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Joint value creation through partnering and networking is a topic of current interest. This paper proposes that the dimensions of the supplier's value creation in a supplier-customer relationship could be classified according to efficiency, effectiveness and network functions. These functions are interrelated, but they are conceptually distinct. The value creation process could be described as a spectrum ranging from core value, to added value, to future value. The value-producing potential of a supplier can be assessed reasonably well only in the case of the core value, where there is sufficient benchmarking information in the form of existing alternative offerings and solutions. A priori evaluation of the costs and benefits of added value and, especially, future value projects is problematic, because the realisation of the value is dependent on the development of multiple partners, technologies and industries. In these cases, we suggest that a customer could use a supplier's capability profile as an indicator of how suitable that particular supplier is for specific value creation projects. A framework connecting specific capabilities to different types of value production is suggested, and its managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The notion of value and the principles and methods that buyers use to discover which supplier offering has more value needs to drive all business marketing activity. However, the concept of value and how to measure it is somewhat vague. The authors present a simple way to think about value. The research reports an exploratory empirical study of how the valuation model fits the views of purchasing managers and how purchasing agents view value and use it to make decisions. In general, the model posited appears to fit the view of purchasing agents, however, there is some digression and further research is needed.  相似文献   

As e-commerce evolves and gains power in the business-to-business (B2B) marketplace, what lies ahead for the industrial distributor? The fundamental issue from the distributor's point of view is how to compete more effectively and profitably, given the changing business environment of the new economy. This paper reviews the literature on the distributor's role and relationships and introduces a conceptual model of distributor viability. The model identifies sources of value that distributors offer to manufacturers and customers, including customer relationship management (CRM), production and operations management (POM), and knowledge management (KM). The paper explores the managerial implications of distributor relationships and sources of value. This provides the foundation for better understanding of the viability of industrial distributors in the new economy.  相似文献   

Activity-based costing (ABC) offers a way to improve performance evaluation by providing estimates of the cost of satisfying sales terms to which a sales representative may agree, such as number of batches in which an order is produced and number of training hours provided to customer employees. It also provides estimates of the cost of resources that a sales representative may use while engaging in marketing activities, such as making sales calls and attending trade shows. Traditional costing, which assumes that costs only vary at the unit level, does not provide estimates of the costs of many of these terms and activities.  相似文献   

Technology-oriented companies involved in rapidly changing markets are interested in the value of collaborative efforts aimed at the realization of shared benefits, while spreading the costs and risks across multiple partners. The experiences and insights of participants in such ventures can contribute to the understanding of how to build more productive alliances. This study examines the project evaluation processes employed by the most successful industry-university research centers sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The delivery of highly satisfying research programs, as indicated by the industrial representatives, is defined as being successful. This paper focuses on the process management issues involved in the formulation and evaluation of research proposals, structural advantages and liabilities associated with the process, as well as the conditions/contexts that favor their application. These processes are strategically significant because they define the organization's research agenda, focus resource allocations by linking capabilities and commitments, and frame the performance assessment process.  相似文献   

Although sales managers influence a variety of sales force outcomes critically important in the dynamic business environment of the 21st Century, research examining sales manager effectiveness is limited. As such, an investigation of the attributes of effective sales managers, as well as the impact of these attributes on the sales force, is warranted. To explore these issues, the authors employed value laddering, an in-depth interview technique that facilitates the identification of key attributes and the subsequent linkages of those attributes to consequences and underlying values or goals held by respondents. Data collected from sales professionals resulted in 308 ladders that were subsequently aggregated across subjects and used to generate a hierarchical value map (HVM) reflecting the associations among constructs. The HVM highlights the attributes of effective sales managers, as identified by respondents, and reflects three major sales management roles: communicator, motivator and coach. Each of these roles is explored and managerial and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Sales training is a key organizational process used by many firms to develop high-quality salespeople into value-added agents. This development of salespeople as value-added agents can be accomplished in a number of ways. The results of this study suggest cycle time improvements in sales training can be achieved by properly preparing trainees prior to staging role-play exercises. The managerial implications of the results include indications as to how organizations can save on training by reducing the time it takes to effectively train new salespeople as well as evidence that demonstrates that the training enhancers we introduce can increase the initial revenue generating potential of these new salespeople.  相似文献   

