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Marketing strategy and the internet: An organizing framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Competitive strategy is primarily concerned with how a business should deploy resources at its disposal to achieve and maintain defensible competitive positional advantages in the marketplace. Competitive marketing strategy focuses on how a business should deploy marketing resources at its disposal to facilitate the achievement and maintenance of competitive positional advantages in the marketplace. In a growing number of product-markets, the competitive landscape has evolved from a predominantly physical marketplace to one encompassing both the physical and the electronic marketplace. This article presents a conceptual framework delineating the drivers and outcomes of marketing strategy in the context of competing in this broader, evolving marketplace. The proposed framework provides insights into changes in the nature and scope of marketing strategy; specific industry, product, buyer, and buying environment characteristics; and the unique skills and resources of the firm that assume added relevance in the context of competing in the evolving marketplace. P. Rajan Varadarajan is a distinguished professor of marketing and the Ford chair in marketing and e-commerce in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. His research and teaching interests are in the areas of strategy and e-commerce. His research on corporate, business, and marketing strategyrelated issues has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, and other leading journals. He is coauthor of a textbook titledContemporary Perspectives on Strategic Market Planning. Dr. Varadarajan served as editor of theJournal of Marketing from 1993 to 1996. He currently serves on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Science and as editor of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Manjit S. Yadav is an associate professor of marketing and Mays Faculty Fellow, Department of Marketing, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. He obtained his Ph.D. in marketing from Virginia Tech. His research focuses on electronic commerce, firms’ pricing strategies, and consumers’ price perceptions. He has published in a number of journals, includingJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, andSloan Management Review. He is a member of the Editorial Review Board of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. At Texas A&M, Dr. Yadav developed and currently teaches a graduate course (Strategic Foundations of E-Commerce) dealing with the strategic challenges and opportunities in the emerging electronic marketplace. He served as cochair of the American Marketing Association’s 2001 Faculty Consortium on Electronic Commerce held at Texas A&M University.  相似文献   

This article explores the applicability of a model of migration from the human geography literature as a unifying, theoretical framework for understanding consumers’ service provider switching behaviors. Survey data from approximately 700 consumers are used to examine the usefulness of the push, pull, and moorings (PPM) migration model. The PPM migration model performs better than an alternative model; all three categories of antecedents to switching (migration)—push, pull, and mooring variables—have significant direct, and some moderating, effects on switching intentions. Harvir S. Bansal (Ph.D., Queen’s University, hbansal@wlu.ca) is an associate professor of marketing at Wilfrid Laurier University. His research interests are focused in the area of services marketing with emphasis on customer switching behavior, word-of-mouth processes in services, structural equation modeling, and tourism. His research has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Services Marketing, the Journal of Service Research, Tourism Management, theJournal of Quality Management, andPsychology and Marketing. He has also presented at and published articles in the proceedings of various national and international conferences. Shirley F. Taylor (Ph.D., University of British Columbia, staylor@business.queensu.ca) is an associate professor in the School of Business at Queen’s University, where she teaches and conducts research in the area of services marketing. Her research interests include service provider loyalty and switching, customer commitment, and perceptions management of service delays. Her work has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, theJournal of Service Research, theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, and theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing. She currently serves on the editorial boards of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Business Research and the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. Yannik St. James (ystjames@business.queensu.ca) is a doctoral candidate in the School of Business at Queen’s University, where she conducts research at the intersection of consumer behavior and marketing strategy. Her research interests include the role of affect in consumer behavior, brand management, and services marketing. She has presented her work at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, the Academy of Marketing Science Conference, and the Frontiers in Services Conference.  相似文献   

