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In the UK the Government currently perceives a levy on workplace parking to be a key ingredient of a package of measures designed to deal with congestion and traffic-related pollution in urban areas. Clearly a number of issues will require careful consideration before such a levy can be successfully introduced. This paper presents a summary of the findings of a national survey undertaken with respect to workplace parking charges. How seriously do the decision-makers and opinion formers perceive traffic-related issues (and in particular the health effects of road traffic) to be in the urban areas of the UK? and, how effective and acceptable is a levy on workplace parking likely to be when compared with other policy options as a means of dealing with traffic-related pollution? Ring fencing the revenue raised from workplace parking charge would appear to be an important issue, alongside the allocation of that revenue as a means of increasing acceptance. The paper considers the size of the levy to be charged in order to achieve a significant reduction in current workplace parking provision, and the case for exempting certain categories of user.  相似文献   

Cycling is one of the most sustainable and ecofriendly modes of travel and a good form of exercise. Many government and public health authorities recommend cycling to stay fit as well as to reduce air and noise pollution, CO2 emissions, traffic congestion, and other negative consequences of car use. In light of these benefits, a major challenge for researchers today is how to promote cycling. However, in countries where cycling is not common, apart from the need for proper cycling facilities, one major issue concerns people’s perception of cycling for sport or recreational activities rather than as a mode of transport. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of perception in the likelihood of the bike being used for utilitarian purposes. We focus on the perception of: the bicycle as a means of transport; bikeability (in terms of usefulness and safety) and of bike infrastructure. Hybrid Choice Models (HCMs) have been used to estimate the effect of people’s perception on the propensity to bike. The HCM also accounts for the serial correlation between error terms in the discrete and latent perceptions, to allow for agent-common unknown factors. Furthermore, we also validate the model results using a hold-out sample and discuss some policy measures aimed at changing travel behavior. The results suggest that, besides individual characteristics, latent aspects related to the perception of the context and of the bicycle as a means of transport strongly affect the propensity to cycle.  相似文献   

Choice behaviour studies typically assume passive bounded rationality, suggesting that decision makers process all information given to them with equal attention. However, it is probable that decision makers invoke any number of attribute processing strategies (APSs) when weighing the characteristics of candidate alternatives against one another. Utilising data from a study of urban road freight stakeholders evaluating alternative packages of component trip times, fuel costs and variable user charges, this paper shows that accounting for APS heterogeneity associate with each alternative in each choice set results in differing marginal disutilities and willingness to pay for components of travel time, compared to a model which assumes passive bounded rationality.  相似文献   

After decades of operating in a traditional customer–supplier relation, airlines and airports have started to discover the potential of cooperation strategies. Here we present an approach of how to identify possible fields for cooperation between the two players and give examples for proven successful joint development initiatives. In more detail we elaborate on two specific case studies, targeting at two entirely different kinds of actors. The field of air service development (ASD) enables airports to attract additional traffic in order to better utilize existing capacities. Collaborative decision making (CDM) on the other hand is an approach supporting the optimized utilization of congested airport infrastructure and air space. We conclude that even with low investment needs substantial benefits can be generated for the cooperating parties, opening room for further future cooperation projects.  相似文献   

