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William L. Collier, Harjadi Hadikoesworo, Suwardi Saropie, Income, Employment, and Food Systems in Javanese Coastal Villages. Athens, Ohio, Ohio University Press, 1977, pp. 152, $7.00.

T. G. McGee and Y. M. Yeung, Hawkers in Southeast Asian Cities. Planning for the Bazaar Economy. Ottawa, International Development Research Centre, 1977. IDRC–083e. 139 pp. ISBN: 0-88936–120–7.

Louis J. Walinsky (Editor), Agrarian Reform as Unfinished Business: The Selected Papers of Wolf Ladejinsky Oxford University Press (for the World Bank) 1977 pp. xi + 603 £5.25 (paperback).  相似文献   

H. S. Kartadjoemena, The Politics of External Economic Relations: Indonesia's Options, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1977(?), pp. 179, $S 12.00

Ingrid Palmer, The Indonesian Economy since 1965: A Case Study of Political Economy, London, Frank Cass, 1978, pp. ix, 196, £11.00.

Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Economics, Graduate Program in Economics, Four Papers on Employment and Income Distribution in Indonesian Agriculture, Yogyakarta, pp. 118 + ii, mimeo.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Country Market Sectoral Survey, Indonesia: A Survey of U.S. Business Opportunities, U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1977, pp. 320.

Borrowing By Developing Countries on the Euro-currency Market P. A. Wellons, OECD, Paris 1977 $20, pp. 449.

Mayling Oey and Ketut Sudhana Astika, The Social and Economic Implications of Transmigration in Indonesia: A Policy-Oriented Review and Synopsis of Existing Research. L. P. E. M., Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia, 1978, pp. 228.

Paul A. Meyer and Colin MacAndrews, Transmigration in Indonesia. An Annotated Bibliography. Gadjah Mada University Press, 1978, 245 pages.

Fox, James J., Harvest of the Palm: Ecological Change in Eastern Indonesia. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1977.  相似文献   

International Rice Research Institute Economic Consequences of the New Rice Technology, Los Banos, 1978. $6.90 plus postage, (developing countries $2.70) pp. 402.

Philip J. Eldridge, Indonesia and Australia: The Politics of Aid and Development Since 1966, Development Studies Monograph No. 18, Australian National University Press, Pp. 233 + xviii. $8.00.

Robin J. Pryor, Migration and Development in South-East Asia: A Demographic Perspective. Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur. pp. xxi + 354. $27.00 (paper), $50.00 (hardcover).

Van Setten van der Meer, N.C. Sawah Cultivation in Ancient Java, Oriental Monograph Series No. 22, Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1979. ppxx + 168. $A6.95.  相似文献   

Mubyarto & Boediono, (Editors), Ekonomi Pancasila, Yogyakarta, Gadjah Mada University Press, 1981, pp. 263, Rp 3500.

Michael Beenstock, Health, Migration and Development, Farnborough, Gower Publishing Company, pp. vi + 183. A$23.00.

Zuidberg, Lida C. L. (ed), Family Planning in Rural West Java: The Serpong Project, Leiden, Rijksuniversiteit/Universitas Indonesia, 1978, pp. 325.

Charles Himawan, The Foreign Investment Process in Indonesia: The Role of Law in the Economic Development of a Third World Country, Singapore, Gunung Agung, 1980. Pp. xvi + 332.

Lepi Tanadjaja Tarmidi, Die Rolle der Textilindustrie im Entwicklungsprozess Indonesiens I966–1975, Hamburg University Dissertation, Hamburg, 1979. Pp. x + 240.

University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Centre, Land Tenure and Agrarian Reform in East and Southeast Asia: An Annotated Bibliography, Boston: G. K. Hall, 557 pp + xxviii, US$51.50.  相似文献   

Sumitro Djojohadikusmo, Indonesia Dalam Perkembungan Dunia: Kini dan Masa Datang [Indonesia in world development: The Present And The Future], Jakarta, LP3ES, 1976, pp. 229.

Indonesia: Business Opportunities in a Resource-Rich Economy, A Business International Asian Research Report, Asian House, Hong Kong, October 1975.

