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肖扬 《山西旅游》2007,(1):55-55
长治市旅游业迅速发展,为了解决冬季旅游的基础建设,当地有关人士充分利用老顶山的有利地形和地理条件开辟了老顶山神农滑雪场。大大方便了游人的需要和推出了富有特色冬季旅游健身娱乐的产品。神农滑雪场位于山西省长治市东3公里老顶山国家森林公园景区内,亚洲第二高的炎帝像之侧,风光秀美、景色迷人、周围环境优雅、空气清新、温度适宜,长治风景  相似文献   

日月峡滑雪场座落在小兴安岭南麓的铁力林业局马永顺林场,依日月峡国家森林公园拱北峰而建,距铁力市37公里.由绥化电业局远大公司兴建,一期投资为3900万元.  相似文献   

闻名遐迩的横道滑雪场座落在该镇俄罗斯风情园内,始建于1998年5月,占地面积40万平方米,位于黑龙江省东南部,东与牡丹江市相邻,西与尚志市接壤,地处301国道209公里处.  相似文献   

“您觉得有戏,就一定有戏。”您知道这是谁的高论吗?臧天朔!您知道这是臧天朔在哪里说的话吗?在他自己酒吧的酒水单扉页上。不仅臧天朔,许多演艺界的明星都在北京有自己的饮食“实业”。 北京海纳着来自全国各地的明星艺人,这些明星有了闲钱之后,就开始纷纷开饭馆建酒吧,一时间北京有了许多口味的“明星”餐馆、酒吧,这臧天朔的酒吧就是其中之一。其实,“明星”酒吧并不是很多,倒是明星餐馆韭菜似的一茬接一茬,这大概因为中国人最讲究的,还是这个“吃”字吧!  相似文献   

1.细分市场推专项服务由于来滑雪的以家庭为单位的很多,因此黑龙江平山旅游风景区建成神鹿儿童专用滑雪场,雪道长约200米,宽约20米,坡度柔缓,只有7度到8度,只允许3岁至12岁的儿童进入,并且是免费开放。为保障儿童滑雪的安全,滑雪场为儿童滑雪者提供了专用滑雪通道,在雪道上配备  相似文献   

滑雪场作为一种独特旅游资源,因投资回报比较高,有比较好的发展前景,滑雪场经济更是被称为旅游产业中的朝阳。鞍山具有滑雪旅游资源,文化内涵丰富,发展潜力和市场空间巨大。本文首先分析鞍山市发展滑雪旅游的优势,调查分析了鞍山市丰富的滑雪场旅游资源、良好的区位优势、便捷的交通网络、可辐射的腹地城市群及政府提供的政策。在问题分析的基础上,提出了鞍山发展滑雪旅游的对策建议,即通过外部环境的改善和行业内环境的改进两方面促进和发展滑雪旅游,具体通过建立行业规范、改进企业管理方式、挖掘滑雪文化、构建滑雪产业链、培养和引进专业管理和服务人才等方面发展鞍山滑雪旅游。  相似文献   

如今,“公益”已是一个大家耳熟能详的词了,顾名思义,“公益”就是对大家、对公众都有益的事情,但是公益事业也需要全社会的参与,大家一起来推动,明星是社会的一分子,同时也是公众人物,他们的参与当然就更显得合情合理。  相似文献   

黄征从小接触音乐,先后学习了大提琴、钢琴和声乐,就读于北师大艺术系,毕业后曾自组乐队创作歌曲,而黄征的名字,正是作为创作制作人而风靡乐界的。他为满文军、费翔、陈琳等歌手创作过《望乡》、《把耳朵叫醒》、《睡不着的海》、《海水未蓝》等。1998年他以音乐人身份加盟SONY,任制作人,先后荣获中国歌曲总评榜年度颁奖“最佳作词”奖,中  相似文献   

一个非常普遍的现象是,在评论明星丑闻的文章里,一旦出现道德二字,不管上下文如何,定会招来诟骂。人们的态度是,面对明星,不能提道德,否则就是腐朽保守。真相却是,明星在贩卖形象、影像和声音的各种产品之外,在提供绮年玉貌和奢侈生活的样本之外,还肩  相似文献   

Despite the importance of physical environment in hedonic service consumption, little is known about the extent to which physical environment influences ski resort visitors’ cognition, emotion, and behaviors. This study investigated the relationships among physical environmental stimuli (i.e., layout accessibility, aesthetics, cleanliness, and other visitors), perceived quality of physical environment, excitement, and behavioral intentions in ski resort. This study also attempted to test the moderating role of enduring involvement in the formation of behavioral intentions. Results showed that cleanliness and other visitors significantly and positively influenced visitors’ perceived quality of physical environment and excitement. The results suggest that physical environment is of great importance for the ski resort business. Perceived quality was indeed a significant predictor of excitement, which, in turn, positively influenced behavioral intentions. Finally, the study found that the effect of excitement on behavioral intentions was significant across high and low enduring involvement groups.  相似文献   

