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We examine the role of idiosyncratic risk in five ASEAN markets of Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Our research was motivated by the findings of Ang et al. (2006, 2009) of a ‘puzzling’ negative relation between idiosyncratic volatility and 1‐month ahead stock returns in developed markets and the suggestion of the ubiquity of these results in other markets. In contrast, we find no evidence of an idiosyncratic volatility puzzle in these Asian stock markets; instead, we document a positive relationship between idiosyncratic volatility and returns in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia and no relationship in the Philippines. The idiosyncratic volatility trading strategy could result in significant trading profits in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and to some extent in Indonesia. Our study underscores the fact that generalizing empirical results obtained in developed stock markets to new and emerging markets could potentially be misleading.  相似文献   

We investigate the asymmetric relationship between returns and implied volatility for 20 developed and emerging international markets. In particular we examine how the sign and size of return innovations affect the expectations of daily changes in volatility. Our empirical findings indicate that the conditional contemporaneous return-volatility relationship varies not only based on the sign of the expected returns but also upon their magnitude, according to recent results from the behavioral finance literature. We find evidence of an asymmetric and reverse return-volatility relationship in many advanced, Asian, Latin-American, European and South African markets. We show that the US market displays the highest reaction to price falls, Asian markets present the lowest sensitivity to volatility expectations, while the Euro area is characterized by a homogeneous response both in terms of direction and impact. These results may be safely attributed to cultural and societal characteristics. An extensive quantile regression analysis demonstrates that the detected asymmetric pattern varies particularly across the extreme distribution tails i.e., in the highest/lowest quantile ranges. Indeed, the classical feedback and leverage hypotheses appear not plausible, whilst behavioral theories emerge as the new paradigm in real-world applications.  相似文献   

This paper has two main objectives: the first is to unveil the relative importance of global versus local risk factors in influencing excess returns in the emerging country stock markets; the second is to analyse how the observed risk profiles change when markets undergo a major crisis. Our main country of focus is Mexico, but we also analyse six Asian countries which went through the 1997 Asian crisis. Our findings indicate that during stable periods investors are mainly concerned about global risk factors, whereas close to a crisis they also include local factors in their information sets in forming expectations about future excess returns.  相似文献   

We study the relationship between the excess returns of REITs and volatilities of macroeconomic factors in developing markets (Bulgaria and South Africa) and a ‘benchmark’ developed market (USA). As expected, our results generally indicate that conditional volatilities of macroeconomic risks, extracted through the GARCH (1,1) process, are time-varying. GARCH coefficients are largely significant for excess returns and retained principal components implying conditional time-varying volatility. We use the GMM to examine the linkage between volatilities of macroeconomic variables and REITs returns. The general result here is that macroeconomic risk cannot explain excess returns on REITs. However, we document a positive relationship between variability in REITs returns and the real economy for the US. US REITs portfolio managers and investors should be wary of fluctuations in these variables as they may accentuate volatility in REITs returns.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between U.S. equity flows in foreign countries and returns of closed-end country funds for emerging Latin American markets, emerging Asian markets and developed markets. The major issues addressed are (1) relationships between flows and fund returns based on two basic models—information contribution and feedback trading effects, (2) the role of volatility in these relationships, and (3) the effects of the Asian crisis. Basic findings include: (1) information contribution (past flows affect returns) and feedback trading arguments (past returns affect flows) are supported; (2) strong evidence is found for the market segmentation argument rather than the investor sentiment argument; (3) there exists strong evidence of significant volatility effects under information contribution and feedback trading; (4) the Asian crisis effects are important but limited to Asian funds.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time-series behavior of stock returns for seven Asian stock markets. In most cases, higher average returns appear to be associated with a higher level of volatility. Testing the relationship between stock returns and unexpected volatility, the evidence shows that four out of seven Asian stock markets have significant results. Further analyzing the relationship between stock returns and time-varying volatility by using Threshold Autoregressive GARCH(1,1)-in-mean specification indicates that the null hypothesis of no asymmetric effect on the conditional volatility is rejected for the daily data. However, the null cannot be rejected for the monthly data.  相似文献   

