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A two sector model of learning-by-doing measured by means of production aggregated over time and of human capital accumulation in a schooling sector is presented. Time utilization is rival between schooling and learning-by-doing. Depending on the sum of elasticities of the accumulated factors (i.e., of production experience and educational human capital) in both sectors, a situation with or without endogenous growth results. Dynamic optimization of the choice between leisure and working and of the division of human capital between education and production is executed. Transitional dynamics are analyzed for a Cobb-Douglas example and a numerical simulation is performed.JEL classification: C61, D90, O41.Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Eric C. Meyer and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. The usual caveats apply.revised version received November 23, 2003  相似文献   

Using 18 consecutive household surveys, this study explores the impact of Taiwan's extension of tuition-free education from 6 to 9 years upon schooling and labor market outcomes (participation, sector/class of activity, and work income). I estimate upward shifts relative to preexisting trends of more than 0.4 years of education for males and 0.25 years for females in the first six cohorts affected by “compulsory” junior high schooling. Utilizing inter-cohort variation within an instrumental variables (IV) strategy, I find larger effects of schooling on females' workforce participation and total earnings, even controlling for selection.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the implementation of pollution permits. It focuses on the distributional impacts linked with the stringency of output-based allocation when two sectors are covered by the market for permits and the total cap is held constant. A new type of profit increase in sectors that are not exposed to international competition, when energy-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) sectors are granted output-based allocations, is demonstrated theoretically. The paper also illustrates a profit increase in the electricity sector in a possible fourth phase of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme, in which output-based allocation will be granted to EITE sectors, compared with the case in which all permits are auctioned.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to relate the empirical attempt of measuring output from the education sector to theoretical results about the welfare significance of an extended net national product (NNP) measure. We show that economic theory provides a more focused way of interpreting such output estimates, which has not been recognized in previous studies. The paper also contains new estimates of the output from the Swedish education sector.  相似文献   

Using a series of comparable labor force surveys in urban West Africa, we estimate the private returns to education among representative samples of workers in seven economic capitals (Abidjan, Bamako, Cotonou, Dakar, Lome, Niamey and Ouagadougou). The data allow us to provide a unique cross-country comparison using rigorously the same variables and methodology for each country. We tackle the issues of endogenous sector allocation (public, formal private and informal sectors) and endogeneity of the education variable in the earnings functions. We find that the returns to schooling are most often enhanced once an endogenous education variable is accounted for. This effect holds particularly true in the informal sector. In most West African cities of our sample, the public sector gives more value to education, followed by the formal private sector and then the informal sector. We also shed light on convex returns to education in all the cities and sectors, including in informal activity. More generally, a major contribution of this paper is to provide evidence of significant effects of education on individual earnings in the informal sectors of the West African cities, even at high levels of schooling.  相似文献   

Should a typical developing country invest more in agriculture or education? At what stage of development is it optimal to invest more in each of these sectors? These are important questions that governments of developing countries grapple with when designing investment plans. In this paper, I propose a soil–human capital conceptual framework of development and use it to explain estimates of agricultural returns to schooling in Malawi. I use panel survey data for Malawi and rely on the exogenous education policy changes and spatial variation in access to schooling to identify effects of schooling on agricultural incomes. In addition, I correct for selection into income activities within a panel data and instrumental variables estimation framework. I find annual agricultural returns to schooling in Malawi of 3%–4% after correcting for selection and unobserved heterogeneity and 7% in the uncorrected specifications. I also find consistently higher returns to schooling in the nonagricultural sector for those not living in the village of birth and higher returns in the agricultural sector for those living in the village of birth. Given the size of the farm sector, wealth in Malawi is still in the soil, but that future growth in wealth depends on human capital investments.  相似文献   

The lack of consensus on how utility cost is affected by variation in ownership and regulatory regime has been attributed to sector‐specific conditions and interacting observed heterogeneous factors. This study investigates a further source of ambiguous outcomes as it evaluates different econometric specifications related to variations in utility objective/the design of regulatory regime and influences from unknown/uncertain heterogeneous factors. Consistent with theoretical predictions, 7 years of data from the Swedish electricity distribution sector reveal that private ownership and stronger financial incentives are associated with lower costs. It is also demonstrated that inappropriate model specifications can produce arbitrary conclusions. (JEL D24, K23, L51, L94)  相似文献   

Using detailed time use data for Germany a positive correlation is found between the level of schooling and time investments in informal education. Two hypotheses explain this observation: (1) highly educated people have higher opportunity costs of their leisure time and thus prefer leisure activities which add to their market productivity (wage effect) and (2) highly educated people have a preference for ‘high quality’ leisure (taste effect). The demand for informal education is derived in a household production model accounting for both explanations. An empirical investigation finds evidence for both effects with the taste effect being more important.  相似文献   

