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THE DYNAMICS OF PLURAL ‘WORTH’ AS A CHALLENGE TO THE GOVERNANCE OF SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY‐BASED ECONOMY ORGANIZATIONS This article resorts to Boltanski and Thevenot's Economies of Worth model (1987, 1991) to examine from a theoretical stance the various institutional logics competing in social and solidarity‐based economy organizations (SSEOs). The originality of our approach does not lie so much in the identification of the main conventions shaping the governance of SSEOs, but rather in the analysis of the conflicts and achievable compromises among each of these polities. Our contribution is threefold. We first show that the competition among several conventions generates organizational conflicts that are difficult to solve. We then reveal that achieving an (ephemeral) compromise entails a risk of excluding a ‘polity’, which may in turn weaken the governance of SSEOs. We finally sketch out some perspectives allowing to mitigate this risk. In particular, we outline organizational strategies likely to frame the governance of SSEOs without impairing their identities and plural forms of ‘worth’.  相似文献   

This paper considers two integrated countries that differ only in their labour markets: one country hosts unions, whereas the other one pays competitive wages. These institutional differences are a source of comparative advantage, which crucially impact inter‐industry trade and welfare in the open economy. In this setting, deunionization exerts opposing welfare effects in the two economies. Increasing product market competition is beneficial for the unionized country and detrimental for its trading partner. Finally, we conduct an empirical analysis that provides strong support for the main hypotheses of our theoretical model.  相似文献   

This paper examines competition among commercial banks following deregulation in a small open economy. I jointly estimate a system of differentiated product demand and pricing equations, and use conduct parameters to identify market structure. Overall, I find positive outcomes for the banking deregulation, which suggest that the benefits of deregulation understood in large industrialized economies indeed apply to a small open economy. Encouragingly, the industry becomes more competitive and the consumers are better-off after the deregulation. Empirical results also indicate that the banking sector is characterized by non-cooperative competitive behavior. Bank size is an important determinant of consumer’s bank choice.  相似文献   

于立  姜春海 《当代财经》2007,1(9):84-91
网络产业放松规制、引入竞争的改革使得上游"瓶颈"环节和下游竞争性环节出现了"业务分离",催生了接入问题,并成为网络产业规制改革能否成功和有效竞争的关键.通过对用于指导网络产业单向接入定价的Ramsey接入定价方法的研究,得出结论:短期内,将接入服务和最终产品无差别对待的做法可能遭受到较大的实阻碍,从而整体最高价格上限规制的实施显得不太可能.因此,比较现实的做法是,在接入服务市场上,允许在位企业实施两部制(或多部制)接入定价方法.  相似文献   

In 2001, the All-Ireland Gaelic Football competition changed from being a singleknockout tournament to a quasi-double knockout competition. Similar natural experiments in economics and operational research theory suggest such a change should reduce the competitive balance in the competition. Using a Hirschmann–Herfindahl Index measure of concentration and a bootstrapping approach, we confirm that the new structure leads to a less competitive outcome and, importantly, this outcome is less uncertain. Our bootstrapped results show that in the long run, with larger samples, there is less competitive balance in the new competition structure than in the older structure competition structure. Finally, we also consider a stochastic dominance approach to evaluating the change in tournament structure, but the low power due to the presence of ties in our small sample leads to an inconclusive outcome.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the empirical analysis of innovation challenges to Rhône Poulenc Rorer-Gencell (RPR-Gencell) resulting from development of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industy. These we identify as an organizational innovation involving the development of a network of partners following and/or inducing a technological innovation. RPR-Gencell represents a ‘style of innovation’ since it is based on various factors specific to the firm and corresponds to a new organizational form, the ‘tight network’ of partners. We argue that this organizational from, in the context of the development of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry, can be likened to an ‘organizational gamble’ associated with a ‘technological gamble’ Altogether, this ‘gamble’ dimension means that the network of partners in R&D is still a marginal organizational form. After an introduction we show that the specficities of the pharmaceutical industry especialy since the emergence of biotechnohgy have led to the emergence of a multiplicity of institutional arrangements governing cooperation in R&D. We take as a specific example that of gene therapy. Later on, we present some stylized facts to emphasize the diversity among the network organizational forms. The network of partners is an alternative to the other complex but ‘clarsical’ forms of cooperation (R&D agreements, cross-licensing, joint-ventures, mergers/acquisilions). We propose a new definition of the network based on the case of RPR-Gencell: the ‘tight network’. We distinguish between the ‘tight network’ and all the other approaches, focusing in particular on the ‘loose network’ of cooperative relationship (mostly multifirm alliances implemented with several bilateral contracts). Only two pharmaceutical companies have adopted the ‘tight network’ to govern their cooperation in R&D. We present the network ofpartners as an organizational innovation governing a technological innovation. We argue that this organizational innovation could be likened to an ‘organizational gamble’ in the case of the pharmaceutical industry. Finally, we show that the network raises several organizational issues since it short-circuits traditional strategic operations in the pharamaceutical industry. We argue that among many different reasons, RPR's technological choices (especially the priorig given to gene therapy) have influenced the creation of its network of partners. As a conclusion, we discuss the link between the organizational innovation and the technological innovation focusing on the ‘gamble’ dimension of such an innovation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how market-oriented reforms affect firm incentives to innovate. We utilise the market reforms enacted in Korea following the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 as an empirical setting to show why an institution-based view is crucial to understanding the factors that incentivize firms to innovate. Additionally, we draw on the competitive strategy literature to investigate how market reforms – combined with industry competition and firm-specific factors – affect innovation-related investments. Our findings suggest that market reforms positively influence both innovation input and output, but these associations are contingent on firm-specific factors.  相似文献   

