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This paper examines the relationship between the individual conception in economics and the justification of economic rights as human rights. It briefly describes the nature of economic rights, and argues that the Homo economicus conception constitutes a barrier to justifying them. The paper then offers an alternative conception of the individual as socially embedded, and argues that it offers an adequate basis for the justification of economic rights. On this alternative conception individuals are enduring beings who have personal identities.  相似文献   

公司的控制权决定着公司的权力分配状况。从目前我国民营公司控制权的现有状况、作用机制入手,着重挖掘控制权对民营企业产生的各种影响,包括企业基本结构的变更、参与市场竞争等,揭示了控制权对民营企业向前发展的整体作用。  相似文献   

With the help of planes and solids, this paper presents an enlargement of the field of observation of economic theory. Through this transformation, the distribution of ownership rights to money and wealth assumes a central position in economic analysis. Thus social relevance is returned to economics. The validity of this operation is confirmed by the return of the millenarian field of economic justice to its traditional function as guidance to economic policy. The paper then presents four sets of economic rights and responsibilities that offer the potential of translating principles of economic justice into the complexities of the modern world.
Carmine GorgaEmail:

Carmine Gorga   is a former Fulbright scholar and the recipient of a Council of Europe Scholarship for his dissertation on “The Political Thought of Louis D. Brandeis.” Dr. Gorga has transformed the linear world of economic theory into a relational discipline in which everything is related to everything else—internally as well as externally. He was assisted in this endeavor by many people, notably for 27 years by Professor Franco Modigliani, a Nobel laureate in economics from MIT. The resulting work, The Economic Process: An Instantaneous Non-Newtonian Picture, was published in 2002. During the last few years, Mr. Gorga has concentrated his attention on the requirements for the unification of economic theory and policy. For details, see .  相似文献   

This paper advances a capabilities conception of the individual, and considers some of the problems involved in developing such a conception. It also makes claims about the nature of the capability space as a whole, frames personal development in terms of the idea of moving though the capability space, and argues that people are alike in being increasingly heterogeneous. A key problem for a capabilities conception of the individual is that some capabilities, such as belonging to social groups and having social identities, can undermine individuality. The paper discusses an example in which people can have social identities but can nonetheless be relatively independent when seen as self-organizing. Brief comments on one goal of social economic policy as being identity-promoting conclude the paper.  相似文献   

论"人力资本产权"分歧的化解及其与智力资本的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐鸣 《现代财经》2007,27(1):11-14,19
人力资本、智力资本理论,本质上是“虚拟资本”问题,是对这些过去被看作是费用或成本的东西进行“资本化定价”。我国经济学界“人力资本产权”问题的分歧,关键在于没有从虚拟资本这个角度来思考“人力资本”这类问题。特别是由于在研究企业产权理论时,没有引进另一类虚拟资本——“智力资本”的概念。  相似文献   

乡镇企业和国有企业经济效率差异的人力资本产权分析   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
对乡镇企业和国有企业的实证比较分析表明 ,同属于公有制的国有企业和乡镇企业以及不同类型的乡镇企业之间之所以出现较大的经济效率差异 ,原因不在于物质资本产权的性质 ,而在于人力资本产权界定上的差异 ,尤其是经营者人力资本产权界定是导致两者经济效率差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

人力资本产权激励功能源于产权所带来的收益,而产权收益的实现是产权主体拥有产权权利的根本目的.从理论渊源来看,关于公务员人力资本产权激励的研究大体可分为两种视角:即制度主义研究视角与管理主义研究视角.制度主义研究视角强调制度建设对于产权主体的重要意义,主张通过制度设计来确保公务员人力资本所有者获取到合理的产权收益.而管理主义视角则认为,公务员人力资本产权收益的实现是以人力资本所有者的需求满足为基础,不同的产权收益方式和内容带给公务员个体的满足程度不一,从而可以形成不同的产权激励效果,因而,其所关注的重点不再是产权制度的设计,而是产权收益的表现形式.两种视角共同构成了公务员人力资本产权激励的实现途径.  相似文献   

唐晓云 《当代财经》2005,(8):97-102
尽管关税壁垒已经被大大消除,但反竞争行为如果得不到规制将会成为阻碍国际贸易自由化发展的新壁垒,使得贸易政策和竞争政策的冲突和矛盾愈发突出。由于贸易政策和竞争政策调整对象的不同以及基本理念和价值取向不同,尤其是对个人权利的不同关注,决定了两者在最终追求目标相互补之外的不完全相容性。现有的世界贸易组织所规范的贸易行为并没有涉及和考虑竞争政策尤为重视的经济活动参与者及其商业行为,尽管世界贸易组织协定中已有一些初步的竞争规则,但贸易政策和竞争政策的协调前景并不乐观。  相似文献   

著作权包括精神权利和财产权利,传统学者大都关注后者的经济学价值,对于前者,仅从人格保护层面进行探讨.本文则从全新的视角对精神权利进行经济学分析.笔者首先诠释精神权利的具体内涵以及经济学分析的必要性;接着笔者运用经济学上的"激励论"对精神权利的经济学价值进行分析;运用经济学上的效益-成本理论对精神权利中的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权、发表权、收回权分别论述,论证上述权利是有效益的.  相似文献   

个体主义方法论是西方主流经济学的基本研究方法,其核心观点往往被认为是不证自明的。但是这种不证自明恰恰不是绝对的,而是现代社会特定的理论与实践背景的产物。由于在对他人的理解的问题上采取了特定的立场,即认为对他人的理解都是通过类比推理实现的,才使得个体主义方法论成为可能。运用现象学方法进行分析可以发现,这一立场是站不住脚的,因此个体主义方法论并不是无庸置疑的。经济学要获得发展,在方法论领域必须实现变革。  相似文献   

