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Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - We produce the first systematic study of the determinants and implications of in-person banking. Using survey data from the U.S., we show that firms...  相似文献   

We present evidence linking primary healthcare business characteristics, budgeting practices, and business performance. Based on a sample of 144 responses from a survey of members of the Australian Association of Practice Managers (AAPM), we find that factors identified by contingency-based research are useful for predicting a business's budgeting practices. Specifically, we find the adoption of written budgets to be related to size and structure, and for businesses using written budgets, the extent of use is related to business structure, strategy and perceived environmental uncertainty. Finally, we find evidence of a relationship between budgeting practice and performance. Here, we initially find a business's performance to be positively associated with the use of written budgets. More refined tests of the “fit” between business contingency factors and extent of operating budget use then provide evidence of a positive association between the extent of “fit” and performance.  相似文献   

龚文 《国际融资》2012,(5):19-20
为缓解企业融资难尤其是贷款难的问题,中关村积极探索,实施六大融资服务工程,以企业信用建设为基础,积极构建多方参与的投融资服务平台,  相似文献   

Between 1999 and 2007, WR Hambrecht completed 19 initial public offerings (IPOs) in the US using an auction mechanism. We analyze investor behavior and mechanism performance in these auctioned IPOs using detailed bidding data. The existence of some bids posted at high prices suggests that some investors (mostly retail) try to free-ride on the mechanism. But institutional demand in these auctions is very elastic, suggesting that institutional investors reveal information in the bidding process. Investor participation is largely predictable based on deal size, and demand is dominated by institutions. Flipping is at most as prevalent in auctions as in bookbuilt deals. But, unlike in bookbuilding, investors in auctions do not flip their shares more in “hot” deals. Finally, we find that institutional investors, who provide more information, are rewarded by obtaining a larger share of the deals that have higher 10-day underpricing. Our results therefore suggest that auctioned IPOs can be an effective alternative to traditional bookbuilding.  相似文献   

Bank underwriting of debt securities: modern evidence   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This article examines debt securities underwritten by Section20 subsidiaries of bank holding companies relative to thoseunderwritten by investment houses. Consistent with a net certificationeffect for banks, bank underwriting of lower credit rated firmsto whom the bank lends results in relatively higher prices (loweryields). We find no evidence of conflicts of interest even whenan issue is used to repay bank debt. Further, banks bring arelatively larger proportion of small issues to the market.Contrary to the contention that universal banking stunts availabilityof finance to small firms, bank underwritings appear to benefitsmall firms.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Using data for banks from 65 countries for the period 2001–2013, we investigate the impact of bank regulation and supervision on individual...  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2005,29(8-9):2355-2379
We assess the effect of privatization on performance in a panel of Nigerian banks for the period 1990–2001. We find evidence of performance improvement in nine banks that were privatized, which is remarkable given the inhospitable environment for true financial intermediation. Our results also suggest negative effects of the continuing minority government ownership on the performance of many Nigerian banks. Finally, our results complement aggregate indications of decreasing financial intermediation over the 1990s; banks that focused on investment in government bonds and non-lending activities enjoyed a relatively better performance.  相似文献   

In many countries consolidation in the banking industry has reduced the number of small banks and led to significant shifts in market shares; deregulation has fostered entry in local credit markets and the expansion of branch networks, increasing competition in local markets. Small businesses are believed to be more vulnerable to these changes, since they are more dependent on credit from local banks. In this paper we investigate the consequences of consolidation and entry for these borrowers compared with those for large firms. We employ a data set for Italy, which provides information on volumes of loans and bad loans by size of borrower with a detailed geographical partition. We find that mergers are followed by a temporary reduction in outstanding credit to all sizes of borrowers and by an increase in bad loans, most likely due to the reassessment of banks portfolios. Entry has a relatively persistent negative impact on credit supply to small and medium-sized firms. Our results also show that concentration, branch density and the share of branches of small banks affect the volumes of credit and bad loans of small borrowers.  相似文献   

Existing studies on bank takeovers have not been able to distinguish among the three competing motives: synergy, agency, and hubris. This paper distinguishes the three competing motives by examining the relations between target gains and total gains and between acquirer gains and target gains. Empirical results show that bank takeovers are primarily motivated by synergy, although there is also strong evidence of hubris. Our results also suggest that hubris may explain the positive target gains and zero or negative acquirer gains found in this and many other bank takeover studies. Lastly, evidence exists to suggest that agency, along with hubris, may explain takeovers with negative total gains (JEL G21, G34).  相似文献   