管理能力作为企业软实力,能够为企业带来竞争优势,而管理创新是提高企业软实力的重要途径。基于组织学习理论、产业组织理论及制度理论,构建了市场竞争、管理创新与制度创新3者间关系模型,并结合典型案例对模型进行了验证。研究表明,市场竞争是转型经济中企业管理创新的主要动因,管理创新与制度创新之间存在双向互动作用,模仿在中国企业管理创新中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

Permit markets lead polluting firms to purchase abatement goods from an eco‐industry which is often concentrated. This paper studies the consequences of this sort of imperfectly competitive eco‐industry on the equilibrium choices of the competitive polluting firms. It then characterizes the second‐best pollution cap. By comparing this situation to one of perfect competition, we show that Cournot competition on the abatement good market contributes not only to a nonoptimal level of emission reduction but also to a higher permit price, which reduces the production level. These distortions increase with market power, measured by the margin taken by the noncompetitive firms, and suggest a second‐best larger pollution cap.  相似文献   

中国信托业的困境与战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,中国信托业从恢复到现在,仍然未走出发展困境,即主营业务比较匮乏,盈利空间狭窄,竞争环境恶劣,信誉信用危机较为严重,金融监管部门监管过度.本文运用新制度经济学的分析方法对信托业困境形成的原因进行了分析,认为信托业困境的形成与政府主导型的强制性制度变迁、非市场化等因素密切相关.在上述分析基础上,本文提出了中国信托业摆脱困境和未来发展的战略选择:本土化的理财业务,完善信托公司治理结构,发挥比较优势,建立信誉体系,适度放松管制,建立公平竞争的市场体系.  相似文献   

市场竞争与中国民航机票定价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国民航业在过去10年中经历了一系列放开价格管制和准入机制的改革.本文通过对市场结构和机票价格的实证分析检验了这些改革措施的效果.基于价格面板数据的分析结果显示,在竞争更激烈的航线上机票的平均价格水平更低.同时,依然处于垄断经营状态下的航线机票价格较高,且观测到的溢价幅度明显.这些证据都表明我国对民航业的改革措施已经取得了实际效果,竞争机制的弓I入有效地降低了机票价格水平.  相似文献   

Pakistan’s banking industry has gone through significant transformation from being in a heavily state regulated and controlled environment to a more liberalized market structure in recent years. This liberalization of banking industry in Pakistan has raised concerns over the dominant banks’ exercise of market power on account of increase in market concentration due to mergers and acquisitions, high profitability in banking sector and increasing interest rate spread. Present study therefore explicitly tests the market conduct of banks using quarterly panel data of 30 banks from 2004 to 2012 and employing Panzar–Rosse, Bresnahan–Lau, Hall–Roeger and Boone’s approaches to study market power. Our findings suggest that Pakistan’s banking industry is working in a competitive environment and we find little evidence for the exercise of market power by the dominant banks. Our results remain robust across all these approaches to measure market power. These findings indicate that the liberalization and deregulation of Pakistan’s banking industry has been successful in improving the competitive conditions in the market.  相似文献   

在动荡变化的环境中,企业仅仅拥有"VRIN"属性的资源与能力将难以维持竞争优势,只有不断提升组织能力才是企业基业长青的惟一出路。动态能力在组织能力提升中起重要作用,但动态能力的定义自提出至今仍然模糊不清。本文澄清了动态能力的概念内涵,深入分析了企业高层管理者作为动态能力微观能动主体的角色,并在动态能力及其微观能动主体的基础上构建了一个颇具解释力的组织能力提升框架。  相似文献   

