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The purpose of the current study was to segment U.S. consumers into four distinct clusters based on their beliefs and motives regarding pro-environmental consumer behavior. Using a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults from Experian Simmons (N = 22,348), this study revealed that: (a) there are four clusters of consumers in the United States with a unique set of beliefs and motives regarding consumer environmentalism; (b) the clusters have distinct demographic and media usage profiles; and (c) the groups have varying responses to the industry's initiatives to protect the environment. Implications of the research are discussed in light of developing message and media strategies for green marketing.  相似文献   

随着工业的发展,环境的逐渐恶化,人们的皮肤健康面临着严峻的挑战。绿色化妆品逐渐走入了人们的视野,并成为一个充满希望的市场。立足于中国市场,从绿色化妆品的定义入手,分析了影响消费者态度的因素,并提出了绿色化妆品营销的建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to develop and validate a scale to measure consumers' receptivity to green advertising (REGRAD), in light of the absence of such a scale from the green marketing research stream. REGRAD is posited as an individual difference factor, which can be measured, and consumers can be divided into segments based on this factor. The scale development process resulted in a nine-item scale, which shows a high degree of correlation with environmental behavior and a distinction from the environmental skepticism scale. REGRAD moderates attitudes and intentions toward a company and its green initiatives. Given the trend by marketers to target and market products as ‘green’, REGRAD can be used in identifying consumers who will be more receptive than others to these marketers' efforts. It can also guide the development of marketing communication messages. Research and managerial implications are explored, and the limitations of the research and directions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

我国企业构建绿色营销体系的障碍因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业绿色营销的实施是一项复杂的系统工程,是可持续发展战略的必然要求。本文阐述了企业绿色营销体系,分析了阻碍我国企业建立绿色营销体系的因素,提出建立绿色营销体系的基本策略。  相似文献   

This article develops a public sector marketing model to measure the social and environmental values of public strategies. Applying partial least squares path modeling, the authors empirically test the model by conducting a quantitative survey (N = 603) among users of a green public service in the form of a public bike-sharing system. The findings reveal that users simultaneously perceive public outcomes on the social value and environmental value dimensions. The effect estimated on the perceived social value dimension of the green public service was slightly stronger than the effect on the environmental value dimension. Thus, users primarily perceive self-centered values, before considering values generated for the environment. The findings also show that engaging citizens now in the actual usage of green public services can foster green consumption intentions in the future.  相似文献   

沈阳市饭店业绿色营销起步较晚,对绿色营销的实施还存在很多不足。政府应培育绿色市场环境,适度政策倾斜,加快饭店业的立法,充分发挥饭店协会的作用,促进沈阳市饭店业有效地实施绿色营销。沈阳市饭店业应提高饭店的绿色营销意识,开展绿色促销活动,推出绿色食品,提供绿色服务。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to explore the attitudes of Jordanian consumers regarding both their current environmental consciousness and their willingness to adopt environmentally friendly consumption behavior. The article is based on an empirical investigation of consumer attitudes for a sample of 303 university students drawn from Jordanian universities, using a drop-off method. The article concludes that Jordanian consumers were, generally, concerned about the environment, as they demonstrated reasonably high levels of environmental consciousness relating to various environmental issues. However, this pro-environmental attitude was not sufficient to turn good intentions into actual buying actions, possibly due to several factors, such as loyalty to traditional products and weak credibility of “green” claims. The article stresses the need to link consumers' good intentions to actual buying behavior through a green marketing strategy, which focuses on the unique characteristics of green products and how they impact the environment, within the cultural context of the Jordanian consumer. Over time, we hope that these efforts can lead to a culture of green consumerism within a framework of environmental responsibility.  相似文献   

祖祎  张爱东 《商业研究》2008,(3):159-161
随着绿色消费观念的深入人心和国际贸易中"绿色壁垒"的高筑,我国企业日益认识到改变传统营销方式、实施以可持续发展为特征的绿色营销的紧迫性。由于诸多因素的制约,我国企业开展绿色营销仍存在阻碍。为提高企业竞争力,企业应尽快建立绿色营销体系等应对策略。  相似文献   

绿色营销:海南热带农产品营销的策略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾峰  庞惠玲 《商业研究》2007,(5):183-185
21世纪是绿色产业迅速发展的时代,海南热带农产品实施绿色营销,给海南热带农业带来了新的发展的机遇,形成新的经济增长点。但和台湾省比仍有很大差距。为此要探寻影响海南热带农产品可持续发展的主要制约因素,并结合海南实际,制定出海南热带农产品的绿色营销策略,以提高海南热带农业的整体经济效益。  相似文献   

在环境问题越来越受到关注的趋势下,基于绿色战略的可持续发展将成为企业发展的必然选择。绿色战略分为污染防治、产品责任/清洁生产和清洁技术三个阶段。企业实施绿色战略有三个步骤,即建立可持续发展的愿景、明确绿色战略所处的阶段和战略的具体实施。  相似文献   

李勤  任燕 《商业研究》2005,(23):98-102
开展绿色营销是实施可持续发展战略的必然要求和具体体现。企业只有实施绿色营销战略,才能突出自己的特色,不断地提高市场占有率。以中铁一局集团公司为例,通过分析认为,我国铁路建设企业在绿色营销上存在着缺乏绿色技术创新能力和绿色营销的竞争力,经营范围狭窄,没有形成完善的绿色管理系统等问题,要想解决这些问题,必须实施绿色促销策略、绿色价格策略和绿色技术创新策略等绿色营销策略。  相似文献   

