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The existing body of research knowledge on brand management has been predominantly derived from business-to-consumer markets, particularly fast moving consumer goods and has only recently started to expand in other contexts. Branding in business-to-business markets has received comparatively little attention in the academic literature due to a belief that industrial buyers are unaffected by the emotional values corresponding to brands. This paper provides a critical discussion of the fragmented literature on business-to-business branding which is organized in five themes: B2B branding benefits; the role of B2B brands in the decision making process; B2B brand architecture; B2B brands as communication enablers and relationship builders; and industrial brand equity. Drawing on the gaps and contradictions in the literature the paper concludes by proposing an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

Although there is significant interest in branding in a B2C context substantially less research has been conducted in B2B marketing. The research in B2B marketing is somewhat fragmented and a research agenda to develop coherent models and provide guidance to practitioners is required. Despite the disjointed nature of the research in this area, B2B branding has been found to convey a number of benefits e.g. conferring uniqueness. This special issue consists of eleven papers covering a range of topics including brand alliances, brand personality, brand equity and brand relationships, brand identity, corporate branding and social media.  相似文献   

This article extends our understanding of industrial branding and the influence of buyer–seller relationships by examining key constructs within an industrial context where products are uncertain and future-based. SEM results elicited from 249 buyer surveys empirically validate satisfaction, trust and commitment as dimensions of relationship quality, and show that buyer–seller relationship quality facilitates direct and indirect seller brand equity accruals. Findings reveal that while focusing on sellers' corporate and product brands is good advice for building buyer–seller relationships, seller resource allocations to these areas should vary depending upon the selected target market segment(s). Findings support that sellers should place more focus on developing quality relationships with buyers than they should in focusing on the non-relational attributes of their corporate brands; however, if sellers choose to bypass building high quality customer relationships, they should instead funnel resources into their product brand offerings. Findings demonstrate that buyers credit their own skills and acumen when evaluating products with which they are confident, and ascribe increased value to the involvement of the seller as their attitude and certainty decrease. These findings provide strategic guidance to the sellers of uncertain and future-based industrial products.  相似文献   

The paper suggests that generic brands can develop in industrial markets as easily as they can in consumer goods markets. It briefly examines the issue of branding in industrial markets and then describes the problems that firms can face if their brand name becomes used in a generic manner. It suggests actions that such firms can take as responses to this situation.  相似文献   

Customer entertainment is any activity considered to provide entertainment, amusement, or recreation. Business-to-business firms, as part of their sales strategy, have entertained customers for decades in hopes of influencing purchasing and building long-term relationships. Using social exchange theory and the element of reciprocity, this study examines how customer entertainment influences buyers' perceptions of gratitude, indebtedness, and purchase intention within their relationship with the B2B seller. In order to assess the importance and strategic role of customer entertainment in building and strengthening buyer-seller relationships, this study investigates customer entertainment throughout the sequential relationship stages of exploration, expansion, and commitment. A multimethod research design was developed comprised of 2 qualitative studies, 3 pretests, and a conclusive experimental field study that compared buyer attitudes with salespeople's perceptions of buyer attitudes. The final study contrasts results between 248 buyers and 245 salespeople and consists of a 3 × 3 experimental field study, with the levels of customer entertainment events and stage of relationship as manipulating variables. The analysis reveals that salespeople and buyers view of reciprocity differs, with salespeople being more socially oriented and focused on gratitude while buyers are more economically oriented and more attuned to indebtedness.  相似文献   

The globalization of economic activity and the emergence of the Internet have led to the appearance of a new model of business-to-business (B2B) known as the electronic B2B market or e-marketplace which facilitates the establishment of marketing relationships between buyers and sellers. In view of the limited research in this area, the present study examines the elements that may influence client (i.e., user) loyalty in this context. The basis of the study is an analysis of empirical data provided by 197 Spanish e-marketplace selling-side users, investigating the influence of image, quality, satisfaction, and value on client loyalty. The results indicated that satisfaction had no direct impact on client loyalty, but that the e-marketplace's image and user-perceived quality and value are antecedents of its clients' loyalty.  相似文献   