This paper proposes asymmetric GARCH-Jump models that synthesize autoregressive jump intensities and volatility feedback in the jump component. Our results indicate that these models provide a better fit for the dynamics of the equity returns in the US and emerging Asian markets, irrespective whether the volatility feedback is generated through a common GARCH multiplier or a separate measure of volatility in the jump intensity function. We also find that they can capture several distinguishing features of the return dynamics in emerging markets, such as, more volatility persistence, less leverage effects, fatter tails, and greater contribution and variability of the jump component.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the forecast performance of emerging market stock returns using standard autoregressive moving average (ARMA) and more elaborated autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models. Our results indicate that the ARMA and ARCH specifications generally outperform random walk models. Models that allow for asymmetric shocks to volatility are better for in-sample estimation (threshold autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity for daily returns and exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity for longer periods), and ARMA models are better for out-of-sample forecasts. The results are valid using both U. S. dollar and domestic currencies. Overall, the forecast errors of each Latin American market can be explained by the forecasts of other Latin American markets and Asian markets. The forecast errors of each Asian market can be explained by the forecasts of other Asian markets, but not by Latin American markets. Our predictability results are economically significant and may be useful for portfolio managers to enter or leave the market.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamic relation between returns, volume, and volatility of stock indexes. The data come from nine national markets and cover the period from 1973 to 2000. The results show a positive correlation between trading volume and the absolute value of the stock price change. Granger causality tests demonstrate that for some countries, returns cause volume and volume causes returns. Our results indicate that trading volume contributes some information to the returns process. The results also show persistence in volatility even after we incorporate contemporaneous and lagged volume effects. The results are robust across the nine national markets.  相似文献   

We investigate the pricing of idiosyncratic volatility of seven frontier markets in six GCC countries. We find a significant (marginal) negative relationship between expected returns and lagged idiosyncratic volatility for individual stocks in Saudi Arabia (Qatar) but none in Kuwait and Abu Dhabi. However, when we estimate conditional idiosyncratic volatility either by EGARCH or AR Models, the relationship turns positive. Introducing unexpected idiosyncratic volatility as an explanatory variable to control for any unexpected returns uncovers the true relationship between expected idiosyncratic volatility and expected returns. The evidence turns out to be robust for return reversals and other control variables. Moreover, the pricing of idiosyncratic risk is less evident in higher country governance and seems to be unrelated to the degree of financial development.  相似文献   

This study examines international equity flows of U.S. residents to emerging markets in Latin America and Asia and to developed markets in Europe, Canada, and Japan. The major issues addressed are (1) appropriate means of measuring relationships between returns and flows, (2) role of volatility in these relationships, and (3) effects of the Asian crisis. Basic findings include: (1) the information contribution argument is stronger than the feedback trading argument (flows affect returns more than past returns affect flows), (2) volatility of flows and of returns are not of major importance, (3) the Asian crisis effects are important and strongest for Asia followed by developed markets and by Latin America, and (4) regional measures and U.S. returns play significant roles in international equity flows to many countries.  相似文献   

This article examines feedback trading and autocorrelation pattern of stock returns in the equity markets of Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. We find evidence that positive feedback trading induces negative autocorrelation in the stock returns of Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. The negative autocorrelation occurs during periods of increasing volatility, and all the four equity markets exhibit volatility asymmetry. We also find that Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa were influenced by the 2008–2009 global financial crisis, and South Africa experienced the largest impact. These findings may have implications for risk management and price discovery in these equity exchanges.  相似文献   

Knowing that the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies are dichotomous in nature, and growth in the non-oil sector is tributary to the oil sector, we document the extent of synchronization between crude oil prices and stock markets for each of the GCC markets and for the GCC as an economic bloc. We use both the bivariate and multivariate nonparametric synchronicity measures proposed by Mink et al. (2007) to assess that linkage. We find a low to mild (mild to strong) degree of synchronization between oil price and stock market returns (volatilities). In a very few instances, we find very strong (above 80 percent) associations between these variables. These results hold irrespective of whether we assume that stock market participants form adaptive or rational expectations about the price of oil. Dynamic factor results confirm that shocks to volatility are more important than shocks to oil price returns for the GCC stock markets.  相似文献   

We use a bivariate GJR-GARCH model to investigate simultaneously the contemporaneous and causal relations between trading volume and stock returns and the causal relation between trading volume and return volatility in a one-step estimation procedure, which leads to the more efficient estimates and is more consistent with finance theory. We apply our approach to ten Asian stock markets: Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. Our major findings are as follows. First, the contemporaneous relation between stock returns and trading volume and the causal relation from stock returns and trading volume are significant and robust across all sample stock markets. Second, there is a positive bi-directional causality between stock returns and trading volume in Taiwan and China and that between trading volume and return volatility in Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. Third, there exists a positive contemporaneous relation between trading volume and return volatility in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, China, Indonesia, and Thailand, but a negative one in Japan and Taiwan. Fourth, we find a significant asymmetric effect on return and volume volatilities in all sample countries and in Korea and Thailand, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes stock returns and volatility relations between the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) and the global market as represented by stock markets in the US, the UK, Japan and Germany. Results from monthly data and multivariate cointegration tests suggest that the ISE became significantly integrated in the global market only in the period following market liberalization in late 1989. We also find evidence based on GARCH estimations that capital liberalization actually mitigated, rather than intensified, volatility in the ISE. Our results further suggest that the Asian crisis in mid‐1997 and the consequent Russian economic meltdown in mid‐1998 are partly responsible for the recent excessive volatility in the Turkish market. The results also identify the US and the UK markets as dominate sources of volatility spillovers for the ISE, even in the period following the Asian‐Russian crises. Consequently, it appears that the two matured markets of the US and the UK shoulder significant responsibility for the stability and financial health of smaller emerging markets like the ISE.  相似文献   