Tourism-related businesses require a multitude of resources in order to operate successfully and given these resources can be accrued from more than one source, bases of power become complex. This is an inductive study which critically evaluates the application of stakeholder theory to an analysis of the tourism destination networks of Agra, India. It examines the relationships of power and dependency that exist between individual and group organisations and the way in which they motivate their behaviour towards each other. The key findings show that resource-based power is formed from the power of individual businesses, the power of the ancillary services stakeholders and the power of the authorities and that network-based power is acquired from the power of agents and the power of groups.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse quantitatively the visitors' perception of authenticity in two different types of museums: archaeology versus modern and contemporary art. The research is based on 1288 questionnaires collected from June to September 2011 among the visitors of the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology (ÖTZI) in Bolzano and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MART) in Trento-Rovereto. Logit models were used in order to estimate the set of independent variables that significantly influence both the perception of the authenticity and the ‘virtual’ choice between the two types of museums considered. The results suggested that the authenticity perception was related to peculiar authenticity-related factors and by specific socio-demographic characteristics of the interviewee, although some common elements emerge. In particular, ÖTZI authenticity is linked to its uniqueness in the world, whereas MART visitors relate authenticity to the museum's building and the perception that it was not just a tourist attraction. The empirical evidence confirms the well-known concept that authenticity perception is a dynamic experience, depending on the peculiar characteristics of the attraction analysed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modeling framework developed for the City of Montreal, Canada, and is intended to quantify two indicators that can explain the spatial distribution of traffic-related air pollution at a metropolitan level. The indicators are estimated at the level of the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) and include: (1) the average level of emissions generated per individual and (2) the level of emissions occurring in a zone as a proxy for air pollution exposure. A regional traffic assignment model is extended with capabilities for emission modeling at an individual trip level while taking into account vehicle (type and age) and trip attributes (road type, speed, and volume). We observe that individuals who generate higher emissions from travel tend to reside in areas with lower exposure to traffic emissions while individuals associated with low levels of travel emissions (e.g. travel smaller distances, conduct less trips, and use alternative modes) reside in areas with high levels of traffic pollution. A regression analysis of the two indicators against a set of land-use and socio-economic variables shows that generated emissions per individual are positively associated with car ownership and larger vehicles, while being negatively associated with ownership of newer vehicles, and location in dense and walkable neighborhoods with high levels of commercial land-use. Meanwhile, exposure to emissions is positively associated with dense and walkable neighborhoods and negatively associated with car ownership and larger vehicles. These findings indicate major inequities in the generation of and exposure to traffic-related air pollution.  相似文献   

Although safety and security are seen as a priori for a prosperous tourism industry in any destination, safety and security perception and its influence on tourist behaviour have received limited empirical attention from researchers. This study investigated tourists' perception of the safety and security of a destination in relation to the level of satisfaction with their trip, using Turkey and its visitors as a case in point. The stepwise regression analysis was employed to investigate the relationship between trip satisfaction, safety and security‐related variables, existence of product or service failure, and selected demographic variables. Results showed that positive perception of Turkey's hygiene and health, and safety and security helped visitors to have greater trip satisfaction, especially if they stayed longer and enjoyed their trip without any product or service failure; however, German tourists and tourists with a secondary school degree are more likely to have less trip satisfaction. Practical implications and future research suggestions are discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


‘Dark tourism’ has become an accepted terminology in tourism academics, but there are omissions in its research. Often it concentrates on the nature of the event and the psychological consequences for tourist. Rarely has the research considered ideas of the local residents. This study thus examines the perceptions and attitudes of local residents. Beichuan County in Sichuan Province of China, where the Great Sichuan Earthquake occurred in 2008, was considered as the research site. Survey questionnaires were undertaken in site plus the use of the web to capture the views of younger family members no longer working in the immediate area. The total sample numbered 516 respondents. Analyses indicated that in the dark tourism contexts residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts confirm the three traditional dimensions – economical, socio-cultural and environmental; residents tended to form positive attitudes towards dark tourism development. ANOVAs particularly found that no differences existed in the perceptions and attitudes towards dark tourism development among people who had experienced different levels of sufferings or economic losses. Such observations help to solve the debates between the proponents and opponents of dark tourism. Based on the findings, discussions and dialogues with the literature are provided.  相似文献   

Drawing on an overarching framework of marketing theory, this study develops and tests an integrated model of service quality that explicates the affective mechanisms through which service quality is associated with price perception of service (e.g., monetary price and behaviour price), word of mouth (WOM) and revisit intention. In a sample of 484 low-cost airline passengers, we found service quality to be related to increased price perception of service as a result of increasing passengers' WOM, which also creates success in this regard by increasing their revisit intention. Moreover, it is not surprising that there was a positive relationship between service quality and WOM mediated by perceived value of monetary price. The theoretical and empirical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the network design problem arising from the regional hazardous waste management system. The problem is to identify the locations of various waste facilities, and determine the transportation routes of hazardous wastes and waste residues between those waste facilities. Aiming at minimizing jointly the total cost and total risk, the problem is formulated as a multi-objective mixed integer linear programming model. By exploiting the advantages of the model, three multi-objective optimization approaches are customized to find highly qualified non-dominated solutions. The effectiveness and efficiency of the approaches are examined both on a hypothetical case and a realistic case.  相似文献   

