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Measuring and reporting the nation's finances are based on government budgeting, national accounting and the accounting discipline, which are all fundamentally different. The nature and extent of these differences has rarely been made explicit. The most visible change in the accounting discipline in the second half of the 20th century was the emergence of codifications of accounting, with concomitant policy–making processes that allow for 'due process'. One result is that each codification is different within countries such as the UK and US, as well as between them. The codifications for government budgeting and national accounting are different again. The article offers some broad conclusions.  相似文献   

Government guarantees are increasingly important as a policy instrument in public infrastructure investment and to assist the banking and financial sectors following the global financial crisis. This paper analyses how different modes of accounting characterize such guarantees in the contexts of public sector financial reporting, statistical accounting, budgeting and long-term fiscal projections. Guarantees are difficult to specify for accounting treatment and consistent conceptualization of liabilities. These difficulties make it attractive for governments to treat obligations as off-budget and off-balance sheet contingent liabilities, rather than recognize them in financial statements and statistical accounts. Miller and Power’s territorializing, mediating, adjudicating and subjectivizing roles of accounting are utilized to analyse the reporting of UK government guarantees. Provisioning for guarantees is complex in financial reporting statements and often absent in national accounts, a deficiency which Eurostat has attempted to address by devising the concept of standardized guarantees and by securing more disclosure of contingent liabilities. There is potential for future research especially where there is greater mediation between the four modes of government accounting.  相似文献   

传统上 ,政府受托责任的核心是反映政府部门预算执行情况以及支出是否符合有关法律法规要求 ,这一定位并不完全适应剧变了的经济环境的内在要求。在当今经济全球化的大背景下 ,政府受托责任的具体内容与形式发生了根本性的变化。是关注现金流以做到切实遵守预算 ,还是注重资源及其使用以提高效率和效果 ,这种由不同的公共管理理念决定的会计目标差异 ,必然导致不同的会计技术选择 ,更直接地说 ,它决定了政府会计方法基础的选择。本文通过对两种会计基础的深入研究 ,认为在政府会计领域采用传统的单一会计基础有一定局限性 ,应该借鉴国际经验有选择地进行权衡取舍 ,循序渐进地实施相关改革。  相似文献   

This paper presents a contextual. historical analysis of recent accrual accounting developments in the Australian Public Sector (APS). It takes a critical stance in that it questions the accrual accounting developments on a number of grounds. The paper examines changes in public sector financial management and accountability in four distinct settings, being: accrual financial reporting, accrual management systems, whole of government reporting, and accrual based budgeting. The findings show that already in Australia accrual accounting has made significant encroachments into some areas of annual financial and budget reporting. This influx has meant that terms such as 'deficit', 'debt', 'liabilities', 'operating results', 'assets', etc. have begun to change in meaning, which it is argued has important implications for the current process of transformation of aspects of the APS.  相似文献   

This paper examines changes which have occurred in government accounting and budgeting from the antecedent system of Treasury control in the colonial era of The Territory of Papua and New Guinea to the contemporary system of Finance control in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. An exposition is provided of existing and proposed governmental accounting and budgeting issues during the early stages of devolution for indigenous control. Although self-government provided new legislation for government accounting and budgeting, the critical event in the formation of the present system was the Constitution which highlighted indigenous responsibility against a backdrop of national attainment criteria. The development of indigenous responsibility for the government accounting and budgeting system has been limited by: (i) overreliance on an expatriate model, and (ii) a fundamental dearth of qualified accountants at the professional level in the public sector. In the longer term, however, cultural rather than administrative issues will tend to influence and guide policy in this area.  相似文献   

The importance of designing an accounting system that is congruent with an organization's budgeting system has been noted in the literature. Unfortunately, in many government organization it is common to find incompatible budgeting and accounting systems. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether gearing the accounting information system to a zero-base budgeting system increases the perceived usefulness of the budgeting process. This issue is examined under conditions of both scare and abundant resources. Based on an empirical study, it is shown that the usefulness of a budgeting system to budget recipients may indeed be dependent on the accounting information system, conditioned on the availability of resources. Given the relationship between budgeting and public policy, implications of the study for the public policy making process are discussed.  相似文献   