This paper builds an overlapping generations household economy model to examine the impact of adult unemployment on the human capital formation of a child and on child labour, as viewed through the lens of the adult’s expectations of future employability. The model indicates that the higher the adult unemployment rate in the skilled sector, the lesser is the time allocated by an unskilled adult towards schooling of her child. We also find that an increase in the unskilled adult’s wage may or may not decrease child labour in the presence of unemployment. The model predicts that an increase in child wage increases schooling and human capital growth rate only if the adults in the unskilled sector earn less than subsistence consumption expenditure. As the responsiveness of skilled wage to human capital increases, schooling and human capital growth rates increase. The model dynamics bring out the importance of education efficiency and parental human capital in human capital formation of the child. In the case of an inefficient education system, generations will be trapped into low level equilibrium. Only in the presence of an efficient education system, steady growth of human capital is possible. Suitable policies that may be framed to escape the child labour trap are discussed as well.  相似文献   

Human capital theory has motivated a great many empirical investigations into the relationship between education and earnings potential. These studies test refinements of the theory, but do not attempt to value education for the economy as a whole. This study develops series which track human wealth and its educational components for the United States from 1946 to 1980. Three related educational time sequences emerge: (1) schooling wealth, the present value of the current and future contributions of the existing schooling stock to national income; (2) net change in schooling wealth, the amount added to present value in that year; and (3) schooling investment, the present value of the future contributions of the new schooling conducted in that year. One important lesson of this exercise is that the last two series can be quite different as a result of the pattern of appreciation and depreciation of human wealth over the lifetimes of individuals. Moreover, education increases the age of peak human wealth and thus should shorten the period during which individuals save for retirement. This phenomenon may induce a demographic cycle in the nation's savings rate, especially evidenced with the aging of the baby-boom cohort. The magnitudes of the human and schooling wealth estimates are large when compared to financial wealth. For a 4 percent rate, the period-wide average for human wealth is five times-and schooling wealth 2.6 times-the Federal Reserve Board's measure of household net worth. These estimates are naturally sensitive to the discount rate chosen, but show that the gap between human and financial wealth has been widening and that the value of schooling provided in any year greatly exceeds its cost. Schooling represents a form of saving whose value is several times the conventional measure of saving.  相似文献   

This article presents new results on the relationship between income inequality and education expansion – that is, increasing average years of schooling and reducing inequality of schooling. When dynamic panel estimation techniques are used to address issues of persistence and endogeneity, we find a large, positive, statistically significant and stable relationship between inequality of schooling and income inequality, especially in emerging and developing economies and among older-age cohorts. The relationship between income inequality and average years of schooling is positive, consistent with constant or increasing returns to additional years of schooling. While this positive relationship is small and not always statistically significant, we find a statistically significant negative relationship with years of schooling of younger cohorts. Statistical tests indicate that our dynamic estimators are consistent and that our identifying instruments are valid. Policy simulations suggest that education expansion will continue to be inequality reducing. This role will diminish as countries develop, but it could be enhanced through a stronger focus on reducing inequality in the quality of education.  相似文献   

Whereas there is a large literature on estimating returns to education in China, few studies have attempted to address the endogeneity of schooling choices. We explore the arguably exogenous changes in the duration of secondary education as the instrumental variable to identify the causal effect of years of schooling in urban China. The schooling years in most middle schools were reduced from three years to two years during the Cultural Revolution. The Chinese government gradually restored the middle school education years from two years to three years after 1978. An important feature of these policy changes is their large geographic variations. From local gazetteers, we find out the exact years when education years were reduced from three to two and when they were restored from two to three. Using the exogenous variation in schooling reform, we estimate that the returns to education are 12.7% for both monthly wage and disposable income.  相似文献   

