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In hybrid control systems for simultaneous remanufacturing of used products and manufacturing of new ones, the two operations are not directly interconnected if remanufactured items are downgraded and have to be sold in markets different from those for new products. Sometimes a connection between these markets is given by a downward substitution property which allows the producer to offer a new item instead of a remanufactured one in case of a shortage of a remanufactured product. Thus, shortage costs can be avoided, but a loss in profit due to sale of a high-graded product at the price of a low-graded one has to be accepted. For a single-period problem with stochastic returns of used products and stochastic demands of serviceable ones, it is shown how the manufacturing and remanufacturing decisions have been coordinated in order to maximize the total expected profit. It turns out that under strictly proportional costs and revenues a medium-simple ‘order-up-to policy’ with two parameters and two parameter functions is optimal. However, optimal policies in situations where manufacturing leadtimes exceed leadtimes for remanufacturing turn out to be different from those in the opposite leadtime case. The research presented combines methods for policy analysis in stochastic manufacturing/remanufacturing problems and in stochastic inventory control problems with substitutable products.  相似文献   

Lot-sizing and capacity planning are important supply chain decisions, and competition and cooperation affect the performance of these decisions. In this paper, we look into the dynamic lot-sizing and resource competition problem of an industry consisting of multiple firms. A capacity competition model combining the complexity of time-varying demand with cost functions and economies of scale arising from dynamic lot-sizing costs is developed. Each firm can replenish inventory at the beginning of each period in a finite planning horizon. Fixed as well as variable production costs incur for each production setup, along with inventory carrying costs. The individual production lots of each firm are limited by a constant capacity restriction, which is purchased up front for the planning horizon. The capacity can be purchased from a spot market, and the capacity acquisition cost fluctuates with the total capacity demand of all the competing firms. We solve the competition model and establish the existence of a capacity equilibrium over the firms and the associated optimal dynamic lot-sizing plan for each firm under mild conditions.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a dynamic lot-sizing problem, in which the order size of multiple products and a single container type are simultaneously considered. In the problem, each order (product) placed in a period is immediately shipped by some containers in the period and the total freight cost is proportional to the number of containers used. It is also assumed that backlogging is not allowed. The objective of this study is to simultaneously determine the lot-sizes and the transportation policy that minimizes the total costs, which consist of production cost, inventory holding cost, and freight cost. Because this problem is NP-hard, a heuristic algorithm with an adjustment mechanism is proposed based on the optimal solution properties. The computational results from a set of simulation experiment are also presented.  相似文献   

Past research has extensively investigated the role of the Internet in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the new product development (NPD) process. Although the process implications of the use of the Internet in NPD have received considerable attention in the literature, very little is written about the Internet's performance implications in NPD. Recognizing the importance of new product success and the growing trends in the use of the Internet in NPD, this paper investigates the role of the Internet in new product performance. Building on previous studies, this article develops theoretical explanations for the impacts of the use of the Internet in NPD on new product success and presents testable research propositions. It also outlines relevant conditions that might moderate the strength of the impacts.  相似文献   

Research into product costing practice has not studied whether there are differences in product costing practice between different types of manufacturing. This paper compares the product costing practices of operating units in discrete-part and assembly manufacturing, and continuous production process manufacturing. The results show that there are few differences in product costing practices between these two manufacturing methods. Similar proportions of operating units in these two manufacturing environments use similar methods to treat overheads and have similar experiences of activity-based costing. The only area of difference is in the use of overhead rates where significantly more units in discrete-part and assembly manufacturing use a direct labour hour rate and significantly more units in continuous production process manufacturing use units produced and production time-based rates.  相似文献   

