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采用企业资源计划(ERP)系统是企业信息化改造的核心,在过去的20年里被国内外企业广泛响应。一部分企业通过应用ERP实现了企业集成、绩效改进及竞争力的提升,而某些企业则投资巨大却没有达到预期的效果。利用分层回归分析方法,对企业管理再造与成功实施ERP的关系进行实证分析,验证了企业管理再造是成功实施ERP的关键因素。  相似文献   

CRM与ERP整合的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙华丽  程明  林锦国 《商业研究》2005,(22):149-151
(企业资源计划)ERP和(客户关系管理)CRM是重要的企业应用软件,分别侧重于企业内部和客户,有效的集成这两个系统,全方位地构建企业业务支持体系是很多企业的目标,从目前存在的主要的整合方法以及采取的技术出发,分析其特点找出一个新的整合方法。  相似文献   

ERP及其实施过程中的关节点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于淼 《商业研究》2003,(1):21-23
根据ERP系统演变发展史、ERP实施的步骤以及ERP实施过程中的关节点,同时总结实践经验, 介绍了ERP实施过程中的几种误区。  相似文献   

ERP在物流企业的地位及价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李景福 《中国市场》2007,(28):58-59
阐述了物流企业与ERP的关系;企业信息化与ERP的异同。详细论述了企业ERP中的供应链管理的原则以及关键部分,中国的物流企业为什么要实施ERP。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的飞速发展,ERP在企业财务管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。通过调查ERP在我国企业财务管理中的应用状况和存在的问题,提出了具体改进措施。  相似文献   


Organizations are increasingly implementing enterprise social networks (ESNs) for improved communication and collaboration, as well as enhanced knowledge sharing and innovation among employees. However, the paradoxical relationship between ESN implementation and the promised benefits has been attributed to employees’ underutilization. Our research focuses on factors influencing employees’ decision to use ESN in their work role and draws on case studies of two multinational professional service firms (PSFs) based in Australia. Qualitative data were collected during ten semi-structured interviews with employees from both organizations, to determine their perceptions of ESN usage and capture the factors that influence their use behavior. The findings illustrate that the likelihood of ESN use is significantly influenced by technological, organizational, social and individual factors. A successful ESN use within an organization involves the nexus between these four factors and recommendations are made, as guidelines for organizational actors about how ESNs usage can be increased.  相似文献   

出版社实施ERP任重道远   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据ERP系统在出版社实施的现状,分析出版行业使用ERP系统的起因、实施过程中的具体问题及解决方案,最终阐述了我国出版行业实施ERP任重道远的观点。  相似文献   

ERP在企业管理中的应用及风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着企业信息化的深入,ERP系统应运而生了,它为企业管理提出了一个全新的管理思想,它将影响企业组织生存和发展的环节统一起来,在综合的基础上给出企业管理的决策。企业推行ERP会使其存在巨大的潜在利益的同时,也使其面临着很大的风险,所以必须要考虑到方方面面的情况,才使ERP成为企业不断发展与壮大的有效工具。  相似文献   

现代社会竞争日趋激烈,企业的反应能力与处理信息能力很大程度上决定着企业的竞争力,而企业的信息化已经是现代企业管理的一个趋势。我国企业的信息化建设与应用整体来说起步晚,而且在实际的应用中遇到了不少问题,这就需要采取各种实用措施来让ERP系统发挥应有的作用,文章对此进行探析。  相似文献   

实施ERP系统的关键要素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周振 《商业研究》2005,(4):70-72
20世纪90年代以来,许多企业开始实施企业资源计划系统ERP,并投入了大量资源,但研究表明ERP项目实施的失败率非常高,尤其在我国国有企业失败率高达70%。究其原因,管理思想的转变、高层领导的支持和参与、建立项目监管制度、业务流程重组、数据的准确性和教育与训练是影响我国企业成功实施的关键因素,并通过案例探讨了企业实施ERP应注意的问题。  相似文献   

研究表明,数字技术的变革对服务企业的影响远大于制造企业。随着越来越多的服务企业进入国际市场,这种影响越来越大,乃至对传统的服务特性以及服务企业选择海外市场进入模式都带来了新的挑战。本文以电子商务技术对服务企业进入模式选择所带来的影响作用为切入点,在此基础上,提出了具体的概念模型,对一些服务企业进入海外市场的内部、外部及其它影响因素进行了详尽的阐述,并得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

Despite the wide-spread attention focused on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems by both researchers and practitioners, there remain gaps in understanding their implementation and impacts. The majority of ERP research concerns either critical success factors or ERP effects. Very little has been done with regard to the relationship between ERP and organizational learning (OL). Much of the existing literature in this area focuses on learning during system implementation with a small amount of additional literature focusing on learning resulting from or connected to ERP use. The work of integrating research on ERP implementation and post-implementation effects is begun by identifying the use of OL as a lens for understanding these two phenomena. The paper makes two unique contributions to the existing literature. First, a case is built for ERP support of OL by emphasizing ERP decision-support capabilities. Second, a set of existing theoretical constructs is put forward as a possible basis for investigating the relationship between ERP implementation learning and post-implementation support of OL. Finally, the paper outlines areas for future investigation and provides a basic investigative framework to be pursued. Given that this research identifies connections between the two forms of learning, it is possible that what is represented is a lifecycle of OL within the ERP implementation/post-implementation chain of events.  相似文献   

