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Meissner F 《Food Policy》1985,10(2):95-99
Since the early 1980s nutritional levels have deteriorated in Latin America. A growing number of multinational and bilateral assistance agencies have intensified ongoing efforts at incorporating nutrition components into the formulation of agricultural, fisheries and development projects. The main focus is on measures that would reduce additional deterioration of nutritional status. This paper reviews the response of bilateral and multilateral development agencies to the situation and outlines some practical options of systematically incorporating nutrition considerations in the formulation of agricultural, rural, urban, educational, housing, health and industrial projects. The Sub-Committee on Nutrition (SCN) of the UN Administrative Committee on Coordination has served as a clearinghouse for information on the subject. In spite of the SCN efforts to work closely with nutrition authorities of bilateral and multinational development aid agencies, nutrition has not yet become an integral component of rural or urban development projects. A number of workshops have been sponsored by the SCN and by other agencies such as the International Development Bureau (IDB); their goals and aims are reviewed and it is concluded that to incorporate nutritional considerations into development projects requires overcoming image barriers to the effect that nutrition activities are complex, costly, difficult to administer and economically not readily justifiable.  相似文献   

This study describes a survey of experts chosen from Industry, Labour, and Government in Israel, who ranked and scored three business and four national goals in the context of industrial development. The business goals represented profitability, capital use and growth potential. The national goals involved human resource utilization, added value, foreign exchange conservation, and export of technologically advanced products. The findings support a hypothesis of consensus on goals and goal priorities between different sectors of the Israel economy, despite what might appear to be their divergent special interests. The findings also indicate overall consensus with respect to a balance between business and national goals. The study concludes that this consensus is the result of the need to respond to environmental threats and uncertainties which has created a sense of mutual interdependence among the sectors.  相似文献   

This article assesses the telecommunications needs of developing countries and the possibility of using satellite communications to meet those needs. Three primary technological factors provide a guide to this application: small inexpensive satellite earth stations can provide a solution to the problem of limited ground facilities; satellites can operate in a broadcast and multiple acess mode as well as in a conventional point- to-point mode; and, the capacity required to support a single interactive digital terminal is about 1000 times less than that required to support a voice telephone and abput 1 000 000 times less than that required for video transmission. These factors lead to consideration of new forms of national networks based on satellites, microprocessors and small earth stations which do not follow the North American model. These new advanced forms of networks can co-exist with conventional voice networks, and can provide a realistic alternative for consideration by national telecommunications authorities.  相似文献   

International Journal of Technology and Design Education - Research and design activities are becoming more important in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and D&T...  相似文献   

党的十六大提出要“大力实施科教兴国战略和可持续发展战略”,尤其是党的十六届五中全会提出了“安全发展、清洁发展、节约发展、可持续发展”的全新观点。作为国有煤矿,在改革发展的新形势下,实施可持续发展战略,不但具有重要的现实意义,而且具有深远的历史意义。一、实施“节  相似文献   

春风拂面,杨柳依依。2004年4月7日,中国煤炭工业协会工作座谈会议在江苏无锡召开。在此次座谈会上,中国煤炭工业协会副会长陶凤鸣作了关于贯彻落实全国煤碳工业发展与  相似文献   

实施素质教育和推进教育现代化,使职业教育第一线的教师逐步实现由"经验型"向"教研型"的转变,帮助教师增强教研意识,排除教研的神秘感,具备教研常识,掌握教学的研究方法,提高教师收集、整理、分析和运用材料的能力,使教师们具备一定的撰写论文和开展教学研究的能力。  相似文献   

余岭  杨烁 《国际石油经济》2012,20(4):46-53,126
资源国国家石油公司(NOC)资源优势非常明显.2011年,在国际油价高位震荡、国际油气需求快速增长的背景下,资源国NOC的公司收入普遍恢复到金融危机前的水平.资源国NOC重视上游产能建设,普遍制定了开发本国油气资源的多阶段计划;加快发展天然气,结合自身情况设立开发项目;在增加投资开发传统油气资源的同时开始注重非常规资源的开发;进一步重视发展下游业务、延伸产业链,注重培育高附加值业务和开展多样化的国际合作;资源国NOC在进一步加强与IOC合作的同时,与NOC之间的合作日趋频繁.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2005,29(5-6):351-365
A growing body of literature points to the importance of both economic and non-economic factors in reducing the digital divide. This paper examines Chile as a successful case where changes in government policies dramatically increased Internet access from about 2% of the population in 1998 to 23.8% in 2002. After reviewing the literature, the paper examines the debates in Chile over Internet development, tracing how public opinion was able to influence government policies, and how in turn, government policies increased Internet access. Specific policies include lowering telephone rates, connecting the various national networks, creating public access centers, and passing e-commerce legislation.  相似文献   

