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High-performance work systems have been widely adopted in the workplace. Previous research on high-performance work systems debated whether the generated effects are mutual gains or conflicting outcomes for employers and employees. Drawing on the job demands and resources model, this conceptual study proposes that high-performance work systems can be both beneficial and harmful by eliciting distinct perceptions in employees. Specifically, perceptions of job resources are the positive and perceptions of job demands are the negative mechanism whereby high-performance work systems affect employee job performance. This research further proposes that servant leadership strengthens the positive impact of high-performance work systems, whereas directive leadership strengthens the negative impact. Overall, this conceptual research provides new insights into the research on high-performance work systems. 相似文献
In this study we focus on the impact of contingent labor on the outcomes of high-performance work systems (HPWS). Building on the emerging research on the social mechanisms linking HRM to organizational effectiveness, we argue that a higher incidence of contingent labor diminishes the productivity payoff associated with the use of HPWS for managing standard employees. We test these arguments using a sample of 229 British firms of different industries. The results support our arguments and help develop a more holistic and critical viewpoint in the analysis of workforce differentiation. 相似文献
The purpose of this study is to empirically test the effects of high-performance work systems (HPWS) on employee attitude, service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in health-care organisations. The proposed research model was tested using structural equation modelling for hypotheses, based on data collected from 196 pairs of employee–customer respondents in four selected hospitals with more than 500 beds. The results indicate that hospitals can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through efficient operations, employee engagement, and service quality. One of the key findings of our study is that HPWS in health-care organisations influence employee reaction and service quality. 相似文献
Co-production is increasingly common but, at the same time, services failures are inevitable. Considering that previous studies are controversial about the effects of failed co-produced services, the goal of this research is to investigate the influence of co-production on causal locus attribution, in addition to emotional and attitudinal outcomes. Two experimental studies show that co-production reduces the self-serving bias, a result that brings implications for the services literature and practice. In addition to the positive effects of co-production, evidenced by previous studies, this research shows that companies and customers can benefit from co-production even when failures occur. 相似文献
Domènec Melé 《Journal of Business Ethics》1989,8(8):647-655
The duty to respect, protect and help the family rights is related very closely with the organization of work in the firm. This paper summarizes and illustrates, using mini-case studies, the relationship between the organization of work in companies and the family rights and duties of employees.Domènec Melé is the Director of Business Ethics Dept. at IESE (the Business School of the University of Navarra in Barcelona, Spain). He has a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain and a Ph.D. in Moral Theology from the University of Navarra, Spain.Before, he has been professor at the Polytechinc University in Valencia, Spain. His published works consist of several articles on engineering topics and more recently on Business Ethics and Social Teaching of the Church on economics and business. 相似文献
Drawing on a tripartite perspective on attitudes, this study examines the influence of psychological ownership and territoriality on turnover intention, as well as the moderating role of work relationship closeness on the relationship between territoriality and turnover intention. Analyses of longitudinal data collected from 341 employees in three Chinese automobile manufacturing companies demonstrate that employees’ psychological ownership is negatively related to their turnover intention. As well, territoriality is negatively related to turnover intention and mediates the relationship between psychological ownership and turnover intention. Additionally, work relationship closeness moderates the relationship between territoriality and turnover intention such that the negative relationship is stronger when employees experience a higher level of work relationship closeness. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. 相似文献
This study examined an integrated model of the antecedents and outcomes of organisational and overall justice using a sample of Indian Call Centre employees (n = 458). Results of structural equation modelling (SEM) revealed that the four organisational justice dimensions relate to overall justice. Further, work group identification mediated the influence of overall justice on counterproductive work behaviors, such as presenteeism and social loafing, while conscientiousness was a significant moderator between work group identification and presenteeism and social loafing. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. 相似文献
Gerald A. Straka 《International Journal of Training and Development》1999,3(4):240-249
Self-directed learning at work is becoming a megatrend in training and organisational development. However, there is a wide range of meanings subsumed under this concept. Referring to theoretical considerations in the domains of motivation, interest, strategies of learning and control, a conceptual model of self-directed learning, called the Two-Shell Model of Motivated Self-Directed Learning was developed and validated. The impact of selected perceived work conditions (experienced autonomy, competence and social integration) on this type of learning was structurally modelled with a sample of 67 employees in the fish processing industry. On the basis of these theoretical considerations and results the instrument ‘project group’ is analysed and recommended to support motivated self-directed learning. 相似文献
By collecting a nationwide sample, the model of employee voluntary turnover in China is explored. There are three conclusions:
1. there exist significant correlation between any two variables including salary, job involvement, interpersonal support,
job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention; 2. job involvement, interpersonal support and salary predict
significantly organizational commitment, and interpersonal support and salary predicted significant job satisfaction; 3. job
satisfaction can predict significantly turnover intention. 相似文献
华菱重卡受宠海外,500台出口阿尔及利亚,交车仪式在上海国际会议中心隆重举行,这是华菱重卡继今年4月批量出口摩洛哥、阿联酋、科威特、哈萨克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦之后,又一次走向海外市场,为华菱汽车大批量进入国内,国际两大市场,开创了新的里程碑。 相似文献