Research on risk is built on a complex array of diverse and sometimes inconsistent definitions, constructs, models, and outcomes. This study examines various literatures to formulate an integrated framework for the conceptualization of perceived-risk processing. The framework specifies three phases (framing, assessment, and evaluation) and their accompanying outcomes of risk attention, perceived risk, and risk-taking propensity. Explicit linkages are specified between situational and individual characteristics. Perceived-risk evaluation is identified as concepturally distinct from assessment of perceived risk, and the construct of risk-taking propensity is separated from those of risk affinity and perceived risk. The framework further presents points of intersection between the literatures on perceived risk and the literatures on consumer decision-making, information search, and satisfaction. Finally, it serves as an anchor for framing future research to promote conceptual and methodological consistency, and to guide progress in directions that are consistent with some leading edge paradigms outside of marketing. Margy P. Conchar (concharm@mail.ecu.edu; Ph.D., University of Georgia) is an assistant professor at East Carolina University. Her research focuses on consumer behavior and advertising. Her work in consumer behavior concentrates on risk, motives, and optimal consumption experience. Her research in advertising focuses on the interface between advertising and finance, accounting, or economics. She has previously published in the proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Association for Consumer Research, the American Marketing Association of Educators, and the Society for Marketing Advances. George M. Zinkhan (gzinkhan@terry.uga.edu; Ph.D., University of Michigan) is the Coca-Cola Company Chair of Marketing at the University of Georgia. His major research interests include advertising, promotion, e-commerce, and knowledge development. Two of his recent coauthored books includeConsumers (2004, McGraw-Hill) andElectronic Commerce: A Strategic Perspective (2000, Dryden). Cara Peters (petersc@winthrop.edu; Ph.D., University of Nebraska) is an assistant professor at Winthrop University. Her research lies in the general areas of consumer behavior and e-commerce. Primarily using mixed methods, she examines risky consumer behaviors as they relate to sociology and psychology. She has published in theJournal of Consumer Psychology andConsumption, Markets, and Culture, among other journals. Sergio Olavarrieta (solavar@negocios.uchile.cl; Ph.D., University of Georgia) is an assistant professor at Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. He is assistant dean of undergraduate programs at the School of Business and Economics at the University of Chile. His research focuses on branding and marketing strategy. He has previously published in theJournal of Strategic Marketing and theInternational Journal of Product Distribution and Logistics Management.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors first propose and discuss a conceptual framework pertaining to the theme of this special issue. This framework portrays “markets” as consisting of “customers” and “consumers,” specifies the distinction as well as linkages between the two, and outlines specific components of individual linkages between pairs of entities within markets. Using this framework as a backdrop, the article then provides an overview of the rest of the special issue by discussing how each of the remaining articles relate to the framework and to one another. A. Parasuraman (D.B.A., Indiana University) is a professor and holder of the James W. McLamore Chair in Marketing at the University of Miami. He teaches and does research in services marketing, service-quality measurement, and the role of technology in marketing to and serving customers. He has received many distinguished teaching and research awards, including, most recently, the “Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award” given by the American Marketing Association's (AMA) SERVSIG. He has written numerous articles in journals such as theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Retailing, andSloan Management Review. He is the author of a marketing research text and coauthor of two books on service quality and services marketing. In addition to being the editor of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), he serves on the editorial review boards of five other journals. Dhruv Grewal (Ph.D., Virginia Tech) is Interim-Chair and a professor of marketing at the University of Miami. He has published more than 40 articles in journals such as theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theJournal of Retailing. His research interests focus on retailing, pricing, international marketing, and consumer behavior issues. He currently serves on the editorial review boards of theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Retailing, and theJournal of Public Policy & Marketing. He has won awards for both his teaching and research. He has coedited a special issue of theJournal of Public Policy & Marketing and of theJournal of Retailing. He was recently elected to the AMA Academic Council—VP Research and Conferences (1999–2001). He is currently writing a book onMarketing Research (publisher: Houghton Mifflin).  相似文献   

So far there has been scant empirical attention paid to the role of the sales force in the adoption of new brands in the early implementation stages. We test a framework of internal (sales manager and salespeople) brand adoption using an empirical multilevel study. Our findings suggest that the construct of expected customer demand (ECD) plays an important role in sales force brand adoption. First, ECD directly influences salespeople’s and sales managers’ brand adoption. Second, ECD serves as a cross-level moderator of new brand adoption transmission. We find the influence of sales managers’ brand adoption on salespeople’s brand adoption to be stronger when salespeople’s ECD is lower.  相似文献   

本文认为我国国有银行改革应以重建银行体制、增强其绩效、提高其竞争力为目标。并且试图从新兴古典经济学的视角入手对我国国有银行建立现代商业银行制度与进行产权改革,完善法人治理结构的关系重新进行梳理,论述国有银行产权改革和完善法人治理结构的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

以人为本,构建和谐征纳关系是坚持科学发展观,建设社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分。构建和谐税收征纳关系,是税务部门坚持聚财为国、执法为民的客观要求,和谐征纳关系的建立具有重要意义。  相似文献   

阐述了施工工期与造价的辩证关系。即:工期与经济效益的关系;工期与自然损耗的关系;工期与固定成本的关系;工期与投资成本的关系。  相似文献   

In an environment characterized by growing awareness of environmental sustainability among various stakeholders in organizations, innovating for sustainability can be expected to grow in importance from the standpoints of organizational legitimacy, reputation, and performance. Relatedly, a firm’s sustainable innovations capabilities as a source of competitive advantage and the sustainability related attributes of a firm’s product offerings as bases for market segmentation, target marketing, positioning, and differentiation can also be expected to grow in importance. The emergence of sustainability as a major driver of innovation highlights a number of important issues that merit investigation, such as potential avenues for sustainable innovation and sustainable product innovation and factors underlying differences between firms in their commitment to a sustainable innovations orientation. In an attempt to gain insights into these issues, this paper presents (1) a conceptual framework delineating potential avenues for sustainable innovations and (2) a conceptual model delineating a number of firm-related and industry-related antecedents of sustainable innovations orientation, along with performance outcomes of sustainable innovations orientation. Implications for theory, research, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