The few studies that have examined the wage impact of education across the earning distribution have focused on high-income countries and show education to be more profitable at the top of the distribution. The implication is that education may increase inequality. Extending the analysis to 16 East Asian and Latin American countries, in Latin America we observe a pattern similar to that of Europe/North America (increasing wage effects), while in East Asia the wage effects are predominantly decreasing by earnings quantile. However, once the analysis is performed separately for the public and the private sector, it is revealed that the strongly decreasing impact of schooling on earnings in the public sectors of East Asian countries is responsible for the overall observed decreasing pattern, while the impact of schooling on earnings in the private sectors of these countries is non-decreasing.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s the Swedish economy experienced a severe economic and financial crisis which resulted in a substantial GDP decrease. Even though the crisis was not a complete surprise for many economists, almost no one expected that the Swedish economy would be prospering with booming productivity growth only a few years later. Economists have presented three explanations for the fast recovery and productivity growth in 1995–2006: market reforms, crisis recovery, and the impact of ICT. This paper offers an alternative view, emphasizing instead firms' substantial investment in intangible assets such as R&D, design, and advertising. Based on the growth accounting framework, intangible capital accounted for more than 30 percent of the labor productivity growth in the Swedish business sector from 1995 to 2006. Thus, Swedish TFP growth, one of the highest among OECD countries, is reduced substantially when investment in intangibles is included in the growth accounting analysis.  相似文献   

To Segregate or to Integrate: Education Politics and Democracy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How is the quality of public education affected by the presence of private schools for the rich? Theory and evidence suggest that the link depends crucially on the political system. We develop a theory that integrates private education and fertility decisions with voting on public schooling expenditures. We find that the presence of a large private education sector benefits public schools in a broad-based democracy where politicians are responsive to low-income families but crowds out public education spending in a society that is politically dominated by the rich. The main predictions of the theory are consistent with state-level data and micro data from the U.S. as well as cross-country evidence from the Programme for International Student Assessment study.  相似文献   

We analyze the evolvement of education inequality and the gender gap in Ghana before and after two major education reforms. Using different measures of inequality, our findings suggest that the gender gap at the basic school level has closed following the introduction of the education expansion policies, but inequalities persist at the postbasic school levels and across regions. We further demonstrate that the educational expansion–schooling inequality nexus is best illustrated by an inverted U-shaped Kuznets curve. We find that after an average of 6 years of schooling has been reached, inequality starts to decline, and gender equality can be achieved when the average years of schooling reach 9.  相似文献   

The EU ETS has been criticised for threatening the competitiveness of European industry and generating carbon leakage, i.e. increasing foreign greenhouse gas emissions. Two main options have been put forward to tackle these concerns: border adjustments and output-based allocation, i.e. allocation of free allowances in proportion to current production. We compare various configurations of these two options, as well as a scenario with full auctioning and no border adjustment. Against this background, we develop a model of the main sectors covered by the EU ETS: electricity, steel, cement and aluminium. We conclude that the most efficient way to tackle leakage is auctioning with border adjustment, which generally induces a negative leakage (a spillover). This holds even if the border adjustment does not include indirect emissions, if it is based on EU (rather than foreign) specific emissions, or (for some values of the parameters) if it covers only imports. Another relatively efficient policy is to combine auctioning in the electricity sector and output-based allocation in exposed industries, especially if free allowances are given both for direct and indirect emissions, i.e. those generated by the generation of the electricity consumed. Although output-based allocation is generally less effective than border adjustment to tackle leakage, it is more effective to mitigate production losses in the sectors affected by the ETS, which may ease climate policy adoption.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this paper is to analyse the price development and price formation for wood fuel used by the Swedish district heating sector. According to Lönner et al., there is a significant potential for increasing the use of wood fuel in Sweden, at a fairly moderate cost. The basic question raised in this paper is then why this potential is not realized. Specifically, a methodology is proposed for testing whether the reason is that market imperfections are present. As a first step the shape of the technology in the Swedish district heating sector is estimated for the period 1989 to 1996. In the second step the estimated technology and the assumption of cost-minimizing firms are combined to calculate shadow prices, i.e. marginal valuation of wood fuel in this sector. If the average shadow price significantly deviates from the average observed price one may conclude that this market is functioning inefficiently due to imperfections. According to constructed bootstrap confidence intervals this difference is significant only for three out of eight years, implying that the quantities of wood fuel traded are too small. For the other years the difference is not significant, implying that one cannot, on statistical grounds, reject the efficient market hypothesis for all years.  相似文献   

This paper estimates an earnings function for male workers belonging to the Indian corporate sector. The model allows for differential rates of return to schooling and distinguishes tenure from total labor market experience. The rate of return to schooling is found to be low up to the junior level, increases significantly at the secondary and undergraduate levels, but sharply declines at the masters level. Seniority and firm-specific factors are found to be important determinants of earnings. When years of unemployment and informal experience are incorporated, earnings of low-education workers appear to be driven entirely by formal-sector experience.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper estimates econometrically the economic return on schooling among Portuguese cooperative managers, based on a survey carried out in 1999. The main findings indicate that the rate of return is in line with previous published research. The results also indicate that in this sector, the return on education does not depend on the dimensions of the cooperative in which the individual works.  相似文献   

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