Due to the complex mapping relationship between product attributes and engineering characteristics, as well as the correlations between engineering characteristics and the engineering constraints on a product, a new product following a probabilistic rule of multidimensional scaling may not be in an optimal position in product engineering space. In this paper, a new methodology for optimal product positioning by considering engineering constraints is proposed. In the proposed methodology, perceptual mapping and house of quality are introduced to link the consumer perceptual space, and product engineering space. The degree of overall customer satisfaction is considered in the rule of consumer choice probability. Based on this, an optimal product positioning model can be established. Genetic algorithms are introduced to solve the problem of the optimization model due to its non-linear characteristics. By applying genetic algorithms, the optimal value settings of a new product's engineering characteristics can be obtained. An example of optimal positioning and determination of value settings of engineering characteristics of packing machines is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Understanding customer needs which drive significant product innovation is particularly challenging for new product development (NPD) organizations. Research has addressed how organizations benefit from interacting with customers, but more conceptualization is needed into the dimensions of the customer interaction process. In a business-to-business (B2B) setting, customer interactivity is conceptualized as a multi-dimensional construct consisting of bidirectional communications, participation, and joint problem solving during NPD projects. Drawing upon organizational information processing theory, customer interactivity is hypothesized to be positively related to customer information quality when developing highly innovative products, but not when developing modifications or extensions of existing products. Another condition affecting this relationship studied is the embeddedness of the new product in the customer's business environment. Customer interactivity is hypothesized to be positively related to information quality for highly embedded product, but not for low embedded product. Results from a sample of NPD organizations in several B2B industries support these hypotheses. The study contributes to the marketing literature and practice by identifying important dimensions of the customer interaction process which lead to more proactive organizations, and identifying two moderating conditions of the customer interactivity and NPD performance relationship.  相似文献   

New product development requires a long and detailed process with numerous activities such as product line planning, strategy development, concept generation and screening, business analysis, development, testing and validation, manufacturing development and commercialization. Furthermore, each of these activities has its own unique requirements, some requiring information collection from the market, whereas others requiring the collaboration of different people who are involved in the new product development activities. This paper investigates the Internet's role in these activities and develops research propositions. In addition, it discusses how the impact of the Internet might change based on different products and different organizational conditions.  相似文献   

In the last decade a number of conceptualizations of product quality and innovativeness have been suggested, and academics as well as managers have begun to understand that the relationships between quality, innovativeness and new product performance are more complicated than they may initially seem to be. While an innovation-oriented strategy depends on the exploration of new possibilities through search, risk-taking and experimentation, a high quality strategy requires the exploitation of existing certainties through efficiency, standardization and control. In this research, we demonstrate that the interaction effects of quality (objective and subjective) and innovativeness (for the firm and for the customer) on new product performance are different than the isolated impact of these variables. In addition, by focusing on the main and joint impact of these variables on short-term new product performance, we provide valuable recommendations for new product launch decisions.“The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.”—Oscar Wilde  相似文献   

As the management of returned products is fast becoming a business trend caused by pressure for compliance, asset recovery is increasingly viewed as a fertile area for firms to reduce cost and improve quality. Environmental management is a viable approach for Chinese manufacturers to respond to the escalating international quest for conserving the environment, to tackle the problem of rising raw material costs, and to improve product quality by analyzing returned products. To reach the goals of cost reduction and product quality improvement, manufacturers need to understand how asset recovery can be leveraged through procedure-based practices and stakeholder support to enhance performance. Product type, characterized by different levels of demand uncertainty and time-to-market, may affect the outcomes of asset recovery adoption and should also be taken into account. Drawing on the environmental management and business logistics literature, we provide empirical insights on asset recovery adoption using survey data collected from export-oriented Chinese manufacturers. We find that asset recovery and stakeholder support are complementary in strengthening manufacturers' financial performance regardless of product type. In addition, the performance impact of asset recovery can be substantial when manufacturers' environmental management practices are less procedural, allowing flexibility in the logistics management of product flows.  相似文献   

This paper suggests evaluating field performance by analyzing hazard plots of the random variable time to first warranty claim. This approach corrects biases that arise when a single member contributes many repairs to the repair population and allows comparing the empirical lifetime distribution with the parametric model assumed at product design (e.g., Exponential or Weibull). Using automobile warranty data we demonstrate how using too broad a scope can mitigate changes in field performance by aggregating improving and degrading components. When comparing warranty performance across model years, the analyst should adjust the hazard plots to reflect common field service time.  相似文献   

New product development (NPD) has long been recognised as one of the corporate core functions. However, measuring new product success has remained elusive. This paper attempts to examine several conceptual issues underlining the measurement of new product success and the measurement practice adopted in Australian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The sample included 276 SMEs from two most innovative industries: chemical and machinery industries. Results have indicated that four factors underline the commonly used success measurement: financial performance, objective market acceptance, subjective market acceptance, and product-level measures. These four factors are related to each other and can be used to well predict the overall measurement. The most frequently used specific measures in Australian SMEs are customer acceptance, customer satisfaction, product performance, and quality.  相似文献   

