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运用基于持久收入和暂时收入的两种分解方法的省际面板模型检验持久收入假说的三个假设.结果发现,我国城镇居民消费与持久收入和暂时收入均存在显著的相关关系,暂时收入的边际消费倾向不为零;就诸省份而言,暂时收入的边际消费倾向不同.进一步探讨了持久收入假说不能完全解释我国城镇居民消费行为的原因."λ假说"检验表明,城镇居民消费对当期收入过度敏感,其呈现理性化趋势.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the permanent income hypothesis (PIH) in the frequency domain. In contrast to some time domain tests, our frequency domain approach provides an explicit and natural test ofboth the permanentand transitory implications of the PIH for jointly nonstationary consumption and income data. Using a simple theoretical model, we demonstrate that the PIH implies the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) out of zero frequency income is unity. The PIHalso implies that the theoretical MPC out of transitory (or high frequency) income is smaller than the long-run MPC. These theoretical restrictions are natural implications of Friedman's hypothesis that agents consume out of permanent or low frequency income and (dis)save out of transitory or high frequency income. We test this full set of restrictions directly using spectral regression techniques. Under our set of assumptions, the derived disposable income process is shown to have a unit root and to be cointegrated with consumption. We therefore employ a systems spectral regression procedure that accommodates stochastic trends in the consumption and income series as well as the joint dependence in these series. In view of the relatively recent development of these systems spectral estimators, we also conduct Monte Carlo simulations across both low and high frequencies to assess properties of the estimator relative to established single equation techniques. New empirical estimates of the consumption function and tests of the PIH based on systems spectral regression methods are reported for U.S. aggregate consumption and income data over the period 1948–1993. The empirical results provide some evidence for the theoretical implications of the PIH.  相似文献   

持久性收入对中国农民消费影响分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
于淑波 《技术经济》2008,27(2):71-74
运用弗里德曼的持久性收入假说分析我国农民的消费问题,并利用计量经济学的方法对中国历年农民消费统计数据进行分析,得出“持久性收入及持久性收入的边际消费倾向对我国现阶段农民消费支出影响较大”的结论,并从增加持久性收入和提高持久性收入的边际消费倾向两个方面就增加农民消费提出政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper derives and estimates a model in which the utility of durable and non-durable consumption is allowed to be non-separable and individuals face a convex adjustment cost for the purchase of a new durable good. Panel data on subjective expectations allow us to identify income shocks and estimate the marginal propensity to consume out of permanent income shocks.  相似文献   

Laumas and Laumas find no support for the permanent income hypothesis in recent work on a consumption function for India. However, permanent income has been used not only in consumption but also in demand for money functions. Estimates of demand for money in 10 Asian LDCs indicate that substitution of permanent for current income is warranted. In particular, the estimate for India is improved substantially by the use of permanent instead of current income. Furthermore, the weights obtained from a polynomial lag distribution are almost identical to the Laumas' exponential weights with which they construct permanent income.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect that sources of income and investment opportunities have on the savings behavior of farm households in rural India. The panel nature of the data (agricultural years 1968–1969, 1969–1970 and 1970–1971) allows for the identification of the permanent and transitory components of a household's income. It is shown that income variability (rather than investment opportunities) can account for observed differences in the propensity to save out of different sources (agricultural/non-agricultural). A direct test of the effect of investment opportunities on savings is offered in the second part of the paper. It is observed that capital market conditions have an important effect on this relationship; poor households save more, and rich households save less, in response to an increase in investment opportunities.  相似文献   

The Extended Linear Expenditure System b reformulated to yield private per capita net worth as the basic explanatory variable. As a by-product the model implies that the marginal propensity to consume/save out of permanent income varies with the rate of interest. In the estimation, account is taken of inconsistencies in data compiled from different sources by explicity including the savings relationship in the system. Parameter estimates based on Australian data are presented.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of the Review of Income and Wealth [1], Uma Datta Roy Choudhury presented some results on consumption and saving functions in India. While the study is interesting, some of the results are quite peculiar. Thus she reports a marginal propensity to save of 0.88 for the urban sector, an abnormally high figure. Other available evidence points to a much lower figure. Again she reports a negative marginal propensity to consume out of permanent income for urban households. This makes no economic sense. Furthermore her attempts at explaining urban consumption behaviour are not very successful. In this paper, we shall show that these suspicious results are the consequences of the measurement and definitions of the variables, and the specification of the functions. Once these shortcomings are removed, we obtain more satisfactory and more plausible results.
In the first section we present a critique of Mrs. Roy Choudhury's article. In the second section we present our results. The last section summarizes the conclusions.  相似文献   

