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The Art of Not Being Governed illustrates that the people of highland South East Asia were not primitive people “left behind” but instead chose their lifestyles in order to avoid the predation of lowland states. This raises the question of how these people who are ungoverned by nation states provide governance for themselves. We explore this question with two related case studies. One examines a nineteenth century Southern Indian banking caste that provided self-governance. The other examines modern-day stateless Somalia.  相似文献   

We explore the relationship between income, race and the probability of being arrested. Our data set is comprised of individuals who have all violated federal marijuana laws, some of whom have been arrested. We reason that the cost of arresting a poor individual with diminished social status is lower. Our empiricism reveals that the probability of arrest is higher when the law breaker is poor and African American.  相似文献   

Traditional assessments of economic growth and progress against poverty tell us little about whether the poorest are being left behind—whether the consumption floor is rising above the biological minimum. To address this deficiency, the paper identifies the expected value of the floor as a weighted mean of observed consumptions for the poorest stratum. Under the identifying assumptions and using data for the developing world over 1981–2011, the estimated floor is about half the $1.25 a day poverty line. Economic growth and social policies have delivered only modest progress in raising the floor, despite overall growth and progress in reducing the number living near the floor.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of sports participation upon the subjective well‐being of individuals. Encouraging participation in sports activity is now an important public policy issue, as it is argued that there are benefits in terms of health and well‐being to individuals as well as to society through externalities. Controlling for personal and socio‐demographic characteristics affecting well‐being, this paper examines if participation in, and the frequency and duration of, 67 sports activities affects well‐being. The form in which sports participation takes place is also investigated by examining if social‐interaction sports produce more well‐being. This paper demonstrates that sports participation has a positive affect upon the subjective well‐being of the population and, moreover, estimates its monetary value. The effects are larger if one allows for social interactions.  相似文献   

Should (could) jobs that are of equal value to an organization pay the same amount of compensation? The issues of this hotly debated controversy are carefully explained and evaluated.  相似文献   

FTA bilateral and regional negotiations in Asia have developed quickly in the past decade moving Asia ever closer to an economic union. This paper uses a fifteen-country global general equilibrium model with trade costs to numerically calculate Debreu distance measures between the present situation and potential full Asia integration in the form of a trade bloc. Our results reveal that these large Asia economies can be close to full integration if they act timely in agreements through negotiation. All Asia countries will gain from Asia trade bloc arrangements except when the Asia FTA can only eliminate tariffs. These countries’ gain will increase as bilateral non-tariff elimination deepens. Larger countries will gain more than small countries. Asia FTA, Asia Union and RCEP will benefit member countries more than ASEAN+3. Global free trade will benefit all countries the most.  相似文献   

A history of economic thought perspective on The Economics of Time and Ignorance reveals that the book rehabilitates some major themes in the Austrian tradition that were all but lost subsequent to the formalist revolution in economics that took place in the middle of the twentieth-century. The book also anticipates some important ideas that were extended and applied in Austrian economics after it was first published. Reviews have claimed that the book was a “classic” and also “original”. The book is too close in a temporal sense to judge whether or not future generations will canonize it as a “classic”. Using Stigler’s criteria as to what constitutes scientific “originality”, it is concluded that, taken as a whole, the book was not original. From the vantage point of the overall discipline of economics, it was a work advancing controversial ideas that would not easily change the beliefs, practices and interests of economists in general but it offered sound reasons for taking the Austrian thought-trajectory more seriously. It would be more fitting to view the authors as providers of many innovations contributing to the mature Austrian economics of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   


Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, there has been a new wave of populism in the United States and in Europe. The hypothesis of this article is that this GFC has created the conditions for the resurgence of populism. According to Polanyi’s work of 1944, The Great Transformation, the market is “utopian” and must be imposed by the state. Further, there is a disciplinary dimension, which separates the individual worker from the community, for the purposes of allowing the “prod of hunger” to be effective. This disciplinary dimension of the market, which is based on Polanyi’s analysis of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, can be extended. Several phenomena in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries have intensified the tensions inherent in the market: fragmented production by means of finely divided global supply chains, increasing inequality due to the market structure; automation, declining labor share; increasing indebtedness; financialization; and erosion of protective labor market institutions, such as welfare and unionization. Populist movements are part of the backlash or “double movement” against these tensions inherent in the market.

Polanyi’s analysis may contribute to a greater understanding of what may be a global inflection point at present.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of displacement on workplace injury risk and earnings using Italian administrative data on work histories merged with data on individual job-related accidents. Compared to a control group of non-displaced workers selected with propensity score matching techniques, re-employed displaced workers are exposed to moderate earnings losses and experience approximately a 79% increase in workplace injuries. This sizeable reduction in the quality of non-pecuniary working conditions is driven by the transition to new occupations and the risk imposed by new work environments.  相似文献   

问题被发现,被讨论已经多年,解决之道莫衷一是也已经多年。2003年1月27日深圳、香港两地实现24小时通关只是  相似文献   

在国外,房地产几乎不能算是一个单独的行业,它已经成了金融投资的部分,我国即将出台的《产业投资基金管理暂行办法》对于房地产业来说是一场融资变革,传统模式中以开发商为投资主体的格局将被打破,而社会游资将通过发行基金份额设立基金公司成为房地产项目投资的真正投资主体。  相似文献   

如今,马明哲正驱赶着平安这架金融马车加速驶向互联网这块乐土.在马云的支付宝和马化腾的财付通日益壮大的同时,马明哲也终于按捺不住了,开始布局日趋火热的第三方支付领域.与马云和马化腾自建平台不同,马明哲则选择曲线进入的方式,其先后将深圳壹卡会和上海捷银两家第三方支付公司收归麾下,从而间接获得了第三方支付牌照.随后,马明哲支付版图的布局也逐渐浮出水面.其中,壹卡会将正式更名为平安付,其母公司深圳市明华智能技术有限公司也随之更名为平安付智能技术有限公司.  相似文献   

中国的楼市如同电影大片一般,情节总是充满跌宕起伏、扑朔迷离. 2014年9月30日,央行发布通知,对拥有一套住房并已结清贷款的家庭,再次申请贷款购买普通商品住房,执行首套房贷款政策,并重申贷款最低首付款比例为30%,贷款利率下限为贷款基准利率的0.7倍.(以下简称“9·30房贷新政”)房贷利率“松绑”无疑给低迷的楼市注入了一剂“强心针”.  相似文献   

从“礼治”到“法治”?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在考察中国明清时代的社会情态的基础上审视了费孝通在《乡土中国》中提出的一系列概念,认为,由于中国社会情态的复杂性,简单地用自由民主一类价值去衡量中国传统社会存在认识上的危险。我们应当重新检讨百年来中国的现代化理论与实践,重新看待和评估今天仍然备受压制的各种民间知识形态,检讨和调整我们对待历史传统和民间社会的立场和态度。  相似文献   

李景 《资本市场》2005,(9):22-24
<正>是新形势下的自保,还是不想安享之前的旱涝保收,而真的独立了,觉 醒了? 8月19日,*ST天-(000908)独立董事马光远对公司 控股股东以股权抵偿占款的方案投了反对票,而这仅是 近期独立董事发出自己声音的众多案例中的一例。 7月30日,宝钢股份(600019)独立董事单伟建对公 司新的分红方案投了反对票,并在此后发表署名文章指出  相似文献   

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