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时寒冰 《新财经》2008,(3):67-67
中小企业本来就面临着融资难题,在历来的调查中,“资金不足”始终被中小企业列为首要难题。在实行从紧的货币政策后,中小企业的融资成本和融资难度进一步增大。  相似文献   

我国民营企业融资问题研究(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国民营企业融资的现状分析 本课题组对"民营经济"和"民营企业"的定义如下:"民营经济"是指除国有国营以外的所有所有制形式和经营方式的总称.若作一个更简单的定义,则"民营经济"就是非国营经济.而"民营企业"则是指除国家直接经营管理以外的所有企业的总称.  相似文献   

三、构建民营经济的金融支持体系 构建民营经济的金融支持体系,不应简单地解决民营经济在融资方面遇到的难题,而是应从增加民营经济对国民经济发展的贡献度这一目标入手.民营企业是民营经济的个体表现形式,因此应探讨通过为民营企业提供一系列与金融相关的产品和金融服务来理顺民营企业与政府及其他社会经济组织之间的关系,切实解决民营企业的整个生命周期遇到的各种困难和困惑,使民营企业的发展更快、更好、更强,以推动我国民营经济对国民经济发展贡献度的迅速增长.  相似文献   

This paper considers the (short-run) employment and wage effects of the 2004 EU enlargement on firms located close to Germany’s eastern border. We use a 50% sample of Germans plants and apply difference-in-differences estimators combined with a matching approach. We evaluate changes in total employment, the employment shares of low-skilled and East European workers and the wages for low-skilled, skilled and high-skilled workers in various sectors. Our results suggest basically no short-run employment effects of the EU enlargement except for firms active in wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants. We also find some evidence for a stronger employment of East European workers in almost all border firms, although the effects are quantitatively small. Negative wage effects are only found for skilled workers in consulting, research and related activities.  相似文献   

We consider the impact of the 2004 EU enlargement on enterprise performance and the exporting behavior of German service enterprises in Germany’s eastern border region. Our results from regression adjusted difference-in-differences estimators combined with matching and panel data from official statistics suggest that the EU enlargement had a negative impact on the turnover and export intensity of large enterprises in the border region. For small enterprises, we find an annual increase in turnover by 2.3% in 2004 and an annual decrease in profitability by 1.5 and 1.9 percentage points in 2004 and 2005, respectively.  相似文献   

周勇 《亚太经济》2000,(2):46-48
文章认为我国对外国银行分行的监管,目前仍存在着薄弱的环节。加强对其监管,必须从监管目标与原则、监管体制以及相应的制度设计等方面入手。  相似文献   

本文对西方制度经济史学的产生与发展做了历史的回顾和总结。在将其划分为“新古典制度经济史学”,“新制度经济史学”和“历史制度分析”三个发展阶段的基础上,对其理论方法、主要内容、学术成就、历史局限性及其对我国经济史研究的借鉴意义进行了分析、评价和思考。  相似文献   

王维婷 《改革与战略》2011,27(11):180-182
国外对华反倾销一直是中国出口企业在开拓国外市场时的一个障碍。文章从欧盟自行车反倾销历程入手,寻找争议焦点,思考政府、行业、社会三方如何联动应对反倾销,并提出了完善法律法规、形成联盟圈、发展创新自有品牌等建议。  相似文献   

杨西春  赵虹 《特区经济》2005,(2):189-191
我国中小企业融资难的问题由来已久,在这次国家实施的针对房地产等过热行业的宏观调控中,中小企业受到了非常大的影响,融资的形势更为严峻。目前全国已注册的中小企业已经超过1000多万家,占全国企业总数的99%。2003年,我国GDP的56%、社会销售额的59%、税收的46%、出口额的62%和就业的75%,均是由中小企业创造或提供的,中小企业在国民经济中的地位举足轻重。  相似文献   

Conclusion In this paper we have shown that a PSA in a competitive environment can result in a non-optimal allocation. A sufficient condition for the optimality of the PSA is that the owner gets an income, in a form of a lump sum payment only, and the operator collects all the variable profits which result from his activity. This conclusion suggests that an agent should act as an independent entity and obtain his full marginal product.An alternative suggestion is that, the division of ownership take the form of a FPSA. In other words, the partnership between the owner and the operator will be in a form of stock-ownership.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of corporate philanthropy on trade credit financing for listed private firms in China viewed from the heterogeneous perceptions of credit suppliers. A positive relationship is found between corporate philanthropy and trade credit financing, suggesting that in general firms donating more can obtain more trade credits. However, this relationship is significant only for those firms with positive free cash flows and no political connections. It is striking to find that such a relationship does not exist when firms have negative free cash flows or political connections. Moreover, the relationship between corporate philanthropy and trade credits is affected by the local social trust environment. A good social trust environment is amicable for firms to use corporate philanthropy in obtaining trade credits. The research findings have important policy implications. This paper makes valuable contributions to the current literature through highlighting the importance of supplier heterogeneous perceptions towards corporate philanthropy as well as the effect of the local trust environment on the effectiveness of philanthropy in trade credit financing of the Chinese listed private firms.  相似文献   