土地利用变化与社区居民生计的耦合是认识人类社会-陆地自然系统相互作用的一种新视角.文章以大连金石滩为例,采用遥感影像目视解译、参与式观察、半结构访谈、调查问卷等方法,结合耦合协调度模型,研究了过去20年大连金石滩旅游度假区土地利用变化与当地社区居民生计之间的动态耦合关系.研究结果表明:旅游度假区当地社区土地利用的规模、结构和效益与当地社区生计模式中在生计资本、生计策略和生计结果之间存在明显的对应关系.总体看,土地仍然是决定当地社区生计的决定因素.这种变化从生产性要素(农业生产)向非生产性要素转变(房租出租或价值提升).在过去20年,金石滩土地利用-生计模式的耦合协调程度尚处于可接受状态,维持均衡,但仍存在较大的可优化空间.基于此,该文认为,旅游度假区的发展需要进一步调整土地利用结构,改善居民生计资本配置方式,从而实现旅游度假区的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Travel blogs provide a new way of understanding consumers' perceptions on destination and its associated products. The purpose of this study was to examine international tourists' destination image of China as represented in travel blog discourse. Data were obtained from blog entries relating to trips to China posted on three dominant travel blog websites. Content analysis facilitated by Atlas.ti 6.0 was performed on a total of 89 China-related travel blogs. The study identified the most frequently discussed aspects of tourists' experiences in China. The results also indicated that the blog authors had mixed and paradoxical images of China as identified by previous research. Marketing implications for China's tourism development based on the results were discussed.  相似文献   

我国旅游突发事件伤亡规模空间特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以2006-2010年我国发生的旅游突发事件案例作为研究样本,以旅游伤亡人数作为研究对象,采用全局趋势分析法、空间自相关模型对旅游突发事件伤亡规模的空间特征进行研究.从人员因素、环境因素和设施因素等结构维度,对旅游突发事件伤亡规模的影响因素进行信息解构,并利用OLS模型和GWR模型对其影响因素的空间特征进行剖析,研究表明:我国旅游突发事件伤亡规模的空间分异特征较为明显,主要表现为由东向西、自北向南皆呈倒U形分布,且东西向差异幅度略大于南北向.此外,Moran指数为0.1626,说明我国旅游突发事件伤亡规模的空间结构呈弱集聚分布态势.在影响因素的非平稳分析中,发现GWR模型估计结果要优于OLS模型.从全局区域看,人员因素、环境因素和设施因素对旅游突发事件伤亡规模的影响较为显著.从局部区域看,各因素的分布皆存在非平稳性,其中,人员因素的各系数段之间在空间上出现靠拢现象.环境因素系数值最高的区域为西南和西北地区.设施因素在空间上的分异特征较为明显,其中,最高系数值主要分布在中部和西南部分地区.  相似文献   

Minhui Lin 《Leisure Studies》2018,37(2):117-131
This article explores the relationship between traditional leisure activities and public space by studying Cantonese opera in the urban parks of Guangzhou, China. The approach utilises place construction theory to analyse the public space construction processes of Cantonese opera. This study found that Cantonese opera, as leisure embedded in the urban parks, constructs the park as a site of performativity and joyful togetherness. The local government constructs the urban park as a locale to celebrate traditional culture and market the city to its residents and visitors alike. Cantonese opera participants frequent the park and find it suitable for coordinating simple leisure activities and professional performances. This may be due to the perceived benefits of self-entertainment, health promotion and culture promotion. These factors, in turn, demonstrate the performativity of urban parks. As for joyful togetherness, elderly participants seek a sense of belonging and personal safety in urban parks by means of traditional leisure activities and social relationships, which help to ease the psychological impact of rapid urbanisation. During the place construction process, leisure participants gain an awareness of culture and space as part of this social ritual. Therefore, the influence of these operas extends to the local city and governmental spheres.  相似文献   

黄海 《旅游学刊》2001,16(1):43-46
作为人类学的分支,文化人类学在中国还很少直接而系统地与旅游科学联系起来.本文试图从文化人类学的视角提出其在国际旅游市场中的三大任务,探讨文化人类学与旅游业的密切关系,以促进旅游业的发展.  相似文献   

发展我国旅游购物的思考——以"香港购物节"为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石美玉  王颖 《旅游学刊》2007,22(7):91-96
近几年,“香港购物节”的举办,成功地把香港的旅游淡季变成了旺季,并全面推动了香港旅游业及整体经济发展水平的提高。本文在分析“香港购物节”成功经验的基础上,重点分析了我国内地发展旅游购物的相应措施。  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify the position of duplitectures/copysites in the theoretical stream of tourism authenticity. It does so by exploring the meanings assigned by domestic Chinese tourists, based on their socially and culturally held beliefs, while they interact with architectural imitations imported from alien cultures. The primary research method is an emergent qualitative design that involved in-depth interviews of Chinese tourists at the eight copysites considered in this study. The findings reveal three relevant themes. Reconceptualization of authenticity indicates that the concept of imitation has very different connotations in China compared to those in the West. Cultural self-exploration reflects an evolving stage of intercultural maturity manifested by Chinese tourists. De-globalization has led to cultural homogenization of the tourist spaces in China. The findings fill the lacuna in existing theoretical streams of tourism authenticity by clarifying the position of copysites and has practical implications for domestic tourism marketing organizations in China.  相似文献   

Due to its rich stock of heritage assets, extraordinary pace of market liberalisation, and its political administration, the People’s Republic of China is at a crossroads in terms of the management of its heritage assets. In order to better understand the threats and opportunities that market liberalisation may pose for cultural heritage assets as future tourism products, this study examines two examples in the Beijing municipality; the Hutongs and the section of the Great Wall at Huanghua. These case studies are used to investigate the coordination of policy to balance modernisation and conservation of heritage assets in Beijing, and place it against a general model of stakeholder roles that can drive the sustainable use of heritage assets. Teasing out the nature of these roles has identified where tourism development aids or detracts from existing heritage conservation policies. Without better coordination of roles in policy implementation, the sustainability of many heritage assets as future tourism products is in question.  相似文献   

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