Personalist Economics has identified a central problem in Neoclassical Economics that originates in its representation of the economic agent as homo economicus and its grounding in individualism. Both flaws are directly addressed by Personalist Economics that has a different perspective on human nature as set forth in Personalism. Our remarks are presented in three sections. In the first section we address why individualism is an unsatisfactory philosophical foundation for modern economic theory. In the second section we trace the origins of Personalist Economics to Aristotle and Aquinas. While others, such as Heinrich Pesch and Joseph Schumpeter, played important roles in the evolution of Personalist Economics, here our efforts are restricted to the contributions of Aristotle and Aquinas. In the third section we explore how, in terms of 18 tenets, Personalist Economics and a Personalist economy differ from Mainstream Economics and the individualistic market economy.  相似文献   

联合国已经形成的全面的人权法体系,现在更需要一个强有力的带有司法性质的机制实现其既定的人权保护目标。组建这样一个法院需要对法院组建的模式、法院的能力与程序以及与其他机构的关系等问题进行考虑。构想建立的国际人权法院将与人权条约机构在联合国框架内形成监督审查与申诉救济并行的保护机制,这样,联合国在实现人权机构改革方面的构想将更具可预见性。  相似文献   

经典金融经济学假定投资者是同质的,无法对证券市场的产生、市场价格的随机性和波动性作出满意的解释。证券市场投资主体分为个人投资者和机构投资者,个人投资者追求效用最大化,效用取决于风险和收益;机构投资者追求利润最大化。投资主体行为差异是证券市场产生和发展的原因。  相似文献   

Transnational land deals pose vexing normative (ethical) questions, not least concerning gendered participation and outcomes. This article explores utilitarian and human rights approaches to gender equality in selected policy initiatives on the land deals. While global policy literature manifests growing attention to women in agriculture, the review found the analysis of gender in early policy initiatives to be absent or weak. Utilitarian arguments were used to justify deals but rarely presented women's participation as a means of social progress or so-called smart economics. Human rights documents were more likely to be critical of the deals and to mention gender, though with little elaboration. While to some extent amended by the emphasis on gender equality in the 2012 Voluntary Guidelines on tenure governance, failures to mobilize the feminist potential in utilitarian and human rights approaches call for more proactive gender analysis and advocacy when addressing transnational land deals as gendered power struggles.  相似文献   

论个人人力资本投资决策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人投资是人力资本投资的重要主体,是形成大规模投资的关键主体。通过人力资本投资的成本与收益方法分析了个人人力资本投资的决策依据,对激励机制进行了讨论,总结了影响个人人力资本投资的主客观因素,最后,提出激励个人人力资本投资的对策建议。  相似文献   


‘Crusoe’ and ‘Friday’ signifiers necessarily evoke a world of racialised hierarchies. Economics textbooks are perhaps the sole remaining medium to simply wish away their resulting relations of power. These are the teaching aids that inspire students analytically to think of markets as pristine economic institutions and persuade them politically that they should want to will such institutions into being. Yet they all-too-often rely on the pedagogical device of the so-called Robinson Crusoe Economy, where the main characters from Defoe’s most famous novel are required to instinctively recognise their equality within voluntary contracting agreements so that each can act as the neoclassical homo economicus. In other words, economists’ Crusoe and Friday figures must behave antithetically to what has historically been implied by the ‘Crusoe’ and ‘Friday’ signifiers. But how can this be so, given how commonplace it was when Defoe’s characters were first introduced into economic theory in the 1850s to justify white settler colonialism on the grounds that ‘savage’ societies lacked the capacity to be self-governing? The raced market frame that emerged in practice from this assumption continues to be reproduced uncritically today by Crusoe’s and Friday’s presence in the textbook explanation of the most basic model of market exchange.  相似文献   

常幸 《经济研究导刊》2011,(18):206-208
立足于生产方式制约社会政治生活和精神生活这一唯物史观的基本观点,一方面,马克思恩格斯阐述了人权的历史性、发展性、具体性及阶级性特征;另一方面,马克思恩格斯揭示了人权产生与发展的内在动力机制,即生产力与生产关系的内在矛盾运动。  相似文献   

孔令锋  黄乾 《经济问题》2003,46(10):7-9
人力资本配置在一定程度上是人力资本产权在各经济主体之间的分配,人力资本产权制度内含了配置功能。人力资本产权制约着人力资本配置机制,也是人力资本市场形成和有效运行的前提。因此,人力资本产权制度决定了人力资本的配置形式和配置效率。  相似文献   

Human capital plays an important role in the theory of economic growth, but it has been difficult to measure this abstract concept. We survey the psychological literature on cross-cultural IQ tests and conclude that intelligence tests provide one useful measure of human capital. Using a new database of national average IQ, we show that in growth regressions that include only robust control variables, IQ is statistically significant in 99.8% of these 1330 regressions, easily passing a Bayesian model-averaging robustness test. A 1 point increase in a nation’s average IQ is associated with a persistent 0.11% annual increase in GDP per capita.  相似文献   

针对当前侵犯妇女合法权益这一严重的社会问题,从法经济学的视角进行分析,认为侵犯妇女合法权益问题的经济性成因,微观方面在于"经济人"的本性,宏观方面在于法律制度失灵。在此基础上,提出了有效维护妇女合法权益的可行性建议。  相似文献   

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