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A bstract .   In this paper, Professor Harriss connects the historic debate about using up nonrenewable resources and its impacts on future generations with the need to help finance government in less disruptive ways. He explains the Georgist program of taxing "economic rents" either directly by a rent tax or indirectly by a severance tax.  相似文献   

Quarterly estimates of consumption, capital and labour tax rates are provided for six major OECD countries. We then use the 'stylized facts' methodology to evaluate the strength, sign and phase of cyclical comovements between tax rates and labour market variables. Labour taxes distort labour market de-cisions and help explain why the unemployment rate is so high in continental Europe. However, labour taxes cannot be the only determinant of diverging unemployment rates since the labour force is also reduced by higher taxes. Finally, we offer some preliminary structural evidence showing employment growth in particular to be negatively related to the taxation of labour.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a revised theory of the classical notion of normal prices for an economy with exhaustible natural resources. The author introduces the notion of effectual supply and argues that Sraffa’s equations, without the Hotelling rule equation, can be reformulated to deal with the existence of an exhaustible natural resource. Such a revision of a well-established theory requires a reinterpretation and methodological clarification of Sraffa’s equations, but without a change in their mathematical form. The revised theory must focus on the effectual supply of the resource and it can ignore its total endowment.  相似文献   

秦金中 《物流科技》2010,33(12):5-7
我国物流市场正在进入快速成长时期,并且正处于产业迅速发展的阶段。面对物流市场激烈的竞争、物流需求层次不断的变化、物流管理技术的持续创新及区域物流一体化等方面展现出一系列新的特征,有必要认清我国物流市场结构现状。作者从我国物流业的市场规模、服务差异度、市场壁垒等三个方面对我国物流市场结构进行剖析。  相似文献   

This paper studies the question of optimal taxation of housing, when the set of tax instruments at the government's disposal is not artificially restricted. There are two groups of persons, who differ in earning abilities and in tastes, and two types of housing goods (high- and low-quality). The paper characterizes the Pareto-efficient allocations that are attainable through the tax policy. It demonstrates that optimality calls for differential tax treatment of housing and that the required tax rates are nonlinear. It derives conditions under which consumption of housing by the poor must be subsidized. It also notes the circumstances under which taxation, rather than subsidization, is the required policy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a micro-to-macro model which connects an input–output model with price-dependent input coefficients and basic elements of industrial economics. This enables the determination of the most important variables on the micro, meso and macro levels, and, in particular, the determination of market structure and economic structure. On the basis of the model, we discuss the various intra-industry and interindustry impacts of process innovation. The results show the importance of considering heterogeneity of firms and sectors.  相似文献   

徐莎莉 《价值工程》2013,(21):191-192
优化投资结构的财政税收政策在引导投资行为,促进经济社会发展等方面有着重要的作用。当前,投资结构方面存在着一些问题与不足。为了应对这些问题,优化投资结构,促进财政税收政策更好的发挥作用,今后在实际工作中需要采取相应的策略,合理利用财政直接投资、促进地区和产业投资结构的有效协调、加强税收管理、完善相关税收政策并严格投资的使用方向。  相似文献   

The Annual Equal Employment Opportunity Reports and Current Population Survey files are used to examine employment and earnings by race and gender in the telecommunications industry following changes in the industry's affirmative action guidelines and following the divestiture of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Nonblack minority men were the only underrepresented group to experience marked employment gains as managers and professional. The relative employment probability of other underrepresented workers remained similar to the levels experienced during the implementation of affirmative action guidelines. Earnings differentials did decline for minority men and white women in the telecommunications industry. However, this finding is only unique to black men as the earnings pattern for white women and nonblack minority men mirror that found for these groups nationally.  相似文献   

A bstract Drawing upon the development of fish markets in a Chinese fishery community, this paper investigates the impact of transaction costs on the institutional structure of exchange. Fish markets in this region are connected and organized into a hierarchical network. This structure of fish markets dramatically reduces the cost for geographically distanced fishermen and consumers to execute trades. However, the provision of the market itself requires entrepreneurial el forts. In this study, the market is conceptualized as a continuum of middlemen, whose entrepreneurial efforts of buying and selling make the market work. When the middleman makes profits, the market is at work. Otherwise, the market fails to emerge. Comparing the different ways of organizing fish transportation at two distinct villages, this paper shows that the choice of the market or the firm to organize fish transportation is determined by the cost of putting the market to work.  相似文献   

