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技术输出与技术产权的国际保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国技术和技术产品出口日益发展,出口量仅次于西方几大工业国。随着技术输出的增长,我国的技术流失及其专利保护问题越来越突出。技术流失既有外部因素,也有内部因素,缺乏保密观念、专利意识,人才的非正常外流,以及法制不健全是主要原因。输出技术优势,加强国际交流,是新时期加快我国技术经济发展的重要战略。但要加强知识产权教育,普及专利知识,按照国际惯例,依靠健全的法制保护技术专利,规范技术和技术产品的输出,维护国家、地方和企业利益。  相似文献   

虽然我国去年的国民生产总值增长速度较快,但国营大中型企业的经济效益低下的状况仍没有得到根本扭转,其中的一个根本原因就是企业的经营机制还没有得到根本转变。本文认为企业经营机制转换的前提是政府取能转变,转换的关键是还权于企业,转换的条件是实现由传统管理向现代管理的转变。文章从政府和企业两方面对实现企业经营机制的转换,提出了一些有价值的建议。  相似文献   

对高校教师人力资本投资风险及规避的新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今高校的竞争已日趋激烈,而竞争的根本在于高校优质的教师人力资本。优质教师人力资本的获得需要进行投资,但高校教师人力资本投资存在风险,如何规避风险成为高校关注的焦点。本文对高校教师人力资本投资风险进行了界定,认为高校教师人力资本投资风险主要表现为对教师投资后并没有达到预期的效果。深入分析了高校教师人力资本投资风险产生的原因,认为主要是由外部原因和内部原因两方面造成的,外部原因是由于市场供求的不平衡所决定的,内部原因是由于教师人力资本载体一教师的机会主义行为倾向和高校的体制缺陷所决定的。并提出了要从高校、教师自身和学生三方面入手,即学校方面要进行高校管理改革;教师方面要提高教师自身素质;学生方面要提高学习热情,来共同形成高校教师人力资本投资风险规避体系,来规避高校教师人力资本投资风险,为高校人力资本投资决策提供依据;  相似文献   

This paper has six parts. The first part defines globalization. The second discusses globalization eras. The third discusses the irreversibility and inevitability of globalization. The fourth section discusses the benefits and costs of globalization. The fifth section asks what is to be done. The sixth section contains my conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper has six parts. The first part defines globalization. The second discusses globalization eras. The third discusses the irreversibility and inevitability of globalization. The fourth section discusses the benefits and costs of globalization. The fifth section asks what is to be done. The sixth section contains my conclusions.  相似文献   

美国能源部国家实验室绩效评估体系浅探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国联邦政府拥有众多的国家实验室,其中能源部实验室系统是世界上规模最大综合性最强的研究系统.美国能源部每年对属下实验室的承包商进行绩效评估,以促进实验室管理运营效率及效能.绩效评估的核心是绩效评估与指标计划.该计划确定了8项绩效目标和若干项分目标.绩效评估工作由驻实验室办公室牵头负责.整个评估体系科学合理,制度化、程序化程度高.评估指标设置客观准确,评估主体呈多元化.评估结果最终在因特网上公布,并与实验室承包商的绩效奖励经费挂钩,而且是能源部与承包商续签实验室管理运营合同的重要考量内容.  相似文献   

土地利用方式的快速转变深刻影响着生态系统服务 的能力和质量,高度城镇化地区镇域空间尤为突出。以TM/ ETM数据为基础,借助当量因子法和空间自相关方法,基于 镇域尺度分析1995—2015年5个时段苏州土地生态系统服务 价值格局及其演化规律。结果表明:1)耕地、林地、草地、 湿地大幅减少,水域、未利用地面积显著增加,水域居于主体 控制地位,水域、耕地主导用地发生变化;2)生态系统服务 价值总量减幅仅为1%,水域增加有效缓冲了损耗;3)水源涵 养和废物处理价值约占总价值的80%,单项生态系统服务价 值单一且明显衰退;4)镇域空间整体具有不断加强的集聚特 征,局部低值贫瘠区、退化区的“一核两片”和高值核心区、 保育区的“一环一带”格局基本稳定,中心城区-昆山沿线及 周边具有加剧衰退的迹象,过渡区、退化区范围不断强化。基 于时空演化特征提出了分区、分类的管控对策,以期为生态规 划、国土空间规划提供科学依据和参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to study the incentive and distributional consequences of income taxation. The article analyzes tax changes in a dynamic setting. The framework is estimated under a set of different identifying assumptions using parametric, nonparametric, and semiparametric techniques. The empirical results focus on tax reforms in Germany in the 1980s. The article shows that these reforms did not significantly lower effective tax rates. The findings also suggest that estimated elasticities for male labor supply are small, ranging between 0.02 and 0.2.  相似文献   

