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Utilizing a conjoint analysis approach, this study aims to examine the relative importance of external information sources for female and male international and domestic travelers utilizing data collected from 719 tourists traveling to Sardinia (Italy). Overall, findings reveal that traditional word-of-mouth (i.e. family and friends), online review sites (e.g. TripAdvisor), and the online search engines are the most important external information sources for both domestic and international travelers. However, differences in importance tourists assign to each external source exist based on type of travel (domestic versus international) and gender (male versus female). For example, while traditional word-of-mouth, online review sites, and search engines are the three most important sources for domestic male travelers, the third most important information source for domestic female travelers is found to be printed tour guides. Contributions to the current body of knowledge and managerial implications are discussed, and suggestions for further research are provided.  相似文献   

Tourism represents a principal sector of the economy of Taiwan. Consequently, the government is currently focusing on developing the country as a major tourist destination in Asia. Thus, the primary aims of this research were to explore factors related to tourists’ motivations to visit Taiwan as well as the demographic segmentation of these foreign tourists. Using a convenience sample, 249 surveys were collected and analyzed. The results show that five push (enlightenment and reputation; unusual and affection; freedom; interpersonal communication and sharing; and family and friends relationship) and six pull factors (attitude and quality of service; cost, shopping, and tasting; diverse attraction; culture connections; sport facilities, wildlife and events; and accessibility) play important roles in the motivations of foreign tourists. Furthermore, foreign tourists can be clustered into five groups based on motivation (scenery/knowledge seekers, accessibility/expenditure seekers, relaxation/relation seekers, novelty/experience seekers, sport/service seekers) and five demographic groups (gender, age, marital status, nationality, and income). According to these results, suggestions are made as to how Taiwan could effectively develop tourism policies and marketing strategies to attract international tourists.  相似文献   

上海乡村旅游资源定量评价研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
乡村旅游作为一种富有特色、新兴的旅游业态,深受城市旅游者喜爱.本文在分析了乡村旅游的概念、发展模式、上海乡村旅游发展现状的基础上,采用德尔菲法(Delphi)和层次分析法(AHP)相结合的方法,参考了旅游资源评价的国家标准,建立了针对上海乡村旅游资源特点的评价体系,探讨乡村旅游开发中旅游资源评价各个环节,并选择了典型的上海乡村旅游景点(区)进行实证评价研究,为上海乡村旅游资源开发提供依据.  相似文献   

胡平  杨杰 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):81-85
会展业作为前景广阔的朝阳产业,对相关产业有巨大的拉动作用.本文以上海新国际博览中心作为案例对会展业的经济效应做实证研究,从抽样调查和统计数据着手分析得出以下结论:上海展览业的拉动效应为1∶8.4,已接近国外发达国家水平;不同展览的经济带动作用各不相同,参观人数多的品牌国际展的经济拉动作用更大;展览会对展览搭建公司以及当地住宿餐饮影响巨大.  相似文献   

白凯  李天顺 《旅游学刊》2007,22(5):34-39
本文从影响旅游者出行的隐性相关因素角度,以2003年截面数据为准,选取了17个国家和6项同旅游者出境旅游及花费相关的隐性相关因素进行了因子和聚类分析.分析结果显示:旅游者出境人数和花费主要受客源国人均GDP、国民教育水平、消费水平和稳定的消费环境、民用航空业发达程度因素的影响;我国17个主要客源国因隐性相关因素的影响而聚合为5大类;其来华旅游人数和其总体出境旅游人数相比还处于较低水平;短期内我国入境游客源国的开发重点应该是1-4类国际客源国.  相似文献   

基于IPA评价的会展旅游特征感知实证研究:以上海为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为实现会展目的地利益相关者之间的紧密配合、促进上海会展旅游业的可持续良性发展,为2010年上海世博会的筹备贡献理论支持,本研究通过采用重要性—绩效分析模型(IPA)的研究方法,对上海会展旅游的26项感知项进行了评价和讨论,为上海会展业未来工作重点和营销资源配置提出了参考建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate relationships between cultural worldview (CW), cultural experiential dimensions, and satisfaction among international travelers who stayed at Hanok, a traditional house in South Korea. Findings of the study show that respondents' CW and experience were significantly different with respect to the respondents' origin of residence. Americans and Europeans shared a similar CW, whereas Japanese and Chinese expressed a similar view on CW. The strong and significant prediction on satisfaction by all experience dimensions warranted the importance of experiential qualities of tourism products and services in the cultural tourism context.  相似文献   