J. Stephen Hoadley, The Military in the Politics of Southeast Asia. A Comparative Perspective, Cambridge, Mass., Schenkman Publishing Co., 1975.

Masashi Nishihara, The Japanese and Sukarno's Indonesia: Tokyo-Jakarta Relations, 1961–1966, Monograph of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies of Kyoto University, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1976, pp. 24.  相似文献   

J. T. M. van Laanen, Changing Economy in Indonesia, Vol 6: Money and Banking 1816–1940. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1980, pp. 167. Dfl 55.00.

Alfons van der Kraan: Lombok: Conquest, Colonization and Underdevelopment, 1870–1940, Singapore: Heinemann Education Books (Asia) Ltd, 1980, ASAA Southeast Asia Publication Series No. 5, pp. xii + 277. Cloth: A$22.50, paper: A$10.50.

T. Scarlett Epstein and Rosemary A. Watts, eds, The Endless Day: Some Case Material on Asian Rural Women. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1981, pp. xii + 179, £ 12.50, $32.00.

John Thoburn, Multinationals, Mining and Development. A Study of the Tin Industry, Farnborough: Gower Publishing Co 1981, pp. viii + 183.  相似文献   

Japanese-Indonesian Relations in the Seventies. Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta 1974. pp. x + 160.

V. V. Bhanoji Rao, (ed.), Inflation and Growth, Stamford College Press for the Economics Society of Singapore, 1974, pp. 256.

Bibliografi Teh Indonesia (Indonesian Tea Bibliography), Nazar Nur (Ed.), Research Institute for Estate Crops, 1974, pp. 335.  相似文献   

Wouter van Ginneken, Rural and Urban Income Inequalities in Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, Tanzania and Tunisia, (I. L. O. Geneva, 1976) Paperback, Swiss fr. 15 (also available in hardcover) pp. 67.

Prospects for Trade Between Indonesia and Australia, Report from the Standing Committee on Industry and Trade, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1975.

Abukasan Atmodirono and James Osborn, Services and Development in Five Indonesian Middle Cities, Center for Regional and Urban Studies, Institute of Technology, Bandung, June 1974. Pp vii + 285.

R. D. Montgomery and D. C. Sister, Labor Absorption in logjakarta, Indonesia: An Input-Output Study, Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York March 1976,: pp. 85.

Peter F. McDonald and Alip Sontosudarmo, Reponse to Population Pressure: The Case of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Gadjah Mada University Press, 1976, 103 pp.

Koentjaraningrat, Masyarakat Desa di Selatan Jakarta, Jakarta Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), 1975, pp. 133.

Biro Pusat Statistik, Statistik Indonesia, Statistical Pocketbook, Indonesia, 1974/1975. Jakarta, Biro Pusat Statistik, 1975.  相似文献   

Mohamed Ariff, Fong Chan Onn, R. Thillainathan (Eds), ASEAN Cooperation in Industrial Projects. Malaysian Economic Association and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Kuala Lumpur, 1978.

Corazon M. Siddayao (Ed.) ASEAN and the Multinational Corporations, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Singapore, 1978.

Peter McCawley, Industrialization in Indonesia: Developments and Prospects, Development Studies Centre Occasional Paper No. 13, Australian National University, Canberra, 1979. Pp. 85.

Seah Chew Meow & Soeratno Partoatmodjo, Higher Education in the Changing Environment — Case Studies: Singapore and Indonesia, Singapore: Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development, 1979. 113 pp.

L. Chatterjee, Housing in Indonesia, Institute for Geographical Studies and Urban and Regional Planning, Free University, Amsterdam, 1979. Pp. 202. Price not given.  相似文献   

Sukadji Ranuwihardjo, Beberapa Aspek Tentang Ketegaran Fungsi Produksi dan Pengaruhja Terhadap Pertumbuhan Industri di Indonesia. Case Study Perkembangan Industri di Indonesia, 1958-67. [Some Aspects of Rigidities in Production Functions and Their Impact on Industrial Development in Indonesia. A Case Study of Industrial Development in Indonesia, 1958-67.] Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta, 1969. Mimeographed, paper bound, pp. xiii + 195 and statistical appendix.

