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中国已成为全球最大的手机市场,竞争非常激烈,国内品牌与国外品牌之间的较量,国内各个品牌之间的较量,使得中国这个手机市场越来越热闹。本文系统地对国手机公司在国内的营销问题进行了分析,剖析了手机营销存在的问题,并提出了手机营销的优化策略。  相似文献   

中国惟一为国内旅游项目寻找资本的“盛宴”——2006中国旅游投资洽谈会于10月31日—11月2日在宁波国际会展中心举行。这是继中国国际旅游交易会、中国国内旅游交易会之后,国家旅游局强势打造的又一旅游会展品牌。随着我国人民生活质量的普遍提高和旅游经济的快速发展,旅游产业投资已成为各路资本角逐的新热点。去年的首届“中国旅游投资第一展”就推出精品项目1000多个,88个项目在旅游洽谈会上签约,成交额160亿。本届旅游洽谈会展  相似文献   

4日成交5亿元,这是全球最奢华的国际顶级私人物品展Top Marques今年10月底在上海国际会议中心的“战果”。Top Marques奢侈品展起源于全球富人聚集之地摩纳哥,是世界上最大的综合性奢侈品展,以展出全球最顶级的品牌而闻名于世。它去年首次登陆中国,也是在上海国际会议中心展出,当时现场有超过20辆顶级跑车,价值连城的珠宝和手表,中国最贵的楼盘等众多“中国之最”,乃至“世界之最”,3天内吸引了7000多名富豪,现场销量高达2.5亿元人民币。今年参加展览奢侈品仍以顶级跑车为主,其中包括世界上跑得最快的瑞典跑车幽灵CCR、贝克汉姆送给妻子维多利亚的德国威茨曼敞篷跑车、在奢侈品展上进行中国首发式的凯迪拉克凯雷德SUV……除了跑车之外,南非钻石、高级保健品、定制吉他、中国红木家具等也纷纷集体登场。  相似文献   

胡平  杨杰 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):81-85
会展业作为前景广阔的朝阳产业,对相关产业有巨大的拉动作用.本文以上海新国际博览中心作为案例对会展业的经济效应做实证研究,从抽样调查和统计数据着手分析得出以下结论:上海展览业的拉动效应为1∶8.4,已接近国外发达国家水平;不同展览的经济带动作用各不相同,参观人数多的品牌国际展的经济拉动作用更大;展览会对展览搭建公司以及当地住宿餐饮影响巨大.  相似文献   

2012巴塞尔表展于瑞士拉开帷幕,也许你不能亲临瑞士去一睹世界名表的最新杰作,没有关系,我们今天就为你介绍在巴塞尔展出的几款品牌腕表新品,让你一睹为快。宇舶Antikythera腕表作为人类史上最神秘的发现之一,安提凯希拉机械装置一直被科学界视为神话。如今,HUBLOT宇舶表的制造与研发总监Mathias Buttet为向这个具有历史传奇意义的机械杰作致敬,推出了宇舶Antikythera腕表。这款表的机芯设计将整个安提凯希拉机械装置的精妙之处体现得淋漓  相似文献   

品牌资产是酒店品牌竞争优势的重要来源.传统上,研究者从财务角度和顾客角度测量酒店品牌资产,但二者都是外部视角的品牌资产,没有考虑员工在创建酒店品牌资产中的作用,因而不能回答酒店品牌资产的根本来源.基于员工的品牌资产的提出,为酒店品牌资产的管理提供了一个全新的视角,能够从根本上回答酒店品牌资产的来源,有助于构建酒店品牌资产管理体系的完整架构.文章首先回顾了财务、顾客和员工这3种视角的品牌资产,提出了酒店品牌资产管理的整体模型,详细论证了3种视角的品牌资产之间的内在关系.文章提出了基于员工的品牌资产金字塔模型,用以指导酒店企业有效管理基于员工的品牌资产.最后,文章归纳了研究结论对酒店品牌的管理启示,以及研究不足和有待透一步研究的议题.  相似文献   

张辉  陈晔 《旅游学刊》2017,(4):43-53
随着市场环境和技术的发展,品牌沟通已从"打扰时代"进入"契合时代".顾客不仅可以与旅游品牌进行互动和共创价值,而且在品牌推荐、共享体验等非交易性行为方面发挥了重要作用.在此背景下,品牌契合成为旅游企业提升品牌绩效和获取竞争优势所必需的战略要求.该研究以酒店和旅行社两类旅游品牌为例,探讨旅游品牌契合的结构及其对品牌关系质量和重购意向的影响.实证研究发现,旅游品牌契合是一个包括认同、关注、激情、专注和互动5个维度的二阶构念,品牌契合对品牌关系质量各维度均具有显著的正向影响,并通过影响品牌关系质量正向影响重购意向.最后,对旅游企业如何更好地进行品牌契合管理提出了管理建议,并就未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