The creation of value is admittedly a critical task for marketers regardless of industry. This paper focuses on a type of value that has traditionally been perceived as irrelevant to industrial markets and argues that brand value facilitates the progression from goods and services value to relationship value. To address the limited amount of research on B2B branding from the suppliers' point of view, we complement insights gained from a literature review with ten exploratory interviews with B2B supplier managers, and develop a framework of brand value applicable to industrial markets. This identifies both the functional (i.e., quality, technology, capacity, infrastructure, after sales service, capabilities, reliability, innovation) and emotional qualities (i.e., risk reduction, reassurance, trust) important for the development of industrial brand equity. Situational (e.g. nature of the purchase) and environmental factors (e.g. the economic situation) affecting suppliers' perceptions of the importance of brand in a B2B context and the role of functional versus emotional brand qualities are discussed. The value of the brand as a driver for the development of business to business relationships is also highlighted. The framework provides a basis for B2B practitioners to build their brands in such a way as to make a functional as well as an emotional connection with buyers that is more likely to lead to a supplier–buyer relationship.  相似文献   

Increasingly fierce competition in many B2B service industries led managers to seek a competitive advantage through branding, as many firms operating in B2C markets have done. Although advertising spending in B2B service industries has soared and branding could be relevant for customers' purchase decisions, the distinct characteristics of B2B service transactions can make the creation of brand equity challenging. Conceptual arguments thus both support and question the net financial value of B2B service brands and, since empirical research on that value is missing, managers are left with no agreed upon and validated guidance. Drawing on observations of the brands and shareholder values of 380 U.S.-based public B2B service firms, this study introduces a shareholder perspective to empirically examine the financial value of B2B service brands. Results reveal that B2B service brands have positive value to shareholders. However, the extent of that value depends on a firm's branding strategy (corporate branding vs. multi-branding) in conjunction with the type of services offered (professional services vs. other B2B services) but not in conjunction with the breadth of services offered (degree of diversification). This research provides new insights for researchers and managers with regard to B2B service brands' value and important contingency factors.  相似文献   

Extant literature on ingredient branding is directed at tangible products but does not account for the role of services as ingredients. For B2B suppliers, however, service is emerging as the dominant route to achieving competitive advantage. The purpose of this research is to investigate how ingredient service brands impact customer preferences on B2B markets. We specifically assess how ingredients might impact industrial buyers' quality perceptions of the end product. By conducting a within-subjects scenario-based experiment among industrial buyers, we find a positive effect of the presence of an ingredient service brand on buyers' perception of the end product's service quality, whether the host brand is of higher or lower quality. The effect is stronger when the quality of the host brand is lower. Furthermore, results indicate that the host brand generally has a stronger impact on the quality evaluation of the end product meaning that an ingredient service brand cannot fully compensate for a lower-quality host brand. For managers, our findings indicate that ingredient service brands provide a cue to product quality of the end product, indirectly improving purchase intentions. As a result, branded service ingredients offer host service brands as well as ingredient service brands a potentially powerful strategy for improving competitive position in B2B markets.  相似文献   

The agrofood market in China is dominated by spot market exchanges of small farmers and various small traders, with only minor penetration of the modern supply chain at the farmgate. The emerging Farmer Professional Cooperatives (FPCs) are expected to facilitate vertical coordination. The overall goal of this study is to investigate the contractual arrangements between the FPCs and the buyers. Based on a national representative survey of 157 FPCs in China, this study shows that 32% of FPCs introduced written contracts in the primary marketing channel. Contracts are more likely to be adopted in the livestock sector and are positively related to the scale of production. While branding promotes contracts between FPCs and buyers, public certification of quality and food safety often substitutes for contracts. Furthermore, the membership heterogeneity of FPCs affects an FPC’s decision to use contractual arrangements with the buyer.  相似文献   