This paper examines the magnitude of return and volatility spillovers from Japan and the US to seven Asian equity markets. I construct a volatility spillover model that deals with the US shock as an exogenous variable in a bivariate EGARCH for Japan and Asian markets. First, only the influence of the US is important for Asian market returns; there is no influence from Japan. Second, the volatility of the Asian market is influenced more by the Japanese market than by the US. Third, there exists an adverse influence of volatility from the Asian market to the Japanese market.  相似文献   

This paper examines empirical contemporaneous and causal relationships between trading volume, stock returns and return volatility in China's four stock exchanges and across these markets. We find that trading volume does not Granger-cause stock market returns on each of the markets. As for the cross-market causal relationship in China's stock markets, there is evidence of a feedback relationship in returns between Shanghai A and Shenzhen B stocks, and between Shanghai B and Shenzhen B stocks. Shanghai B return helps predict the return of Shenzhen A stocks. Shanghai A volume Granger-causes return of Shenzhen B. Shenzhen B volume helps predict the return of Shanghai B stocks. This paper also investigates the causal relationship among these three variables between China's stock markets and the US stock market and between China and Hong Kong. We find that US return helps predict returns of Shanghai A and Shanghai B stocks. US and Hong Kong volumes do not Granger-cause either return or volatility in China's stock markets. In short, information contained in returns, volatility, and volume from financial markets in the US and Hong Kong has very weak predictive power for Chinese financial market variables.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between brand equity and firm risk in Turkey using a sample of 254 firm-year observations for the period 2009–2014. Our findings suggest that brand equity is an important determinant of equity risk in addition to conventional firm-specific variables. In particular, after controlling for firm-specific variables, the results reveal that firms with high brand equity experience lower volatility in stock returns. We also find that enhancing brand equity is an important tool for firms in reducing unsystematic and downside systematic risk in their stock prices. Our findings are robust to different valuation models of domestic and global investors as well as different methods of estimations. The results are encouraging for both marketing managers and investors, particularly those in emerging markets where stock price volatility is relatively higher than in developed markets.  相似文献   

A multivariate VAR-EGARCH is used to examine the returns and volatility dynamics between thin-traded adjusted equity returns from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. The findings suggest a reciprocal return spillover between Ghana and Kenya, and between Nigeria and South Africa. In addition, Nigeria appears to be the source of volatility innovations in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. Own market volatility is pronounced, and volatility is highly persistent in all four markets with Ghana, Kenya and South Africa exhibiting volatility asymmetry.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis has vigorously struck major financial markets around the world, in particular in the developed economies since they have suffered the most. However, some commodity markets, and in particular the precious metal markets, seem to be unscathed by this financial downturn. This paper investigates therefore the nature of volatility spillovers between precious metal returns over fifteen years (1995-2010 period) with the attention being focused on these markets’ behavior during the Asian and the global financial crises. Daily closing values for precious metals are analyzed. In particular, the variables under study are the US$/Troy ounce for gold, the London Free Market Platinum price in US$/Troy ounce, the London Free Market Palladium price in US$/Troy once, and the Zurich silver price in US$/kg. The main sample is divided into a number of sub periods, prior to, during and after the Asian crisis. The aim of this division is to provide a wide and deep analysis of the behavior of precious metal markets during this financial event and of how these markets have reacted during times of market instability. In addition, this paper also looks at the effects of the global financial crisis from August 2007 to November 2010 using GARCH and EGARCH modeling. The main results show that there is clear evidence of volatility persistence between precious metal returns, a characteristic that is shared with financial market behavior as it has been demonstrated extensively by the existing literature in the area. In terms of volatility spillover effects, the main findings evidence volatility spillovers running in a bidirectional way during the periods; markets are not affected by the crises, with the exception of gold, that tends to generate effects in all other metal markets. However, there is little evidence in the case of the other precious metals generating any kind of influence on the gold market. On the other hand, there is little evidence of spillover effects during the two crisis episodes. Finally, the results from asymmetric spillover effects show that negative news/information have a stronger impact in these markets than positive news, again a characteristic that has been also exhibited by financial markets.  相似文献   

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