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本文选用2005年被ST的A股上市公司为研究对象,根据行业和总股本规模选择配对样本,运用费雪判别准则,通过实证研究建立三个线性判别函数,以期构建实用有效的中长期预警模型来预测上市公司的财务危机. 相似文献
This paper aims to develop a comprehensive model, the first of its kind in Vietnam, for the purpose of predicting financial distress and bankruptcy at Vietnamese listed firms. The period 2003–2016 is used to study the likelihood of financial distress in different scenarios. Various factors are utilized, including (1) accounting factors in the emerging market score model; (2) market factors in the distance-to-default model; and (3) macroeconomic indicators. The area under the receiver operating characteristics (AUC) curve is used to compare the usefulness of various models that predict financial distress and bankruptcy. Empirical findings from this study show that accounting and market factors, together with macroeconomic fundamental factors, both affect financial distress when they are considered in isolation. However, in a comprehensive model, the effects from accounting factors appear to be more significant than those from market-based factors. The default prediction model, which includes accounting factors with macroeconomic indicators, appears to perform much better than the model comprising market-based factors with macroeconomic fundamentals. 相似文献
WANG Wei-hong WANG Wei-peng 《现代会计与审计》2009,5(9):50-52
Operational mechanism of supervisory audit in Chinese listed companies is not ideal, the supervisory effect of the listed company rely on features of supervisors' board and member of the supervisors' board. Based on the comparison of supervisory audit in Britain, Germany, France and Japan, and the empirical research on 100 listed companies in a share market, the paper analyses supervisory audit in Chinese listed companies, and proposes some perfection solutions to strengthen supervisory audit. 相似文献
ZHOU Xian-hua HAN Wei WANG Yu-zhou 《现代会计与审计》2010,6(5):37-45
In this paper, the author uses the listed company's annual report and financial statements to do the empirical research, the selected areas are information technology industries. The results show that the average age of employees, professional proportion, and the average assesses and executives' shareholdings have no significant impact with P/B. The industry statistics revealed no significant impact between average age and P/B because each group of age has its own advantages. By using these indicators, the author can improve the human resources information voluntary disclosure, make the disclosure of information comparable, and provide the empirical reference to the listed companies. 相似文献
上市公司资产重组绩效的实证研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文以522家2003年完成重组的上市公司为样本,对我国上市公司资产重组绩效进行了研究,并对不同类型资产的重组绩效、关联交易与非关联交易的重组绩效进行了比较. 相似文献
一、上海上市公司的现状和发展中的问题 截止2002年底,经过12年发展,上海上市公司数量已由最初的老八股发展到现在的140家,增长了16倍之多,占了全国上市公司总量的11.5%,居各省区上市公司数量之首。从公司 相似文献
上市公司信息披露制度研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
作为证券法律制度之一的信息(本文专指会计信息)披露制度,它是维系证券市场健康发展的基本制度,也是证券监管部门实施监管的核心制度.一方面,它必须不折不扣地保障投资者的合法权益;另一方面,它又不能过分严苛地强制要求披露,以免抑制了企业通过证券市场筹资的兴趣.这种微妙的平衡是我国这个没有太多证券市场有效监督经验的国家不得不面对的问题,也是相关学者研究探讨的原因. 相似文献
中国上市公司环境信息披露的实证分析——以2004年沪市A股827家上市公司为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文通过对我国沪市A股827家上市公司2004年年报中有关环境信息内容的统计,分析了我国上市公司环境信息披露的现状及其存在的问题,并提出了改进环境信息披露的政策建议。 相似文献