基因检测产业作为我国政府重点发展的战略性新兴产业之一,培育和发展是长期和系统的工程。本文将以H省的实际数据为基础,运用灰关联方法,检验市场培育特征和现有市场结构之间的关系。研究表明市场结构影响因子与基因检测市场的培育密切相关;相关政策建议强调提高居民收入水平,制定合理的收费标准,加强人才与技术引进,适时调整经营策略,规范市场监管等。  相似文献   

我国实行对外开放政策以来,外商投资企业发展迅速。截至2002年底,我国已经成为全球吸引外国直接投资最多的国家。2004年,中国吸引的外商直接投资额达到606亿美元,连续二年成为全球吸引外商投资额第二位的国家。相比之下,外商投资企业的经营状况却“每况愈下”,2004年我国已批准成立的40多万家外商投资企业中,亏损面高达60%左右,年亏损金额达1200多亿元,仅2005年第一季度,外商和港澳台商投资企业利润就出现了4.1%的下降,而同期国有、集体等其他企业实现利润增幅最高超过30%,最低也有18%。  相似文献   

公立医院也是非盈利医院,它在社会中占有重要的地位。在支持非营利医院运营方面,我国主要通过税收优惠对非营利医院进行间接支持,同时国家财政每年也都会通过政策上的投入来给予支持。美国非营利医院的税收法律制度为我国公立医院税收制度提供了一定的借鉴。我国应吸收其合理成分,以完善我国非营利医院税收法律制度。  相似文献   

This paper models how regulatory attempts to protect the privacy of consumers' data affect the competitive structure of data‐intensive industries. Our results suggest that the commonly used consent‐based approach may disproportionately benefit firms that offer a larger scope of services. Therefore, though privacy regulation imposes costs on all firms, it is small firms and new firms that are most adversely affected. We then show that this negative effect will be particularly severe for goods where the price mechanism does not mediate the effect, such as the advertising‐supported Internet.  相似文献   

License Auctions and Market Structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze the interplay between license auctions and market structure in a model with several incumbents and several potential entrants. The focus is on the competitiveness induced by the number of auctioned licenses. Under plausible conditions, we show that auctioning more licenses need not result in a more competitive final outcome, contrary to what common sense suggests. This is due to the nature of competition among incumbents, which sometimes exhibits free-riding. We illustrate some results with examples drawn from the recent European license-auctions for third generation (3G) mobile telephony.  相似文献   

债务战略效应将市场结构与企业资本结构联系起来,在不同产品市场结构中的企业将选择不同的资本结构,通过理论分析,得出市场结构与资本结构之间负相关关系的假设,,并采用2001-2003年在沪深股市中上市的所有制造业的公司的数据进行了实证检验,结果表明在高集中度的市场结构中,由于战略破产效应较为明显,企业大多由于掠夺性定价威胁的存在而不愿意保持较高水平的负债,行业的平均负债水平也比较低,回归结果验证了理论假设,研究的结论为行业间资本结构的差异提供了基于债务战略效应的证据.  相似文献   

近几年房价节节攀升,如何制定行之有效的房地产市场调控政策成为政府面临的重要问题。本文跳出以往研究房地产市场的思路,在分别分析商品性住房和政策性住房两类市场的基础上,结合当下的调控措施提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Market Structure and the Demand for Free Trade   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examine a heterogenous goods duopoly model, wherein governments simultaneously and noncooperatively choose whether or not to provide subsidies for their firms and then firms noncooperatively choose output levels, either sequentially or simultaneously. We find that government trade policy and market structure are interdependent. First, the trade regime alters traditional firm preferences over sequential versus simultaneous play. Second, different market structures influence governments' preferences about free trade versus subsidies. Further, if one of the firms is a potential leader, allowing for endogenous market structure generates equilibrium outcomes that sometimes reinforce, and sometimes counter, traditional results in the strategic trade literature .  相似文献   

近几年房价节节攀升,如何制定行之有效的房地产市场调控政策成为政府面临的重要问题。本文跳出以往研究房地产市场的思路,在分别分析商品性住房和政策性住房两类市场的基础上,结合当下的调控措施提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文首先揭示了基于上游完全竞争时,下游厂商创新者会将小规模创新技术实施固定费用特许;其次基于上游原料供应商具有重要市场势力以及下游同质产品Cournot产量竞争结构的假设,对上游的进入决策、原料供应决策与下游厂商创新者的固定费用特许决策之间的博弈互动进行了研究。研究结果显示,只要上游独占垄断的市场结构不受下游特许行为的影响,下游就不存在特许激励;当下游特许能改变上游市场结构增强上游竞争时,在一定的创新规模范围内,下游将产生特许激励,从社会福利的角度看,增进下游的特许激励是有益的。本研究对于厂商创新者确定特许决策以及政府制定产业政策具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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