国家形象和目的地形象因其对消费者行为和决策的重要影响,分别发展成为国际商务领域和旅游营销领域的重要概念和研究热点,虽然两者具有十分密切的内在联系,但学界对它们的研究却相对独立,缺少交叉研究.该研究在对两个领域的文献和理论模型进行整理后,将目的地形象放置到国家尺度下重新审视,试图揭示一个国家的综合国家形象与其作为旅游目的地的形象之间的互动机制,并尝试引入“熟悉度”等概念建立整合模型.最后以中国大陆为案例地,以来华国际游客为调查对象,通过结构方程模型进行实证检验和修正.结论指出:(1)熟悉度对目的地形象有正向影响;(2)国家形象与目的地形象之间具有双向且正向的影响;(3)国家形象通过目的地形象对游客的忠诚度产生间接影响.  相似文献   

With recent developments in social media and mobile computing, little is known regarding how different travel segments within the general traveler population actually use the Internet for travel planning. In particular, this study examined various aspects of Internet use among four generational groups including the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y over a six-year period. Findings show a high adoption rate of the Internet among all generations but there are important differences related to information search, trip planning activities, and websites used for online booking. This study provides a timely analysis of information technology use for travel planning and offers meaningful insights for the development of communication strategies for destinations and tourism businesses.  相似文献   

吕帅  汪宇明  龚伟  程怡 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):60-64
转移-份额分析法是考察区域经济结构极其重要的一种方法.客源市场结构变化是旅游目的地发展战略制定的主要影响因素.基于海外游客市场结构的SSM分析,发现上海海外客源市场中,日、韩、德、加、泰及澳大利亚等市场结构份额比较稳定,港澳台地区及马、菲等市场呈现结构份额下降趋势,美、英、新等市场结构份额呈上升趋势;港台地区和美、英、德、新、俄市场竞争潜力较强;澳门地区及马、韩市场竞争潜力呈现弱化趋势,应引起上海乃至中国拓展海外旅游市场营销的关注.  相似文献   

The length of stay of a tourist is one of the most important factors indicating consumption levels and revenue generation for certain tourist destinations. This study employs data from a tourist survey in Yixing, China, to investigate potential factors influencing a tourist's length of stay. Applying an ordered logit model, it is found that distance, age, organized tour, transportation, motivation, past visits and assessment of accommodation are some of the major determinants of a tourist's length of stay. The results indicate that traveling distance and the assessment of accommodation are positively associated with the length of stay. In addition, tourists with different modes of transportation, motivations and past visits have different durations of stay. Based on the estimation results from subsamples, it is also found that there are differences in determinants of length of stay between organized tourists and individual tourists, and among different age groups.  相似文献   

"文化边际域"中东西方旅游者行为比较研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文以2004年7-8月对我国6大旅游热点城市--北京、上海、西安、广州、桂林和昆明入境游客市场调查为基础,从东西方不同的文化背景入手,比较分析了"文化边际域"中不同文化体系的群体在旅游消费行为方面的差异和相似模式.跨文化研究东西方文化的差异有助于促进旅游目的地本土文化的保护和发展,有助于提出更加合理的市场细分和具有针对性的市场策略.  相似文献   

入境旅游是衡量一个国家知名度、影响力和旅游发展水平的主要因素,也是赚取外汇和旅游收入的重要路径。上海是外国游客入境重要的目的地,也是中国最大的入境游客中转站。文章分析了德国、法国、英国、美国、泰国五个上海主要入境旅游客源国2004年第一季度至2018年第三季度的数据,运用计量经济学方法建模,并实证分析了上海入境旅游需求的影响因素。研究表明,口碑效应、客源地的收入水平与上海入境旅游需求正相关;上海入境旅游具有较大的季节波动特点,冬夏两季入境游客数量减少;世博会对上海入境旅游拉动作用较大。同时,对德国、法国、泰国三大市场未来十年的旅游季度需求进行了预测,预测发现,德国、法国、泰国三大市场未来十年都有较大增长,特别是泰国市场的年均增长率达到4%。  相似文献   

It is believed that films and television dramas that are not directly concerned with tourism promotion have become a catalyst for tourism as publicity and promotional media for attracting tourists. This paper considers what roles films and television dramas play in influencing overseas tourists' behaviors in terms of their travel destination selection. The results from the survey of Japanese tourists to the UK gave evidence of a wide range of roles of films and television drams as different stages in respondents' destination choice processes. This paper concludes that films and television dramas have an ability to create destination awareness, consciousness, and images leading to a stronger interest in the destination and actual travel to the destination.  相似文献   