服务品牌与产品品牌在原理上一致,但在执行上存在明显差别。服务品牌的建设应该包括内部和外部两个视角,但是现有理论及实践往往仅关注服务品牌外部建设,忽略了服务品牌内部建设。因此,文章基于丽思卡尔顿酒店的案例,探索服务品牌内部建设涉及哪些参与者、各参与者承担哪些角色,以及服务品牌内部与外部建设之间的关系等问题。研究发现,酒店企业服务品牌内部建设的关键流程包括酒店创建者和高层管理者创建并维持服务品牌核心价值、核心价值转变为员工的内在价值、员工"活出品牌"3个方面。服务品牌内部建设与外部建设是"手段"与"目的"的关系,成功的服务品牌内部建设能够更好地确保外部建设的效果。最后,文章提出了酒店企业内部服务品牌建设的管理建议。  相似文献   

旅游目的地品牌个性:理论来源与关系辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在回顾国外相关研究文献的基础上,文章从理论来源与关系辨识两方面对国外目的地品牌个性研究进行了归纳,清晰了目的地品牌个性研究与品牌个性理论、个性心理学之间存在着明确的层级递进关系,个性心理学中的特质与大五(Big Five)研究成果是品牌个性与目的地品牌个性研究的核心理论来源。同时也说明了,目的地品牌个性是目的地品牌资产研究中极富生命力的研究分支方向。学者们对目的地品牌个性的研究既有效继承了目的地形象的前期丰硕成果,同时也通过自我一致性理论,构建了目的地品牌个性、形象、目的地品牌化与游客自我形象之间的相互关系。这不仅在一定程度上丰富了品牌个性理论乃至个性理论的丰度与广度,同时,也为目的地品牌化研究指明了发展方向。  相似文献   

旅游目的地品牌资产逐渐成为学界关注的焦点,值得深入研究。该文基于已有研究成果,分析旅游目的地品牌资产与品牌知名度、品牌形象、品牌质量、品牌价值、品牌忠诚的结构关系,构建旅游目的地品牌资产驱动因素结构模型。以湖南省凤凰古城为案例,采用问卷调查法获得基础数据,分析发现:旅游目的地品牌知名度、品牌形象、品牌质量通过旅游目的地品牌价值与品牌忠诚对旅游目的地品牌资产产生显著影响,证实了旅游目的地品牌资产的二阶驱动因素模型。具体来看,旅游目的地品牌形象对品牌忠诚的影响最大,而旅游目的地品牌忠诚和品牌资产关联度最大。根据研究结论得到管理启示:第一,全面认识旅游目的地品牌资产的驱动因素,综合递增旅游目的地品牌资产。第二,着力突出旅游目的地品牌资产的核心要素,注重提升旅游目的地品牌形象。第三,认真建设旅游目的地品牌资产的关键内容,致力强化旅游目的地品牌忠诚。  相似文献   

Providing a distinctive brand experience is critical to differentiate each hotel brand from others, due to the intangible characteristics of the hotel industry. Rooted in congruity theory, this study investigated how three congruities (i.e., self-image congruity, online–offline brand image congruity, and value congruity) influenced customers’ online brand experiences and their brand trust. Results from this study indicated both self-image congruity and online–offline brand image congruity significantly influenced both customers’ online brand experiences and their trust toward the hotel's brand. Extending brand experience literature and congruity theory, this study suggested hotels should develop a strategy that could capture these three congruity effects in online and offline channels because these effects should be key determinants for customers’ online brand experiences and their responses.  相似文献   

Brand management stresses the importance of satisfying the needs of external customers. Employee branding management shows an evolving trend as employees begin living the brand. It is, therefore, necessary that employees are convinced by the hotel brand prior to having confidence to “sell” the brand to customers. The present study aims to investigate employee perception toward hotel brand equity, particularly in the Hong Kong hotel industry. Factor analysis is used to identify four underlying factors—namely, employee commitment, employee engagement, employee identification, and service quality. The four constitute the perception of the employee on the evaluation of the brand. Correlation analysis is employed to examine relationship among the underlying factors and three dimensions of hotel brand equity—including brand image, brand awareness, and perceived quality. Moderate association is generally noted, and perceived quality has the most significant relationship with employee perception on brand equity. Managerial implications on employee branding management are introduced to hotel management. Topics for future research are also recommended.  相似文献   


