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讯问犯罪嫌疑人主要通过语言,它是侦查讯问过程的主要载体。在讯问过程中,侦查人员的语言表达能力如何,直接影响讯问的效果。侦查人员提高运用讯问语言艺术的自觉性,并运用讯问语言艺术促使讯问活动顺利进行,是提高讯问水平的重要方面。因此,运用讯问语言艺术的水平高低,在讯问中具有特殊的意义。  相似文献   

侦查阶段对犯罪嫌疑人的讯问是重要的侦查方法,但目的性过强的讯问很容易产生侵犯犯罪嫌疑人人权的不正当行为。尽管刑事诉讼法等相关法律法规有着禁止性的规定,但由于客观破案的压力,主观思想的放松,我国侦查讯问程序在立法和司法中都存在较严重问题,全面归纳和分析这些问题对我们在即将进行的刑事诉讼再修改中解决这些问题有着重要的铺垫意义。  相似文献   

去年是我国的刑愤体制改革年。作为改革重要内容之一就是将过去侦查、预审分设的体制合二为一,实行侦审一体化,即从立案、侦查、审讯、提请逮捕至移送起诉,由一个机构的一班人马一杆子插到底。这意味着侦查员不仅要会破案,而且要会审案和结案,同理,预审员不仅要会审案、结案,而且要懂得如何击破案。这对众多侦查员或预审员来说,面临角色的调整、知识的更新以及实践经验的不断积累等问题。为此,有必要对侦查讯问的有关问题进行研究与探讨。  相似文献   

博弈论是研究冲突对抗条件下最优决策问题的理论,将其经典模型“囚徒困境”与侦查讯问进行类比,可以建立讯问中警察与犯罪嫌疑人的博弈模型。在我国,警察和犯罪嫌疑人博弈遭到破解的主要原因是警察的合法讯问和非法讯问策略、犯罪嫌疑人的坦白和抗拒策略均存在严重的效用倒置,这也是导致警察选择非法讯问,而犯罪嫌疑人选择抗拒策略的主要原因。为倒正警察和犯罪嫌疑人策略的效用,必须建立非法口供排除规则、明确口供合法性的证明责任、完善非法讯问法律责任体系、消除认定事实对口供的依赖、提高强制措施的适用标准等。  相似文献   

任何刑事案件的侦破过程都处于运动、变化、发展的侦查情势中,情势的易变性决定了侦查活动的复杂性。为了深刻把握侦查情势的运行规律,我们通过勾画侦查情势构造图的形式,运用静态分析的方式,从侦查中主体、客体与环境的关系入手,以案件结构要素与侦查基本程式的关联性为目标,力图准确地剖析侦查情势构造,进而对侦查情势进行科学解读。  相似文献   

本文重点对刑事侦查策略的概念、刑事侦查策略与侦查措施的区别以及侦查策略的本质进行了阐述;通过阐述,初步对刑事侦查策略的概念进行了界定;通过比较,阐明了侦查策略与侦查措施的关系;通过论证,明确了刑事侦查策略是可知的,而非神秘莫测,其实质是认识的方法、过程和结果。  相似文献   

经济犯罪侦查对策是经侦工作制度、侦查措施、经侦科学技术与侦查策略的合理配置方案的总称,其对策体系的确立应充分遵循“深度契合经济犯罪活动的本质特性”和“实现侦查活动的打、防并举职责”两大基本原则。经侦对策的制定应慎重考虑其全局性的战略对策和专案侦查活动的战术对策。战略对策的制定应注重对经济犯罪活动的遏制意义,同时突出其对专案侦查活动的基础性作用;战术对策的设计,应充分彰显其服务于打击犯罪的价值。  相似文献   

诱惑侦查是当今世界许多国家侦查走私犯罪的重要措施和手段,我国也在不同程度地适用这一有效方法。由于缺乏必要的规范和指导,实践中存在不少问题,影响了其效能的充分发挥,也极易侵害公民的合法权益。鉴此,本文分析了走私犯罪案件运用诱惑侦查的条件,提出了走私犯罪案件诱惑侦查中诱饵的设计方案,以及走私犯罪案件诱惑侦查的策略和方法,以期能对我国当前的缉私实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,信息技术给整个社会带来巨大变革,同时,犯罪行为也日趋隐蔽化、智能化、职业化,这给公安刑侦工作带来了重大挑战。面对严峻的犯罪新形势,如何将信息处理技术、网络工程技术和计算机技术等高科技领域的成果注入刑事侦查工作中,向高科技要警力,向高科技要效益,如何更好地推进侦查信息化进程,成为侦查机关和侦查人员面临的一大现实问题。  相似文献   