Service providers often work under serious time constraints that increase the likelihood of service failure. This study uses a dual processing model to investigate how time pressure and the conscientiousness of service providers interact to influence service failure. This study hypothesizes that time pressure is positively related to service failure for health service providers with low levels of conscientiousness, but not for those with high levels of conscientiousness. A cross-sectional design and paper-based questionnaires were used. The study hypotheses were then analyzed using regression analyses. The results of this study supported the hypotheses. Moreover, the empirical findings support the dual processing model. 相似文献
数据修正是次要的.我赞赏这个机构能够二十天之内承认自己谬误的勇气.类似的勇气我在近年中国企业身上曾经看到,但在这个冬季却成罕见品格。 相似文献
This study examines agency and market signals related to a sample of high-technology firms seeking an initial public offering (IPO). We test a model of the IPO offer process in high-technology firms. Results indicate that certain pre-market and primary market factors affect the offer price received by entrepreneurs and investors, while the secondary market factor did not. Our model may help entrepreneurs position their organization prior to and during the IPO process. 相似文献
Steve Werner 《Journal of Business Research》2011,64(8):919-921
The study by Shih, Chiang, and Hsu (2011) contributes substantially to the high performance work systems (HPWS) literature by sampling Chinese host country nationals (HCNs) of a Taiwanese firm and by introducing new mediating variables. A number of interesting issues follow from the study, including the use of perceived HPWS and the dimensionality of HPWS. This commentary essay briefly explores each of these areas. 相似文献
Mari Kira 《International Journal of Training and Development》2007,11(2):86-102
By combining a positivistic and an interpretive approach, this research investigates the learning opportunities that contemporary industrial work processes and workplaces offer for employees individually and collectively. The research explores how employees can become trained through their work and how individual development may expand to collective development. Finnish and Swedish package‐supplier companies have served as case‐study organizations, and the findings from them have been benchmarked to the available corresponding German data. The results show that although employees may have opportunities for individual learning in enriched, enlarged and autonomous manufacturing work, the prevailing bureaucratic power relations prevent employees from fully engaging in collective learning. It is concluded that a positivistic research approach and a sociotechnical theoretical framework make visible the training through work taking place at the individual level, while an interpretive research approach and concepts from complexity thinking reveal the obstacles to collective learning. 相似文献
《International Business Review》2002,11(3):257-277
In behavioral models dealing with the internationalization process, such as the Uppsala Internationalization Process Model, knowledge and learning have a profound impact on how the firm is seen to approach foreign markets. In the light of recent work on learning in organizations, this paper addresses some issues related to how the process of learning is conceptualized in the Uppsala Model. It is argued that the model builders apply a more narrow interpretation of learning than that allowed by the literature, which limits the ability of the model to explain certain forms of internationalization behavior. It is also claimed that perceiving a firm to be a loosely coupled organization causes some problems in relation to the model’s possibility to predict the internationalization behavior. The consequences of the strong emphasis on individuals as the holders of market-specific knowledge are also discussed. The paper concludes with some remarks on the emergence of interesting research issues about the internationalization behavior if a broader concept of organizational learning is applied. 相似文献
Tará Burnthorne Lopez Barry J. Babin Christina Chung 《Journal of Business Research》2009,62(6):594-600
International retailers can only be successful if they understand similarities and differences between cultures. This study compares retail employees' perceptions of ethical work climate and person-organization fit in the U.S. with those of the same employee type in Japan. The results can help retailers understand employee perceptions of their relationship with the firm. An important aspect of this research involves testing the cross-cultural validity of the ethical work climate (EWC) and person-organization fit (POF) scales. Findings suggest that these scales are valid in both different national contexts and can also be used to compare differences between the cultures. Significant differences were noted in the EWC and POF between retail employees in Japan and the U.S. The relationship between EWC and POF varies significantly for employees in Japan and the U.S. 相似文献
James Melton Robert Miller Brent R. Jensen Vishal Shah 《Journal of Education for Business》2018,93(5):252-259
How do students believe employers use social media in vetting job candidates? In this instructional experiment, students evaluated three hypothetical job candidates who had divergent social media presences. Questionable content, even if through an indirect link, was thought to reflect on a candidate's character and was extrapolated to future work performance. Professionally related social media activity boosted perceptions of both the candidate's character and skills. A nonexistent online presence prompted polarized assumptions—most frequently that he/she was asocial, deceptive, or technologically inept. Findings from this activity can inform business educators and help students develop a sharper awareness of how employers might weigh the online profiles of job candidates. 相似文献
Michael Mussa 《Journal of International Economics》1979,9(4):513-526
The standard properties of the two-sector model are analyzed in a simple diagram representing the duals of the production finctions for the economy's two outputs. The diagram is especially useful for illustrating propositions that deal primarily with prices: the factor price equalization theorem, the Stolper-Samuelson theorem, and the effects of factor market distortions. Shadow prices of factors in distorted economies are easily determined using the diagram. These shadow prices are useful in measuring the total loss created by a set of distortions and in explaining anomalies associated with ‘highly distorted’ economies in which one factor has a negative shadow price. 相似文献
Demet Bagiran Ozseker 《The Service Industries Journal》2019,39(3-4):206-228
The goal of the present paper is to integrate five types of literature related to the innovation process (i.e. cluster theory, innovation systems, network relations, knowledge management, and innovation types) and apply them to the local tourism destination to build a destination innovation process model with macro and micro perspectives. The suggested models intend to broaden the thinking on destination innovation process for tourism-related agents at the local and national level. The paper undertakes a careful review of the relevant literature before creating the conceptual models. The paper’s novelty and uniqueness lies in suggesting a new conceptual model of addressing how innovation competence of tourism destinations can be developed, and offering insight for tourism-related agents at the local and national level into how to effectively create and manage innovations. Future research should undertake empirical studies to test the integrated models presented in this conceptual paper. 相似文献