A manufacturer relies on an exclusive subcontractor for production and competes horizontally against an integrated rival that produces in-house. The exclusive agent is privately informed about the marginal cost of production. When marginal costs are correlated across companies, information sharing benefits both companies due to reduced uncertainty, but it affects the contracting terms within the vertical hierarchy and creates horizontal externalities between companies. We show that the manufacturer who suffers from agency cost benefits more from sharing information than his rival performing in-house production only when costs are highly correlated, and in this case, information sharing may actually benefit consumers.  相似文献   

On the design of invoicing practices in international trade   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We advance an explanation for the choice of the invoice currency of international trade contracts on the basis of strategic bargaining considerations. The choice of the invoice currency originates in a situation in which each trader takes into account the other party's bargaining power. The latter depends on the individual discount factor, whether one is the first or second proposer, and whether one is on the short or long side of the market. Along these lines we explain the Grassman bias for trade contracts to be invoiced in the exporter's currency.  相似文献   

当前我国国有企业筹资方式主要是向银行贷款,形成了国有企业巨额的债务和银行大量的不良资产。本文在实际调查的基础上,针对国有企业筹资中的影响因素,分析国有企业筹资中的问题,探讨优化国有企业的财务状况及优化资本结构的途径。  相似文献   

李国飞 《特区经济》2006,(3):123-125
融资融券交易是完善证券市场投资及资产配置功能必不可少的基本制度,但也存在不少风险,只有条件具备才能予以推行。为迎接它的到来,证券管理机构还必须加紧做以下工作:①修改法律法规。主要是修改《证券法》中不允许融资融券交易的条款,预计2006年人代会很有机会能通过。②股权分置改革。尽管困难重重,争议不断,但现正在加速进行中。③提高证券管理机构和券商基金的风险管理能力。融资融券交易可能令交易风险大幅提高,必须尽快重组监管架构,完善风险内控流程,并辅以“核准制”和“交易额度制”等行政制度以加强管理。  相似文献   

欧盟区域间集体安全是欧盟在共同安全防务政策的制度和区域间合作框架中形成的对外危机管理概念。欧盟在非洲的危机管理行动经验表明,作为普遍性集体安全与区域性集体安全的"中间体",它既有集体安全的共同逻辑,如主权国家通过组织化的集体行动应对战争或其他大规模暴力的发生,具有大国主导和利益导向等特征;又有普遍性和区域性集体安全的共有特征,如依据《联合国宪章》等通行的国际法来指导其行为;也有区域性集体安全的共同特征,如拥有独立的制度框架和冲突预防的机制化;更有显著的"自我特性",如超国家机构的引入,综合安全方法和安全部门改革的机制化,军事权力、民事权力、规范权力的综合运用以及有效多边主义下的包容性进程等。作者认为,虽然欧盟区域间集体安全亦有明显的局限性,如行动的选择性、军事能力的不足、决策的单向性等,但它构建起了一种新的集体安全实践模式,进一步丰富了集体安全的内涵。  相似文献   

边界效应是指边界对跨边界经济行为的影响。基于边界效应的视角,本文从实证角度对欧盟一体化的影响因素进行了定量分析。结论如下:第一,欧盟25国的内部边界效应数值很大,反映了欧盟25个成员国之间仍然存在诸多的发展障碍;第二,欧盟25国的内部边界效应小于国际边界效应,表明欧盟25个成员国之间的一体化水平高于其与外部国家的一体化水平;第三,欧盟15国的边界效应值远小于欧盟25国的边界效应值,特别是欧盟15国的国际边界效应值也远远小于欧盟25国的内部边界效应值,折射出东扩后的欧盟在融合和协调中所遇到的尴尬和困窘。  相似文献   

Paul Van Rompuy 《De Economist》1995,143(4):457-473
Summary This paper focuses on the sustainability and solvency issues of the public sector. Tests for sustainability heavily rely on the time-series properties of the debt-to-GDP ratio, whereas solvency test focus on the deficit inclusive of interest payments. Sustainability and solvency tests are applied first on 8 ERM countries during the period 1970–1994. Subsequently, we concentrate on historical evidence (from 1870 onwards) for the Belgian central government. This long-term view allows for a more accurate time-series analysis. On the one hand, we find historical support for the hypothesis that high and persistent deficits for some periods can be consistent with the present-value budget constraint (solvency), provided that policies are changed eventually. On the other hand, the much stronger requirement of sustainability is not fulfilled since we do not find a tendency of the debt ratio to return to a constant long-run equilibrium level.Previous versions of this paper were written while F. Vanhorebeek was a research assistant at the Department of Economics, Catholic University of Leuven. We are grateful to W. Asma; G. de Bruyne, N. Demeester and two anonymous referees for their comments regarding the paper's methodology. We have also benefited from useful conversations with E. Buyst and P. Clement on the subject of this paper, as well as from their help in obtaining historical data. Remaining errors are ours. The opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and should not be attributed to any other person affiliated with the Planning Bureau or the University.  相似文献   

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