国有建筑企业中的人力资源开发与管理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在现代管理中人力资源开发与管理日益成为企业的一项战略性工作,赢得了人才就赢得了企业的持续发展的后劲。本通过选择一个传统的建筑行业为出发点,结合笔较长时期在该行业从事人力资源管理工作的实际,从建筑企业自身具具的特殊工作性质来概述人力资源开发与管理工作的现状、面临的难题,分析其原因、并着重从具体的人员培训、绩效考核、薪酬管理以及企业化建设几个方面来提出如何建立、实行高效的人力资源开发与管理体制,从而为企业的发展提供强大的人才保障。  相似文献   

新政策背景下国内制药企业新药研发的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内制药企业在新药研发中存在着一些误区,在新的政策背景下,企业应调整研发思路,形成符合自身实力和需求的开发策略.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the efficiency and productivity change within government subsidy recipients of a national technology innovation research and development (R&D) program. We examine 6,990 government‐sponsored, completed R&D projects during the last three performance follow‐up survey years from 2010 to 2012, and present a design of the sample of panel data to cope with the typical R&D performance time lag using a set of massive observations associated with completed R&D projects for the past 7 years from 2005 to 2011. In particular, data envelopment analysis is adopted to measure the efficiency and productivity change, which is measured in the Malmquist index. Parametric and nonparametric statistical tests are carried out to check for statistically significant differences among the characteristics regarding the types of government subsidy recipients. This study's major findings are as follows. First, during the entire period analyzed (2010–2012), there was a similar yearly pattern of statistically significant differences in the government subsidy means among the recipient types. In contrast, there were no obviously equivalent differences in the efficiency and productivity change. Second, the productivity had increased year on year, but the increments were reduced from year to year. Third, the productivity change was induced mainly by the Frontier‐shift, which indicates overall technology innovation progress, compared with the Catch‐up, which only indicates a simple increase in the efficiency. In particular, in this empirical analysis, the recipient types of ‘national laboratory’ and ‘large company’ had relatively larger sizes of government subsidies per project. However, the efficiency and productivity change of these types was not better than the others. This implies, therefore, that the government should control the ratio of the subsidy to the total R&D budget with an appropriate upper limit.
  • I empirically evaluate the productivity change within a national technology innovation R&D program.
  • I design a sample of panel data to cope with the typical R&D performance time lag using massive observations.
  • There is no obvious relationship between the government subsidy size and R&D productivity change.
  • Some particular types of government subsidy recipient are inferior in terms of R&D productivity change.
  • It practically implies that the government should control the ratio of the subsidy to the total R&D budget.

We argue that the pressure MNE subsidiaries face to engage in corrupt practices in their host country varies positively with the institutionalization of corrupt practices in both host and home country environments. We further argue that the relationship between an MNE's home country environment and the pressure it faces in the host country is moderated by its localization strategy. Results suggest a positive relationship between the host country corruption environment and the pressure subsidiaries face to engage in bribery locally. Mixed results emerged concerning MNEs from home countries participating in the OECD Convention for Combating Bribery. Results concerning the impact of the home country corruption environment are best viewed in light of significant moderating effects. When MNEs did not have local partners, firms from less corrupt home countries reported less pressure to engage in corrupt practices locally; however, the presence of local partners eliminated this relationship. Results will help managers understand the pressures their firm is likely to face when operating in corrupt host country environments, and also offer guidance concerning how the firm might reduce its exposure to those local institutional pressures. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship between GNP and nutritional status between countries shows a high correlation. This study of two countries with the same GNP (Thailand and Philippines) investigated their use of equal resources and the impact on nutritional status. Malnutrition is more prevalent in the Philippines than Thailand despite an extensive national nutrition programme in the Philippines, better medical and educational services and safer water supplies. The most important underlying economic factor is not income distribution but rather the cost of living, particularly for basic needs. Finally, it is concluded that although GNP is closely related to nutritional status between countries, the longitudinal correlations within a country are much weaker.  相似文献   

<正>创新是企业的生命与灵魂,它是企业能够持续发展并取得突破性进步的关键。而创新文化是企业文化最重要的理念,更是企业文化建设的未来性特色内容。它是一种崭新的文化,是在科研生产中凝结、产生的一种与企业目标、核心价值观相一致的,能够促进企业可持续发展的群体性创新精神。开展创新文化建设就是要建设一种激励创新的  相似文献   