从侦查基本理论范畴所具有的意义出发,“纯粹侦查学”和“刑事司法系统”为两种新的研究视角。通过区分事实和法律两个范畴,“纯粹侦查学’’的研究视角认为侦查主要解决事实问题,“刑事司法系统”的研究视角对侦查的功能进行了新的界说。  相似文献   

Using the sharing economy (SE) as the context, this article provides a coherent and nuanced methodological understanding of automated content analysis (ACA) in tourism and hospitality (TH) field. By adopting a comparative ACA approach, the paper compares the current TH Western academic literature of the SE with news media discourse in TH from the period 2011–2016 (August) (inclusive). The emerging issues from the news media discourse, such as mobility, SE companies and the role of government, are absent in current tourism academic research. Findings reveal that ACA can facilitate a more systematic comparison between different sources of data. This paper offers a starting point for tourism scholars to methodologically engage with ACA that can draw useful insights on a particular context.  相似文献   

现代刑事政策与儒家法律思想在很多层面存在共鸣与契合。从“宽猛相济”、“德礼政刑”、“省刑罚”等角度来看,儒家法律思想与“宽严相济”、“社会治安综合治理”、“刑罚轻缓化”等现代刑事政策之间具有牵连性和一致性。  相似文献   

This article explores anti-social behaviour on public transport, regarded as a major problem by most transport authorities in Britain. It has been estimated that a passenger increase of more than 11.5% in Britain could be achieved if public concerns over anti-social behaviour could be allayed. The article starts by noting that combating anti-social behaviour has generally been seen as the remit of police and enforcement officers. However, research carried out for Transport for London indicates that for the majority of the travelling public, the forms of anti-social behaviour, which concerns them is more likely to be low-level behaviour, ranging from groups of young people behaving boisterously to people eating food or talking loudly on mobile phones.Using the ‘problem solving approach’ structure, the article then examines the process by which Transport for London has partially ‘uncoupled’ anti-social behaviour from criminal activities and then treated the two issues as related but distinct. As a result, a series of policing and enforcement initiatives have been introduced to prevent crime, but a different, unique approach has been taken towards controlling anti-social behaviour. Rather than being tackled as a form of low level criminality, anti-social behaviour is viewed as the outcome of clashing values about appropriate behaviour on public transport. Therefore, the answer to anti-social behaviour lies in minimising these values clashes, rather than concentrating on enforcement against perpetrators. The article describes the resulting large-scale media campaign—the Considerate Traveller Campaign, which was launched in 2008 with the aim of increasing tolerance and consideration for others.The article concludes with a summary of the early evaluation of the campaign, which suggests that it is having some positive effect in changing values and argues that in the longer run, it may be possible to amend the behaviour on public transport without relying so heavily on enforcement measures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to highlight the implications of the indiscipline of tourism academia for a new generation of tourism academics. Generation Tourism is characterised by scholars with a multi-disciplinary education associated with a broad field of study and commonly considered to lack the advantages of a discipline-focused education with its strong theoretical and methodological foundations. The problem this article addresses relates to how new generations of scholars and their views on knowledge creation achieve ascendancy in ways that move on from existing paradigms and earlier cohorts of scholars. Our main argument is that Generation Tourism scholars would benefit from a more clearly developed and common academic identity. To begin the critical conversation around the identity of Generation Tourism we outline five possible points of departure. These points are: (1) learning from historical developments in parent disciplines; (2) spearheading inter-disciplinary scholarship; (3) working towards theoretical developments; (4) embracing mediating methodologies and (5) forming tourism nodes and networks. Recognising these as starting points rather than final statements, we hope that the conversation about Generation Tourism identity will continue in other forums.  相似文献   

