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超声换能器通过压电作用特发生器所产生的电能量转换成为相对应的超声振动能量,是整套超声系统保持稳定振动工作的最关键部分,因此在其构造方面,对于材料有较高的要求.文章研究了超生换能器的压电陶瓷村料、胶粘剂、钛合金棒及不锈钢材料的选择对于超声换能器性能的影响,以及材料的具体选择。希望本文的研究能够为我国超声换能器的发展提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

实际中认知中继网络的频谱检测不可能完全正确检测频谱状态,次级用户传输会对主用户传输产生干扰。在分布式协作频谱检测和集中式协作频谱检测情况下,研究了认知中继网络中非理想频谱检测对主用户干扰性能的影响。在瑞利信道下推导了非理想频谱检测条件下主用户干扰概率的数学表达式。最后,仿真结果证明了理论分析的合理性,并表明非理想频谱检测会对主用户产生较大干扰,而中继节点数目的增加可以明显降低干扰概率。  相似文献   

在利用低频同轴反射法(LCR)进行材料吸波性能的测试过程中,经常会使用矢量网络分析仪的GATE功能来滤除干扰因素对测试结果的影响。本文通过对测试原理的阐述和不同吸波材料的测试结果的分析,说明了如何合理地设置矢量网络分析仪的GATE以及测试过程中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

建筑材料的质检结果好坏直接关系到建筑工程质量的优劣,所以为了最大程度保障建筑工程的施工质量,在工程正式施工之前就应对各项建筑材料的应用进行严格的检测,然而在对建筑材料检测的过程中,除了建筑材料本身的优劣会直接影响其检测结果,如果使用的检测设备不符合专业标准,采用的检测方法没有按照规定操作实施以及在具体的材料检测过程中没有对操作的各个阶段严格把关等,这些细节的失误都会对建筑材料最终的检测结果造成重要影响。因此在今后的建筑材料检测过程中,不仅要以优质的建筑材料作为检测对象,更重要的是对建筑材料的整个检测过程进行严格、细致的把关。本文主要研究在建筑材料检测过程中能对材料的检测结果产生影响的主要因素,进而对每个影响检测的因素进行有针对性的分析,并提出相应的解决方案,以便为建筑材料的精确检测提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

介绍了润滑油基础油的组成和目前研究结构组成所用的分析方法,通过分析基础油的结构组成对性能的影响,指出哪些烃类是基础油的理想组分,并从结构组成的角度分析了不同基础油性质的差异,提出未来基础油研究和生产的发展方向。  相似文献   

汽车检测行业在近年来随着汽车制造技术和检测技术的进步,也不断发展壮大,在汽车运行管理部门动态监督汽车技术状况方面发挥着极其重要的作用.特别是随着我国公路建设和道路运输业的飞速发展,道路交通安全问题也越来越突出,要求进一步重视和加强机动车辆安全技术状况检测已成为维护社会安定的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

通过变换超宽带(UWB)无线电通信系统的信号模型,分析了该通信系统的多址性能,给出了跳时序列与其所产生的多址干扰之间的关系,从而明确了跳时序列的相关性能对该通信系统误码率的影响。  相似文献   

日用鞋防滑性能的影响因素及检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日用鞋的防滑性能由于涉及穿着舒适性和安全性日益受到人们重视.本文在结合近年来国内外相关研究成果的基础上,重点分析了影响鞋类防滑性能的主要因素,以及用于评定鞋类防滑性能的测试仪器和检测方法,并对完善鞋类防滑性能检测标准,改进和提高鞋类的防滑性能提出了建议.  相似文献   

张瑞 《科技转让集锦》2011,(24):181-181
随着社会主义市场经济的发展和科学技术的不断进步,建筑工程的造价成本也逐渐的增加,如何合理的进行工程造价的运作是人们遇到的一个难题.通过对同一所建筑不同墙体材料及其费用进行分析,研究有差异胜的墙体材料对建筑工程中造价的影响.  相似文献   