Most of the management accounting activity in local government has traditionally been thought of as being confined primarily to the requirements of budget preparation and budgetary control. The budget is generally recognised as being at the heart of planning, decision-making and control and yet there have been many examples of the limitations in conventional budgeting and budgetary control practices being pointed out. It might have been expected that the period of consistent financial stringency faced by local government from 1979 onwards would have quickly exposed any limitations and brought about changes. In reality it seems that the management accounting and budgeting practices in local government responded surprisingly slowly to the financial pressures and it is only with the relatively recent introduction of the 'private sector' philosophies of devolved management and market testing that widespread developments in management accounting have begun to occur. Many of these developments are still evolving and because of this it seemed inappropriate at this stage to attempt a cross-sectional survey of current practices. This paper therefore concentrates on the position in two specific local authorities and examines the current DSO accounting practices. In addition, the analysis undertaken by one of the authorities of the steps needed to implement internal trading accounts for financial support services is discussed and the interesting experimental attempt by one of the authorities to introduce zero base budgeting for a major service is also examined.  相似文献   

论改进我国政府会计与财务报告   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
政府会计与财务报告关系到政府向社会公众及其他各方提供的财务信息是否具有真实性、完整性和可靠性的问题。本文认为 ,政府会计作为反映政府财务活动的信息系统 ,应当根据我国政府的职能及政府财务活动的内容 ,全面、完整地反映政府财务活动情况及结果。随着我国预算管理体制改革、政府职能转换 ,政府会计与财务报告应当借鉴国际公共部门会计与财务报告的通常做法 ,吸收我国企业会计与财务报告改革的成功经验 ,进行改进和完善 ,并着重从政府会计名称、政府会计对象 (内容 )、政府会计模式、政府会计基础及政府财务报告等方面进行改革 ,真正建立具有中国特色、与国际公共部门会计可比的、科学规范的政府会计与财务报告体系 ,保证政府向社会公众提供的财务信息的真实性和完整性  相似文献   

David Heald  Iain Wright 《Abacus》2019,55(3):557-581
Whatever the final charge on the UK for leaving the EU, the money itself is relatively marginal to the former's public finances. However, this charge is politically sensitive and financially aggravating during one of the longest periods of fiscal austerity in the UK's history. The ways in which leaving is conceptualized have implications for any continuing financial obligations that must be managed within the context of fiscal austerity and political uncertainty. Yet, leaving the EU is a unique transaction: it is not analogous, for example, to a divorce settlement, the leaving of a club, the termination of a commercial contract, the leaving of a treaty-based international organization, or secession from a state. Analyzing the formulation of the charge in terms of the four modes of government accounting—financial reporting, statistical accounting, budgeting, and fiscal sustainability projections—enhances its fiscal transparency. It evidences not only the weakness and inconsistency of the UK's negotiating position but also the dominance in EU thinking of the short-term budgetary calculations of the 2014–20 Multiannual Financial Framework over its long-term sustainability without a large net contributor. The final amount paid by the UK will depend on the resolution of competing perspectives as well as on liabilities and contingent liabilities associated with the increasingly complex EU financial architecture.  相似文献   

政府负债风险控制:影响政府会计改革的重要因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府会计与政府负债风险控制有着密不可分的关系。政府负债风险控制目标实现的关键取决于政府会计所提供的政府负债信息的质量。本文从政府负债风险控制的角度,以政府会计提供政府负债风险控制所需信息为出发点,分析了政府负债风险控制对提供政府负债信息栽体的政府财务报告和决定政府负债信息质量的政府会计基础的影响。  相似文献   

The New Public Management (NPM), of which the change from cash accounting to accrual accounting is considered an important tool, has been in fashion in many developed countries. Japanese governments, however, have preserved control of expenditures on a cash basis, though recently financial management reforms in local government have begun to adopt NPM ideas. Using a contingency framework which views the reform of accounting sub-systems (management accounting, financial accounting and auditing) as stimulated by a combination of internal and external pressures, this paper explores why Japanese local governments managed to survive without accrual accounting and the prospects for further reform in the future. It is suggested that system change itself can be accomplished by internal pressures, in the form of mandated policies, alone but that sustained external pressures by citizens are required in order to achieve the intended outcomes of accounting reform.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence on management accounting practices in Finnish manufacturing companies. It identifies the adoption of the management accounting practices, received benefits from the adoption and intentions to emphasize the practices in the future. The results indicate that financial measures like product profitability analysis and budgeting for controlling costs is likely to be important in the future, but it is also clear that greater emphasis will be placed on newer practices like customer satisfaction surveys and employee attitudes. The results of the management accounting practices are compared to the findings of a similar study based on Australian data.  相似文献   