The existing literature mapping the state of mixed methods research in tourism does not provide in-depth information concerning the number and type of mixed methods studies published in tourism, or the paradigmatic beliefs informing the mix of quantitative and qualitative studies in the same project. By conducting a systematic review of articles published between 2005 and 2016 in tourism journals, this work seeks to answer four main research questions: (1) how have different tourism scholars employed mixed methods in their studies?; (2) what approaches have been utilised in mixed methods studies?; (3) how are paradigm(s) conceptualised in mixed method designs?; and (4) how is reflexivity operationalised in mixed method designs? Overall, the findings show that the majority of mixed methods tourism studies have not declared their epistemological, ontological and axiological stances. Also, the studies tended to privilege sequential mixes over concurrent approaches, and reflexivity was rarely contemplated.  相似文献   

Issues of crime in a destination area affect real and perceived visitor safety; away from rare but high profile incidents such as terrorist attacks, visitor security is more likely to be affected by a lesser criminal activity. This paper contributes to our existing understanding of how tourism can be affected by criminal activity by selecting a definable geographical area and investigating the dimensions, scale and nature of visitor-related crime and the perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of visitors in relation to safety issues. The results indicate that, although visitors believed the destination to be a safe one, the statistics indicated that they were more susceptible to crimes of dishonesty, in particular vehicle-related theft, and the times and places they were at risk evidenced different patterns to residents. With visitors accounting for less than 10% of the total population, these differences are not immediately apparent. Visitors are not homogenous and distinct groupings based on perceptions, attitudes and behaviours were found. TheREFore, there is a requirement to examine how crime is impacting on visitors by distinguishing them from the overall crime figures, but measures to protect visitors also have to be tailored to take cognisance of typologies of visitors.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between social capital and tourism in Malaysia. Social capital is a concept that has received particular attention within the social sciences. Despite this, scholars have relatively neglected whether and how tourism contributes to enhance levels of social capital. This is particularly true if non-Western societies, such as Malaysia, are referred to. Malaysia is a plural society that consists of three main ethnic groups, namely Malays, Chinese, and Indians. Considering the country's diverse socio-cultural fabric, social capital is a highly debated topic in Malaysia. Yet, there exists a paucity of data on how specific social practices, such as tourism, strengthen social relationships within Malaysian society. In an attempt to fill this gap, in-depth interviews were conducted with 22 Malaysians from the three main ethnic groups. The findings reveal that tourism is an experience that creates and strengthens social relationships among people irrespective of ethnic background. Overall, this article's contribution to our knowledge is twofold. First, the work on which this article is based contributes to the ongoing debate concerning the nature and meaning of tourism and post-tourism experiences. Second, it provides empirical material on non-Western tourists, who have been relatively neglected by tourism scholars.  相似文献   

刑事证据规则从其适用的范围看,可分为原则性刑事证据规则与例外性刑事证据规则。原则性刑事证据规则重在保障人权,例外性刑事证据规则重在打击犯罪。刑事证据规则是否和谐,主要体现在能否恰当地处理原则性规则与例外性规则的关系上。和谐的刑事证据规则不仅有利于证据准确适用,而且有利于诉讼和谐和社会和谐。  相似文献   

被害人承诺作为正当化行为理论中的问题之一,在各国刑法中都得到普遍认同。但是,我国刑法理论界在这方面的研究尚不充分。本文试从宏观角度对被害人承诺问题加以阐述,从而探求该问题的发展演变。  相似文献   

Despite the official end of colonialism in the twentieth century, neocolonial structures of power have kept influencing the political, socio-cultural and economic arenas worldwide. Within this scenario, the tourism academy has seen its landscape develop with its own set of power structures, which have shaped its knowledge production and dissemination. However, whether and how neocolonial forces have exerted their influence on tourism knowledge production and dissemination is still a subject of debate among scholars. This paper was conceived as an attempt to cast additional light on the nexus between tourism knowledge and neocolonialism. More specifically, through a systematic review of the articles published in tourism journals in the last decade (2007–2017), this work assesses the status of the current tourism knowledge through the lens of neocolonialist theory. Overall, this critical review highlights that with some exceptions, most of the previous reviews concerning tourism knowledge only evaluate the work published in English in highly ranked tourism journals and tend to neglect knowledge systems outside the English-speaking global centres. Furthermore, previous studies exploring structures of power affecting tourism knowledge production and dissemination present limitations in terms of the themes and perspectives identified.  相似文献   

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