Progressive sales organizations are becoming more strategic in their approaches to the initiation, development, and enhancement of customer relationships. In moving to a more strategic, less tactical approach, these organizations are exploring new leadership models to direct change. In addition, they are using emerging technologies to support sales strategy. This article presents a 15-point joint agenda following a review of pertinent research in the sales strategy, leadership, and technology areas. This joint agenda offers action items, food for thought, and research ideas for sales executives, academicians, trainers, consultants, and professional organizations.  相似文献   

Many sales organizations are scrambling for success in today's intensely competitive environment. An increasing number of firms are finding that tried and true traditional selling strategies are less effective, or not effective at all. Moreover, companies are discovering that what has been an acceptable level of performance no longer is adequate for maintaining or gaining competitive advantage. Consequently, managers need to focus on alternative means through which the organization can be successful. One alternative is for sales forces to engage in discretionary effort-work activities that entail going beyond the call of duty. This paper develops propositions regarding antecedents of salesperson discretionary effort, which provide managerial direction should the propositions be confirmed.  相似文献   

With the growth of e-commerce and global competition, business-to-business (B2B) marketers are showing increased interest in the potential of branding, especially at the corporate level. This paper describes branding in the context of B2B markets, and examines its perceived importance to buyers. A review of relevant literature and the development of a conceptual model enables a cluster analysis of data from a survey of industrial buyers. The exploratory analysis examines to whom branding is important, and in what situations. Three clusters of buyers are found: branding receptive, highly tangible, and low interest. The practical implications for managers are explored.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the notion of relationship transparency. It delineates this new concept from the interaction model of business relationships. We define relationship transparency as an individual's subjective perception of being informed about the relevant actions and properties of the other party in the interaction. Empirical data gathered in a cross-sectional survey among purchasing managers in Germany provide evidence that relationship transparency contributes to the overall success of a business relationship. According to our conceptual model and structural equation estimates, transparency delivers value to the customer, increases customer satisfaction and ultimately leads to favorable behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

Key Account Management, as currently described in relationship marketing literature, is an important approach to creating value, by implementing specific processes targeting most important customers. This exploratory study contributes to the understanding of Key Account Management by focusing on factors influencing the decision for implementing Key Account Management and the implementation-process. The findings suggest that the intensity of competition as well as the intensity of coordination are factors driving companies towards the adoption of Key Account Management programs, and that companies still pay too little attention to the selection of key accounts. The study also reveals the phenomenon of ‘hidden key accounts’: More than 80% of the investigated companies without Key Account Management offer their key customers special treatment without aligning their own internal organizational structures.  相似文献   

Firms have been traditionally advised to adopt information and communication technologies (ICT) to support the achievement of existing business objectives. However, entry into business-to-business e-commerce may require the concurrent adoption of new business strategies. This paper argues, therefore, that ICT analysis needs to be considered at the same time and at the same strategic level, as internal, competitor and market analysis. This is because the source of the competitive advantage brought by ICT has changed, to be largely obtained through increase in customers' perceived value. The literature presents a confused picture of the likely consequences to a firm of its adoption of e-commerce. This paper concludes that any such adoption must be evaluated in the environment of the individual firm. A multidimensional analytical framework, taking a combined informational and marketing perspective, is presented to assist with such evaluations.  相似文献   

This study examines initial high-tech sales training practices of firms in Malaysia. A review of initial sales training programs reveals that firms that engage in high-tech sales training practices report significantly greater levels of needs determination, objective setting, instructional methods, and training program content than their low-tech counterparts. Also, firms that employ high-tech training methods report teaching the “soft area” of salesmanship via computer and both groups place less emphasis on evaluating training programs. To better understand high-tech sales training, managers are provided with in-depth discussions and managerial implications of the study's findings.  相似文献   