我国上市公司内部审计的现状及对策 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着人们对内部审计作用认识的深化,以及内部审计职能的转变,内部审计在我国公司治理中的作用正逐步加强,但同时也存在着一些问题和不足之处。本文研究了我国上市公司内部审计的现状,并结合我国的实际情况提出了相应的对策。 相似文献
上市公司股利政策是其财务政策的核心内容之一,本文以沪市100家上市公司为例,着重探讨上市公司的业绩状况和股利分配方式之间的关系。研究表明,上市公司的股利分配方式与其业绩状况存在着显著关系,提高上市公司的盈利能力是规范其股利分配行为的基础。 相似文献
中国上市公司资本结构管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着市场体制的不断完善,企业改革必然从宏观走向微观,公司理财的改革势在必行。建立与市场经济相适应的财务管理体制过程中,资木结构的合理化问题值得深入研究和探讨。在日益复杂的竞争和不确定的商业环境下,资本结构管理得当木身就是企业的一项竞争优势,管理不当则危及企业的竞争地位和持续发展。时至今日,在深沪两个证券交易所上市的A股上市公司已达1100多家。上市公司是我国企业发展的方向,其健康稳步的发展,对所有企业有着直接的借鉴作用。中国证监会主席周小平曾指出:“尽管有很多上市公司的违规行为被披露,但应该对整体比例有个估计,上市公司仍代表着我国最忧秀和比较优秀的企业。” 相似文献
Regina M. Lizares Carlos C. Bautista 《Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting》2021,32(1):5-20
Occurrences of financial distress (FD) are not readily obvious yet can span several periods. This paper examines episodes of FD using industry‐relative (IR) firm‐/ accounting‐, market‐ and macro‐level information. Mixed logit regressions reveal that firm‐ and market‐based measures, as well as macro‐level variables explain the likelihood of FD in 263 publicly listed non‐banking firms in the Philippines during the period 1995 to 2018. Rates of identification of firms in financial distressed states of close to 69 percent are obtained at a cutoff probability of 0.30 in the model with time‐varying intercept and slope. This study shows the importance of recognizing heterogeneous firm behavior. The ability to more accurately predict the probability of FD and to determine the financial health of firms can help financial institutions in allocating funds and policy makers in predicting crises episodes. 相似文献
20世纪90年代以来,公司治理研究推崇英美模式,而由美国引发的经济危机使中国企业开始反思英美模式的不足,并寻求适合自身特点的治理模式。本文首先回顾了公司治理研究的进程,然后比较说明不同治理模式的优劣,最后指出在当前经济危机形势下中国公司治理面临的问题,并提出改进建议。 相似文献
股利政策 1.股利政策的类型 目前国外常用的股利政策有以下几种类型:固定股利政策、固定增长股利政策、股利支付比率固定的股利政策、低正常股利加额外分红政策、剩余股利政策。 2.股利政策的决策目标模式 相似文献
目前已有大量学者利用上市公司的定量数据进行了广泛的研究,但鲜有学者对上市公司年报的定性部分(语言部分)进行研究。本文运用内容分析法在年报语言部分作了研究。首先介绍了内容分析法的定义、研究步骤和应用领域,然后介绍了年报的语言部分在传递公司信息的重要作用,并介绍了利用内容分析法对年报研究的主要研究成果。 相似文献
This paper first briefly discusses six alternative methods that have been applied to financial failure prediction: linear discriminant analysis, logit analysis, recursive partitioning, survival analysis, neural networks and the human information processing approach. The main objective was to study empirically whether the results stemming from the use of alternative methods differ from each other. This was conducted using the Finnish data one, two and three years prior to failure in empirical analysis. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in prediction accuracy only between logistic analysis and survival analysis one year prior to failure. Two and three years prior to failure statistically significant differences were not found. The results indicate, with the three variables employed in this study, that no superior method has been found. Even one of the latest applications, neural networks, is in its present form only as effective as discriminant analysis was as early as thirty years ago. 相似文献
上市公司流动性选择的影响因素分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
本文基于上市公司价值成长理论,从规模效应、增长机会、未来现金流量的稳定增长性、盈利能力的稳健性等非制度性角度分析各影响因素与上市公司流动性的关系,以便上市公司提高资本效率,实现良性发展. 相似文献