Azhari Zahri, Indonesia: Public Control and Economic Planning. MPH Publications Sdn Bhd, Singapore, 1969, pp. 215.

Mubyarto, Kebidjaksanaan Beras di Indonesia [Rice Policy in Indonesia] Biro Penelitian Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta, 1969. Pp. 70, with a foreword by the Minister of Trade, Dr Soemitro Djodjohadikusumo.  相似文献   

Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia, Tahun 1969 [Economic Prospects for Indonesia, 1969], edited by Suhadi Mangkusuwondo and Rustam Didong. Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Djakarta, 1969. Pp. 210, mimeographed. (In Indonesian)

Laporan Tahun Pembukuan 1966-67 [Report for the Fiscal Years 1966-67]. Bank Negara Indonesia, Unit I, Djakarta, 1968. Pp. xv + 323. (In Indonesian)

Angkaton Kerdja Penduduk Per Daerah Indonesia [Labour Force by Region]. Report No. 2D, May 1968. Pp. x + 228. Pengeluaran Untuk Konsumsi Penduduk Djawa-Madura, Luar Djawa, Indonesia [Consumption Expenditure, Java, Outside Java and All Indonesia]. Report No. 4, May 1968, pp. x + 216. Rp 350. Pengeluaran Untuk Konsumsi Penduduk, Per Daerah Indonesia [Consumption Expenditure by Regions]. Report No. 4A, February 1969. Pp. ix + 420. Rp. 900 Reports of the National Social Economic Survey, Phase II (November 1964-February 1965). Research and Development Section, Central Statistical Bureau, Djakarta. (Text in Indonesian; tables with English subtitles.)

Survey dan Inventarisasi Hewan 1967: Animal Husbandry and Poultry Survey 1967. Preliminary Figures. Report No. 1, 1968. Pp. xvi + 74. Produksi dan Penggunaan Ternak [Production and Use of Livestock]. Report NO. 2, January 1969. Pp. vi + 84. Reports of the Animal Husbandry and Poultry Survey 1967 (15 January-15 March 1968). Department of Agriculture and Central Statistical Bureau, Djakarta. (Text in Indonesian; tables with English subtitles.)

O. G. Roeder, The Smiling General. President Soeharto of Indonesia. Djakarta, Gunung Agung, 1969. Pp. 280. $U.S.5.

J. Panglaykim and Ingrid Palmer, State Trading Corporations in Developing Countries. Rotterdam, Rotterdam University Press, 1969. Pp. 199.  相似文献   

Rudolf S. Sinaga and members of the Rural Dynamics Study, Agro-Economic Survey, Rural Institutions Serving Small Farmers and Labourers in the Village of Sukagalih, Garut Regency, West Java, mimeo, pp. 49. Available from Agro-Economic Survey, Jalan Taman Malabar 7, P.O. Box 200, Bogor, Indonesia. $3.s.

Joachim K. Metzner Man and Environment in Eastern Timor, Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 8, Australian National University, 1977. pp. xxix + 380, SA6.00.

James C. Scott, The Moral Economy of the Peasant Rebellion and Subsistence in Southeast Asia, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1976, pp. ix + 246, $15.00.

T. H. Hull and Jon E. Rohde, Prospects for Rapid Decline of Mortality Rules in Java. Working Paper No. 16. Population Institute, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, January 1978, pp. 101.

Mackie, J. A. C. ed., The Chinese in Indonesia. Five Essays. Melbourne, Thomas Nelson in association with The Australian Institute of International Affairs, 1976. With contributions by J. A. C. Mackie, Charles A. Coppel, K. D. Thomas, J. Panglaykim, and Wang Gungwu.

Indonesia's Family Planning Story: Success and Challenge (Population Bulletin Vol. 32, No. 6, November 1977, a publication of the Population Reference Bureau, Inc. Washington, D. C., U. S. A.)  相似文献   

Income Distribution, Employment and Economic Development in Southeast and East Asia, Volumes I and II, (Japan Economic Research Center, Tokyo, and Council for Asian Manpower Studies, Manila), July 1975.

