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Quality & Quantity - Encouraging women as entrepreneurs in the recent scenario are the government initiative over the globe. Some women started these small enterprises to support their living... 相似文献
Julian Roche, an independent futures market consultant, celebrates the success of the London International Financial Futures Exchange - London's newest market place which recently celebrated its tenth anniversary. 相似文献
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relation that exists between the skills possessed by women entrepreneurs and their motivations, barriers and performance. Thus, on the theoretical framework we review literature some aspects that are related to the skills required of a business owner: level of education, previous occupational experience, and prior business expertise and management skills. The analysis undertaken shows that the lack of education and managerial skills of women business owners are two of the most important variables when it comes to understanding the motivations and the difficulties they have to face. 相似文献
This article examines how entrepreneurs in the United States, Japan, France, and Canada perceive success. The research examined the perceptions of success, the basis by which success is judged, specific success criteria, major obstacles overcome along the path to success, and the attributes and eucational experiences considered most important in achieving success. 相似文献
This article will review the case in which a medium-sized manufacturing facility in upstate New York underwent the transition to a team-based environment. As with any change, this transition involved a decision process, a design process, and an implementation process. The transition took place gradually over a period of several years, allowing each stage to be studied in some detail. The degree to which these approaches are applicable to an organization will depend in part on how similar that organization is to the study facility; therefore, this article will begin with a background discussion of the nature of that facility. 相似文献
ABSTRACTDrawing on institutional theory, this study gives voice to Arab women entrepreneurs. Through contextualization and in-depth, semi-structured interviews, I examine Lebanese women entrepreneurs’ conceptualizations of career success, the mechanisms they use to realize it and their overall awareness of it. According to the findings, the entrepreneurs experience career success as an act of disobedience against socially imposed cultural and gender mandates. Furthermore, career success evolves as a contextual, dynamic process that is culturally dependent but individually negotiated, interpreted and constructed using external and internal conceptualizations. In turn, these conceptualizations are intertwined with agency and unfold as a process at the intersection of gender, patriarchy and cultural values. Accordingly, I argue against reducing career success to static, objective and subjective criteria. Doing so undermines the complexity and processual nature of the construct and neglects the importance of cultural values in shaping the understanding and experience of career success in different societies. I also stress the importance of contextualizing women’s entrepreneurial experiences and demonstrate that Lebanese women entrepreneurs’ conceptualizations of career success reflect both Arab social-cognitive and normative institutions and their own agency. 相似文献
Corporate Social Responsibility is a reality for businesses and can be understood through the analysis of organizational actions in three areas, namely: economic, social and environmental. Its operationalization occurs through projects, and cases presented by the literature can greatly contribute to the definition of factors that lead these projects to success. Generally, professionals and entrepreneurs have good qualifications in traditional aspects of project management, but when they need to manage Corporate Social Responsibility projects doubts arise. In this context, the main objective of this study was to analyse the most impactful Critical Success Factors for Corporate Social Responsibility projects, considering Brazilian companies’ context, and to propose guidelines to better qualify new professionals and entrepreneurs in the kind of projects mentioned. Thirteen Critical Success Factors were identified in the literature and, through a survey with experienced professionals, it was possible to evidence the six most relevant for Brazilian companies’ context: ability to properly define the scope; ability to integrate the CSR project with the company's strategy; ability to identify stakeholders’ needs; ability to analyse risks; identify and involve stakeholders outside the organization; and grant financial resources to meet project needs. Using the information provided, three guidelines were proposed to better qualify professionals and entrepreneurs. This is an exploratory study that can contribute to potentialize debates on theme. 相似文献
随着变电站容量的不断扩大,对接地网安全运行的要求越来越严格,对接地网的热稳定性的要求也就越来越高,因此了解接地网的各种腐蚀现状和各种影响因素,是极为必要的。本文就从这两个方面来阐明自己的观点。 相似文献
Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center and Children's Hospital of San Francisco not only pulled off a major merger but they raised total annual giving by nearly 20 percent to $9.4 million. 相似文献
This paper examines the discord surrounding how expatriate success, or effectiveness, is defined. We review the many ways that success has been conceptualized and then seek to reconcile these differences by presenting a multidimensional measure of success, based on data collected from 118 expatriate respondents worldwide. A series of factor analyses, along with reliability and item analyses yielded nine measurement scales which included cultural adjustment, work-related adjustment, career development, HQ-subsidiary coordination, assignment completion, professional/skill development, shaping and controlling the subsidiary, satisfaction and overall assignment effectiveness. The process by which these scales were developed is described in the paper and all items and scale reliabilities are presented. 相似文献
对上海的城市定位和发展方向保持清醒认识,大力发展生产服务业,拉近与周边省份的利益纽带,进一步推动上海"四个中心"建设进度。 相似文献
Lobbying a coalition government is different from lobbying a single-party government, since in the case of a coalition government, the interest group can intervene in the intragovernmental decision process. In the case where the interest group prefers the status quo to the surplus maximizing policy, the interest group influences the policy without any contribution due to its credible threat to block unfavorable proposals. Furthermore, we show that when, say, a leftist coalition government may be replaced by a rightist coalition government, the final policy reflects a rightist interest group’s preferences more heavily due to the interest group’s forward-looking considerations. 相似文献
文章通过对企业会计秩序混乱、会计制度有待完善、对外经济交流和国际协调方面有待加强和会计人员素质有待提高的现状进行分析,提出了完善企业会计制度的一些对策。 相似文献
There is a gap in the forecasting research surrounding the theory of integrating and improving forecasting in practice. The number of academically affiliated consultancies and knowledge transfer projects that there are around, due to a need for improvements in forecast quality, would suggest that many interventions and actions are taking place. However, the problems that surround practitioner understanding, learning and usage are rarely documented. This article takes the first step toward trying to rectify this situation by using the specific case study of a fully engaged company. A successful action research intervention in the Production Planning and Control work unit improved the use and understanding of the forecast function, contributing to substantial savings, enhanced communication and improved working practices. 相似文献
□股份合作企业是经济体制改革中出现的一种新的集体经济的组织形式。党的十五大对合作制经济给予了充分的肯定。上海的股份合作制在建立现代企业制度的过程中有较大的发展,至1997年底共有11300余家,但以后的五年中,却少有发展,其中值得关注的是员工与经营者之间、企业股金结构变化引起的分配及企业转变性质改为公司制等问题产生的矛盾,不仅阻碍了企业的发展,还会引发社会的不稳定。这些问题有其历史原因和体制障碍还有深层次的理论问题。因而值得认真地研究,求得解决的对应措施。上海体制改革研究所所长胡雄飞博士对此作了充分的调查和深入的研究。(见第13页) 相似文献