Define the social marginal utility of an individual's income as the gain to society of a unit of consumption by the individual plus the value of his marginal propensity to pay taxes out of income. This concept rather than the social marginal utility of consumption (equal to the first term above) seems helpful in understanding optimal tax first order conditions. For example, with many consumers (and a poll tax as well as excise taxes) the change in aggregate compensated quantity demanded is proportional to the covariance between individual quantities demanded and social marginal utilities of income.  相似文献   

We investigate the long run relationship between private consumption and disposable income for a sample of EU countries using recently developed panel cointegration techniques. For the ordinary consumption-income model the evidence on cointegration is ambiguous. In addition, the cointegration vector obtained by efficient estimation methods is not consistent with theoretical reasoning, as it reflects a decline in the savings rate over time. Extending the analysis by financial wealth improves the model fit markedly. In particular, the income elasticity is not different from 1 and therefore in line with the life cycle permanent income hypothesis. The marginal propensity to consume out of financial wealth is in a range of 3–5%, thereby confirming recent time series results.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the study is to determine the savings potential of urban and rural households in India and in the process determine the possible savings and consumption functions separately for urban and rural areas. Four different possible functions have been used for determining the savings behaviour of the households both at the aggregate level and at the per capita level. The rural households, according to the results, have an extremely low rate of saving with income elasticity of saving of less than unity. For the urban households on the other hand, the income elasticity of saving is high enough to suggest the possibilities of considerably high savings potential. To understand the consumption behaviour of these households, the long-run and the short-run marginal propensities to consume and the marginal propensities to consume out of‘permanent’ or ‘normal’ income and ‘transitory’ income have been worked out. For the urban sector none of these give encouraging enough results and the analysis has been extended to examine whether other factors like prices and household assets are of any significance. Whereas for the rural sector, Milton Friedman's theory of ‘permanent’ or ‘normal’ income is somewhat substantiated, other factors like ‘transitory’ income, prices and assets appear to inthence urban consumption behaviour though no single one of them substantially enough. A negligible effect of ‘permanent’ income on urban consumption behaviour is, on the other hand, very clearly suggested by the results. Household consumption and savings have next been projected using the above results to determine the possible levels for the next three years. The results suggest that the rate of domestic savings likely to be achieved by the end of the Third Five Year Plan (1965–66) falls short of the targets laid down.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper estimates a consumption function for Hong Kong along the lines of the standard life‐cycle model. I find a stable relationship between consumption, labour income and wealth with plausible long‐run estimates of the implied marginal propensity to consume out of income and wealth. The marginal propensity to consume out of housing wealth is estimated to be lower than in other industrialized economies, which is consistent with a relatively uneven distribution of wealth in Hong Kong. Arithmetically, the decline in housing wealth in Hong Kong since 1997 can more than account for the weakness of consumption since then.  相似文献   

Serious doubts have been raised as to the validity of using cross-sectional estimates of the average propensity to consume over time. These d⊙ubts are based on empirical evidence for the United States presented by Kuznets and Goldsmith. This paper extends these considerations to developing countries by looking at the evidence for India. Simple statistical techniques, including ordinary least squares regression, Chow tests, and t-tests, are used in the estimation of the consumption functions and the formulation of hypotheses. Both India and the U.S. are seen to exhibit the same characteristic secular constancy in the average propensity to consume. For India the average propensity to consume is about 0.95 and is maintained in the face of no substantial secular increases in per capita income during the period under study (1919–1960).
The same inconsistencies between time series and cross-section evidence on the average propensity to consume are found to exist for India. The permanent income theory suggested only a partial explanation of these inconsistencies and the reconciliation was achieved by a Duesenberry type explanation based on evidence for a shifting cross section consumption function over time. The date was provided by a set of Family Living Surveys for Industrial Workers: 1926, 1933–1935, 1950–1952, 1958–1959.
Finally it was noted that the cross-section consumption function in India had shifted both upwards and downwards over the period under study, in contrast to the strict upward shift for the U.S. In an economy such as India's, where secular growth is by no means assured, it is not always likely that consumers can avoid lowering previously achieved consumption standards in the face of cyclical economic conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the rapid introduction of an unconditional cash grant (child support) in South Africa to estimate the marginal propensity to consume and earn out of unearned income. We find that the marginal propensity to earn is about ?0.3 and that the marginal propensity to consume is about 0.7. Nothing of the grant appears to be saved; if anything, households dissave against future grant payments. The marginal propensities estimated here are similar to those reported in comparable papers using US data. However, they stand in contrast to some results on conditional cash transfers in other developing countries.  相似文献   