随着我国经济水平的提升及整体国力不断加强,在新一轮的经济改革中,不少中小企业抓住了发展时机,实现了成长的飞跃,这也给会计师事务所的发展创造了更多机会。如今,除了整体的市场竞争环境愈发激烈,复杂多变的外部市场环境以及企业自身多元化的业务类型,都是企业在进一步发展中将会面临的问题,靠其自身解决难度较大,引入外部专业力量是必要的选择。因此,越来越多的会计师事务所迎合市场需求在审计业务之外,开展了企业财税顾问服务,这也给其未来发展创造了更多的可能和机会。  相似文献   

浙商与台商,同受闽南海商文化影响,基于不同的制度背景,构建出各异的跨区商业网络。比较这二者的发展模式,既体现研究新意,又突显典型模式价值。本文梳理中小企业网络与国际化成长、基于社会资本理论的中小企业国际化、海外华商网络、浙商与台商跨区商业网络构建等几个方面的相关文献,提供浙商与台商跨区商业网络比较研究的理论基础,并提出未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

随着企业利用企业级信息系统实现管理创新,信息系统实施成为重要的技术管理问题。用户参与一直被认为是影响信息系统成功的重要因素,但在企业级信息系统实施情境中,传统的用户参与研究存在理论缺口。本文基于ERP项目的案例研究来探讨新IT情境中的用户参与问题,发现企业级信息系统实施中的用户参与包括承担总体责任、用户-顾问协作关系、从事具体工作、用户跨部门沟通及推动组织变革五个维度,其发挥作用的中介机制是促进用户对系统的接受,提升关系质量及保证解决方案质量。  相似文献   


Most enterprise systems (ES) solutions have evolved with the technological factors of flexibility, modularity and integration embedded to fit both business and information technology (IT) requirements for many organizations. Recently, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and business-to-business electronic business (e-business) have received much attention within both the practitioner and academic communities, especially concerning the technological factors. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework that could be used to investigate a possible relationship between ERP and other ES systems with the factors of flexibility, integration and modularity for e-business.

In the 1990's, ERP systems were introduced to fulfill some of the technological requirements across functional areas within a corporate boundary. Moreover, with the exponential growth of Internet technology and the emergence of e-business, the focus of ERP systems has changed from an integrated functional focus within an organization to one reaching outside the organization throughout the value chain system. It is expected that an ERP system can facilitate an e-business effort of an organization.

In order to serve as a platform for e-business, an ERP system must also be able to be extended to support a range of external constituents for a firm. The process must involve an investigation of ERP technological factors along with any other emerging ES solution of the firm. This study investigates ERP and other ES systems for e-business with a focus on the technological factors of flexibility, integration, and modularity.  相似文献   

信息不对称是风险企业的显著特征,也是形成风险企业独特控制权安排的主要原因。利用信息经济学的方法对风险企业控制权安排的三个特点进行分析,弄清风险企业控制权安排的不同方面都是为了解决因信息不对称而引起的某个方面的问题。  相似文献   


One of the important features of human resource management (HRM) theory is that organizations need to develop HRM practices that are supportive of the organization's business practice. The HRM practice of an organization defines the role behaviour of its employees. Service organizations are unique and distinct from manufacturing organizations. Thus, service organizations need to develop the appropriate role behaviour. Empirical evidence shows that service organizations in the U.S. develop HRM practices that are distinct when compared with manufacturing firms. This study examined the extent to which this is also true in Malaysia. It also subjected this relationship to a more rigorous scrutiny by also controlling for the influence of other variables known to affect HRM practice.  相似文献   

The trend of using artificial intelligence based chatbots for service encounters has seen a significant spike in recent times. Many studies have attempted to explain the adoption of the technology for various service applications; this study synthesizes the literature through a meta-analysis, for which data from 70 independent studies, with a combined sample size of 20,026 was considered, to understand the influencers of the attitude and intention to use chatbots for service encounters. In addition, this study also sought to understand the moderating role of the culture, the technological characteristics captured through the variables transactional/non-transactional, and informative/entertaining of the hypothesized relationships. Meta structural equation modelling (meta-analytic SEM) was used to analyse the data. The results indicate playfulness, attitude, usefulness, facilitating condition and social influence of the chatbots are the key factors in influencing user adoption. Further, technological characteristics and culture were found to significantly moderate certain relationships in the model. Practical and theoretical implications have also been discussed.  相似文献   

信息化、网络化建设是一个不断飞速发展的过程,其辐射面广且关联度大。要适应这种发展迅猛、多变的网络世界,更好地发展信息服务产业就必须构筑一个多功能的运转体系,实施政府管理、技术研究创新、网络施工、信息检索服务及市场培育等一体化工程并形成强大的多功能联合体,从而降低风险和市场进入成本,加速信息产品开发,有利于实现规模经济。  相似文献   

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