Prior literature on corporate branding in the business-to-business (B2B) context fails to provide insight into the dynamics of corporate brand strategy formation, despite the critical need for industrial organizations to move beyond a traditional understanding of brands. This article examines the corporate brand strategy formation of a European-based industrial organization by drawing on strategy-as-practice research and thereby identifying the brand actors who participate in corporate brand strategy formation, the construction of manifestations that subject the brand values to experience, and the situational context—all within a single, ongoing, recursive interaction process.  相似文献   

Industrial branding has emerged as an important issue, allowing firms to gain substantial competitive advantage, especially in markets where product commoditization and electronic procurement are on the increase. This article proposes, and empirically validates, a theoretically structured approach to measure brand equity, its antecedents and its consequences for industrial products. The model distinguishes between product and corporate brand equity, uses buyer perceived performance on the dimensions of the marketing mix as antecedents of brand equity, and relates them to re-purchase and loyalty intentions.  相似文献   

This study examines the concept of a new venture, B2B e-market in the light of participants who are involved in its innovation and diffusion processes. Our assessment results in the development of two key working propositions. The first proposition attempts to explain the relationship of the participants in the network and their contribution to innovation and diffusion processes over time. The second proposition attempts to explain how network champions (NC) contribute by bringing suppliers and buyers together in an electronic marketplace over time. In particular, this research adds to the industrial marketing literature by applying a case research method that is particularly useful for operationalizing theory development in business-to-business environments.  相似文献   

Much of the extant work on brand equity in business markets has focused on predicting brand loyalty, as in what brand image elements that make buyers prefer to buy a brand. The question what drives buyers to pay more or less for brands has however been somewhat overlooked, despite price premium being a distinct and economically important outcome of a favourable brand image. In an attempt to answer this question, this paper suggests that the corporate brand image determinants of price premium can be conceptualised into six dimensions: brand familiarity-, product solution-, service-, distribution-, relationship- and company associations. Findings from a small-scale qualitative investigation, based on interviews with buyers of corrugated packaging, are used to illustrate this model as well as to explore its microelements and demonstrate why they can be assumed to be mentally related to buyers' willingness to pay.  相似文献   

The corporate branding literature on B2B markets has developed fairly rapidly over the past decade. However, empirical support on employees' perception of corporate branding is very limited, particularly with respect to employees who fall outside the marketing/branding function within their organizations. This paper explores engineering consultants' views - as an under-researched context - on the implications of corporate branding. Findings reveal engineers' views about the significance of personal brands, the implications of incorporation, the ways in which corporate branding is carried out in their organizations, and associations of technical proficiency with the corporate brand. From the findings, four hypotheses have been developed for future research.  相似文献   

Business-to-business (B2B) buyers are finding it increasingly difficult to judge the true sustainability of supply chain partners (Oruezabala & Rico, 2012). Yet three-quarters of buyers in the OECD report they will dismiss potential supply chain partners who fail to meet sustainability criteria (Pierre, 2008). B2B firms then, cannot afford any confusion over their sustainability practices and positioning. Unfortunately, there are no sustainability positioning measures for firms to assess this, and there is no agreed upon operationalization of a highly sustainable firm vs a weakly sustainable firm. As such, this research creates a B2B sustainability positioning scale and taxonomy. First, interviews with buyers and marketing managers determine perceptions of supplier sustainability practices and defines B2B levels of sustainability. Second, exploratory and confirmatory scale development studies are conducted with 578 experienced industrial buyers. The resulting B2B sustainability positioning scale shows that a sustainably superior positioning for B2B addresses five key factors: (1) sustainability credibility, (2) concern for environmental impact, (3) a careful consideration of stakeholders, (4) resource efficiency, and (5) a holistic philosophy. This scale is intended as a tool to help B2B marketers understand and better leverage their sustainability practices and communications around sustainability.“We're trying to be cleaner and greener: We recycle waste and switch things off. We use paper from responsibly managed forests whenever possible. We ask our printers to actively reduce waste and energy consumption. We check out our suppliers' working conditions...”– The back jacket of books from DK Publishers, 2018.  相似文献   