中国居民收入差距对消费倾向变动趋势的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文以消费的边际效用递减规律为基础,探讨了居民收入差距和消费倾向间可能的关系,并对中国居民消费倾向变动趋势进行解释.本文分析表明,收入差距对消费倾向可能的影响和经济发展水平有关系,当经济发展到一定程度时,居民收入差距在一定的范围内变化不会影响消费倾向的变化,但超过一定范围后,随着收入差距变大,消费倾向变低.我们认为过大的居民收入差距是造成近年来消费倾向变低的重要原因.  相似文献   

This paper examines a remittance multiplier based on the short-run Keynesian equilibrium approach and shows how income may be affected by remittance inflows. We explore this through the equilibrium in the goods and money markets, where remittances can affect both consumption and the demand for real money balances. We present this simple theoretical model utilizing a standard Keynesian framework. The short-run Keynesian equilibrium approach provides insight into how remittances affect output and income, and its potential multiplier effects. The model used is indicative of a positive relationship between the marginal propensity to consume out of remittances and the multiplier. The framework also shows that remittances will have a greater impact if its marginal propensity to consume is greater than that for standard disposable income.  相似文献   

This paper presents an attempt to examine the applicability of the relative income hypothesis (RIH) in terms of its various specifications proposed by Duesenberry, Duesenberry, Eckstein and Fromm (DEF), Davis and the authors (MD). Using the time series data for 1951 through 1968 the analysis has been carried out for Canada, Finland, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Japan, Philippines, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. It is found that RIH provides a fairly good representation of the consumption behaviour of all the countries included in the study. All specifications, however, do not perform equally well. DEF and Davis functions score the maximum points; MD comes at par with DEF in case of Finland, Guatemala, and India. The original Duesenberry specification performs very poorly. This leads us to conclude that the process of habit formation is continuous contrary to what is implied by Duesenberry's original specification and that consumption is a better indicator of the standard of living than income is. Estimates of the long-run marginal propensities to consume are essentially the same as those computed from the permanent income hypothesis by Singh and Drost [1970]. This lends support to the view that the two hypotheses have essentially the same long-run implications.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to investigate whether in the case of Greece and within the framework of the existing national accounting system, significantly different marginal propensities to save are attached to different income categories. We establish that the marginal propensity to save out of property income is significantly higher, in fact double, than the marginal propensity to save out of agricultural income and income from wages and salaries of the other sectors of the economy.  相似文献   

Cross-sectionally estimated Engel curves tend to exhibit shapes that imply ultimately decreasing marginal propensities to consume as income rises. This suggests at first sight a tendency to slow down in private consumption. This tendency has to be reconsidered taking into account the fact that Engel curves usually shift significantly over time. We introduce the notion of “intertemporal propensity to consume” to shed more light on the drivers and patterns of the evolution of Engel curves. Using this notion, we are able to identify and measure the direction of the expansion path of consumption as time goes by, while controlling for household characteristics and price levels. Using German household data, we show that, over time, the intertemporal propensity to consume systematically offsets the consumption paths implied by the marginal propensity to consume that is derived cross-sectionally at one point in time. We claim that this difference between marginal and intertemporal propensity to consume should be ascribed to variations in the socioeconomic structures that occur over time and that may be linked both to the supply side (innovation and technical change) and the demand side (learning dynamics of consumers). We also show that changes in relative prices play a minor role in the evolution of Engel curves.  相似文献   


We estimate a micro-founded life-cycle consumption model for Saudi Arabia over the period 1970–2017 using error correction model procedures. Dynamic adjustments are significant, and both income and wealth are found to have significant effects, with a long-run marginal propensity to consume out of the income of 0.95 and out of the wealth of 0.06. The sensitivity of consumption to income and wealth, as well as the estimated short-term effects of price and real interest rate, are consistent with the rapidly growing Saudi economy. By capturing the key determinants of the life-cycle model, our approach is useful for the design of macroeconomic policy. We estimate the impact of the recent VAT reform.  相似文献   

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