秦岭南 《旅游学刊》2006,21(4):72-76
本文以北京黄金假日旅行社和上海携程公司之间一系列不正当竞争法律案及以此引发的相关案件为文本,立足法律角度从四个方面对其作以梳理和分析,试图从"非典型"案例中找出典型意义.这一案件的重要启示在于对目前包括行业许可准入制度在内的旅行社管理制度提出针对性反思.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the motives of Chinese nationals who attended the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China, and to understand their perceptions about service quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. The results of this study revealed six motivation factors and three mutually exclusive clusters based on their motives. In particular, the “multipurpose experience seekers” showed more favorable service quality perceptions and higher satisfaction than their counterparts. The three segments based on their motivation also demonstrated significant differences in selected sociodemographic variables, which could be used effectively by the event organizers. Marketing implications and suggestions for attracting visitors to a mega event were presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual framework of Web users’ engagement in tourism information search for a comprehensive understanding of their integrated online and offline search behaviour. The information search experiences are characterised as a process constituting some common elements: prior knowledge and searching experiences, online searching strategies, processing and recording information, barriers to online searching, reasons for ending an online search, summarising information, exchanging information and searching for more information through other sources. Such behaviour goes beyond the scope of information searching and captures the other activities, including information processing, utilising and disseminating. The grounded theory research method is employed as an inductive investigative process in which the authors construct the framework by systematically collecting and analysing data. The aim of this research method is to build a theory. The data sets consist of both semi-structured in-depth interviews with subjects and their field observations based on online searching. A theoretical model incorporating 10 propositions is proposed for future testing.  相似文献   

游客环境责任行为驱动因素研究——以台湾为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章构建了游客环境责任行为概念模型,以台湾游客为例进行了实证研究,深入探讨了游客环境责任行为实施的复杂环境认知、态度、情感、意志的心理活动机制.研究表明:环境知识、环境态度、亲近自然旅游动机、环境行为意向、景区环境质量和景区环境政策是影响游客环境责任行为的6个重要驱动因素,其中,环境态度和环境行为意向发挥着关键的中介作用;修正后模型可解释游客的环境态度26.9%方差,环境行为意向31.8%方差以及环境责任行为77.5%方差,整个模型的解释效力较好;游客环境责任行为的形成受到个人因素和情境因素的影响,可相应划分为个人因素作用过程和情境因素作用过程两个循序递进、相互依存、相互渗透的过程,个人因素作用过程存在复杂的内部交织关系,并不能截然区分开来,其对游客环境责任行为的形成起到了主导作用,既存在直接影响,又存在间接影响,且影响程度较大,而情境因素作用过程相对简单,仅对游客环境责任行为起到直接作用,且作用力度较小.  相似文献   

魏鹏  侯杨方 《旅游学刊》2017,(5):106-115
旅游具有空间属性,旅游者的空间分布研究是学界研究的重点,也是热点.文章借鉴伯克曼“通勤选择”的效用正态分布假设,构建旅游者空间分布模型,并依据甘肃省2015年县(区)统计数据,进行模型的检验与估计,研究显示该模型对甘肃省旅游者县(区)空间分布能进行较好的解释.在此基础上,文章将该模型作为预测模型,依据甘肃省旅游业与交通运输发展“十三五”规划的内容,对“十三五”末甘肃省旅游者空间分布状况进行预测,并与2015牟的状况进行比较分析,揭示旅游者空间分布的演变趋势.研究表明,“十三五”规划的实施将推动甘肃省旅游者空间分布由中心城区向周边县(区)扩散,东南-西北向的丝绸之路经济带将得到增强,甘肃省东部的西南-东北向的旅游经济带也将显现雏形.该研究将有助于定量了解旅游者空间分布的影响因素,也为旅游者空间分布变化预测提供方法,为旅游饭店等服务设施的规划布局研究提供依据.  相似文献   

This article concerns the attitudes of local community members in Iran toward the tourists with whom they interact. Reference is made to prevailing conditions within Iran generally and particularly in the tourism industry. The results of a questionnaire survey conducted in two settlements that are popular with tourists are presented. Participants responded to a series of attitude statements about tourists and the researchers tested the effects of various sociodemographic characteristics, including professed degree of religious devotion. The findings suggest favorable views about visitors and tourism development overall, although different groupings expressed preferences for particular tourist types. Implications of the results for academics, industry practitioners, and policymakers are also discussed.  相似文献   

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