本文分析了电子产品中使用的铍青铜材料出现的几种问题,通过对铍青铜热处理工艺的研究,找到了解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

Purpose: Company outsourcing of customer relationship management (CRM) functions is increasing (Kalaignanam and Varadarajan 2012). Although outsourcing CRM may provide financial benefits, the tasks of developing and utilizing the complex, cross-functional processes needed to gain enhanced customer knowledge from CRM may be more difficult when some or all CRM activities are outsourced. Trust in the information provided by the outsourced CRM supplier is vital. In this study, the authors examine the influence of buyer trust in its outsourced CRM supplier on cross-functional learning processes and firm performance within the buyer firm.

Methodology: Data were collected from a survey of marketing managers in 221 firms. LISREL 9.2 was used to assess convergent, discriminant, and nomologic validity using the two-step approach (Anderson and Gerbing 1988). Convergent and discriminant validity were evaluated in the measurement model phase, whereas the structural model provided an appraisal of nomologic validity.

Findings: The results provide evidence of buyer firm trust in the outsourced CRM supplier playing a critical role in the buyer firm’s success with information sharing, and both trust and information sharing strongly influencing information interpretation and information access in the buyer firm. All three organizational learning processes positively influence buyer firm customer satisfaction/retention and market performance.

Research implications: An important area for future research is the possibility of varying levels of trust needed for success with outsourced CRM depending on the buyer firm’s goals for its CRM system. It is possible that the simpler CRM functions could be outsourced effectively through efficiency strategies that do not require significant levels of trust, whereas the more complex CRM activities that affect organizational learning require more stringent coordination and inter-organizational development. Varadarajan’s (2009) cost versus quality classifications of outsourcing could be a useful starting point for this type of analysis. Considering the finding in this study that information sharing is critical for information interpretation and information access in the buyer firm, another area for future research is possible differences in the extent of information sharing required by firms that are outsourcing CRM versus those that conduct the CRM function in-house. One starting point could be possible differences in relevance among Maltz and Kohli’s (1996) factors affecting information dissemination.

Practical implications: For effective use of CRM data, it is important for buyer firms to develop trust in their outsourced CRM supplier. Managers can assist in this by communicating qualifications of the outsourced CRM supplier, such as any trade-specific certifications, awards, information about the supplier’s number of years in business, and examples of other companies the supplier has assisted. Managers can also help employees develop confidence in the supplier’s integrity by sharing the supplier’s code of ethics and serving as a champion for the supplier. In addition, firms engaged in outsourced CRM are encouraged to develop reward systems that motivate employees to build relationships with their counterparts in the supplier firm, and it would be useful for the buyer firm to help its employees understand the importance of the CRM outsourcing relationship to the buyer firm’s success. Finally, it is important for management to provide opportunities for interaction between the outsourcing partner and key buyer firm employees who will use the CRM data, to encourage effective processes in information sharing, information interpretation, and information access.

Contribution of the article: This article addresses the significance of outsourcing the CRM function and provides evidence that buyer trust in its CRM supplier is a critical factor in its utilization of CRM data for organizational learning and firm performance. It also demonstrates that effective sharing of information, cross-functional integration of customer data, and CRM information accessibility are critical for firm success.  相似文献   

