性,还能增加用户对企业的兴趣,从而达到二次传播的目的,发掘潜在客户群。  相似文献   

在针对跨境电商平台用户行为意向影响因素的研究中,现有文献大多集中研究用户初始使用意愿的影响因素,对用户持续使用意愿的相关研究较为分散,忽略了基于卖方视角对用户使用平台意愿进行机制层面的思考。基于此,本文系统梳理和概述跨境电商平台下用户行为文献,分别从平台买家与卖家的二元视角挖掘影响电商用户持续使用意愿的相关因素及作用机理,最终得到以下结论:(1)买家类用户的初期消费满意度会促使用户决定是否继续使用初期接触的电商平台,即影响其持续使用意愿;(2)卖家类用户对跨境电商线上平台风险和收益的认知取决于其对平台的信任,并进一步影响其继续使用平台的意愿与行为意图;(3)平台服务质量和系统质量通过影响用户信任度和满意度间接影响用户的持续使用意愿。  相似文献   

辛建军 《创业家》2011,(4):34-34
百分点给自己的定位是电子商务个性化精准营销平台。它独自开发了一套推荐引擎,通过对消费数据的追踪,了解到用户的消费偏好,然后有针对性地进行个性化商品展示和EDM(电子邮件营销),将用户导入目标网站。接下来,百分点通过分析用户在电商网站中的浏览、收藏和购买行为,自动推荐用户可能感兴趣的商品,尽可能地将流量转化为多次购买行为。由于掌握了用户的注册和消费数据,百分点还可根据个人偏好定时推送商品短信或电子邮件,增加用户对目标网站的忠诚度。  相似文献   

在大规模分布式天线系统中,静态分簇和用户调度带来的簇间干扰问题会导致系统和速率下降。针对这个问题,提出了一种两阶段贪婪用户调度算法。首先,每个簇内并行实施贪婪用户调度;然后,从全局上再次利用贪婪算法来剔除簇间干扰较大、服务质量较差的用户,使得系统和速率进一步提升。仿真结果表明,随着不同系统参数的改变,两阶段贪婪用户调度算法可有效提高系统和速率。  相似文献   

李娜 《中国商论》2022,(9):32-34
音乐流媒体平台的发展为用户提供了多样化的选择,维持用户留存和增长对平台的发展有重要意义。本文构建了网易云音乐用户持续使用行为影响因素模型,探讨了影响用户使用网易云平台的因素。研究结果表明,感知有用性、感知质量、转移成本正向影响用户使用行为,社交活跃度的影响不显著。最后根据结果分析了用户使用行为对网易云在价值获取和内容生产方面的影响,从而有针对性地对商业模式的优化提出建议。  相似文献   

网络中心性是社会网络研究中的重要变量,但在短视频情景下并未得到充分关注,尤其是围绕网络中心性"双刃剑"效应的相关探讨更为匮乏.本文以抖音短视频平台用户为研究对象,基于社会资本理论,采用问卷调查和层次回归技术对网络中心性与用户平台契合行为之间的非线性关系进行实证研究,并讨论了平台信息质量(体验性和满足性)和用户自我建构扮演的调节角色.结果表明,当用户具有适度中心性时,表现出更多的平台契合行为,然而当网络中心性过高时,却显著降低了其契合行为.另外,信息体验性、信息满足性显著强化了两者的倒U型关系,而独立型自我建构的调节作用并不显著.本文结论对平台企业了解用户行为和优化中心用户平台契合具有重要借鉴价值.  相似文献   

赵涛 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(19):329-329
分析了当前应急救援工作中的调度指挥,提出了应急救援指挥平台设计方案,给出了平台设计原则和具体子系统描述。  相似文献   

近年来,民间借贷市场的持续昌盛,促使P2P网络借贷平台迅速发展。P2P作为一种新型的民间金融借贷平台,其方式灵活、手续简便,有效改善了信贷市场供求的平衡。用户体验对消费者行为有很大的影响,直接决定消费者的取向。目前学术界鲜有将用户体验与P2P网络借贷相结合的研究,因此,针对P2P网络借贷和用户体验的相关研究进行梳理,以便后续学者从用户体验视角对P2P网络借贷进行相关研究。  相似文献   

短视频凭借其短、平、快和去中心化运营的特点,一跃成为最受欢迎的移动互联网应用之一。移动短视频平台连接了内容消费者和内容生产者两边用户,且两边用户可以互换角色,呈现较强的同边网络外部性和跨边网络外部性,两边用户和平台在交互中发生价值创造并扮演着不同的角色。文章从双边市场理论视角,基于文献研究和案例分析方法对短视频平台用户价值共创行为机理进行分析,探寻了影响协同价值的外部机制和内涵要素,对构建协同价值共创体系和平台健康发展提供一定的参考借鉴。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的基于OFDM多用户通信系统的资源分配算法。该算法在总功率限制和用户数据率要求下,通过以下两步实现子载波、比特和功率的动态分配:第一步,基于用户的平均信道增益和数据率要求进行资源初分配(每个用户分配多少个子载波、功率);第二步,对步骤1中的结果进行调整,最终决定每个用户分配到的子载波、功率以及比特载入方式。相比于Hujun Yjn等人提出的另一种基于用户需求的算法,新算法的基站发射功率略有增加,但复杂度大为降低,在实际运用中更有利用价值。  相似文献   