Emerson Electric Co. is a diversified manufacturer with $14 billion in sales. The Emerson Price Improvement Team is an internal consulting group that serves the 60+ Emerson divisions. The team's mission is to help divisions achieve their financial and market objectives by providing pricing skills, tools, and project assistance that improve a division's pricing practices. This paper discusses an implementation of the Price Improvement Team's New Product Pricing Process at Fisher-Rosemount, a business unit of Emerson. Fisher-Rosemount is the world's leading supplier of process control systems, and measurement instrumentation. One of the eight Fisher-Rosemount divisions planned to introduce a new process sensor at a price of $2,650. After completing the New Product Pricing Process, Fisher-Rosemount increased the planned sensor price 19%, introducing it at a price of $3,150, resulting in a fifth-year operating profit improvement of $11 million. The New Product Pricing Process enabled the division to gain a detailed understanding of customer perceptions of product value; determine a key design specification for the new product; reduce cannibalization of its existing and highly profitable sensor by positioning the new product to optimize the total product portfolio; predict unit sales, revenue, and profitability for a range of market scenarios; and confidently set the right product price. Achieving optimal revenue and profitability, in a manner consistent with the company's business strategy, is a goal of the process. Equally important, the process ensures that customers receive fair value-based pricing while enabling the supplying company to maintain overall industry price equilibrium.  相似文献   

In discussing the future of e-commerce, many experts have assumed that e-commerce in emerging markets will evolve along the same lines as it has in the US, North America, and to a great extent, in Western Europe. This assumption fails to take into account the differences that exist between the economic infrastructures of emerging markets and those of the developed markets of the West. This article considers how China's economic infrastructure, which like the infrastructures of most emerging markets is much less highly developed than the industrial West's, will influence the development of e-commerce in China. By implication, the route of e-commerce development in China may be a more likely route of development for other emerging markets to follow.  相似文献   

The Internet has often been referred to as an “infocentric” medium. Information abounds on topics, people, products and companies. With the multiplicity and diverse variety of web pages containing information, comprehension becomes a critical issue, and a major facet of comprehension is readability of content. The study described in this paper examines the readability of the text on business-to-business (B2B) websites. First, the paper presents an overview of readability formulae. It then applies selected readability formulae to web pages in the semiconductor industry. The study explores how readability formulae can provide quick feedback to web marketers based on key indicators such as sentence length, proportion of difficult words and frequency of polysyllabic words. It also demonstrates how the relative readability of a company's web pages can be evaluated against those of its competitors. In closing, the paper considers the managerial implications associated with the use of readability formulae and offers directions for future study in this relatively under-researched domain.  相似文献   

Because reverse auctions hold high promises, it has become a popular tool in the past several years. One estimate is that as much as US$50 billion worth of goods may be purchased with reverse auctions in 2001. However, risks exist with reverse auctions. To better understand purchasers' motivation for using reverse auctions, what they perceive as the risks and the conditions required for successful use, interviews were conducted with 41 purchasing professionals who had used reverse auctions. The interviews revealed three primary motivations, three perceived risks and four conditions for success. The conditions required for success are: (1) the product or service specifications must be clear and comprehensive, (2) the purchase must be large enough to provide an incentive for the supplier to participate in the auction, (3) the appropriate supply market conditions must exist, and (4) the appropriate infrastructure must exist within the buying organization.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of cycle time and the application of strategic information technology (SIT) on the relationship between business strategies identified during the course of the research (i.e., marketing differentiation, innovation differentiation and overall low cost) and firm performance (i.e., ROA, ROS). Data from a cross-industry sample of 116 executives in manufacturing and service businesses were collected using a web-based survey, conducted in cooperation with InformationWeek, a leading information technology industry magazine. Results of a path analysis indicated a significant, positive relationship of a market differentiation strategy to SIT to cycle time to performance. Strong positive direct relationships were evident for SIT to cycle time and for cycle time to performance. No other significant relationships were observed.  相似文献   

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