绿色营销:企业营销战略新趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在绿色革命推动下,新的营销观念绿色营销应运而生,由于可持续发展以及企业自身利益等综合 因素使企业实施绿色营销具有其必然性,企业并可通过树立绿色营销观念、研发和生产绿色产品、合理 制定绿色价格、开辟绿色分销渠道、进行绿色促销等来实施绿色营销战略。  相似文献   

绿色农产品消费意愿的经济学分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
靳明  赵昶 《财经论丛》2007,(6):85-91
本文通过对绿色农产品消费者群体的划分,采用指数效用和需求价格弹性等综合性指标来全面深入反映绿色农产品消费意愿。实证结果表明以中青年、文化程度较高和白领职员为主的人群是绿色农产品的主要消费群体。绿色农产品的需求价格弹性较高,消费者对价格比较敏感,绿色农产品对普通农产品的消费替代还不高。在各类农产品中,消费者对绿色蔬菜的需求程度最高。  相似文献   

绿色营销、公益营销和社会营销的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色营销、公益营销和社会营销都是对传统营销观念的发展和修正,符合企业发展的基本规律。其中社会营销的内涵最为丰富,是和传统营销观念相对应的一种新的营销观念;绿色营销源于社会营销;公益营销是社会营销观念指导下的营销方式的创新;三种既有密切联系又各有侧重。不同的营销形式,在为企业营销行为提供新的选择的同时,也给企业提出了新的社会要求。一个理性的企业,在营销形式的选择上,应结合企业自身的具体情况,根据企业生产经营的发展阶段和企业所处的内外部特定环境,科学理性的选择有效的营销行为。  相似文献   

绿色营销已经成为 2 1世纪企业营销的主要方式 ,我国企业越来越多的运用绿色营销的理论与方法指导实践。绿色营销是一个结构复杂、组成元素众多的系统 ,不仅其内部子系统之间相互影响 ,同时它还受到外部各种环境因素的影响和制约。  相似文献   

绿色营销的风险分析与防范   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文认为,绿色营销是传统营销的延伸和拓展,具有绿色性、持续性、外部经济性、系统性、混沌性和积累性等特征,绿色营销风险是由于绿色营销这种新的营销方式与环境的不协调而导致的,是绿色营销战略实施、市场开拓、产品销售与营销目标实现等方面的不确定性造成的。这种风险既有源于市场的市场风险,又有源于企业自身的非市场风险。文章指出,为防范绿色营销风险,应充分发挥政府的宏观调控作用;加强宣传、教育和引导工作,完善信息传递机制;要求企业增强绿色意识,重视绿色营销,把握绿色需求的变化趋势;加强绿色营销队伍建设,提高营销人员素质;注重实施联合绿色营销。  相似文献   

Farmers’ markets have grown rapidly in recent decades. One explanation for this growth relates to consumers’ view that farmers’ market products are more sustainable. While many have analyzed customer preferences at farmers’ markets, few have examined farmers’ message strategies in this space. Little has been done to analyze the ways farmers use sustainability as a marketing approach. This ethnographic research is based on 100 hr of observation and in‐depth interviews with 36 participants and analyzes the ways farmers position their products as sustainable to customers. The findings indicate that sustainability is not a primary topic of conversation during customerfarmer interaction. However, related concepts such as environment, local, organic, and chemical serve as the proxies for sustainability, even though these messages are presented ambiguously.  相似文献   

近年来,将环境问题置于企业战略层面已得到普遍认同,绿色创新是我国经济新常态下解决环境问题实现可持续发展的关键。基于自然资源基础观理论、知识管理理论和吸收能力理论,本文对长三角地区249家制造业企业进行实证研究,验证前瞻型环境战略对绿色创新绩效的作用过程与影响机理。实证结果表明,制定前瞻型环境战略的企业可以通过积累绿色智力资本和增强吸收能力来提高企业绿色创新绩效。通过Bootstrap检验发现,绿色智力资本对吸收能力有积极影响,二者在前瞻型环境战略与绿色创新绩效间有链式中介作用,并在对比中发现链式中介效应与单独中介效应具有显著差异。研究为企业制定环境战略和提高绿色创新绩效提供了理论指导与管理启示。  相似文献   

随着消费者收入的持续提高,消费升级成为必然趋势。企业需要以终端和渠道导向为主向消费者导向为主的营销思路转变,完成企业营销渠道战略的转型。当前,黑龙江省绿色食品企业营销渠道面临着对消费者多样化需求的满足程度不够、产销脱节、缺乏对整体渠道的控制力等问题。在消费升级形势下,黑龙江省绿色食品企业的营销战略应向产销一体化渠道模式转型。产销一体化渠道模式能够促进企业的发展和农户增收,满足消费者对食品安全的要求和多样化需求。  相似文献   

我国经济林产品发展现状与绿色营销环境分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济林产品在我国国民经济发展中起着十分重要的作用。为使经济林产品在我国国民经济发展中发挥更加重要的作用以及选择实施经济林产品绿色营销策略,有必要对我国经济林产品发展的现状和绿色营销的国际国内环境进行分析。文章指出,当前我国林产品发展取得了巨大成效并呈现出了一些新的特点,但也存在着结构不合理、生产管理粗放、产品贮藏加工能力低、产销脱节、综合效益差等不足。国际上,发达国家对绿色食品的需求连年递增,而相当程度上又只能依靠进口;国内消费者的消费水平正在从温饱型向小康型过渡,对绿色经济林产品的需求也在日益上升,国际国内经济林产品绿色营销的环境基本具备。  相似文献   

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