Building on ideas of Joseph Schumpeter, this paper constructs and compares a real and a monetary model of capitalism. The paper’s thesis is that real and monetary analysis are both necessary for describing the capitalist cycle. The real model is in four parts. The first part is a simplified static Walrasian exchange. The second part uses a time dynamic to show price and productivity equilibrium over time. The third part defines surplus-value, capital, accumulation, profit and producer’s surplus. The fourth part defines economic evolution and long-term analysis. Each of the four parts has a corresponding Mathematica program and a table of sample data. The real model shows a relationship between long term average profit, GDP and capitalization. A monetary model is then constructed which empirically defines monetary and real products, the capital-market, the real economy and investment. The monetary model is first described under conditions of laissez-faire. The concepts of appreciation, overinvestment and the capitalist cycle are defined with the aid of the real model. Finally, the post laissez-faire capitalist cycle is described with an emphasis on the government policies of post 1980 capitalism. The conclusion of the paper—based on the real and monetary models—is that post 1980 capitalism changes but does not eliminate the capitalist cycle because government policies do not address over-investment, rather these policies abet over-investment.  相似文献   

本文提出用人类开发改造自然的整体结合方式和自然界的作用方式——生产的社会化程度做标准,把社会生产力的历史进程划分为自给生产力、商品生产力、产品生产力三个阶段。资本主义社会和社会主义社会同处于商品生产力这一历史阶段,它们在生产力方面都姓“商”,而不存在姓“资”姓“社”的区别。文章对商品生产力的特征做了初步探索,认为,独立的商品生产经营者——企业是商品生产力运行的主体;商品交换关系是商品生产力各种要素相结合的纽带;资本是商品生产力的第一要素;市场是商品生产力的资源配置条件和最终实现空间。  相似文献   

构建DEA模型分析了我国29个地区对人口素质的财政投入效率,并利用受限Tobit面板回归分析效率的影响因素。省际技术效率差距在2000年之前有所扩大,但此后逐渐缩小。分区域来看,1993年开始,东部技术效率反超中、西部,并逐渐拉开差距。规模效率上,东部在大部分年份都要高于中西部。2000年之后,三大区域的规模效率差异有缩小趋势。经济增长、财政收入、教育水平、人口密度以及人口年龄结构对人口素质的财政投入效率有显著影响。分税制改革提高了西部地区在人口素质上的财政投入效率,但对东、中部没有显著影响。  相似文献   

动植物检疫失职罪属于监管型渎职犯罪的一种具体犯罪。本罪的客体为单一客体,是指对动植物检疫机关正常活动的侵害。本罪实行行为的表现形式为不作为。本罪因果关系要根据动植物检疫失职行为对危害结果所起作用大小是否达到追究刑事责任的程度来进行判断。本罪主体是特殊主体,包括动植物检疫机关的检疫人员和其他负有动植物检疫职责的人员。本罪主观方面只能是过失,不包括间接故意。  相似文献   

财政政策工具实际操作偏离最初设计将会降低政策工具的调控效果,导致宏观经济波动加剧。针对地方政府财政政策的逆周期性调控目标,本文关注财政分权深化和政府债务增发的逆周期性效应。研究发现:地方政府财政政策总体呈现顺周期特征。财政分权程度的提高放大了地方财政政策的顺周期性。地方政府债务增发使地方财政政策呈现逆周期特征。地方政府财政政策及其收入面、支出面均呈现顺周期性,由“顺”转“逆”的债务平衡点分别为0137,0113,0209。当前绝大部分地区的债务规模都在债务平衡点之下。驱动地方政府债务逆周期调控的内在因素是官员晋升激励。晋升激励的程度越高,地方债务逆周期调控的力度就越大。但外部市场融资环境的波动削弱了地方政府债务逆周期调控的力度。本文的政策主张是,不宜过度财政分权,应该扩大地方债发行规模,促使地方财政政策逆周期调节。  相似文献   

