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中国人心目当中的购物天堂一定会定格在香港。人们去香港购物,一方面是出于免税的考虑,更重要的原因还是为了去购买奢华。其实,如果单纯为了购买奢华何必去遥远的香港呢?上海绝对可以满足所有人的胃口!过去上海人常说,外地人逛南京路、上海人逛淮海路。现  相似文献   

来到广州,欣赏美丽风光的同时,别忘了广州可是购物天堂。你可能并不关心它是否是历史悠久的古老商埠,而是急于去亲身体味一下购物天堂中缤纷的一天。质优价廉的广货曾风糜全国,旅游商品种类繁多,购物场所遍及大街小巷,购物达人们总能淘出惊喜、淘出乐趣!在广州一出街就是店连店、铺连铺,且成行成市,由此形成了许多各具  相似文献   

随着美国签证的进一步放宽,到美国购物的游客比率也会随之上升。因为在美国各州的销售税(Sales Tax)都不一样,还有部分州和地区是免销售税的。因此,了解美国的税收政策,根据自己的行程把购物放在合适的地点,也会省下一笔不小的开支。销售税VS关税在美国商品税目通常有两种:一是关税(Custom Duty),还有一种是销售  相似文献   

This study examines the significant differences in shopping for luxury goods among Western, Asian, and Hispanic tourists and, in particular, the perceived importance of different types and characteristics of the luxury consumer and travel goods tourists buy on vacation. The results show that Western, Asian, and Hispanic tourists‐shoppers significantly differ in the perceived importance of luxury consumer and travel goods and their characteristics. Western and Asian tourists attach more importance to buying “gifts for others” than Hispanic tourists. Asian tourists attach more importance to buying “golf equipment,” “health spa/wellness treatment,” “luxury cruises,”and “luxury yachts/rentals” than Hispanic tourists. Western tourists attach more importance to “fine dining” than Hispanic tourists. Implications of the study results and recommendations for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

紧邻外滩,半岛酒店的对面,一座红砖建筑低调的矗立着。时不时会看到林志玲、刘嘉玲模样的美女闪入其中,更可见劳斯莱斯、兰博基等豪车扎堆停泊。它就是益丰外滩源!前身是益丰洋行的益丰大厦始建于1911年,在外滩经历百年风雨后,华丽转身成为一间名媛富豪荟萃的顶级精品购物会所。虽说楼内品牌都是奢华大牌:BV国内最大旗舰店、Valentino上海旗舰店、GUCCI男装定制概念店……却沿袭着欧洲贵族不爱张扬的低调传统,安静的橱窗广告、优雅的老克勒导购、淡雅甜美的香气,外滩源更像是位于欧洲老城的商业店铺,充满着人文艺术气质和历史的沉淀。除了国内时尚粉们耳熟能详的大牌,  相似文献   

北京市旅游委自去年成立之后首次大规模的景区质量等级复核工作,给北京A级旅游景区建设注入动力。北京市旅游委在2月9日召开的2011年北京市旅游景区质量等级复核总结会上宣布,北京16家A级景区被取消资格或限期整改。被认为是近年来规模最大、标准最严、要求最高的一次复核  相似文献   

无疑,西溪是美的,溪流丰沛,水缓波平,烟雨泛舟,草叶葱茏,无不令人向往;西溪还是雅的,名人碑刻、诗词歌赋、亭台楼阁、寺庙庵迹,其人文的蕴藉深厚,无不令人折服。但西溪,似乎是曲高和寡的,带尽了文人的清雅高洁,却少了百姓的红尘烟火。游西溪,可品尽出尘绝世之美,却也有了不近人间烟火的遗憾。一部《非诚勿扰》,将清秀的西溪带到世人眼前。其实,远在东晋时,就有文人骚客歌咏这片溪流交错、蒹葭苍苍的湿地了;唐朝,西溪之名出世;至南宋,更达到她声名的高峰,与西湖、西泠并称杭州三西。千年前,西溪  相似文献   

In this paper we highlight the contribution which an understanding of mobilities brings to an analysis of hospitality work. The complex mobilities of hospitality employees are playing an increasing role within global tourism and hospitality sectors. Our discussion explores notions of voluntary mobility as motivated by work and lifestyle factors. We challenge the commonplace conceptualisation of tourism and hospitality employment which has been predicated upon the nature of the work itself rather than on the diverse experience backgrounds; social and geographical origins; and motivating attributes of those who work in the sector. In taking this approach, we question conventional management discourses of hospitality labour processes and illustrate the value of adopting a mobilities framework within tourism and hospitality studies.  相似文献   

海若 《旅游时代》2012,(6):41-43
喜来登是世界500强之一的喜达屋管理集团旗下的重要品牌,在全球70余个国家及地区拥有400余家酒店,其中包括分布于全球知名旅游地的60多家度假村。喜来登分布在世界各地的酒店及度假村,为来自世界各地的商务客人和休闲旅游者提供着高质量的服务。喜达屋是一个集酒店业主、经营与销售等于一体的综合体,被视为全球最  相似文献   

济南,中国环渤海地区南翼和黄河中下游地区中心城市,国家重要的政治、军事、文化中心,区域性金融中心,副省级城市,山东省省会。济南历史文化底蕴深厚,有着2700余年的历史,素有天下泉城世界泉水之都美誉,是象征中华文明重要起源的史前文明——龙山文化发祥地和发现地,国家历史文化名城、国家创新型城市、中国软件名城、全国重要的交通枢纽和物流中心。继济南全运会  相似文献   

Visitor information centers are primarily responsible for promoting local tourism products and services; and consequently, have direct impacts upon the economic, social, and recreational well‐being of the region in which they are located. Research highlights the importance of tailoring center facilities and services to meet the needs and interests of the traveling public, yet there are few studies specifically designed to pinpoint visitors' information requirements. This study was conducted during the mid‐year school holidays and explores tourists' use and perceptions of 18 Australian visitor information centers in Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, and Northern Territory. It uses Pearce's (2004 Pearce, P. L. 2004. The functions and planning of visitor centers in regional tourism.. Journal of Tourism Studies, 15(1): 817.  [Google Scholar]) Four Plus model to explore the functions of centers, identifies features that tourists regard as important, and provides an insight into the information needs and travel planning practices of those who use visitor information centers.  相似文献   

This paper furthers an understanding of the moral economy of tourism by analyzing how economic activities in the tourism industry are influenced by moral norms, and how these norms are compromised by the logic of capital accumulation. Through a case study of indigenous entrepreneurs in Lijiang, China, we argue that responsibility is a localized practice to defend social ties and cultural tradition, while profit making can be regarded as a universal logic in a commercial society. By analyzing how entrepreneurs become entangled in the dynamic balance between profit making and social responsibility, this paper demonstrates that local people actively choose their best strategies to participate in the global tourism industry.  相似文献   

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