While most of the insured population has health insurance under an employer-sponsored group plan, the majority of the working uninsured are employed by small firms. Increasing the number of small firms that provide health insurance plans to their employees is important for decreasing the number of uninsured. This article summarizes the results of a survey designed to study characteristics of the firms that do not have health insurance, the obstacles to their getting insurance, and small business owners' interest in having a group health plan.  相似文献   

Bank contagion: A review of the theory and evidence   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
I am indebted to Herbert Baer, George Benston, Eli Brewer, Charles Calomiris, Mike Carhill, Robert Eisenbeis, Mark Flannery, Gillian Garcia, Randall Kroszer, Cynthia Latta, Larry Mote, Participants at presentations at Wake Forest University, Floria International University, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, the University of Illinois, Colorado State University, the University of Alabama, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the southern Finance Association, and two anonymous referees for helpluf comments and discussions on early drafts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a simple two-period model in which a bank’s investment (e.g., loans) is influenced by short-term financing and a probability of a financial crisis. When banks ex ante expect to be bailed out during financial crises, they do not necessarily internalize the cost of financial crises and invest more. We argue that the level of systemic risk in the banking sector is largely driven by (1) the way in which banks finance their investment (e.g., loans) using more short-term debt and/or (2) the increase in asset commonality amongst banks. We use three measures that arguably capture two dimensions of “bank systemic risk”, namely, (1) bank funding maturity and (2) bank asset commonality, to empirically test whether bank systemic risk has a positive effect on corporate investment. We document that in a sample of publicly listed firms in the United States over the period 1991–2013, bank systemic risk is positively associated with the firm-level investment ratio after controlling for a large set of country- and firm-level variables. In addition, we show that a firm's leverage strengthens the positive effect of bank systemic risk on corporate investment, suggesting that more financially constrained firms experience a larger effect of bank systemic risk on corporate investment than less financially constrained firms.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between ownership concentration and stock price informativeness around the world. Using a sample of banks from 59 countries between 2002 and 2019, we find robust evidence from a linear model supporting the entrenchment effect. However, the nonlinear model shows that the effect of control rights on the informativeness of stock prices forms a U-shaped curve. We also document that banks with controlling shareholders have more volatility in the information content of bank stock prices in a poor regulatory environment or developing countries.  相似文献   

This field study provides evidence of the outcome effect in performance evaluations of managers in an organization. Specifically, in a retail chain, subjective evaluations of store managers by their supervisors were negatively impacted by unfavorable outcome knowledge. As expected, outcome determinants over which the managers have control influence their performance evaluations and environmental determinants of outcome over which they have no control do not influence their evaluations. However, unexpectedly, central management determinants of outcome over which the managers have no control also influence their evaluations. After these outcome determinants are considered, we find evidence of an outcome effect since failure of the store to meet its target outcome results in a more negative performance evaluation of the managers. Also, the extent to which store managers' evaluations are prone to the outcome effect is not contingent on the measure of the outcome used.  相似文献   

We investigate determination of commercial property prices and their interaction with aggregate bank lending. An illustrative model suggests that lending is closely related to property prices and property markets can develop cycles given plausible assumptions. Cross-country empirical analysis confirms its predictions. Property prices show particularly strong links to credit in countries that experienced banking crises linked to property losses in 1985-1995. Studies of dynamic interaction suggest that variance in commercial property prices is largely explicable by lagged shocks in the variable itself, while GDP and bank credit also have an important influence. Implications arise for risk managers and regulators.  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of management accounting in small firms through a social construction perspective. Taking Dirsmith’s (1998) (Dirsmith, M. W. 1998. Accounting and control as a solution to technical problems, political exchanges and forms of social discourse: the importance of substantive domain, Behavioural Research in Accounting, 10 (Supplement), 65–77) lead we examine the evolution of control and decision-making processes within four growth-orientated service sector businesses. Key to the perspective is the notion of the owner–manager and his/her employees as creators of management accounting routines that form through a cycle of action, externalization and habitualization. These routines still remain in the control of the originator and are flexible in nature. As the business grows these routines may become objectified into localized management accounting ‘facts’ and they may also be challenged by externally imported accounting conventions. This paper explores the creation of idiosyncratic accounting knowledge and the effects of its transmission over the history of the businesses.  相似文献   

We test hypotheses about the effects of bank size, foreign ownership, and distress on lending to informationally opaque small firms using a rich new data set on Argentinean banks, firms, and loans. We also test hypotheses about borrowing from a single bank versus multiple banks. Our results suggest that large and foreign-owned institutions may have difficulty extending relationship loans to opaque small firms. Bank distress appears to have no greater effect on small borrowers than on large borrowers, although even small firms may react to bank distress by borrowing from multiple banks, raising borrowing costs and destroying some relationship benefits.  相似文献   

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