中国经济周期波动中的消费行为特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国居民收入对消费波动具有显著的长期影响,消费与收入基本上沿着均衡路径运行;居民消费已经具有了一定的生命周期意识;居民边际消费倾向与平均消费倾向呈现不同的走势;我国居民消费敏感度较低,表明我国居民中将当期收入完全用于消费的人数很少,说明了我国居民的消费行为具有跨期平滑的特征。  相似文献   

The paper presents the methodology and results of the estimation of the endowments of capital in the Spanish economy. It distinguishes between endowments of public capital and private capital. The series corresponding to the public sector cover the period 1955–97 and consider seven categories (or functions). The estimates are disaggregated by 17 regions and 50 provinces. The level of disaggregation is regional and provincial (NUTS2 and NUTS3 in European terminology). The private capital series cover the period 1964–97 and consider 17 sectors of production, with disaggregation at regional level. The information refers to two variables: gross formation of fixed capital (in current and constant pesetas) and capital stock in constant pesetas (base year 1990).  相似文献   


The conservation enterprise is embedded in ideas of the environment through which it promotes a vision of the world and the relations between the non-human and human. The papers in this forum analyse conservation from various vantage points to draw the links between geopolitics and conservation. The authors use three themes to demonstrate these links. The first theme draws on the concept of environmentality to show the mobilization of ecological rationalities and power towards the creation of protected areas. The second pays attention to networks formed across the distance, and how they influence the location and governance of protected areas. The third focuses on the strategies the conservation lobby uses to align local identities with global conservation ideals and goals. Collectively, these themes highlight features of conservation geopolitics.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the shaping of the participation of employees in environmental work within enterprises. The paper is based on two case studies on Danish enterprises, which, as part of the development of their environmental work, emphasized employee involvement. The cases show that it is difficult to maintain the participation of employees in environmental work, even in enterprises with an intention to do so. The cases contribute to the identification of those situations during the shaping of environmental work in an enterprise where choices concerning employee participation are made: (1) The need of management to involve employees in the environmental work; (2) The competence building among employees and local supervisors; and (3) The stabilization of the environmental work into routines and structures. The theoretical approach draws on organizational theory emphasizing the connection between environmental strategies, measures and competence needs, and the shaping of the participation of employees as social processes formed by the existing culture and the pressure generated by the preventive environmental work.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the shaping of the participation of employees in environmental work within enterprises. The paper is based on two case studies on Danish enterprises, which, as part of the development of their environmental work, emphasized employee involvement. The cases show that it is difficult to maintain the participation of employees in environmental work, even in enterprises with an intention to do so. The cases contribute to the identification of those situations during the shaping of environmental work in an enterprise where choices concerning employee participation are made: (1) The need of management to involve employees in the environmental work; (2) The competence building among employees and local supervisors; and (3) The stabilization of the environmental work into routines and structures. The theoretical approach draws on organizational theory emphasizing the connection between environmental strategies, measures and competence needs, and the shaping of the participation of employees as social processes formed by the existing culture and the pressure generated by the preventive environmental work.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a joint project of fishery and poultry while growth rates of both the species depend on the available nutrients and environmental carrying capacities of biomasses. The demand rates of both the species in the market vary with the selling prices and on-hand stock of the species. The existence of steady states and its stability (local and global) analysis are studied in details. The relevant profit of the project is maximized with the help of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle. The model is justified by a suitable numerical example.  相似文献   

张卫  王聪 《经济问题》2007,334(6):89-91
中国金融业全面对外资开放,银行业的竞争格局面临重塑.分析了中国银行业竞争态势,揭示了中外银行业竞争格局异同的深层文化因素和外部性理论的起源及其在金融产业经济中的发展过程,提出外部性理论演进对中国银行业竞争的启示.  相似文献   

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