传统的二元关系论把政府和市场作为完全平行的、对立对等、非此即彼的两个极端。在现代社会中,没 有政府的市场和没有市场的政府都是不可想象的。政府干预经济,要尽可能起到弥补市场失灵的作用。  相似文献   

新世纪马克思主义美学研究的基本格局与特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新世纪以来,中国的马克思主义美学研究以对马克思主义美学历史层面的开掘,把握其与时俱进的理论品格为主导,着力于马克思主义美学的革新和新时代有中国特色马克思主义美学体系的建设这两个基本方面问题的讨论和研究,形成了多元共生与多样统一、形态转换与体系建构、对话、交流与发展的基本格局与特点,展现了当代中国马克思主义美学研究的广阔前景。  相似文献   

Empirical studies investigating the antecedents of positive word of mouth (WOM) typically focus on the direct effects of consumers’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction with previous purchasing experiences. The authors develop and test a more comprehensive model of the antecedents of positive. WOM (both intentions and behaviors), including consumer identification and commitment. Specifically, they hypothesize and test commitment as a mediator and moderator of satisfaction on positive WOM and commitment as a mediator of identification on WOM. Using data obtained from customers of a retailer offering both products and services, they find support for all hypothesized relationships with WOM intentions and/or WOM behaviors as the dependent variable. The authors conclude with a discussion of their findings and implications for both marketing theory and practice. Tom J. Brown (tomb@okstate.edu) is Ardmore Professor of Business Administration and an associate professor of marketing at Oklahoma State University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His articles have appeared in leading marketing journals including theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Consumer Research, and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. His current research interests include causes and effects of corporate reputation and the customer orientation of service workers. He is cofounder of the Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group. Teaching interests include marketing research, services marketing, and corporate communications. He is coauthor (with Gilbert A. Churchill Jr.) ofBasic Marketing Research (5th ed.). Thomas E. Barry (tbarry@mail.smu.edu) is a professor of marketing and vice president for executive affairs at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He received his Ph.D. from the University of North Texas. His primary teaching and research interests are in the areas of integrated marketing communications, marketing management, brand equity, loyalty, and advertising effectiveness. His research has appeared in numerous journals including theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Advertising Research, theJournal of Advertising, theJournal of Consumer Psychology, and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. He is the author or coauthor of two books in marketing and advertising management. He has consulted for a variety of firms and is a director on four boards. In 1995, he received the Outstanding Contributions in Advertising Research Award from the American Academy of Advertising. Peter A. Dacin (pdacin@business.queens.ca) is a professor of marketing at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. His primary teaching and research interests lie in consumer/managerial judgment formation, brand equity/dilution, corporate reputation, and research methods and design. He has also published in the area of sales force management. His research has appeared in several leading journals including theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, and theJournal of Consumer Research. In addition, he has published in numerous conference proceedings. He is currently the chair of the American Marketing Association’s ConsumerBehavior Special Interest Group, serves on the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association, and is cofounder of the Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group. Richard F. Gunst (rgunst@mail.smu.edu) is a professor and chair of the Department of Statistical Science at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas. He received his Ph.D. from SMU. His primary teaching and research interests are in the areas of linear and nonlinear modeling and regression analysis, with an emphasis on spatial statistical modeling. He has co-authored three books on regression analysis and the statistical design and analysis of experiments, in addition to publishing scholarly articles in theJournal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrika, Biometrics, andTechnometrics. He has received the W. J. Youden (1974, 1985) and Frank Wilcoxon (1994) Publication Awards fromTechnometrics, and the American Statistical Association’s Award for Outstanding Statistical Application Award (1994). He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and received its Founders Award in 1999.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted, and demonstrated in the marketing literature, that negative online word of mouth (NOWOM) has a negative impact on brands. The present research, however, finds the opposite effect among individuals who feel a close personal connection to the brand—a group that often contains the brand’s best customers. A series of three studies show that, when self–brand connection (SBC) is high, consumers process NOWOM defensively—a process that actually increases their behavioral intentions toward the brand. Study 1 demonstrates this effect using an experimental manipulation of SBC related to clothing brands, and provides process evidence by analyzing coded thought listings. Study 2 provides convergent evidence by measuring SBC associated with smartphones, and followup analyses show that as SBC increases, the otherwise negative effect of NOWOM steadily transforms to become significantly positive. Study 3 replicates these results using a combination of a national survey conducted by J.D. Power investigating hotel stays and data drawn from TripAdvisor. Results of all three studies, set in product categories with varying levels of identity relevance, support the positive effects of NOWOM for high-SBC customers and have implications for both managers and researchers.  相似文献   