零基预算近年来在我国得以推广,并取得一定成效。但是,由于预算环境和预算过程中各种不完善因素的存在,零基预算在我国高校财务预算编制中没有发挥根本性的作用。不少高校的财务预算编制采用的是一种形式上的零基预算加部门预算的预算编制模式。零基预算在我国高校的推行既需要政府的政策配套、协调合作,更需要高校改革现有的预算编制模式和预算管理模式,从而形成内外互动的良好的高校零基预算管理体系。  相似文献   

The assessment of the financial condition of governments within the European Monetary Union is based on the 'Deficit-to-GDP' and the 'Debt-to-GDP' ratios. Reliable judgements and cross-national comparisons require reconciliation of national accounting and governmental accounting as well as a certain degree of transnational standardisation of governmental accounting. Recent and current developments of national accounting and governmental accounting systems have not considered these aspects and have therefore contributed, whether deliberately or not, to a questioning of the usefulness of the above-mentioned ratios.  相似文献   

政府会计二元结构体系中的概念框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国理论界已达成"政府会计由预算会计和财务会计两大相对独立的系统构成"的新共识。政府会计二元结构格局的形成决定了人们迫切需要运用二元结构思维重新考究政府会计概念框架的构建,以指引即将展开的政府会计改革。二元结构新理念可以融入政府会计目标、政府会计核算对象与适用范围、政府会计主体、政府会计信息质量特征、政府会计核算基础与计量属性、政府会计要素、政府财务报告等概念框架及其表现形式之中,进而形成新的政府会计概念框架体系。  相似文献   

The financial sustainability of publicly funded health care systems is sensitive to the demographics of ageing populations, which have a significant bearing on their financial management, accountability and reporting of their financial performance. This paper examines historical and current trends in demographic structure of Australia's population that are likely to impact on the financial management and accountability practices affecting Australia'suniversal public health care system ('Medicare'). The pay-as-you-go financed funding status of Medicare as represented under both currently required, cash-based accounting principles and proposed accrual-based accounting principles are criticised for not recognising the obligations of the Australian government under Medicare. An alternative system of generational accounting is proposed that projects the financial management costs of Medicare. Data are taken from both historical trends in expenditure and ageing as well as projected demographics. The analysis implies that there is significant intergenerational-inequity in the funding of Medicare, which is not recognised under accrual-based accounting principles that are now being used to evaluate the financial accountability and performance of government entities.  相似文献   

我国政府会计模式构建过程中主体界定问题初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国政府会计体系改革的起步相对较晚,有些方面滞后于财政预算管理体制的改革,而且与国际惯例之间也存在着一定的差距,因此适应我国经济体制和财政体制改革的需要。特别是适应我国加入WTO的新形势,积极推进政府会计体系的改革,将是我国下一步会计改革的重要内容。在这个过程中,我们认为首先应当思考这样一个问题,即未来政府会计体系的界限应当在哪里划定?或者说,究竟什么样的经济主体属于“政府”,应当纳入到未来的政府会计体系中?本文在借鉴GASB成功经验的基础上从“组织性质”和“资金来源与用途”两个角度提出了“双主体”模式的初步设想。  相似文献   

Budgeting practice in Victorian local government has been criticised by the ICAA, which has developed a standardised budgeting model. The Victorian government has prescribed standardised financial and budget reporting following a decade of reform in the public sector. This paper examines whether the criticism of local government budgeting is valid, and whether standardised models are appropriate, particularly in the context of ambiguous outcomes and lack of input-output relationships, criticism of the adoption of accrual accounting in the public sector, and a focus on the implementation of a flexible best-value regime designed to suit local conditions.  相似文献   

In France in 2001, a revolutionary budgeting and accounting reform of the central government was begun and, in 2006, introduced—it is now almost complete. In 2006, the German federal government began a similarly revolutionary budgeting and accounting reform, but abandoned it in 2010. We identify the similarities in technique between the two countries' reforms but also significant differences. The authors conclude that, notwithstanding the importance of accrual accounting in the French revolution and in the abortive German revolution, the resilience of the traditional budgetary accounting systems is striking.  相似文献   

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