Sustainability is increasingly drawing the attention of scholars, policy makers, and companies, as the latter are recognizing the necessity and opportunities of implementing sustainable practices in their operations. Marketing plays a substantial role in both applying such initiatives and promoting them, which can be greatly supported through brands. We suggest that firms can use their brands to promote the value of sustainability to their industrial customers, consumers, and other stakeholders. This may be achieved through branding activities that emphasize the firm's sustainability practices and their impact on stakeholders. Expressing sustainability actions as the measurable and relatable outcomes they yield and associating them with brands have the potential to further facilitate this integration of sustainability and branding. A framework and guidelines for sustainability practices that may be employed in this process of integrating operations and marketing are discussed.  相似文献   

Power, as a significant dimension of relationships, continues to be of critical interest in the inter-organizational literature. This article assesses how different relationship types and strategic foci are related to buyers' and sellers' power priorities. Contributing to the discussion of buyer–seller power priority areas as commercial detail, operational issues, strategic issues and attitudes, the research focuses on the influence of relationship types (new, approved, preferred, partnership) on these power priorities in B2B contexts. This is important as partnerships do not simply emerge, but evolve over time suggesting that for both parties there is a period that is transitory. Through a survey of buyers and sellers (n = 355), the research highlights that as partnerships evolve, relational issues complement, but do not supersede, the focus on commercial and operational concerns. Furthermore, within partnerships, whilst sellers' focus on strategic issues increases, it is the total power that grows and the influence agenda is extended, rather than re-distributed. Additionally, it provides detail on how power priorities vary and are differentially distributed between buyers and sellers in different relationship types. This paper contributes to B2B partnership and power theories, challenging assumptions about relationships and adding weight to the increasing suggestion that relationship success is overplayed.  相似文献   

Despite significant advances in the study of B2B branding, including several contributions and special issues in this journal, the specificities of franchising, a subfield of B2B relationships, dictate further investigation. In effect, the franchise branding literature remains largely fragmented and dependent on data from a single stakeholder source. This paper attempts an integrative view of franchise branding by examining brand benefits from three theoretical perspectives (brand as a resource, brand as knowledge, and brand as a relationship fulcrum) and data from two stakeholders. Specifically, the objective of this paper is threefold: to offer a comprehensive view of brand benefits for franchisees, as perceived by both franchisees and franchisors, and considering their evolution throughout the franchise relationship lifecycle. 37 interviews with franchisees (n = 22) and franchisors (n = 15) reveal diverse brand benefits, including new insights related, for instance, to experiential benefits which have received very limited attention in B2B branding. The study also unveils significant perceptual gaps, with franchisors having a much narrower view of brand benefits than franchisees, which could potentially be detrimental for this subtype of B2B brands. Based on the findings, we also develop a tool that helps franchisors manage their brand benefits (i.e. deploy, emphasize or downplay individual benefits) over the lifecycle of their relationship with each franchisee.  相似文献   

In the business-to-business (B2B) domain, the corporate website is an effective platform for communicating the corporate brand (CB) features (e.g., personality, values). Despite the growing importance of websites as the primary means for corporate communication, research on the relevant dimensions for online corporate branding expression is sparse. This study examines the expressions of CBs on the websites of B2B companies in two emerging markets — Brazil and India. In addition, the study investigates whether the dimensions of CB have an effect on the company's financial performance. Findings highlight the following items for CB expressions in the website: CB values; CB personality; sustainability in the CB; CB heritage, and company demographics. There are similarities in the CB expressions in India and Brazil. In addition, the findings show that higher levels of strength in the expression of the CB in the website lead to higher levels of financial performance. Managerial recommendations and avenues for future research are presented.  相似文献   

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