For product categories such as cars, computers, vacation packages, and new homes, consumers usually choose not only the product itself, but also various options for the product. Sellers decide how to present these options to consumers, and they often sell options both individually and in bundles (mixed bundling). In this research, we examine how mixed bundling affects consumers’ inferences about the options and choices among the options. We demonstrate that as long as the seller’s motives for bundling options are not perceived to be negative by consumers, options offered both individually and in bundles are perceived to be more important and are more likely to be chosen than options offered only individually.  相似文献   

For companies to realize the benefits of recent innovations in customer interface technology, they need to understand the value consumers place on technology as part of the shopping process. A national survey of 2,120 online consumers was conducted to explore how people want to shop in both online and in-store environments and determine how interactive and conventional media work together to move consumers through the purchase process. The study investigated 128 different aspects of the shopping experience, from common elements to recent innovations. The results indicated that consumers are generally satisfied with the convenience, quality, selection, and value provided by retailers today. They are less satisfied with the level of service provided, the availability of product information, and the speed of the shopping process. The findings suggest that new technologies can enhance the shopping experience, but applications must be tailored to the unique requirements of consumer segments and product categories. Raymond R. Burke is the E. W. Kelley Professor of Business Administration at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business and the founding director of the school’s Customer Interface Laboratory. His research focuses on understanding the influence of point-of-purchase factors and new retailing technologies on consumer shopping behavior. Prior to joining Indiana University, he served on the faculties of the Harvard Business School and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. He has consulted for a number of leading manufacturers and retailers, and his virtual shopping technology is used by market research firms around the world. His articles have appeared in various professional journals, including theHarvard Business Review, theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Marketing, andMarketing Science. He is also coauthor ofADSTRAT: An Advertising Decision Support System.  相似文献   

Recent evidence about the central role played by perceptual constructs in driving performance outcomes has produced a renewed interest in studying customer mindset metrics (CMMs; e.g., satisfaction, service quality, and loyalty intentions). However, we still lack a proper understanding of how (i.e., process) and to what extent (i.e., magnitude) these CMMs ultimately translate into profitability at the customer level. In this study, we integrate CMMs into an individual-level framework of customer behavior and profitability and provide a conceptual understanding of the process through which these metrics influence customer profitability. Specifically, we propose three mechanisms through which CMMs affect customer behavior and profitability: behavioral effect, marketing effectiveness effect, and marketing efficiency effect. We empirically test this framework across two distinct contexts, a B2B high-tech firm and a B2C telecommunications firm. The results demonstrate that these unobservable CMMs have a significant and multi-dimensional impact on customer behavior and customer profitability. Furthermore, we compute the increases in customer behavior and customer profitability that each firm can expect due to increases in CMMs to help firms improve resource allocation and make better decisions about how much (and when) to invest in CMMs.  相似文献   

关于构建和谐政党关系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政党和谐是社会和谐的重要内容。伴随我国政治、经济、文化等诸多领域的深刻变革,面对诸多机遇与挑战,构建和谐政党关系、推进和谐执政成为新时期党建工作的新课题。对此,坚持走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,不断加强和改善党对多党合作的领导,努力提高党的执政能力,不断加强民主党派自身建设,切实发挥民主党派参政议政的作用,成为新时期建立和谐政党关系的主要着力点和根本途径。  相似文献   

律师与当事人关系的社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
律师与当事人的关系问题是律师面对的一个重要问题。首先,律师接受委托,遵循平等互利、等价有偿的原则与当事人形成委托法律关系,这层关系是两关系的基础。在办案过程中律师与当事人密切合作、相互协调、形成配合关系。同时,在法律服务过程中律师与当事人相互学习、取长补短、共同促进,形成学习关系。在实践中这三层关系融为一体,从而使当事人的合法权益得到最大限度的维护。  相似文献   

实现税收征纳关系的和谐是要在承认两者利益不同的基础上,通过建立科学、规范的税收征管秩序,促进征纳双方的互信、互利;和谐税收征纳关系不是单纯依靠税收征管部门、通过优化纳税服、务就可实现的,而是要在树立税收法治理念的基础上,借助于税收立法、执法和司法过程的完善来实现。  相似文献   

我国货币供给与价格之间关系的实证分析:1978-2004   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对货币供给与价格关系的研究,可用来检验货币政策的效应及货币是否中性。而研究经济变量关系的前提必须要明确各变量的真实数据生成过程。改革开放以来我国经济发展迅速并取得了巨大成就,但与此同时也经历几次大的波动。这些波动及相应的带有反周期特征的政策的实施,均可能使价格、货币供给等经济变量的数据生产过程发生结构突变。因此本文首先对序列的结构突变问题进行了分析,并在此基础上运用VAR模型、脉冲响应函数、方差分解及Granger因果检验等计量方法对我国货币供给与价格之间的关系进行了实证分析,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

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