W. M. F. Mansvelt and P. Creutzberg (eds.), Changing Economy in Indonesia: A Selection of Statistical Source Material from the Early 19th Century up to 1940, Vol. 1, Indonesia's Export Crops 1816-1940, Martinus Nijhoff. The Hague, 1975, pp. 150. FI 28.50.

The Population of Indonesia (C. I. C. R. E. D., Paris 1974) pp. 102.

A. J. H. Enthoven. An Evaluation of Accountancy Systems, Developments and Requirements in Asia, Ford Foundation Sponsored Study, Chapel Hill, September 1975, pp. v and 214.  相似文献   

Juergen B. Donges, Bernd Stecher, Frank Wolter, Industrial Development Policies for Indonesia, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tubingen, 1974, pp. 178.

Pan A. Yotopoulos and Jeffrey B, nugent, Economics of Development — Empirical Investigations, Harper and Row, New York, 1976, pp. 478.

Book Reviews

The Political Economy of Agrarian Change. Keith Griffin, Harvard University Press 1974.

Changes in Rice Farming in Selected Areas of Asia: The International Rice Research Institute 1975.

Yusuf Ahmed, Patrick O'Sullivan, Sujono and DerekWilson, Road Investment Programming for Developing Countries: An Indonesian Example, The Transport Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1976, pp. 132 plus appendices (pp. 77).  相似文献   

Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Preliminary Report, Indonesian Fertility-Mortality Survey 1973, (West Java March 1974), (Central Java August 1974), (East Java October 1974), (Bali 1974), (Sulawesi December 1974), and (Sumatra, January 1975).

Peter F. McDonald, Mohammad Yasin and Gavin W. Jones, Levels and Trends in Fertility and Childhood Mortality in Indonesia, Monograph No 1, Indonesian Fertility-Mortality Survey 1973, Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, August 1975.

Allen M. Sievers, The Mystical World of Indonesia Culture and Economic Development in Conflict. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974. pp. xix + 425. US $14.  相似文献   

F. van Anrooy et al (eds), Between People and Statistics: Essays on Modern Indonesian History, The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1979, 316 pp. tables, diagrams. Paper: DF 139.50.

Sayogyo (ed), Ekologi Pedesaan, Sebuah Bunga Rampai (Rural Ecology, A Collection) Bogor, Yayasaan Obor and Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1982, pp 342 + xix.

Anthony Reid, The Blood of the People—Revolution and the End of Traditional Rule in Northern Sumatra, Oxford University Press, 1979, pp. xx + 288. $M48.00.

Colin MacAndrews and Chia Lin Sien (eds), Southeast Asian Seas: Frontiers for Development, McGraw-Hill International Book Company, issued under the auspices of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1981, 375 pp. (no price stated).

James J. Fox (ed.), The Flow of Life: Essays on Eastern Indonesia, Harvard Studies in Cultural Anthropology, No.2, 1980 US$30.

Hazel Moir, ‘Occupational Mobility and the Informal Sector in Jakarta’ in S. V. Sethuraman (ed.) The Urban Informal Sector in Developing Countries, ILO, Geneva, 1981, pp. 109–120.

Joel S. Kahn, Minangkabau Social Formations: Indonesian Peasants and the World-Economy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980, pp. xvi + 228.

Tsuyoshi Kato, Matriliny and Migration: Evolving Minangkabau Traditions in Indonesia, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1982, pp. 267. $22.50.

M. C. Ricklefs, A History of Modern Indonesia, Macmillan, London, 1981, pp. xv + 335. Paper, $16.95.

J. Spryt, Indonesia, An Alternative History of the Timeless Isles, Macmillan, Melbourne, 1979, pp. 214. Paper, $10.95.

G. W. Jones and H. V. Richter (eds), Population Mobility and Development: Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 27, Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1981, pp. xi + 474. $A9.00.

W. A. Stoever, Renegotiations in International Business Transactions: The Process of Dispute-Resolution between Multinational Investors and Host Societies, Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts. 1981, pp. xiii + 381.

