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收益是衡量企业经营情况及盈利能力的一个基本指标。如果要客观、准确、全面地认识企业的盈利能力,首先要从数量和质量上对会计收益进行评价。文章阐述了现金流量与会计收益的差异,利用现金流量表对收益质量进行识别的必要性及现金流量表的分析方法,提出了如何识别收益质量的方法。  相似文献   

现金流量是企业生存和发展的命脉,而现金流量表是反映一家公司在一定时期现金流入和现金流出动态状况的报表。通过现金流量表提供的信息,信息使用者可以掌握企业资产变动情况,了解企业的资产流动性、偿债能力和支付投资者报酬能力。现金流量表是企业投资活动成败的晴雨表,对企业的发展非常重要,其为改善企业资金管理指明了方向。  相似文献   

罗胜强 《价值工程》2004,24(2):84-87
本文运用报酬回归模型对上市公司在年度报告中所披露的经营活动所产生的净现金流量的增量信息含量进行定量研究,借此对《企业会计准则-现金流量表》实施的经济后果提供经验证据,从而对会计改革的效果做出实证性的评估。研究结果发现,我国上市公司所披露的会计盈余信息不仅对投资者来说是有用的,而且上市公司所披露的现金流量表中经营净现金流量也具有增量价值相关性。  相似文献   

郭佳 《价值工程》2009,28(10):124-126
在日益尊崇"现金至尊"的现代理财环境中,现金流量表分析对信息使用者来说显得尤为重要。从企业现金流量的来源和运用角度出发,从获现能力、偿债能力、盈利质量、成长能力、财务弹性五个方面,对现金流量表进行了指标分析。  相似文献   

通过现金流量分析,可以知道企业是如何产生现金以及如何使用现金的。而现金流量表是通过现金的流入与流出,反映企业在一定时期内的经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动的会计报表。文章通过对现金的流入与流出二者综合研究,分析企业当前财务状况,及早防范企业财务风险。  相似文献   

In this paper we report the results of conducting a two‐stage analysis on the impact and importance of mandatory adoption of international accounting reporting standards (IFRS) on European Union firms. In the first stage we determined the impact of mandatory adoption of IFRS across 13 countries and twenty industries. This was accomplished by identifying significant differences in return on assets (ROA) for firms computed under IFRS and local, generally accepted accounting principles (LG). Significant positive differences were detected for firms in Belgium, Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom: only German and Norwegian firms exhibited a negative average significant difference between ROA calculated using IFRS and LG. Repeating the analysis of differences in ROA on an industry‐by‐industry basis yielded additional Portuguese and Spanish firms for the second stage of the analysis in which the impact of mandatory IFRS adoption was assessed. Defining impact in terms of market and financial reporting quality, we found a statistically significant relationship between accounting information and market returns for firms in the all‐countries‐combined sample of 3,530 observations, and in the countries of Belgium, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Support for the timeliness of accounting information was uncovered for firms in the all‐countries‐combined sample, and in the countries of Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Finally, evidence to support the proposition that accounting regimes produce quality discretionary accruals was found for firms from the all‐countries‐combined sample of 3,480 observations and from Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. When comparing differential accounting information constructed under IFRS and LG, however, few differences could be found. Specifically, there was no statistical support for any of the samples that accounting information produced under IFRS was any more value relevant than the accounting information derived using LG. When our examination shifted to the timeliness of earnings, a positive differential impact between earnings constructed on the basis of IFRS and local accounting standards was detected only for the all‐countries‐combined sample. Finally, the quality of discretionary accruals was shown to be significantly higher under IFRS than LG for firms in Finland, Greece and Sweden.  相似文献   

The new Romanian accounting and auditing laws took effect in 1999. This paper investigates and evaluates the phase of development which started in 1996, comparing the outcome of that development with the experience of some other transition economies. Recognizing that the move to the market economy was a primary driver of change, the paper considers the economic and social context of Romania and the potential conflicts arising where the growing importance of the global market, political and international developments influence the shaping of strategy in matters of accounting. A strategy shaped in this way must also cater for the specific needs of the many small companies in transition economies. Key to the reform process in Romania has been the recognition that a controlled phasing-in of change, accompanied by training, is necessary to give the reform process a chance to succeed; however, this leads to tensions arising between professional associations, which wish to become self-regulatory, and governments, who need to retain a measure of control to ensure that all elements of the reform are in harmony. The paper concludes that the accounting developments from 1996 avoided some of the pitfalls experienced earlier in other transition economies and also shortened some of the development process by making changes in parallel rather than in sequence.  相似文献   

大学生创业中地方政府角色定位缺失与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方政府在大学生创业过程中扮演什么样的角色,对大学生是否参与创业以及大学生创业是否能够取得成功至关重要。然而,目前地方政府在大学生创业中的角色定位是缺失的,其角色缺失主要表现在以下三个方面:一是创业政策制定者角色的缺位;二是创业协调监督者角色的错位;三是创业服务者角色的虚位。因此,地方政府必须做到:创业政策制定者角色要补位;创业协调监督者角色要正位;创业服务者角色要实位。只有这样,地方政府才能够在大学生创业过程中扮演好自己的角色。  相似文献   