Berg A  Austin J 《Food Policy》1984,9(4):304-312
This article assesses the effectiveness of nutrition programs and policies since the World Food Conference, 10 years ago. The authors perceive several distinct approaches. Just before the World Food Conference, nutrition programs had passed through an era of enchantment with technological solutions (single-cell protein, oilseed protein isolates). Supply was regarded as the problem; protein inadequacy as the crisis. None of the technological fixes had much of an impact on the malnutrition problem. This contributed to a willingness to entertain a much broader approach to nutrition. The new paradigm manifested itself 1st as a movement toward integrated nutrition planning. The national planning process was assumed to be the appropriate vehicle for applying this methodology. However, integrated nutrition planning threatened, conflicted with or at least brought pressure for change in the administrative and political reality of governmental organizations. Moreover, the nutrition community's capacity to respond to the demands flowing from the new paradigm was limited. The difficulties encountered in trying to achieve full integration led to a reexamination of working within traditional sectors but addressing the problem in several key sectors simultaneously, such as health and agriculture. The past decade also saw a move toward analyzing and improving the design and implementation of various kinds of nutrition interventions. The emphasis was on understanding and dealing with the administrative, economic and political realities of such efforts. Incorporation of consumption and nutrition considerations in the analysis and formulation of food policies in some countries is 1 of the important achievements of the past decade. This overwhelmingly economic approach focuses on pricing policies and market effects, recognizing that poverty and purchasing power are central to the malnutrition problem. Analysis of macrofood policy has filled an important void, giving a more concrete and inclusive view of food security. Nutrition progress during the next decade will require the development community to confront a changed environment and several key challenges, namely the surge of conservative politics in the early 1980s, and the severe economic problems most countries face. There is a need to be realistic about the tenacity of the problem and the multiple barriers to implementation of nutrition policies. The challenges face both national governments and development agencies. There is agreement that, during the decade since the World Food Conference, the field of nutrition has gone through a metamorphosis and that there has been progress. However, the development community still faces an unfinished nutrition agenda.  相似文献   

Human nutrition research is receiving a great deal of attention from the media, consumers and the US government. This article focuses on policy problems facing the government in the development and implementation of the federal human nutrition research programme: establishment of priorities, organization and funding. The background leading up to the present situation is developed, and the political bodies and federal agencies participating in the debate are described. The authors identify the policy issues, and discuss progress towards their resolution.  相似文献   

在各地正在组建国有资产监管机构时,召开的第一次全国国有资产监督管理工作会议,是一次非常及时、非常重要的会议。一是进一步提高了认识,统一了思想。二是加深了对坚持社会主义基本经济制度的理解。三是明确了解决国有企业改革的重点和难点问题的政策措施。下面,我结合与会代表的意见,就深入学习黄菊副总理的重要讲话,学习领会李荣融同志的工作报告,做好会议精神的贯彻落实讲几点意见。  相似文献   

PERSPECTIVE: Establishing an NPD Best Practices Framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Achieving NPD best practices is a top‐of‐mind issue for many new product development (NPD) managers and is often an overarching implicit, if not explicit, goal. The question is what does one mean when talking about NPD best practices? And how does a manager move toward achieving these? This article proposes a best practices framework as a starting point for much‐needed discussion on this topic. Originally presented during the 2004 Product Development Management Association (PDMA) Research Conference in Chicago, the article and the authors' presentation spurred a significant, expansive discussion that included all conference attendees. Given the interest generated, the decision was made to move forward on a series of rejoinders on the topic of NPD best practice, using the Kahn, Barczak, and Moss framework as a focal launching point for these rejoinders. A total of five rejoinders were received and accompany the best practices framework in this issue of JPIM. Each rejoinder brings out a distinct issue because each of the five authors has a unique perspective. The first rejoinder is written by Dr. Marjorie Adams‐Bigelow, director of the PDMA's Comparative Performance Assessment Study (CPAS), PDMA Foundation. Based on her findings during the CPAS study, Adams comments on the proposed framework, suggesting limitations in scope. She particularly points out discrepancies between the proposed framework and the framework offered by PDMA's emerging body of knowledge. Dr. Elko Kleinschmidt, professor of marketing and international business at McMaster University, wrote the second rejoinder. Based on his extensive research with Robert G. Cooper on NPD practices, he points out that best practices really raise more questions than answers. Thomas Kuczmarski, president of Kuczmarski and Associates, is the author of the third rejoinder. Kuczmarski highlights that company mindset and metrics are critical elements needing keen attention. Where do these fit—or should they—in the proposed framework? The fourth rejoinder is written by Richard Notargiacomo, consultant for the integrated product delivery process at Eastman Kodak Company. Notargiacomo compares the proposed framework to a best practices framework Kodak has used for new product commercialization and management since 1998. The distinction of the Kodak framework is the inclusion of a product maturity model component. Dr. Lois Peters, associate professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), is the author of the fifth rejoinder. She brings out issues of radical innovation, a natural focal issue of RPI's radical innovation project (RRIP). It is highlighted that radical innovation may require unique, distinctive process characteristics a single framework cannot illustrate. Multiple layers of frameworks may be more appropriate, each corresponding to a level of innovation desired. The overall hope is that the discourse on best practices in this issue of JPIM generates more discussion and debate. Ultimately, the hope is that such discourse will lead to subsequent continued study to help discern what NPD best practice means for our discipline.  相似文献   

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