To enhance social media users' shopping experiences, social media platforms launched an online shopping feature – the checkout button –allowing users to browse new products, examine items via multiple photos and videos, and purchase items without leaving the platform. Yet, few studies have examined the impacts of the ‘checkout button’ on social commerce users' perceptions and impulse-buying behaviors. Thus, this study seeks to investigate the impact of the ‘checkout button’ on consumers' trust and impulse-buying behavior based on the trust transfer theory, as well as how the impact will differ based on social factors and brand familiarity in social commerce. This study provides valuable insights into social commerce. Checkout within Instagram does not facilitate impulse-buying behavior, but brand familiarity and social factors influence consumer trust and impulse-buying intention. This indicates that well-known brands might be more suitable for social commerce. Furthermore, active social interaction is conducive to impulse-buying intentions in social commerce.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNSs) have greatly changed individual lifestyles and the means of sharing information. They encourage users to participate in sharing activities and have led to a boost in user-generated content. To gain a deep insight into users' information sharing behaviors on SNSs, this study investigates what type of purchase (material or experiential) users prefer to share on SNSs. Three experiments were conducted, and the results revealed that experiential purchases were more likely to be shared through SNSs than were material ones. This disparity stemmed from the users' perceived social approval of the purchase. Additionally, the users' self-monitoring moderated the impact of the purchase type on the sharing intention. Together, our findings help to explain users’ information-sharing behaviors on SNSs and enrich the research on purchase-type comparisons. Further, the results provide practitioners with proper marketing strategies based on the product type.  相似文献   

微视频是当前风头强劲的传播新形态,丁香医生作为健康领域新媒体的代表,在微视频制作和传播方面表现突出,但其传播效果如何则有待验证。选取丁香医生健康类微视频作为研究对象,通过实证研究的方式,一方面,从内容分发平台入手,结合平台内2017-2018年790份健康类微视频样本的用户的点赞量、转发量和评论量以及评论内容,考察丁香医生健康类微视频的浅层传播效果;另一方面,以“知信行”模式为基础,通过357份问卷调查,评估丁香医生健康类微视频在用户心理、态度和行为层面的深层次传播效果。在对丁香医生健康类微视频传播效果分析的基础上提出有针对性优化策略。  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNSs) have attracted increasing attention from brands, which look at the platform as a privileged communication channel to reach their audiences. Despite their growing adoption, few research efforts have been devoted to evaluate SNSs' concrete implications for the brands. The current study addresses this opportunity, proposing a model that evaluates the impact of users' participation in SNSs on brand awareness and brand attitude, the two main pillars of brand knowledge. The study focuses on brand like pages in Facebook, the most used SNSs platform for brands. An online quantitative survey with brand like page users of leading brands in Facebook was implemented. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to estimate the measurement model and structural equation modelling was used to test the proposed research hypotheses. The results identify a significant, positive and direct impact of users' participation on brand awareness. Brand attitude also substantially benefits from users' participation, but this relationship is mediated by brand awareness. The findings help to validate SNSs' significant role on building brand knowledge and to position users' participation at the core of brands' SNSs objectives. Furthermore, the study provides a practical research framework, easily adapted for monitoring purposes and managerial guidance. Future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the mind-sets driving users' content creation behavior on social network sites (SNSs) and antecedents of these mind-sets. The results of our survey of 1242 Renren users in China indicated that affective and continuance commitments are the main drivers of users' content creation behaviors on SNSs, while normative commitment has little influence on content creation behaviors. Further, informational support and emotional support from the social support perspective, reputational capital and relational capital from the sunk cost theory, subjective norm and perceived critical mass from the social influence perspective perform well as antecedents of affective, continuance, and normative commitment, respectively.  相似文献   

User stickiness is an important factor in the development of live streaming shopping platforms, which describes the degree of users' attention to the platforms. Although some e-commerce websites have provided live streaming services to improve the purchase experience of consumers, few people know how the services affect user stickiness. Building upon attachment theory and socio-technical approach, we developed a theoretical model to understand how live streaming service affects the user stickiness through users' attachment, which is tested by using 425 live streaming shopping platform's users. The results showed that technical factors (synchronicity and vicarious expression) and social factors (interaction and identification) positively affect emotional attachment to streamers and platform attachment respectively, which in turn increase the user stickiness.  相似文献   

由于在超密集网络中小基站密集的部署,用户数据量空前增加,对数据速率的要求不断提高,所以在有限的资源下如何高效地将资源分配给用户尤为重要。提出了一种小区分簇算法,根据小区簇的通信业务、通信负载量等条件将各个小区分为不同的优先级,引入二分图,以小区簇的优先级为依据建立频谱资源与小区簇之间的匹配关系,并提出一种低复杂度的贪婪算法。仿真结果表明所提算法能够有效提高系统性能,并且有效完成频谱资源的分配。  相似文献   

This study investigates how the expression perspective impacts privacy disclosure when presenting privacy authorization interfaces to users. Using a series of five experiments, the authors discovered that potential users are more inclined to reveal personal information when authorization statements are presented from the user expression perspective (UEP) rather than the platform expression perspective (PEP). This finding is driven by users' perceptions of greater psychological ownership over personal data (POPD) from the UEP as opposed to the PEP. An EEG experiment also reveals that users pay less attention (a lower P2 amplitude) to the UEP (vs. PEP), decreasing the complexity of decision-making (a lower N2 amplitude). This effect persists even when the perceptual load is low but is attenuated under a high perceptual load. The current study contributes to the literature on linguistic framing and privacy disclosure, providing guidelines for platforms to effectively and ethically acquire users' private information.  相似文献   

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