现金流量表作为会计报告的"第三张表",是企业公开的会计信息。现金流量表可以清晰地反映企业创造净现金流量的能力,揭示企业资产的流动性和财务状况,并能够为企业提供当期现金的流入、流出及结余情况,可以正确评价企业当前及未来的偿债能力、支付能力及企业当期取得的利润的质量,为企业领导科学决策提供充分、有效的依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of role models for the two oldest business schools in the four Nordic countries — Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The schools are studied with respect to their institutional development and their present curricula. The data presented lends support to the idea that cultural affinity has been important to the choice of such models, and that national followers have tended to adapt to domestic leaders. It is also shown that the Nordic business schools appear to exhibit a mix of local and US features.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, significant accounting reforms have been considered by a wide range of state and local governments throughout the world. Few countries have undertaken such extensive reform of their public sector, or of their public sector accounting practices as an integral part of those reforms, as New Zealand. While the central government accounting reforms are more well known, the reforms at local government have been equally dramatic, the most recent being the introduction in 1998 of a long-term financial planning regime under the Local Government Amendment (No. 3) Act 1996. This paper examines the factors leading up to the legislation, describes the requirements of the new regime, identifies the accounting and related issues which have arisen and concludes with some lessons which other countries may wish to consider in their own quest for transparency and accountability.  相似文献   

In developing countries with high levels of corruption, people are often forced into small-business venturing or survivalist entrepreneurship because larger, more efficient firms do not exist. In developed countries, however, low corruption means that people choose entrepreneurship as a better means of innovating. In this article we use federal convictions of state and local officials and the Small Business Administration's firm formation data to test whether corruption within the United States forces some people into business venturing. We find that business venturing within the United States is caused in part by corruption.  相似文献   

Modem domestic barter systems are operating in Australia and other high-income countries at the local community level, and at the national level for business exchanges. Both governments and firms practise countertrade at the international level. These exchange regimes appear to have become institutionalised in a macromarketing system which is organised on the primacy of market exchange based on price as the coordinating device. In this paper, explanations for this enigma are presented with a particular emphasis on the Australian context.  相似文献   

浅析南通市民营科技企业孵化器发展中存在的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈斌 《价值工程》2010,29(11):46-47
2004年以来,南通市民营科技企业孵化器从无到有,从少到多,呈现出蓬勃发展的态势,取得了引人注目的成绩,在促进地方经济增长和科技发展过程中起到了很大作用。但由于历史和体制的一些原因,民营科技企业孵化器相比于政府举办的孵化器,发展过程申还存在着一系列的问题。文章主要分析了当前南通市民营科技企业孵化器发展过程中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了对策。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, subsequent Dutch governments have promoted self-employment of immigrants to reduce their unemployment rates. These policies have been focused on the (potential) actors themselves, i.e. the immigrants who have started or who may want to start a business. Taking mixed embeddedness as a point of departure, entrepreneurship and self-employment cannot be solely understood by focusing on the micro-level but has to include the larger macro and meso structures that impact on these actors' choices. In this paper, therefore, the focus is on the opportunity structure and on the policies that affect this set of options for starting a (small) business. A typology of policies that may alter this opportunity structure is offered.  相似文献   

关于会计要素几个问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文注意到会计要素的重要性及其在不同国家财务会计概念框架中的差异性,首先探讨了会计要素设置的决定因素,并分析了与此相关的一个典型问题——为什么现金流量表不设置会计要素。此外,本文还对收入与利得的区分及其经济后果进行了探讨,并分析了资产计价先于收益决定的逻辑基础。最后,本文还对资产的定义进行了综评。  相似文献   

唐有川 《价值工程》2011,30(2):150-150
本文通过对现金流量表编制三个基本过程的判断,利用日记账的形式,对日常的经济业务的判断分析来进行逐笔登记现金流量表,并以实际发生的业务为例,流利地编制出现金流量表。  相似文献   

China's rapid urbanization has resulted in substantial suburbanization over recent decades. However, limited research has been conducted into how land‐based capital is mobilized, accumulated and circulated within the circuits of the capital accumulation process, or how land‐based capital is used to finance massive investment in suburbanization by China's local governments, especially since the trend in land commodification during the 2000s. We examined the capital switching experience in the city of Hangzhou and our findings indicate that local governments have attempted to simultaneously strengthen housing development and industrial growth. In contrast to experiences of suburbanization in Western countries, a real estate boom during the early days of suburbanization in Hangzhou was not necessarily the result of diversion of excess capital from over‐accumulated investments in the manufacturing industry. Rather, it was a consequence of capital accumulation facilitated by land‐reserve systems and land‐based financing of infrastructure orchestrated by local government. Local governments and their affiliated land‐reserve centers and local investment platforms have acted as entrepreneurs by using profits from suburban property development to subsidize industrial investments and fund the infrastructure‐supported expansion of outer suburbs. These findings highlight the potential risks of land‐centered accumulation and provide important reflections upon the theory of David Harvey in the context of urban China.  相似文献   

小议如何解决金融危机对企业经营性现金流的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国会计准则将现金流定义为现金和现金等价物的流入与流出,现金流又可分为经营性现金流、投资性现金流和筹资性现金流。一般而言,经营性现金流能更好地反映公司创造价值的能力,是企业自身创造现金流量能力的反映,应对金融危机冲击,改善经营性现金流状况,需要企业实施稳健的财务策略,建立经营性现金流预算制度,实施经营性现金流预警及控制,减少应收账款和存货,降低生产经营成本,运用延期支付手段,并积极开展对外融资。  相似文献   

China’s international position as a net creditor nation provides it with foreign exchange that it has invested in Asian and African countries. One example is China's investment in the Russian Far East (RFE). Thousands of Chinese agricultural workers have migrated to the RFE in recent decades. They are often welcomed by Russian farmers who face a labor shortage and by local residents who can buy cheap vegetables from them, but there are others who resent their presence in the region as competitors. Our study is the first empirical study of this relationship. Our results demonstrate economic benefits to the Russian households. There are, however, some negative repercussions of Chinese farmers in the RFE, and the governments of both China and Russia need to manage the situation wisely.  相似文献   

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