Through the interest rate deregulation and banks’ off-balance-sheet activities (OBSAs) in Hong Kong, this study investigates the debate over the impact of banking deregulation on banks’ risk-taking behaviour. On the one hand, the Arrow effect implies that increased competition caused by the interest rate deregulation motivates Hong Kong banks to speed up their development of OBSAs as an additional but riskier income source. On the other hand, the Schumpeterian effect implies that the deregulation may reduce the banks’ financial capability in developing new products and thus downscale their OBSA adoption. Our findings show that, while the negative scale effect is statistically insignificant, the interest rate deregulation has a positive and significant impact on the adoption rate for all OBSA categories. We therefore conclude that the interest rate deregulation unambiguously leads to riskier bank behaviour in terms of higher OBSA adoption.  相似文献   

In general, the introduction of competition into the public sector seems to lead to higher cost‐efficiency in service production. However, there are examples of substantial cost increases in some areas. In this paper, using a mixed oligopoly model, we investigate the effects of deregulation on the cost‐reducing incentives of a public firm. Our results show that a firm that is a public monopoly has greater incentive to conduct cost‐reducing investment than a public firm within mixed oligopoly market.  相似文献   

How can agents in the military, who control the means of coercion, commit not to expropriate from producers? In this paper we propose competition within the military as one of the mechanisms that can deter predation and consequently create commitment. In our model, even if agents within the military could expropriate all output costlessly, it is attractive to protect producers from predating military units. This marginal defensive advantage and consequently defence is an effective way to potentially eliminate is because there is a other military units, reducing competition and leading to higher future payoffs. Our model predicts that greater internal competition within the military lowers the risk of expropriation and that this effect is strongest for countries with low institutional and economic development. Testing this prediction empirically, we find a robust negative relationship between competition within the military and expropriation risk. In line with our model this effect is strongest for countries at lower stages of institutional and economic development, and it weakens as the latter improve. These results indicate that there may be a short-run component to property rights institutions that varies with the degree of competition among agents who control the means of coercion.  相似文献   

本文以2007—2017年我国上市公司为研究样本,利用银保监会公布的商业银行在各城市开设分支机构的数据,构造地级市区域银行竞争指标,检验了商业银行竞争程度与公司盈余管理之间的关系。研究发现,银行业竞争性的市场结构能够有效降低企业盈余管理水平。对机制的考察表明,企业会计信息质量的提高得益于银行债权人治理作用不断加强。本文选择2009年银保监会放开银行设立分支机构限制的政策作为外生事件,并通过构造工具变量等方法进一步验证了研究结论。本文的结果从债权人的角度丰富了企业会计信息质量的文献,同时对银行竞争方面的研究做出了有益补充。  相似文献   

A central objective of port privatization and/or deregulation policies is stimulating greater efficiency by engendering a more competitive market and commercial approach to management. Korea provides a prime example of a nation that is implementing such policies. Also, its ports play a pivotal role in world shipping, particularly in the ever-burgeoning container market. The success of these policies in increasing the productive efficiency of Korean container terminals is assessed. The UK container terminal sector provides a useful benchmark for comparison since privatization and deregulation have formed an integral part of UK port reforms for nearly 20 years and the effect on efficiency, having had time to mature, will be much easier to gauge. The stochastic frontier model is justified as the chosen methodology for estimating productive efficiency levels and is applied to cross-sectional data under a variety of distributional assumptions. A panel data model is also estimated. Results are consistent and suggest (1) The degree of private sector involvement in sample container terminals is positively related to productive efficiency and (2) Improved productive efficiency has followed the implementation of privatization and deregulation policies within the Korean sector. Even though not categorical, these conclusions are important because the market for container throughput is internationally competitive and if policies which promote competition between Korean container terminals lead to greater productive efficiency, this will inevitably make the sector as a whole more competitive internationally.  相似文献   

本文通过明确电信垄断与竞争的分析视角 ,解读电信行业垄断与竞争的利弊 ,说明电信行业是竞争性垄断行业。竞争性垄断是在一种竞争的市场环境里形成并通过市场竞争电信行业维持下去的垄断。在竞争性垄断市场格局下 ,电信行业的竞争是有效率竞争  相似文献   

The resource-based strategy paradigm emphasizes the importance of firm-specific assets and knowledge, variously referred to as core competencies and distinctive capabilities. This perspective on sources of competitive advantage is complemented by knowledge and learning perspectives on strategic innovation. We explore conceptual links between knowledge development and the management of strategic innovation. We argue that the management of strategic innovation is the purposeful orchestration of organizational knowledge development and application and we highlight a variety of managerial dilemmas associated with this view.  相似文献   

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