Cobranding is suggested as a competitive strategy for the hospitality industry due to its potential benefits. Although implied, the potential impact of cobranding on consumer-based brand equity of partner brands and the composite brand has not been empirically investigated in the hospitality industry context. Therefore, a quasi-experimental study design with a structured survey was applied to general tourist population in Hong Kong to identify the potential influence of cobranding on the brand equity of individual brands as well as the hotel–restaurant composite brand versus the hotel–retail composite brand. Surprisingly, results revealed brand equity erosion rather than brand equity enhancement for even the presumably fit hotel, restaurant, and retail brands. Theoretical and managerial implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the relationship between customer-based casino brand equity and firm performance using Macau casinos as a sample. The results indicated that better-performing casino brands were associated with greater customer-based brand equity, which comprises brand loyalty, brand image and brand awareness. Furthermore, Asia Pacific-based casino brands in Macau outperformed their U.S.-based counterparts in terms of customers’ perceived quality, suggesting the need for U.S.-based casino brands to better cater for the needs of Macau casino visitors and to localize their services. Future research directions are also suggested.  相似文献   

This paper explores the association between brand importance and growth in museum visitors. We analyzed 10 years of online forum discussions and applied the Semantic Brand Score (SBS) to assess the brand importance of five European Museums. Our Naive Bayes and regression models indicate that variations in the combined dimensions of the SBS (prevalence, diversity and connectivity) are aligned with changes in museum visitors. Results suggest that, in order to attract more visitors, museum brand managers should focus on increasing the volume of online posting and the richness of information generated by users around the brand, rather than controlling for the posts' overall positivity or negativity.  相似文献   

基于Logistic增长模型的旅游目的地品牌流行度分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
明确旅游目的地品牌流行度生命周期的演化阶段对于目的地政府和营销人员制定相应的开发和营销策略具有重要的参考价值和现实意义.本文着重探究了目的地品牌流行度演化周期的各个阶段的特征表现和与之对应的游客情感联系的演变及目的地的地域表现特征,并以大连市为例,运用Logistic增长模型对其品牌流行度的演化周期进行了定量的模拟预测,针对大连市品牌流行度所处的阶段及将来的演化方向提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

Destination brand strategies have in the main assumed that consumers actively seek and process information about potential destinations with their choice determined on the basis of a favorable attitude toward the destination. This article examines an alternative approach to destination branding, which relates to building the salience of the destination to increase the likelihood that the destination will be considered in purchase situations. The study examines the predictive validity of brand salience measures for a set of travel destinations compared with the predictive validity of traditional attitude-based measures. The results of the research provide empirical support for a salience approach to destination marketing for domestic tourism in Australia.  相似文献   

Although the mechanism of internal branding is related to both organizational factors and employees’ personal factors, the existing research mainly focuses on organizational factors. Thus, the literature on the formation and function of internal branding from the employee perspective is scarce. In this multisource study, we applied self-categorization theory to test the relationships among employees’ feeling trusted, perceived insider status, self-efficacy and taking-charge behaviour within the framework of internal branding. Data from 169 employee-supervisor dyads from the hotel industry in Northwest China revealed that employees’ perception of feeling trusted is an important factor that causes them to internalize their hotel employer’s brand and categorize themselves as “insiders” who regard the hotel brand as part of themselves and present brand-aligned behaviour to achieve brand success. In addition, employee self-efficacy is an important boundary-level variable that facilitates the transformation of brand internalization to brand-aligned behaviour. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The brand management literature has long acknowledged the strategic importance of managing brand identity. However, prior empirical research has largely ignored brand attractiveness in building such identity in the eyes of consumers. Focusing on the airline industry, this study investigates the role of brand attractiveness in fostering customer brand identification. The empirical testing of the conceptual model suggests that brand prestige, brand distinctiveness, and memorable brand experiences have a significant indirect effect on customer brand identification through brand attractiveness, while brand social benefits contributes directly to such identification. The results also challenge prior empirical findings by providing strong support for the need to include brand attractiveness in cultivating identification. When brand attractiveness is incorporated in the model, the effects of brand prestige, brand distinctiveness, and memorable brand experiences became non-significant in predicting customer brand identification. The findings highlight the importance of projecting a brand identity that is attractive to target consumers in order to achieve customer brand identification.  相似文献   

It is well established that the role of employees is essential in effective brand management for hospitality organizations to create a competitive advantage. In seeking to capitalize on this important facet of brand management, this study considers employees understanding of the brand, as an important direct antecedent to realizing brand ambassadors. Specifically, three factors, or psychological states, were conceptualized and examined in relation to how such states inform an employee's commitment to the brand as well as develop employee brand equity, as reflected in their pro-brand behavioral intentions. The results indicate that employees’ pro-brand attitude and behavior are influenced by different brand understanding factors. Relational factors (employee perceived brand importance and brand role relevance) are the key antecedents to employee brand commitment. Employee perceived brand knowledge contributes to their pro-brand behavior directly, but not brand commitment. The results of this empirical study support the importance of examining an employee's psychological states, as manifest in the three brand understanding factors, in an endeavor to achieve coveted brand supporting outcomes. The results suggest that although perceived brand knowledge can contribute to employee brand equity, employees must see the brand as being meaningful and relevant to embrace their role as brand ambassadors.  相似文献   

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