The ability to manage existing assets and capabilities (exploitation) and the development of new capabilities (exploration) are arguably among the most relevant new product success factors. However, while exploitation-related capabilities are based on certainties regarding the efficiency of a company, exploration-related capabilities require the analysis of new technologies and processes. In existing literature, there is a gap concerning the trade-off between the exploitation and exploration of competences. Based on the theoretical background of Resource Based Theory, Dynamic Capabilities Theory and Discovery and Creation Theory, a model is proposed to analyze this gap. In this study, which examines 197 manufacturing organizations, we build on the dualities of the two types of competences and their impact on speed-to-market and market performance. The findings indicate that the choice between exploitation and exploration depends on the goals of new product development. While exploitation increases product objective quality, exploration enhances product innovativeness to the firm. Furthermore, we found that both exploitation and exploration constitute important success factors when it comes to launching new products. Finally, moderate effects of competitive intensity and market turbulence are also examined. High levels of market turbulence improve the results of exploitation, while low levels of competitiveness may encourage exploration.  相似文献   

Based on survey data from Italian and Japanese companies, six measurement scales are developed for practices, process, strategic guide, and capabilities for new product development as potential determinants of its financial performance, that is, attainment of profit goals and revenue goals. By employing a regression model with a country dummy variable, the differential determinants of financial goals attainment between Italian and Japanese samples are estimated. A significant difference can be found in the impact of new product development capabilities on profit goals attainment only. Then, we evaluate the level of improvement in explanatory power by dividing the pooled sample into two and enabling regression coefficients to take different values, and find no evidences of the significant improvement. Technology and marketing capabilities concerning new product development are demonstrated to be overwhelmingly important to financial performance.  相似文献   

We study optimal pricing and order policies in supply chain management of fashion products (e.g., a fashion apparel category) with consideration of product returns between supply chain partners (B2B). In order to study channel performance and optimal policies, two stochastic models for centralized channel and decentralized channel are, respectively, developed to handle new fashion and off-season product sales. In the centralized channel, closed-form solutions for optimal order and pricing decisions are proposed for new fashion products. Further, in a decentralized channel, the Stackelberg game model is proposed to derive the optimal Stackelberg equilibrium solution, and then a buy-back contract is designed to coordinate the channel. We also perform parameter analysis on performance of the two channel models. Numerical analysis is finally presented to validate our theoretical results and compare channel performances.  相似文献   

It has long been accepted that a realistic view of what happens between customer companies and their suppliers cannot be achieved by examining single purchases alone. Instead, a single purchase can only be understood as part of a supplier-customer relationship which both affects and is affected by it. Also in business markets, a customer's purchase behaviour is not simply a passive response to the marketing actions of a supplier, but part of the interaction between an active customer and supplier. A major element in this interaction is likely to arise from the efforts of the customer to develop its own products interactively with a network of suppliers. This paper reports on a study into the ways in which customers employ the skills of their network of suppliers and attempt to direct that network in product development projects. The paper suggests that customers are likely to use either of two alternative strategies for product development, that we term “network delegation” and “network intervention”. The paper draws on four in-depth case studies to highlight the types of situation where customers are most likely to employ each of these strategies and draws conclusions for marketers about the implications of each approach.  相似文献   

This study adopts a meta-analytic approach to review the effects of technology synergy, marketing synergy and environmental context on new product performance by aggregating the empirical evidence documented in studies published from 1979 to 2011. Based on this aggregation, the results from a structural equation analysis show that (a) increasing technology and marketing synergies improves new product performance and the performance effect of marketing synergy is stronger than that of technology synergy; (b) increasing technology synergy enhances product advantage, which increases new product performance, whereas increasing marketing synergy does not; (c) increasing technology and marketing synergies may hinder product innovativeness; and (d) improving product innovativeness increases new product performance through product advantage. These findings suggest that ignoring the intermediary roles of product advantage and innovativeness may lead to an incomplete understanding of the relationships among technology and marketing synergies, environmental context, and new product performance. The results also demonstrate that technological turbulence affects new product performance through product innovativeness and advantage; in contrast, market intensity has a direct effect on new product performance. Future studies can examine the relationships among synergy, product effectiveness, and new product performance by constructing a mediated moderation or moderated mediation framework based on the environmental context.  相似文献   

Price planning is one of the most overlooked areas in industrial marketing. Traditionally, emphasis is placed on product development, advertising strategy, and distribution channel formation before any consideration is given to pricing. The result is that industrial pricing decisions are made quickly without the necessary market and cost factors included in the final decision. The pricing decision is at the core of every business plan and impacts directly on the critical components of a company's marketing strategy. In this article, the importance of price planning in industrial marketing is discussed including the major components needed to make an industrial pricing strategy successful.  相似文献   

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