文章将技术进步和经济、管理等相关变量纳入统一的理论分析框架,构建了一个动态“交易成本-代理成本”模型,刻画了我国大宗生产资料生产商自建渠道的行为理性,进而运用中国大陆2007-2012年间的分省面板数据从经验层面做了进一步的检验。文章的研究结论提示,面对新环境的冲击,生产商在利益驱动下具有较强的自建渠道冲动,传统大宗生产资料流通商必须依托技术进步成果构建新的竞争优势,有效降低代理成本并提高服务附加值,否则,流通领域的服务外包并不会在政策制定者的倡导下自动实现。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore whether the performance of the green innovation brought positive effect to the competitive advantage. This study found that the performances of the green product innovation and green process innovation were positively correlated to the corporate competitive advantage. Therefore, the result meant that the investment in the green product innovation and green process innovation was helpful to the businesses. This study argued that the businesses should cognize the correct value and positioning of the green innovation.Dr. Chen is the assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration in National Yunlin University of Science & Technology in Taiwan. His research focused on management of technology, innovation management, corporate environmental management and intellectual capital. Dr. Lai is the professor in the Department of Business Administration in National Chengchi University in Taiwan. His research focused on management of technology, new product development and operation management. Dr. Lai is also the legislator in Taiwan. Dr. Wen is the professor in the Graduate Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in National Chengchi University in Taiwan. His research focused on corporate environmental management, marketing management of technology and entrepreneurship management. Dr. Wen is also the head of the EMBA (Executive MBA) program in the College of Commerce in National Chengchi University in Taiwan.  相似文献   

分析了集装箱异味产生的原因,并引入MINIRAE2000 VOC检测仪对集装箱中的异味进行定量检测,寻找经验管理值。结合感官和仪器来检测集装箱异味对装运食品的影响。  相似文献   

美国反补贴法中的专向性标准及其适用问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
专向性标准是美国反补贴法中的一项重要制度,起到筛选反补贴对象的过滤器作用,也是其对WTO《补贴与反补贴协定》最大的贡献之一。该标准经历从法律专向性到法律专向性和事实专向性相结合的双重认定标准阶段。虽然美国反补贴法对法律专向性、法律专向性的例外和事实专向性标准都明确规定了认定标准或条件,但由于一些关键术语缺乏明确定义,调查机关在适用上还是具有非常大的自由裁量权和随意性。  相似文献   


This work investigates the relationship between investment expenses and pension fund size with investment performance, and whether or not past performance influences future performance. Relationships are presented between expenses, size and investment performance of pension funds in Brazil in the period 1998–2002. Utilizing regressions allowed for the conclusion that performance and expenses presented an inverse relationship, and that past performance does not offer any indication as to future performance, which indicates that active administration is not a good strategy. Finally, portfolio size presented a relationship inverse to performance.

RESUMEN. Este trabajo investiga la relación que existe entre los gastos incurridos por las inversiones, y el tamaño de los fondos de pensión con respecto al desempeño de las inversiones, para determinar si el desempeño del pasado ejerce o no algún tipo de influencia sobre el desempeño esperado. Hemos trazado una relación entre los gastos, tamaño y desempeño de las inversiones asignadas a los fondos de pensión en Brasil durante el período 1998–2002. El uso de estas regresiones nos permitió determinar que el desempeño y gastos presentaron una relación inversa, y que el desempeño anterior no ofrece ninguna indicación sobre el desempeño que se puede esperar en el futuro. Esto indica que la administración activa de los fondos no es una buena estrategia y, por último, determinamos que el tamaño de la cartera presentó una relación inversa al desempeño.

RESUMO. Este trabalho verifica se as despesas de investimentos e o porte do fundo de pensão estão direta ou inversamente relacionados com o desempenho dos investimentos. Apresentam-se relações entre despesas, porte e o desempenho dos investimentos dos fundos de pensão no Brasil, no período de 1998 a 2002. A utilização de regressões entre as medidas de desempenho, as despesas e o porte permitiu concluir que as despesas de investimentos e o porte das carteiras dos fundos de pensão apresentaram relação inversa com o desempenho dos investimentos. Essa descoberta favorece a idéia de que a administração ativa não é boa estratégia.  相似文献   

钢板仓作为一种新的现代化仓储设备,具有施工周期短、标准化程度高、基础施工省等优点,越来越多地在粮油、饲料、酿酒、化工等行业得到了广泛的应用。然而,钢板仓基础结构的选择显得尤为重要,尤其是地震烈度大、沿海地区显得非常重要。基于此,结合工程设计实例,研究在8度地震区基础结构选择的重要性,以期对结构安全、施工工艺和控制造价有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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