The importance of “broader” economic effects of transportation infrastructure has recently become apparent. “Broader” refers to impacts beyond the geographic boundaries within which the infrastructure investments are undertaken. Approaches to estimate “broader” impacts in production and cost function models are evaluated. A contribution of this paper is the empirical demonstration with a cross-section of US states’ manufacturing data that ignoring broader effects of a spatially lagged dependent variable can lead to mis-statements of the overall productive impacts of public infrastructure. These inaccuracies can arise because of missing indirect effects and from specification bias that may directly impact the infrastructure elasticity.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of slow tourism, studies on slow tourists' decision-making processes are rare. The current study extends the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) by including authentic perception (AP) and environmental concerns (ECs) to explain the formation of behavioural intentions. The study also contributes by comparing its extended model with the original TPB and identifying salient belief items through a focus group and literature review. The results of a structural equation analysis revealed that the data fitted the extended model well and that the inclusion of the critical new constructs in a slow-tourism context significantly enhanced the prediction of behaviour intentions. The results also indicated that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behaviour control, and AP significantly contributed to forming the intention to participate in slow tourism. However, the influence from ECs to behavioural intentions was demonstrated to be insignificant. This study advances our understanding of tourists' decision-making processes in that these slow tourists are more likely to choose an “authentic”, rather than “environmental”, destination.  相似文献   


The present study explores the impact of tourism on environmental pollution using a comprehensive set of air pollutants, namely CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, PM2.5, and PM10, in a multivariate framework under the context of the Mediterranean countries. The panel cointegration tests indicate that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between environmental pollution, energy consumption, economic development and tourism growth. The tourism-induced EKC hypothesis is validated for four out of six air pollution indicators in the Southern Mediterranean countries, whereas in the Northern Mediterranean region we fail to document any evidence supporting the hypothesis. In addition, tourism growth has a differential impact on different air pollution indicators across regions. The major findings from the panel Granger causality tests show that bidirectional causality exists between four air pollutants (CO2, NOx, SO2, and PM2.5) and tourism and unidirectional causality runs from CO and PM10 to tourism growth in the Northern Mediterranean. In contrast, there is a feedback relationship between environmental pollution (CO and NOx) and tourism growth and one-way causality running from environmental pollution (CO2, SO2, PM2.5, and PM10) to tourism development in the Southern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Using survey data, this paper examines the different goals and constraints facing corporate and association meeting planners (AMPs). It next shows how these differences produce 11 different concerns and behaviours. For instance, increased pressure for ethical behaviour and financial transparency has forced corporate meeting planners to focus attention on reducing meeting costs and to choose easily accessible and convenient properties for meetings. On the other hand, associations focus on the interests of their members and strive to comport with group norms, and therefore plan enjoyable family‐friendly meetings, often at relaxed and upscale locations. This paper outlines seven different ways in which the hospitality industry should approach corporate and AMPs. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is well known that bicycling in urban areas has beneficial effects on people's health and well-being. On the other hand, urban cycling, especially during the morning and evening commute, may be associated with health and safety risks due to potentially high levels of exposure to air pollution, road noise, and high traffic density. Few studies have, however, measured cyclists' exposure to noise and air pollution simultaneously.The objective of this research is to evaluate cyclists' exposure to air pollution and noise in central city neighbourhoods of Montreal and to identify the impact on exposure of associated local factors such as weather conditions, the day and time, the type of road, bicycle path or lane used and the characteristics of the immediate environment around the cyclist's route.A total of 85 bicycle trips were analyzed, representing 422 km of travel and nearly 25 h of data collection. The mean exposure levels were 70.5 dB(A) for noise and 76 μg/m3 for nitrogen dioxide (NO2). A very weak negative correlation was found between the two measures of exposure (R2 =  0.07, p = 0.005).The results of the spatial regression models show that the morning commute and trips on collector roads and on-street bike lanes and shared bike lanes have significant and positive impacts on exposure to air pollution and noise. On the other hand, some factors are only significant for one or the other of the two types of exposure.  相似文献   

The study identified and documented a consumer‐oriented attribute inventory for evaluating theme parks. Data were collected from 608 Central Florida residents, domestic and international tourists who identified and ranked the level of importance of 41 attributes and park characteristics when visiting a typical theme park. Further analysis of the data using factor analysis identified seven key constructs that summarised important areas of concern when consumers evaluate theme parks. The majority of these factors were related to guest experiences such as (i) entertainment variety and quality; (ii) courtesy, cleanliness, safety and security; (iii) food variety and value for money; (iv) quality of theming and design; (v) availability and variety of family‐oriented activities; (vi) quality and variety of rides and attractions; and (vii) pricing and value for money. Implications for theme park owners, operators and marketing executives were discussed in light of the increasing demand for distinctive guest experiences while visiting theme parks. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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