H. Eichberg, Sozialverhalten und Regionalentwicklungsplanung: Modernisierung in der indonesischen Relationsgesellschaft (West Sumatra); Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1981, pp. 283. D. M. 66.  相似文献   

Muh. Arsjad Anwar et al. Performance and perspectives of the Indonesian economy, Final Report of the Project Asian Economy in Perspective Part II-1, March 1976, Tokyo, Institute of Developing Economies, pp. 250.

Han R. Redmana, Hazel V. J. Moir, Daliyo, Labour Force and Labor Utilization in Selected Areas of Java: Results of an Experimental Survey, Vol. I, LEKNAS-LIPI, Jakarta, August 1977, pp. 138 plus appendices.

Sritua Arief, Financial Analysis of the Indonesian Petroleum Industry. Jakarta, Sritua Arief Associates, mimeo., 1977, pp. 309.

Ingrid Palmer: The New Rice in Indonesia, United Nations, Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, 1977, (Unrisd/76/c. 44). pp. viii + 198. $2.50

Annelet Harts-Broekhuis and Hans Palte-Gooszen: Demografische Aspekren van Armoede in een Javaans Dorp, Jambidan, D. I. Y., (Demographic Aspects of Poverty in a Javanese Village, Jambidan, Yogyakarta), Geografisch lnstituut Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. 1977, pp. 304, with extensive English summary (pp. 247–291). All tables headings are given in both Dutch and English.

Boudhayan Chattopadhyay, Water, Cereals and Economic Growth in South and East Asia in the Fifties and Sixties People's Publishing House, New Delhi 1977, pp. IX + 389 Rs 40  相似文献   

The Kian-wie, Plantation Agriculture and Economic Growth: An Economic History of East Sumatra, 1863–1942, Jakarta, National Institute of Economic and Social Research (LEKNAS-LIPI(, 1977. Pp 142 + xii. Price not given.

Rodolphe De Koninck, D.S. Gibbons, and Ibrahim Hasan, “The Green Revolution, Methods and Techniques of Assessment: A Handbook of a Study in Regions of Malaysia and Indonesia', Notes et Documents de Recherche, No. 7, December 1977, Department of Geography, Universite Laval, Quebec, pp 409 + xiii.

Graeme J.Hugo,Population Mobility in west Java, Gadjah Mada university Press Yogyakarta, 1978,pp.

John Ingleson, Road to Exile: The Indonesian Nationalist Movement 1927–1934, Singapore: Heinemann for the Asian Studies association of Australia, 1979, pp. 254.

The Population of North Sulawesi by G.W. Jones, Gadjah Mada C. E. Beeby,Assessment of Indonesian Education, a Guide in Planning, Wellington, New Zealand Council for Educational Research in association with Oxford University Press, 1979, pp. 349. (Educational Research Series no. 59; appendices, tables and index; no price given).

Haryati Soebadio and Carine A. du Marchie Sarvaas (eds.),Dynamics of Indonesian History,Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1978, pp. 395 + xvi, $53.25.  相似文献   

John Wong, ASEAN Economies in Perspective: A comparative study of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand London, Macmillan, 1979, pp. 217. Recommended price $A24.95 (bound), $A9.95 (paper)

H. Kötter, R.O.G. Roeder, K. H. Junghans (eds), Indonesien. Horst Erdmann Verlag, Tuebingen, 1979, pp. x + 592.

David S. Gibbons, Rodolphe de Koninck and Ibrahim Hasan, Agricultural Modersnization, Poverty and Inequality: The Distributional Impact of the Green Revolution in Regions of Malaysia and Indonesia, Farnborough, Saxon House, 1980. pp. IX + 225. A$29.50

K. Horstmann and W. Rutz The Population Distribution on Java 1971: A Map of Population Density by Sub-districts and its Analysis. I D E Statistical Data Series No. 29, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, 1980.  相似文献   

Hamish McDonald, Suharto's Indonesia, Fontana Books, Melbourne, 1980. Pp. 277. Recommended price $A5.95.

William L. Collier, Social and Economic Aspects of Tidal Swamp Land Development in Indonesia, Development Studies Centre, The Australian National University, Occasional Paper No. 151, pp. 71.  相似文献   

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